Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 23

by William Gladstone

  As with many immigrant parents, my parents’ focus was to help create a better life for their children. (I have one sister, three years younger.) They emphasized education because they understood what opportunities they lacked because of their lack of education. In this and many other ways, my family story is typical of millions and millions of immigrant families to this day.

  I am extremely and eternally grateful to my parents and my paternal grandparents, both of whom were able to join us and live the remainder of their lives with us. I have never really appreciated or thanked them enough. Let me do so now. Dear parents and grandparents, I thank you, honor you, and love you forever.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  Love you. Love you. Love you.

  I was blessed with good mind intelligence, so I did well in school and earned three degrees in mathematics. I completed graduate school, got married, and had a good career in finance, attaining an executive position in a large company to which I was loyal for more than twenty years.

  My wife Mimi and I met Master Sha on April 8, 2000, in San Francisco at the Whole Life Expo, where he was an exhibitor and a featured speaker. Meeting Master Sha on April 8, 2000, would take me in a direction that I never could have imagined or dreamt. As I write this, Master Sha is again in San Francisco appearing at the New Living Expo, a successor to the Whole Life Expo. These last fourteen years have been the most eventful and blessed years I have had not only in this lifetime, but in all of my lifetimes. April 8, 2000, is a day I will remember, honor, and be grateful for forever.

  At the beginning of that day, things were not so happy for Mimi and me. In early 2000 Mimi was being treated by a physical therapist for a frozen shoulder. The therapist applied some kind of release technique to her sternum. Shortly afterward she suffered from constant, severe pain that would often become excruciating. This pain functionally disabled her. She avoided riding in a car because the slightest bump in the road triggered excruciating pain. She stayed home except to visit doctors. All of her medical tests were essentially normal. X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs showed no misalignments within her body that could explain this pain. I was already depressed—without realizing it—because I had been fired from my last job in 1998 and remained unemployed. As Mimi suffered, she too became very depressed. As we went from doctor to doctor and to alternative healers without finding any explanations, much less relief, for her pain, this beautiful, ebullient, and optimistic woman also became very depressed. She wanted to end her life of misery. She had no hope. I had no hope.

  Then Mimi noticed a small newspaper advertisement for a renowned Qi Gong master and healer, Dr. Zhi Gang Sha. We had nothing to lose. Mimi suffered through the long drive from our home in Petaluma to hear Master Sha speak at the Whole Life Expo. We also saw him demonstrate his healing on a renowned author who had suffered from chronic foot pain for years. The author received almost instant relief. We were impressed. We made an appointment for a private consultation and healing right away.

  Our first meeting with Master Sha took place where he was staying, at the Hotel Renoir in San Francisco. Other than that I don’t remember any details. I only remember that he was able to do what no one else had been able to do for nearly three months: he gave Mimi some relief from her pain. Within fifteen minutes of meeting him, Master Sha gave us the biggest gift we could have received. He gave us hope.

  From that moment, I knew in my heart that I could never repay this man for what he had given us. My gratitude was overflowing.

  Mimi continued to need a series of consultations and healings with Master Sha. We looked forward to each one. His manner and speech were always full of care, compassion, and comfort. His healing abilities continued to help Mimi more and more. We became his students—or, rather, Mimi wanted to become his student and I accompanied her. Our first workshop with Master Sha had only fifteen or sixteen students. One by one, he asked each of us to share why we were there. I remember very clearly—and I believe Master Sha remembers as well—the essence of what I said: “Dr. Sha [we called him Dr. Sha then, and not Master Sha], I’m a very logical person. I’m not a spiritual person. I’m a very skeptical person. I don’t know how much of your teaching I really believe. I’m only here because you gave my wife Mimi great healing. She wants to study with you. I’m here only to accompany and support Mimi.”

  As I continued to join more of Master Sha’s classes with Mimi, I found that his teachings resonated with me. I found that Heaven was actually quite a logical place. I began to understand and really appreciate karma because I saw it as the ultimate fairness of the universe. “Heaven is most fair.” I really liked that because I was passionate about fairness and justice.

  Master Sha began working on a major book with the working title Four Chinese Secrets. It would be published in 2002 by HarperSanFrancisco as Power Healing: The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind and Spirit. One day in late May or early June 2000, for some unknown and mysterious reason, Mimi suggested to Master Sha that I could help him edit this book. Mimi and I helped do this together. I was definitely a student now, and an assistant as well.

  In fact, for much of 2000 and into 2001, I was often Master Sha’s only assistant. I was with him almost every day, providing customer service on the phone, booking and setting up venues, creating flyers and other promotional materials, registering participants, booking and assisting with his consultations, organizing external meetings, assisting with personal needs such as cleaning and shopping. When I wasn’t with Master Sha, I was busy doing this work from home. It was my honor to offer unconditional service in whatever way I was asked. I saw firsthand how Master Sha was a tireless, unconditional servant. I saw in front of my eyes how he helped so many. Remember, I realized from the day I met Master Sha that I could never repay him. I was only giving back a little for the huge, live-saving blessings Master Sha had given Mimi and me. I felt very honored and fulfilled to help him help others. It was my greatest honor and joy to be an unconditional servant for Master Sha, offering my services in any way needed as his assistant. Even if my conscious mind didn’t fully grasp why, my soul and heart were deeply aware that I was also receiving much more than I was giving.

  As I served, I gradually became aware that I was receiving direct blessings from Heaven, including energy and nourishment. I was able to serve sixteen hours a day consistently, and often eighteen, twenty, and more hours a day. I was driven. By whom? By Heaven! By my own soul! I obeyed Heaven. My soul, heart, mind, and body were aligned with Heaven. When I closed my eyes, I could see great light showering into me from Heaven. I felt so loved, so protected, and so much more. I was extremely blessed!

  I was now a loyal and devoted student. When I was Master Sha’s only assistant, all of his other students had left him for whatever reasons. Later in 2000 I joined seventeen others in Master Sha’s first healer training course in America. Today only two of us, Master Shu Chin Hsu and I, remain.

  Mimi’s negative karma was very heavy. After recovering from her severe pain, she developed paranoid schizophrenia in 2001. It first manifested when she tried to jump out of our car as I was driving it. She must have heard some voices compelling her to do that. She started to yell terribly negative things about Master Sha in public. But I knew this was not the real Mimi speaking and thinking. It didn’t put a single dent in my Total GOLD (gratitude, obedience, loyalty, and devotion) to Master Sha and his Divine mission. It only deepened my love and care for Mimi. I would accompany her on many visits to psychiatrists and psychologists. She would remain on medication for this condition for the rest of her life.

  In 2003 Mimi was diagnosed with ovarian cancer that had already spread to other parts of her body. It would take her life the following year. Master Sha has said that losing Mimi was a big spiritual test of my Total GOLD, one of the biggest tests any of his students has had. But, Master Sha, I can honestly tell you it really was not such a big test for me. I knew that you did everything you could to save Mimi, including getting help from your
most beloved spiritual father, Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo in China. In May 2004, three weeks before her transition, you came to our home, stood beside Mimi’s bedside, and chanted Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo for her for forty-five minutes. Her transition was very peaceful. Much of her negative karma had been cleared. Her soul had been elevated to a very high standing by your blessings. So no, Master Sha, Mimi’s illnesses and death were not a major spiritual test for me at all. To the contrary, they allowed me to witness and experience once again your greatest love, greatest care, and more. This only reinforced my Total GOLD to you and your Divine mission.

  I am extremely and eternally grateful to my beloved Mimi for her unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. She was a great example of Total GOLD for me. I have never really appreciated or thanked you enough. Mimi, I thank you, honor you, and love you forever.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  Love you. Love you. Love you.

  Many additional teachings and blessings I have received from, and various roles and responsibilities I have been given by Master Sha, have nurtured and deepened my Total GOLD to my beloved teacher and spiritual father. Since I met Master Sha in 2000, I have been the editor for all of his books. I have held significant roles on Master Sha’s business team, including co-creating his primary website, drsha.com, being his overall business manager, heading Heaven’s Library Publication Corp. (Master Sha’s publishing company), and heading his nonprofit research organization. I became one of his first Assistant Teachers in 2005 and his Worldwide Representative and Disciple in 2009. In addition to my business responsibilities, I traveled extensively to offer soul teaching and soul healing, including Florida, Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, New York, Georgia, Alabama, Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Germany, and India. I have shared for years that my goal in life is to be a “mini Master Sha.” If my heart could hold a tiny fraction of the love and compassion in his heart, if I could offer a tiny fraction of the service he offers to humanity and all souls, I will have done very well indeed.

  In December 2012 Master Sha told me that he and Heaven wanted me to serve in India. I was delighted to do this, as I felt a deep love for and connection to India during my only previous trip there, a whirlwind two-week tour for Master Sha’s mission through Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi in August 2010. Since February 2013 I have resided in Mumbai. I am both the spiritual leader and the business manager for Master Sha’s mission in India.

  Before I met Master Sha, I was not consciously a spiritual person. I was materially and physically oriented. I was not nourishing my soul or my heart. With Master Sha’s teachings and blessings I have undergone great transformation in the last fourteen years in every aspect of my life and every aspect of my being—all for the better! Through all of the years since 2000, challenges have come and gone. One constant is that Master Sha is always there for all of his team and students. He is there to guide us, bless us, inspire us, and empower us. He holds all of his students lovingly and tenderly. He is there to save our lives. I know that my life has been saved at least three times by Master Sha’s Divine Karma Cleansing. Master Sha has saved the lives of some of his Divine Channels more than twenty times. Much more important, Master Sha has saved my soul and accelerated my soul’s journey beyond words, comprehension, and imagination. I will benefit for the rest of my life. I will benefit forever. Just as important to me, I am able to benefit others as never before.

  Thanks to Master Sha I have found my purpose. Through the first five decades and more of my life, I had no real purpose. As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” In fact, I often wondered why I was still alive. Coming of age in the sixties and seventies, two of my best friends who each lived a block from me lost their lives in the Vietnam War. One of my best friends died of a heroin overdose. Several years later, another one of my best friends contracted and died of AIDS. Several other close friends took very tragic turns in their lives at that time, never to be heard from again. Our last family home was in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco in the sixties and seventies. I attended the University of California at Berkeley from 1965 to 1969 and Columbia University in New York from 1969 to 1973, so I was in the middle of the maelstrom of those years. I did all of the wild and crazy things that my friends did at that time. Why not me? Why was my sanity preserved? Why was my life spared?

  In my years as a student of Master Sha, I have discovered the answers to these questions. What is my purpose? It is right there as the first sentence of all ten books in Master Sha’s Soul Power Series: The purpose of life is to serve. I am trying to be a better and better servant, I try to help as many people and as many souls as possible to the best of my abilities. To do this is to try to be more and more like Master Sha, who is the exemplar of unconditional universal service, including universal love, forgiveness, peace, healing, harmony, blessing, and enlightenment. I can do no better than to serve the greatest servant on Mother Earth, my beloved Master Sha, with Total GOLD.

  Most beloved Master Sha, I am extremely and eternally grateful to you for all you have done and are doing not only for Mimi and me, including all the blessings you have given us without my conscious knowledge. I am extremely and eternally grateful for what you have done and are doing for humanity and all souls. I have never really appreciated or thanked you enough. I thank you, honor you, and love you forever.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  Love you. Love you. Love you.

  Da Ai. Da Ai. Da Ai.

  Da Kuan Shu. Da Kuan Shu. Da Kuan Shu.

  Da Chun Du. Da Chun Du. Da Chun Du.

  Da Qian Bei. Da Qian Bei. Da Qian Bei.

  Da Gan En. Da Gan En. Da Gan En.

  Unconditional service. Unconditional service. Unconditional service.

  Total GOLD. Total GOLD. Total GOLD.

  Countless bow downs. Countless bow downs. Countless bow downs.

  With the greatest honor, gratitude, and love,

  Your disciple,

  Master Allan Chuck

  Master Francisco Quintero

  From Middle School Teacher to Head Teacher and Trainer for Divine Teachers and Healers

  I’M DEEPLY HONORED and grateful to Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha for all the love, care, and compassion that he has shown to me and all his students around the world. He has truly touched my heart because he has helped me to heal and transform my life. It has been more than twelve years since I met Master Sha and I will never forget the wisdom and teachings that I have learned from him and continue to learn.

  My spiritual journey began in 2002 when I was suffering consistently from high blood pressure. After receiving my B.S. in physics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, I received a California Single Subject Teaching Credential in Mathematics and started to teach middle school. During my second year teaching I had to go to the doctor for a routine checkup and my doctor said, “You are going to have to see me in three months to make sure your blood pressure is still not high.” He said I might have to be on medication, and I immediately thought, “There is no way I’m going be on medication at the age of twenty-nine.” I started studying natural ways of healing and in my search found a Qi Gong teacher named Patricia Smith (now a Worldwide Representative of Master Sha). Patricia was teaching a Qi Gong class in Watsonville, California, and she was sharing with her group a new healing technique that she had learned from Master Sha called One Hand Near, One Hand Far.

  I applied the One Hand Near, One Hand Far self-healing technique that Master Sha teaches for one hour per day, for one year. Within one year I was able to heal myself from high blood pressure. I also received his karma cleansing services and blessings for this condition. To this day I have normal blood pressure and did not have to take any medication. I’m deeply grateful that I found Master Sha and learned his powerful techniques for self-healing. They are beyond words.

  One day Patricia invited her Qi Gong group to a book signing in Santa Cruz, Calif
ornia, in the spring of 2002 to meet Master Sha. I went to the book signing and was instantly amazed at what I had discovered, a teacher with an open heart. I was so deeply touched by the love, joy, and inspiration that Master Sha brought to the group that I decided to immediately join his upcoming workshop.

  I went to my very first workshop on June 22, 2002, at the Land of Medicine Buddha in Soquel, California. The first day was on the self-healing techniques found in Power Healing: The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind & Spirit. I absolutely love and treasure this book. This book inspired me to continue my soul journey with Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha and helped me to heal from high blood pressure.

  It was an amazing workshop and Master Sha made self-healing simple. I was not prepared for what was to happen the next day. The second day was on soul wisdom; this is when my heart began to open and I knew that I had found my spiritual teacher. It was the first time in my life that I had experienced unconditional love.

  The second day of the workshop was filled with great joy and happiness. I felt a tremendous blessing to be in the presence of Master Sha and all of the Buddhas, holy saints, and healing angels he called upon to be present with us during the workshop. Master Sha was teaching soul wisdom and how to open our Message Center, also known as the heart chakra. I remember he had us chanting the mantra San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815 in Chinese, pronounced sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo) as fast as we could and at the same time tap the middle of our chest. We would also chant “Open Message Center. Open Message Center. Open Message Center . . . Fully Open Message Center. Fully Open Message Center. Fully Open Message Center . . .” It was quite an exhilarating experience.

  Master Sha had a big smile on his face as he chanted with us. I experienced a profound experience that was completely new, a sensation of awe and being one with my soul. At the end of the practice Master Sha had us speak in Soul Language, and when it was my turn to speak Soul Language it sounded new but familiar at the same time. He had one of his advanced students translate my Soul Language, and the translation started with “I’m delighted to be here and to be given the privilege to open my heart.” This message was simple but it touched my heart deeply and the message felt perfect for me. To this day I continue to remember that feeling, and it brings me great joy now to be able to share it with others.


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