Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 24

by William Gladstone

  During this workshop I had the opportunity to have a private meeting with Master Sha. He was offering an I Ching Soul Healing Blessing. I spent the whole afternoon thinking about my one request. Later in the afternoon I had the honor to meet Master Sha privately outside in a beautiful green garden next to a Buddhist stupa. He was sitting on the ground in a meditative position as I sat down next to him. He asked me what I would like the blessing for and I replied, “I would like to open my heart.” He smiled upon me and let me know that was the perfect request for me. I immediately felt his love, and the light that radiated from his soul and presence was very heart-touching. I felt the presence of unconditional love that touched my soul.

  Master Sha proceeded to connect to the Divine and Heaven and gave me a special paper with I Ching symbols. I did not know it then, but Master Sha had blessed my life so that I can have the opportunity to open my heart in this lifetime. He helped to remove soul mind body blockages to help me in my journey to give and receive unconditional love. This was my greatest wish when I first met him.

  I’m so honored to have met Master Sha. I’m so happy that my first request was to open my heart to unconditional love. My life has been totally transformed since this first private meeting with him. Over the last twelve years my heart has opened more and more. I’m connecting deeper to unconditional love. I’ve learned to be more open to give and receive unconditional love. The process of opening my heart was not easy. There were many painful times, but also many happy and joyful times, but it was all worth it. To feel love in my heart for another soul is the most beautiful thing in life. This is something so precious that it makes it worth going through all the pain to open your heart to allow love in and out.

  A few months later I experienced another special moment in my spiritual journey. It was when I received the divine transmission to become a Divine Soul Healer. During this special day my spiritual father, Master Zhi Gang Sha, had me lie down and placed his hand on my Bai Hui (acupuncture point at the top of the head, pronounced bye hway). He chanted a sacred mantra for about ten to thirty minutes. I remember during this time Master Sha took my soul to Heaven. He took me to the heart of the Divine. I recall seeing myself lying down in the heart of the Divine as Heaven’s workers removed blockages in my soul, heart, mind, and body as they placed the Divine’s love and light inside my body. I was receiving the Divine’s healing power within me. I felt like I was bathed in pure love and light that wrapped my entire body. I was in the sacred heart of the Divine. I was seeing all these images with my Third Eye (energy center that allows you to see spiritual images of the Soul World).

  At the end of the transmission my soul returned back to my physical body, carrying the Divine’s healing power within me. The divine love and light that the transmission carries is what brings healing to others. This was such a special moment that I experienced, and I remember it so vividly. I’m so happy that I had faith and trust in my spiritual father, because he was able to bring me to the heart of the Divine. My faith in him as a representative of the Divine allowed me to grow in my spiritual journey in order to serve others. This sacred moment taught me that a spiritual father or mother can bring you to the heart of the Divine, which will allow your soul journey to be blessed and grow.

  I’m very grateful to Master Sha because this transmission, Divine Soul Healer, allowed me to offer soul healing blessings to humanity and has created soul healing miracles. People around the world have healed from cancer, chronic illnesses, back pain, depression, and much more. It is very heart-touching to serve others by offering them soul healing through this divine power that was transmitted to me through Master Sha.

  I’m honored and grateful for everything that my spiritual father has done for me, and my family. It deeply touches my heart how Master Sha has taught me personally and helped me in my soul journey. His love and light has also helped my family. My parents were both born in Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico, and in 1964 they immigrated to the United States with my whole family and became residents of Watsonville, California. My grandparents and parents both worked as farmers when they came to the United States. My father later in life started working in computer chip manufacturing in Silicon Valley.

  I saw my mother suffering from a low blood platelet condition and high blood pressure. I saw the side effects of the medication she was taking. It was difficult to see her suffer. Seeing her suffer made me want to find a natural path of healing. As I learned more from Master Sha, my sister Gloria Quintero (who is also is a student of Master Sha) and I offered her many soul healing blessings. We also had her receive many soul healing blessings from Master Sha. She does not speak English or Chinese, but my mother has used Master Sha’s Divine Soul Songs to receive soul healing blessings. I have noticed a big improvement in her health since twelve years ago when I first met Master Sha. I’m deeply grateful that he has helped my family in this way. My parents, two sisters, and my brother all continue to live in Watsonville, California.

  In 2008, Master Sha gave me the great honor to travel with him around the world. At that time I was working for two years as a mathematics teacher coach, going into the classrooms and working with teachers to improve their teaching skills. One day Master Sha asked me if I would like to go with him to Germany. I was very excited and quickly said yes. We made our first trip to Germany in July 2008. During this first visit to Germany we had a series of events throughout Germany, including Darmstadt, Hannover, Stuttgart, and Hamburg. I saw many soul healing miracles happen in front of my eyes. It was always heart-touching to see the people and families feel the relief from pain and suffering.

  During the German tour I saw one man who had suffered from chronic back pain for over twenty years be pain free in front of my eyes after receiving a soul healing and karma cleansing from Master Sha. This man later went on to become a student and Divine Soul Healer. One of the most heart-touching moments was in Hamburg, when after the event we met a mother and daughter late in the night after everyone else had left. The little girl was deaf. She could not hear at all. Master Sha offered her a Divine Soul Healing Blessing and karma cleansing and afterward Master Sha asked her if she could hear. The little girl said, “Yes, I can hear Mama.” She said she could hear about 30 percent better than before. This moment was so heart-touching, to see a child filled with joy and happiness and feel a moment of hope. These are the types of soul healing miracles that happen every day with Master Sha.

  I’ve had the great honor to travel with Master Sha around the world and to learn from him personally. Two more heart-touching stories that touched my heart deeply happened in Mumbai, India. One of the miracles was of a thirteen-year-old boy who could not move his left arm. The nerve from his neck to the end of his left hand was damaged at birth. He did have mobility of his fingers, but his entire arm could not move. Before the boy received soul healing blessings from Master Sha he was able to lift his arm about four inches. Master Sha offered him sickness karma cleansing, Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants, Divine Pearl, and also offered him his unique acupuncture to activate his arm nerve. Miraculously, the boy was able to lift up his arm to shoulder level. Master Sha offered more blessings, the crowd chanted “Ha” for several minutes, and at the end the boy lifted his arm above his head. This was truly a miracle that left the boy speechless.

  The second big miracle happened privately late in the evening during our first trip to Mumbai, India. A man had multiple issues including cornea damage, diabetes, speech impairment, deafness, and heart problems. He came primarily for his right eye issue. His right eye was completely closed. He said he needed a cornea transplant because his cornea had been inflamed for several months and had been damaged. The man could not see from his right eye. Master Sha offered him a blessing and karma cleansing, and afterward the man was able to instantly open his eyes. Immediately he could start to see light and shapes. He still could not see details, but he had great improvement in his vision. The man was so happy and filled with gratitude.

  These are t
he types of soul healing miracles that you can witness in Master Sha’s presence. One of the things that makes Master Sha unique as a spiritual teacher and master healer is that he passes this Divine Soul Healing Power on to his students. I have the great honor to now be the leader of his education program and to train over four hundred Divine Channels around the world.

  A Divine Channel is a divine servant who offers Divine Karma Cleansing and Divine Downloads to humanity. They are given the power by Master Sha to create soul healing miracles. I’m deeply touched to lead and help train these students around the world. Some of these students come from the United States, Canada, Peru, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, and South Africa. Master Sha dedicates his life to empower humanity to create soul healing miracles to transmit Divine Healing Power to those who are ready.

  In August 2009, Master Sha asked me if I would be willing to move to Frankfurt, Germany, to train Divine Soul Healers and Teachers and to lead his mission in Europe. I was deeply moved by his request and that he trusted me to lead his mission in Europe. I accepted without hesitation. His service to humanity has deeply touched my heart as his love and light spreads to humanity. It is my honor to dedicate my life to serve and spread his teachings.

  Living in Europe has been a beautiful and wonderful experience in spreading Master Sha’s teachings. In 2009 when I moved to Germany, we had two Worldwide Representatives teaching. We have grown and spread Master Sha’s teachings throughout Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, and have also spread to other parts of the world, including Turkey and Kazakhstan.

  One day a friend of mine was struggling in his heart to follow his soul journey. Master Sha picked up the phone and called him. I was on the phone as Master Sha spoke to my friend who was struggling deeply. My friend asked Master Sha, “Why do you spend so much time trying to help me?” Master Sha’s answer deeply touched my heart. Master Sha replied, “Because I am your servant. I am the servant of humanity. I am the servant of all souls.” The love that Master Sha holds for his Worldwide Representatives, all his students, and all of humanity is beyond comprehension. It is unconditional love. He believes that we have the power to heal ourselves. He believes we can transform every aspect of our life. He believes that we can become unconditional universal servants. Master Sha sees our fullest potential.

  The heart-touching moments of when I have seen Master Sha dedicate his time to help his students always leaves me with the deepest gratitude. The love he has for his students makes me fully trust my teacher and know that he will do the best to help me in my soul journey. My spiritual journey with Master Sha has not been easy. I’ve had to purify deeply and open my heart completely to my teacher in order to become a better servant for humanity. Master Sha has guided me, blessed me, and helped me step by step to grow as a Divine Channel and spiritual leader. The transformation that I have experienced is beyond comprehension. I’m not the same person I was when I first met Master Sha. My heart is more open, I dedicate my life to service and feel happier and healthier. Master Sha is a true teacher who does not give up on his disciples and students.

  In my spiritual journey I have experienced deeply the concept of “no pain, no gain.” I have received the honor of being personally trained by my spiritual teacher. I have had to open my heart fully to my teacher to receive all the wisdom, knowledge, and blessings that he offers. If your heart is opened a little, you can receive little blessing. If your heart is more open, you can receive more blessings. If your heart is fully open, you can receive unlimited blessings. This was the beautiful teaching that I have learned the past years. This opening of the heart helped me to overcome challenges that I first thought were impossible, or very painful to go through.

  Connecting and staying connected to your teacher is the most important commitment in your spiritual journey. To have your heart open to the teacher means you trust his or her guidance and teachings without doubt. It means you express gratitude every day, every moment for the blessings that he or she has given you for your soul journey and physical journey. I am truly blessed to have Master Sha in my life. He gives his life to teaching and training me, all his Divine Channels, all the Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers, and students worldwide. We are blessed beyond words because he gives us everything from his heart. We only have to be open to receive.

  I’m filled with gratitude in my heart toward everything that Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has done for me. I have gratitude in my heart for the service he has done for all his Worldwide Representatives, for all his students, for all of humanity, and for all souls. Master Sha gives hope to the hopeless. He helps people to fulfill their dreams. He helps them to heal and transform their lives. He has healed and transformed my life. I believe he can heal and transform your life and the lives of all your loved ones. I will always treasure his empowerments and spread this message to humanity.

  Interview with Dr. Sha’s Personal Assistant, Master Cynthia Deveraux

  CYNTHIA DEVERAUX HAS worked with Dr. Sha as his personal assistant since 2009. She first encountered his books and started attending his retreats in 2006. Cynthia was born in Wilmington, Delaware. Her mother was only nineteen when Cynthia was born in the 1960s and she had her first child, Cynthia’s older brother, at seventeen. Cynthia’s younger sister was born a year less a day after Cynthia, so her mom had three babies to raise before she was twenty-one. The father of the children abandoned the family before Cynthia was two, and Cynthia did not even learn until she was thirteen that the man she had thought was her biological father was actually her stepdad and adopted father. Her stepdad worked for RCA and moved the family around, first to Indiana and then to Texas. After her parents divorced, her mother, brother, sister, and she moved to Ohio. Cynthia went to three different high schools in four years and never had the chance to stay in one place very long. She was expected to contribute to the family finances and started babysitting at the age of ten and waitressing at the age of thirteen. Most of the money she made she turned over to her parents.

  Despite the tumultuous circumstances of Cynthia’s childhood she was a good student in school and was deeply connected with God and the Divine. This connection started at the early age of three or four. She explained that the Divine would speak to her in the silence of her bedroom. He told her that Mother Earth would have to change; humanity would have to wake up and open their hearts and souls if Mother Earth and humanity were to survive. This made a huge impact on Cynthia’s consciousness as these conversations with the Divine would continue.

  Her parents used Sunday church services as a babysitting service and would pack the kids off on whatever church bus would take them for the morning. Cynthia experienced a wide variety of church services and did not significantly connect with any single church or denomination. As a young child Cynthia contemplated becoming a nun and felt that her mission in life was to help the world evolve to a better place through opening people’s hearts. When she sought inner guidance on her plan to be a nun she was told by the inner voice, “not in this lifetime.” Even as a young child Cynthia felt that somehow her life’s challenges and suffering at the hands of her parents and others was not about anything she was doing wrong in this lifetime but perhaps in other lifetimes. She had a sense that she had a soul and a sense of compassion whenever she saw suffering. She was aware of everything that she did and everything that she spoke and felt she had to give more love, forgiveness, and compassion to her family and others. Cynthia lived her life based on her conversations with the Divine as well as how he would allow her to see the “soul” of those around her causing her great pain.

  She had waitressing to do and high school courses and soon a part-time job as a sales assistant while still in high school. When she graduated from high school she found work in a title agency and then in a law firm, where she mastered the skills to be a legal secretary. She moved to New York when she was just twenty-one to pursue a modeling career, but that was not meant to be, so sh
e moved back to Wilmington, Delaware, where her great-aunt and uncle lived, and was soon working for a legal firm again. At the age of twenty-four she met a client of the law firm and dated him for eight years before they married. He had been married before and had three children and was sixteen years older than Cynthia, but she felt comfortable with him and had decided as a child that she never wanted to have children of her own, so marrying an older man with children allowed her to participate as a parent without raising young children. The marriage had high points and low points and lasted seventeen years. Cynthia continued to work throughout the marriage and helped her husband go into his own franchising business, which became highly successful. Cynthia was able to pursue her spiritual path and volunteered to work with different spiritual organizations. In 2006, just as her marriage was beginning to lose its purpose, she started working as a volunteer for Dr. Sha’s Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment. Two years later she was offered a full-time position as an employee and not long after was selected to serve as Dr. Sha’s personal assistant.

  The following are the questions I asked Master Cynthia, and her intriguing answers.

  BILL: In working with Master Sha as his personal assistant, what do you feel is the greatest blessing for you?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: First I want to start by sharing my story of the first retreat I attended with Master Sha in November 2006. My soul was beyond excited to attend the Soul Enlightenment Retreat being held in Mt. Shasta, California, after meeting him at a book signing in August 2006. Each day of the retreat was such a life-changing experience for me. I had been with a spiritual teacher for about twelve years before meeting Master Sha. The teachings were based on karma and reincarnation as well as service. Master Sha’s teachings were also based on karma and reincarnation, and he stressed the “soul” just as powerfully. He especially emphasized unconditional service to humanity and all souls. What touched my heart during that retreat was Master Sha’s availability to connect with all of the participants. I had been lucky in all of the twelve years of my previous studies to actually “meet up close” my previous teacher two times. Yet here was a master who was so open, so caring, so real, and so giving that it took my breath away.


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