Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 29

by William Gladstone

  SHARON: I graduated from high school, but did not complete college because of my illness. I instead received training as a medical assistant and worked as a pain clinic coordinator.

  BILL: How old are you now?

  SHARON: I am forty-seven.

  BILL: When did you first discover Dr. Sha as a healer?

  SHARON: I first met Master Sha at his workshop on May 29, 2005. I was too sick to go to see Master Sha at the New Living Expo, but my sister Michelle, a physical therapist, went and had a personal consultation with Master Sha. She called me right away from his booth to see if I wanted to attend his upcoming workshop. I told her yes!

  BILL: Did your sister go because she needed healing also?

  SHARON: Yes, but she did not have any major health issues. She was spiritually guided to see Master Sha and after listening to his lecture, she realized that he was teaching what she was looking for. She wanted to become a healer and was looking for someone who could teach her how to open her spiritual channels and self-healing, and Master Sha could do both.

  BILL: Which members of your family have had illnesses and which members of your family have used soul healing to cure themselves and others?

  SHARON: My dad, mom, myself, husband, daughter, aunt, cousin, and brother-in-law—illnesses: Dad (Master Roger)—skin cancer and coronary arteries in heart were almost completely re-clogged

  Mom (Diane)—systemic lupus, fibromyalgia, no cartilage in knees, broken hand and wrist

  Myself (Sharon)—systemic lupus, migraines, fatigue, photosensitivity, fibromyalgia, infertility, neck and shoulder injuries

  Husband (Michael)—Crohn’s disease

  BILL: So all of these family members had serious illnesses? Most of them must have suffered many years before discovering the work of Master Sha.

  SHARON: Exactly.

  BILL: I assume you exhausted all traditional Western therapies and more?

  SHARON: Yes.

  BILL: I assume you ran out of medical insurance?

  SHARON: No, I still had medical insurance. The doctors gave me medication, which caused more problems. I would take a handful of medications, about twelve to fifteen pills, two to three times a day. I took these pills for about twenty years.

  BILL: What were some of the side effects?

  SHARON: It was really hard on my stomach; I was in a lot of pain and had to take more and more medicine. I had almost constant headaches. I was put on high doses of prednisone and gained a lot of weight. The side effects were one after another, and then another.

  BILL: How old was your mother when she started having symptoms of lupus?

  SHARON: She started having symptoms when she was thirty-six and was diagnosed at thirty-eight. I started having symptoms of lupus at thirteen but was not officially diagnosed until I was twenty-three years old.

  BILL: I know lupus can be painful. How many years did your mom suffer before she was healed by Master Sha?

  SHARON: She suffered almost twenty years before she met Master Sha.

  BILL: Let us go back to meeting Master Sha. Your sister goes to the New Living Expo and brings home the books. She called you from the Expo. Did she put Dr. Sha on the phone?

  SHARON: No. She shared with me that she had a private consultation and that he would be having a workshop in a few weeks. She asked if I wanted to go. I said yes and she said she would bring me a couple of the books and CDs to get me started. I began reading Master Sha’s Power Healing, and halfway through the book there was an exercise to self-heal the neck. I had just hurt my lower back carrying my heavy luggage. I followed the exercise in the book as described by Master Sha and to my great surprise, the pain was instantly gone. Normally after hurting my back like that I would have severe back spams for three to seven days. I had no pain in my back that night and no pain even after traveling home and carrying my heavy luggage again.

  BILL: You must have been very surprised with the results after reading the book.

  SHARON: Yes, I was shocked.

  BILL: What did you think?

  SHARON: I thought how else I could use it, and how I could help my dad and help others with lupus.

  BILL: You must have been very excited to attend Master Sha’s workshop.

  SHARON: Yes, I was.

  BILL: What happened at the workshop?

  SHARON: We got my dad to come. He was not a believer in anything like this.

  BILL: What convinced him to come?

  SHARON: He came to keep peace in the family. We had just lost my grandfather and goddaughter’s father. My family had been hit hard with two losses within one month. My dad was in very bad shape. I would call him and he would be taking groceries from the car to the house and he could hardly breathe. He was about fifty-seven years old then.

  BILL: He was fifty-seven and could barely carry the groceries into the house?

  SHARON: Yes, he had had a heart bypass seven years earlier and his coronary arteries were blocked again.

  BILL: Had the doctors suggested another heart operation?

  SHARON: Not yet; my mom and him were traveling around the country in their RV. My dad was scheduled to fly back home to see his cardiologist for a cardiac stress test. He was in such bad shape that my mom (who for years was a cardiac nurse) was not sure that he would survive the test. I asked him to come back home a week early so that he could attend Master Sha’s workshop with me. My dad normally would not have attended something like this, but I told my father I had never asked him for anything, and I was asking him for this because we were not ready to lose him yet. He decided that he had nothing to lose and came. At first he was was squirming and fidgeting in his chair like a kindergartner. Then I noticed that afternoon that he was paying attention to what Master Sha had to say. Master Sha asked for a volunteer. He asked if anyone in the audience had cancer. My dad raised his hand and stood up because he had skin cancer. Master Sha offered him a blessing. My dad said to Master Sha, “I thank you very much. I did not feel anything, but I do thank you for trying to help me.” The next day when my dad woke up he noticed that his face was full of color and then he got a bloody nose. He showed up at my door and said, “Look at me. Look at my face. My face is full of color. Did we go out in the sun yesterday?” I said, “No.” Then I asked him, “What do you think it is, Dad?” I tried to keep my face from smirking. He was really serious and he said, “I don’t know.”

  We then went to the second day of the workshop, where he had shared with everyone that when Master Sha gave him the blessing the day before for the cancer, that the blessing must have also cleared the blockages in his heart because the blood was flowing again in his body, his face had color (because it was paper white before the blessing); and he had a bloody nose, which he had not had in twenty years. He had not even shared with Master Sha that he had a heart condition!

  BILL: Okay, so he must have been pretty impressed.

  SHARON: Yes, he asked Master Sha what he should do next. Master Sha said, “You need your karma cleansed.”

  BILL: So Dr. Sha said that he needed to clear his karma? But he did not believe in karma?

  SHARON: Correct, but in that moment my dad changed his mind and received a personal karma cleansing.

  Sharon went on to explain the details of her own soul healing and those of her mom, husband, aunt, and cousin. She even explained how Dr. Sha intervened, helping her to give birth to a healthy baby daughter despite years of miscarriages and challenges. Most of Sharon’s family members can be seen in the family photograph on the facing page. What is most remarkable about these soul healings is that Sharon’s mom, without any direct assistance from Dr. Sha, used her Divine Healing Hands to heal her sister. A combination of Sharon, her parents, and sister used their soul healing hands to heal her cousin. I would never have believed this type of healing was possible when I first met Dr. Sha. There have always been exceptional individuals who could perform healing miracles but this is, I believe, the first time anyone has ever documented the ability of a teacher to teach
this ability to others. Read on and be amazed.

  All members of the Lawrence family have become Divine Healers

  My Mom’s (Diane Givens) Soul Healing Story

  My father had such a profound experience his first weekend with Master Sha that he brought my mother to one of Master Sha’s retreats in New York just a few weeks later. My mother, who was raised in California, worked as a registered nurse for about thirty years before retiring on permanent disability, had suffered with systemic lupus and had been on prednisone for about eighteen years.

  On the last day of the retreat, Master Sha offered a Soul Transplant for organs and body parts for the first time. My mother received a Soul Transplant for her knees. She then had an amazing and miraculous recovery. My mom’s knees were so painful that every time she walked, she would have to sit down and take breaks, even on a simple trip to the store. After my mom’s last knee surgery the surgeon came out and told my father that he cleaned up as much of her knee as possible. There was no cartilage left, her knees were bone on bone, and she needed a total knee replacement. He also said her other knee would need to be replaced, as it looked even worse on the X-ray. My mom was only fifty-three years old and refused to have the surgery. She knew that the joint replacement would only last ten years before it would need to be redone. She decided that she would not have the surgery unless she could not walk at all. Luckily, she met Master Sha and all that changed.

  After my mom received the Soul Transplant for her knees, my parents toured New York City. My dad was so excited that he called to tell me that they had just walked all over Manhattan, up and down stairs to the subway, touring NBC studios, and other places. He said that all day long he had to keep telling my mom to slow down, he could not keep up with her. She walked all over the city, without any pain or difficulty. She did not need to take any pain medicine, and only took breaks when my dad needed to!

  My mom had only been able to wear tennis shoes for all those years before meeting Master Sha. A few months later when my cousin got married, my mom decided to buy a pair of dressy shoes with a two-inch heel. She wore the heels to the wedding, but took along her tennis shoes just in case. To her total amazement, she did not need to change into her tennis shoes at all. She danced with my father for three hours, and all the while kept coming over to me on the dance floor, smiling and saying, “I can’t believe I am still dancing!” She had not danced in over twenty years!

  It has been nearly nine years and both of her knees are still pain-free!

  Her second soul healing miracle story happened when she fell and broke her right hand and left wrist. The doctor told her that she had shattered several bones in her left wrist and they were going to splint it for a couple of weeks until the swelling went down, and that she would need reconstructive surgery for the left hand and wrist. She received blessings from Master Sha, he offered Divine Glue to her left wrist and a Soul Transplant for the fracture in her right hand. He told her to do Soul Tapping and chant “perfect wrist” as often as possible. When she went back to the doctor he said that the fracture looked much better and that since the bones were now aligned so much better he could just put a cast on it, and she would not have to have surgery after all. When they took the cast off for the final time, her hand functioned perfectly. The doctor was totally amazed that he did not have to do surgery!

  My Soul Healing Story (Sharon Lawrence)

  When I met Master Sha I had systemic lupus erythematosus. It affected my life quite severely. I suffered joint and all-over body pain, extreme photosensitivity, chronic fatigue, chronic migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, Reynaud’s phenomenon, and Sjogren’s syndrome. I often could not get out of bed for days, and on my best days I still had to rest for at least one-third of the day. I considered that a good day. I could not tolerate going outside in the sunlight. Whenever I did, I would feel as one feels when they are coming down with the flu.

  My condition deeply affected not only me, but all those around me. It was very difficult to make plans; I would often have to cancel at the last minute because I was ill. It was difficult to keep my job, as I was sometimes sick for months at a time. When I met Master Sha I had not been able to work, had been on disability for two and a half years, and at the recommendation of my doctors was on the second round of applying for permanent disability. At this time I was completely unable to work due to severe and chronic head, neck, and shoulder pain. Still, I always tried to make the best of the situation and look on the bright side.

  I met Master Sha on May 29, 2005, at a Body Space Medicine Workshop in San Francisco, California. I received personal karma cleansing that weekend, and in July 2005 I became a Power Healer. I then attended every class, teleconference, workshop, and retreat offered by Master Sha and I never missed a Sunday Divine Blessings program. A few weeks later, during one teleclass in which I participated, Master Sha asked us to choose three things that we wanted to heal. I requested healing for my liver, lupus, and to especially heal my sensitivity to the sun so I could go out and serve as a healer. I had an immediate healing. This is now the ninth summer that I am able to go outside in the sunlight and open fluorescent lighting!

  In October 2005 I attended my first Soul Enlightenment Retreat in San Francisco, made even more special because I received my soul enlightenment with my parents and my sister. In November 2005 I was fortunate enough to accompany Master Sha and a group of about one hundred students to study with his teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo, at his clinic in China.

  Within the first year of meeting Master Sha I received many Divine downloads and transmissions. In April 2006 I had my ancestral karma cleansed for both my mothers’ and fathers’ sides.

  I continued to practice and chant with my treasures and by May 2006 I was completely symptom-free from lupus and fibromyalgia and the migraine headaches were gone! I reached a point where one morning I got up at seven o’clock, did my practices, ate breakfast, and then was completely dumbfounded as to what to do with the rest of my day. I felt good and didn’t need to go sit down or go back to bed to rest, so what was I to do with the rest of my day? I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands. I did a lot of cleaning and organizing, but then what? I offered to do volunteer work for Master Sha, and about a month or so later I began working for the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment. I was able to work more than full-time at my computer with no shoulder pain or headaches.

  I dreamed of having a large family since I was two years old, but after thirteen years of marriage, we were experiencing great difficulties. My husband had a low sperm count and I miscarried several times at six and a half weeks. I had gained a lot of weight when I was first diagnosed with lupus and was being treated with steroids. I had weight loss surgery in August 2000. I did this to improve my health and mostly to help us to be able to have children. But I kept having miscarriages even after I lost all the weight.

  When I turned forty, I made peace with my life just as it was. I was so happy and honored to be serving Master Sha and the Divine Mission. I also realized that God had granted my requests for children through the many children who all called me Auntie Sharon, my nieces and nephews and all the children I was lucky enough to hold close in my heart.

  A few months later, in June 2007, my husband (who by now was also a Divine Soul Healer) and I both received a Future Life Blessing from Master Sha and two weeks later we conceived a child.

  When I found out that I was pregnant I was so happy! I was also a little concerned because I had had three miscarriages, but I also knew I had received so many blessings that I quickly regained my confidence.

  But a week later my karma hit me and I started bleeding. I immediately called Master Sha and he offered a few different Divine Blessings and told me to stay off my feet and continue to practice and chant “perfect baby, perfect baby, perfect baby.” I followed his guidance and had a marvelous pregnancy with no morning sickness!

  When I reached my seventh month, I started to have a difficult time gaining weight. My doctor
explained to me that at this point the baby needed more nutrients, and if I could not absorb enough calories to maintain both the baby and my own nutrition, they would consider putting me on IV nutrition. My next ultrasound revealed that the baby had not gained weight, and my doctor admitted me to the hospital and started IV nutrition. I suddenly went into pre-term labor. It was too soon; my due date was still two months away. A specialist came to see me in the hospital and explained all the things that could go wrong with the baby and how they would handle it so we were prepared.

  I called Master Sha again and he once again generously offered Divine Blessings. He asked me if I had an IV. I said yes, and he instructed me to hold out my other arm and to keep it there for twenty-four hours. He then inserted a spiritual IV into that arm. The Divine IV then nourished and blessed the baby and me with Divine Nutrients for twenty-four hours. What a tremendous blessing we received.

  The doctor came in the next day and informed me that the pre-term labor appeared to have stopped. I was sent home a few days later and I was able to maintain my pregnancy for another month. LilyAnn Grace was born on February 25, 2008. It was the most beautiful experience of my life! She weighed five pounds, seven ounces. She had no difficulties eating or breathing on her own as the doctors had warned. She was just perfect!

  She has been such a gift to our life, our family, and to all who love her. She was an extremely happy baby. She is now six years old and loves Master Sha. Since she was a toddler, whenever she is sick, she goes and gets one of Master Sha’s books to lie down with, all on her own. She offers blessings to people and animals. At age four-and-a-half she became a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer. She is truly a blessing and I am filled with eternal gratitude for the honor of being her mother.

  Thank you, Beloved Master Sha, Divine, Tao, Source, and all of my spiritual fathers and mothers in Heaven. I cannot bow down enough for the gift of my beautiful daughter and for my family’s numerous soul healings. I am so happy and so honored to be serving Master Sha and the Divine Mission. I am eternally grateful and vow to serve all souls unconditionally.


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