Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 30

by William Gladstone

  My Husband’s (Michael Lawrence) Soul Healing Story

  In the summer of 2005, after suffering daily from Crohn’s disease for eleven years, Michael started to receive his first healings from Dr. Sha. Right away the daily symptoms and inflammation started improving. Within the year all the symptoms from the disease went away, and he spent the next three years free of Crohn’s.

  In the winter of 2009 one of Michael’s quarterly lab tests showed that the Crohn’s disease was active again. To be able to tell how sick he was, the doctor looked at how dark the skin around his eyes was. The darker the skin, the sicker he was, and as soon as the doctor saw his eyes he knew that Michael had to be hospitalized that day. However, the doctor also knew that Michael’s body had a remarkable way of healing itself, so instead of sending him to the hospital, he accepted Michael’s request to travel to one of Dr. Sha’s week-long retreats. A condition to attend included Michael showing the doctor where the nearest treatment center was and agreeing if he had any bleeding to go there right away. At that time Michael’s blood count was 9.8, 3.4 below the low range of normal of 13.2, and all other test results were just as bad.

  At Master Sha’s event Michael could tell that his body was sick and it was showing. Dr. Sha called on Michael to receive his highest blessing on the third day of the event. That night his strength returned and he began to eat without problems. Six days after the miracle soul healing, he returned home and had the testing redone. This time when the doctor came in he was quite upset with Michael, for he believed that Michael was not taking his medication and not following his advice. There was no other explanation for how one could be so sick and then so healthy in such a short time. Michael assured him that he was following all the advice that he had been given. Michael’s doctor to this day has no explanation for how someone’s blood count can go from 9.2 to 11.3 in sixteen days on its own and says he has never seen such a recovery in such a short period of time.

  Two weeks later all test results were normal, and in one month Michael went from needing to be hospitalized for blood transfusions to being fully healthy.

  For one and a half years the disease was in full remission. Then karma brought it out of remission and the disease was progressing quickly. Medication was not slowing it down or helping. Within three weeks from the start of the flare, the disease hospitalized Michael, with internal bleeding. After being in the hospital for two days and still not responding to treatment, surgery for the large intestine was brought up as the only solution. However, there was great concern that there was no healthy part of the large intestine left and a bag would need to be attached in place of it. Michael refused this surgical option and instead received another soul healing miracle from Dr. Sha. That evening the internal bleeding stopped and the disease went back into remission. It then took the doctors another four days to believe that the Crohn’s was in remission again and another two days before they felt comfortable to release him.

  Michael was under the care of a different doctor, and she too was amazed at how quickly the disease turned around and how the body healed itself so quickly with no scarring in the intestine. She then told him that if she had not put a tattoo in the area of where the heaviest bleeding was, she would not have been able to tell where it had been, for the whole intestine was very healthy and alive.

  Michael left the hospital in August 2010 and has been living life for the past four years Crohn’s free.

  Soul Healing: Others’ Stories

  My mom offers soul healing to her sister

  The day that I received my Divine Healing Hands, I went to visit my sister, who had been admitted to the hospital two days earlier.

  She had cellulitis, a deep tissue infection of her right lower leg that is caused by excessive swelling, which had broken open. The doctor told her she would need to be there probably two weeks to receive IV antibiotics and dressing changes.

  I came by in the evening and gave her a Divine Healing Hands healing, for which she was very grateful. I taught her how to chant “I love my leg, I love my leg, I love my leg” for three to five minutes at a time, five times a day, which she did.

  To her doctor’s surprise, her leg healed after four days and she was able to get off the IV antibiotics and be discharged home. The major leg swelling and cellulitis has never returned.

  My dad (Master Roger Givens), mom (Diane Givens), sister (Michelle Givens), and I (Sharon Lawrence) offer group soul healing to my cousin

  My nineteen-year-old cousin injured his shoulder. The doctors performed an MRI and confirmed that he had a tear in his rotator cuff. He was sent to an orthopedic surgeon who determined that my cousin would need surgery to repair the damage. The night before the surgery, my parents called my sister and I and together we turned on our Divine Soul Healing Treasures and offered my cousin a group soul healing blessing. We continued to chant after the blessing, through his surgery, and beyond. The next morning, the surgeon performed an arthroscopic procedure and found absolutely nothing wrong with his shoulder! They closed him back up, and my cousin no longer had shoulder pain!

  Thank you, Beloved Master Sha. Thank you, Divine, Thank you, Tao. Thank you, Source.

  Patient and Nurse Brenda Gartner Now Has Healing Hands

  My miracle healings for a dear nursing friend in Canada for third stage lung cancer and an uncle who had third stage stomach cancer:

  In the fall of 2010 I received my Divine Healing Hands Practitioner certificate from a Worldwide Representative of Master Sha’s, and soon thereafter (November) I received a phone call from a nursing friend in Canada to let me know that she had been diagnosed with third stage lung cancer. I let her know that I had recently taken a course in soul healing and asked if she was open to me offering some healing blessings for her. I explained what that entailed and let her know that I was going on a cruise for the next two weeks and would faithfully do these healings for her and would check in with her on my return. Then the very next day I received a call from an aunt who let me know that an uncle (her brother) had been diagnosed with stomach cancer that week. This aunt already knew that I had been studying with Master Sha and was reaching out to see if I could help this uncle. I let her know that I would call him and ask if he too would be open to some healing blessings using my Divine Healing Hands. I placed a call to him. He lived in Canada and we had a long discussion. He was very down, not feeling well but open to what I had to say, and let me know that he believed in the Higher Powers and was open to what I was explaining to him. So before I left for my cruise I packed up some of Master Sha’s books and sent them to both of them.

  While on the cruise I faithfully invoked my Divine Healing Hands three times a day, as I had been instructed, for both of them. On my return I checked in with them, and they both told me they could feel things had changed, had on occasion experienced certain things, and were following up with their doctors soon. My uncle was scheduled for surgery just before Christmas and my friend was to have an MRI around the same time, then would have surgery following Christmas. Both were also told that they would have to follow up with the cancer clinic on a regular basis afterward. I continued to invoke my Divine Healing Hands three times a day. Right after Christmas I received a call from my nursing friend who told me she had astounded the doctors. When they had attempted to do the surgery, the cancer was gone. They could offer no explanation and told her that she would no longer need to follow up with the cancer clinic.

  I then followed up with my uncle, who had also astounded his doctors. When they were doing his surgery, they found that the cancer had all but disappeared and that he would not have to be followed up at the cancer clinic. He thanks me on a regular basis for bringing Master Sha’s techniques to his use and tells all his friends and family what he experienced when they are having any medical issues. My uncle did lose a lot of weight through this ordeal and subsequently went into some deep depression, for which I also invoked my Divine Healing Hands. This too has improved so significantly that he has been able to get
off most of his medications, and I am glad to say he is back enjoying life again.

  It has now been more than three years and both my friend and my uncle still have regular checkups and I am happy to report that both have remained cancer-free. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Countless bow downs.

  Final Thoughts

  SO THERE YOU have it. Sharon Lawrence and her whole family report success stories using their Divine Healing Hands. Brenda Gartner performs what can only be considered miracle healings using her Divine Healing Hands. Dr. Sha is on a mission. He is training thousands upon thousands of teachers and giving anyone who applies, and who receives approval from the Divine, Divine Healing Hands. Remember Dr. Sha’s message: “I have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of my life. You have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of your life. Together we have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all life of humanity and all souls in Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Everyone can be a miracle soul healer. Learn how!”

  Thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of soul healing miracles by Dr. Sha, his Divine Channels, and Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers, have already occurred. Millions more can occur. I am absolutely certain that Dr. Sha’s soul healing miracles are real. His soul healing and teaching definitely needs to be brought to the attention of as many people as possible. Dr. Sha’s techniques can be used not just for health but for rejuvenation and transformation of relationships and finances. Go to drsha.com and youtube.com/zhigangsha and learn how you can receive Divine Healing Hands and the ability to heal yourself and others. In this I am a believer, and I am not one who believes easily. Miracles are normal. We have seen the evidence. We have heard the testimonials. We have seen the videos on YouTube. I have tried to find inconsistencies and exaggerations. I have not found any. Dr. Sha does not promise results to anyone. He believes that we all have karma. He knows he can help everyone but he is humble and knows that there may be karmic destinies that are beyond his reach. Even in such cases, for those who believe in reincarnation and past lives, Dr. Sha offers healings that may have positive impact on transitions and rebirths.

  I have tried to find any downside to the teachings and healings. I have not succeeded. Everything checks out. Dr. Sha only wants to be of service. In this cynical day and age it is almost impossible to believe in the existence of any pure being giving without the expectation or even desire for recognition. Dr. Sha is the first to tell us, “It is the Divine and Tao, which is the Source, who heals. I only have been gifted to be the servant and vehicle of the Divine and Tao. Anyone can be the servant and vehicle of the Divine and Tao. Anyone can learn what I have learned and more.”

  Gratitude to the Divine and Tao. Obedience to the Divine and Tao. Loyalty to the Divine and Tao. Devotion to the Divine and Tao. Pure GOLD. We all have it. Use it. It works. With this kind of GOLD you can heal yourself and others. World Renowned Miracle Soul Healer Dr. and Master Sha is living proof of this truth. Share this book with everyone you know. Their hearts and souls could be touched, moved, and uplifted. They will thank you.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  Love you. Love you. Love you.

  William Gladstone, Author, Anthropologist,

  and Explorer of the Unknown and the Miraculous


  FIRST AND FOREMOST I must acknowledge and thank Dr. and Master Sha. Without him I simply could not have written this book. His generosity of spirit and of time, his sharing of personal memories, and his constant focus on the true nature of his service and his purpose as a miracle soul healer were gifts beyond measure. His sense of humor and his loving nature made this project a joy. I know that beyond all other connections, we will forever be true friends. I have learned more from Dr. and Master Sha about the nature of reality and my own true nature than from any teachers, masters, or experiences I have had previously in my life. I believe that working closely with Dr. and Master Sha on this book has healed aspects of my life and my own soul journey that would never have otherwise been healed. My life is even more joyous now because of this experience. Thank you is really not enough.

  I want to also acknowledge Master Cynthia. She is a tireless worker and supported this project from its inception. Without her I would have never captured the information in the interviews not just with Dr. Sha but also with Dr. Peter Hudoba, Dr. Rulin Xiu, and Professor Gary Schwartz. She is a most amazing typist, going at two hundred words or more a minute with flawless accuracy. She is an even bigger star as a human being. Her good humor, support, and kindnesses throughout the creation of this book were invaluable. She found e-mail addresses and phone numbers for the numerous Divine Channels and Divine Healing Hands participants and others interviewed in this book. Without Master Cynthia this book could not have been written. Thank you, Master Cynthia.

  My biggest supporter for the last ten years of my life has been Gayle Newhouse. We will be married shortly but we have been a true couple for many years already, and without her in my life I would never have been in a position to write this book or truly appreciate the unique gifts of Dr. and Master Sha. Gayle was the first reader for most of the chapters in this book, and my first critic. Her insights, contributions, and encouragement were invaluable. She has been by my side every step of this amazing journey and made sacrifices without which this book could not have been written. Again, thanks alone is insufficient.

  I must also acknowledge my publisher, Glenn Yeffeth. The idea for this book was actually his, and his support has been unflinching in every moment. Glenn is more than just my publisher. He is a true friend and colleague with whom I will be working and collaborating for many years to come on many future books, both my own and those of my clients. Thank you, Glenn.

  I do not believe in overly long acknowledgments but want to thank every single person who appears in this book, from the Divine Channels to those who have shared their healing experiences with me. Each and every one of you, from my good friends Greg and Allyn Reid to new acquaintances made through this book, such as Steve Pointer and Sharon Lawrence, my sincere thanks. I thank all others for their contributions as well.

  It takes a village to create a good book. Without my own staff here at Waterside, especially Kimberly Brabec, who typed the manuscript through many revisions there would be no book. Without the efforts of my editor at BenBella, Heather Butterfield, and her associates there would be no book. I thank and appreciate all of them. I am also grateful to my friends and clients who read early drafts of the manuscript and were okay with me taking time out from being their agent to being just a fellow writer.

  About the Author

  WILLIAM GLADSTONE IS a prolific author, literary agent, publisher, and filmmaker. He has degrees from Yale College and Harvard University, where he studied medical anthropology. His background as the original researcher for the NBC television special hosted by Rod Serling, In Search of Ancient Mysteries, prepared him for the research and analysis of Dr. and Master Sha and his miracle soul healing accomplishments. Mr. Gladstone is known for his philanthropic activities and commitment to helping authors publish books that contribute to the well-being of others and to our planet. His personal clients in addition to Dr. and Master Sha include Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Thom Hartmann, Barbara De Angelis, Jean Houston, Linus Torvalds, Tom Anderson, Peter Norton, Hunter Lovins, Dr. Michael Tobias, Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Dr. Ervin Laszlo, and many authors whose books have contributed to increasing knowledge and well-being for hundreds of millions of readers.

  Mr. Gladstone is currently co-hosting and co-producing a television series with executive producer Darla Boone entitled Inside Wellness, scheduled to air on public television stations starting in the fall of 2014. Mr. Gladstone lives with his wife Gayle in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, where he enjoys golf, tennis, and the beach. His daughter Tara Rose Gladstone is a writer and editor, and his son Cyrus Jay Gladstone is a post-production film expert.

  Other Books by W
illiam Gladstone

  Tapping the Source. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2010. Reprint, New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Peguin, 2014.

  The Power of Twelve. Dallas: BenBella Books, Inc., 2013.

  The Twelve. New York: Vanguard Press, 2009. Reprint, Dallas: BenBella Books, Inc., 2013.

  With Jack Canfield. The Golden Motorcycle Gang. Hay House, 2011.

  Test Your Own Mental Health. New York: Arco Publishing Company, 1978. Reprint, New York: New American Library, 1979.

  Other Titles by Dr. and Master Sha from BenBella Books

  Soul Mind Body Science System

  Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity and Immortality

  Soul Healing Miracles

  Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies

  More Information about Dr. and Master Sha

  On-Demand Podcast Channel: blogtalkradio.com/drandmastersha

  Blog: mysoulhealingmiracles.blogspot.com

  Facebook: facebook.com/drandmastersha

  Livestream: new.livestream.com/drandmastersha

  Twitter: twitter.com/zhigangsha

  YouTube: youtube.com/zhigangsha

  Website: drsha.com



  Academy of Traditional Chinese medicine (Beijing, China), 20

  Akashic Records. See also karma

  karma cleansing and, 143

  located on Heaven and Mother Earth level, 144

  Master Sha and, 143–45

  past lives and, 83

  reading, 83, 143–45, 259–60

  archangels, 151


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