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King Tomb (Forever Evermore)

Page 17

by Scarlett Dawn

  He nodded once. “Trust.” Gradually, he lowered his hand to the bed. “What’s next on your agenda tonight, since you have a free evening?”

  My eyebrows lifted in thought. “I have no clue. I haven’t had an evening to myself for three months.”

  His own brows lifted and he bent forward, his face coming closer. “You could stay here for a little while and we could,” closer, he was inching closer, his lips hovering over mine, “become better acquainted.”

  I lifted a quick finger, setting it against his lush lips, stopping them from landing at their destination. “That wasn’t why I came in here.” Ezra’s eyes narrowed slightly from his blocked attempt, but I ignored them, glancing around his room. “Maybe we could watch a movie or something, if you bring in the TV from your front room. I haven’t done that with an adult in a very long time.”

  He spoke against my finger. “I’m beginning to get a complex, wife. The first night I offered, you only wanted to sleep, and now, at my second offer, all you want to do is watch TV, when you’re already,” his voice turned growly, “naked in my bed.”

  My lips twitched as my eyes came back to his. “Well, we wouldn’t want you getting a complex would we, husband?” The slightest shake of his head, his lips brushing against my finger. I lowered said finger slowly, watching avidly as it dragged over his bottom lip. “Fine, one kiss, then if you’d like we can watch something. I’ll even let you pick the movie.”

  “How very kind of you,” Ezra whispered softly, his breath spanning my own lips now.

  I chuckled softly, my eyes on his mouth as they moved damn slowly toward mine. “Kindness isn’t a trait I’m used to anymore, so you should feel fortunate I’m bestowing it on you.”

  “Oh, I’m feeling something all right,” Ezra whispered.

  His lips landed on mine. And we both groaned at the contact, our lips again molding together perfectly, soft flesh aligning seamlessly with soft flesh. Lifting a hand, I set it just as gently on his bristly jaw, his shadowy beard rough against my palm as he kissed me. The warm touch was heady on my palm and lips, and I pressed for more, a soft moan of need slipping past my lips onto his. His Vampire growled, soft and slow, sounding content as he gave me what I needed, his lips pressing more firmly against mine as he tilted his head, threading his fingers into my hair at the back of my head and lowering us so I was resting on his pillows.

  This kiss was a bit different than our last one, more tentative, hesitant, and I knew he felt it too with the cautious trust we had formed. Honestly, I could tell we were both letting our guard down, showing a bit of our vulnerability to each other.

  I ran my fingers over his face, lightly touching his temple and cheeks, memorizing the shape of his features and warmth as he ran the tip of his tongue around the curved edges of my mouth, also memorizing me, if I wasn’t mistaken. Sighing softly at the whispering glide of his warm tongue, I opened my eyes to stare at the man over me, who was being careful not to put any weight on me except for a leg he’d thrown over mine as if he couldn’t help but want to keep me under him. This Vampire stranger, my husband, was beautiful, flawless.

  His thick, black lashes slowly lifted from where they had cast their shadow against his cheeks to reveal sparkling green eyes, half-hidden even if aimed at my eyes, and he whispered, “Can I tell you a secret?” Softly, he nibbled at my bottom lip as I nodded slightly, running my hands through his spiked hair and making his eyes dip more. “When you stripped on my bed that first night, I thought that I had never seen anyone so perfect before.”

  My lips curled at the truth of his words. “But you didn’t let yourself get distracted.”

  He chuckled quietly. “No, unfortunately, I didn’t.” Our lips stroked softly. “I couldn’t.”

  I nodded, brushing our lips and noses against each other. “I understand.”

  “I know you do. That’s why I’ve never had to lie and apologize,” he murmured quietly, tilting his head, and our lips caressed softly, both of us sighing into each other’s mouths.

  “All right, confession time, I guess.” I lifted a finger as he stopped kissing me to listen, and I ran my digit lightly over one of his arched eyebrows, our mouths still connected. “The night we met, I thought you were the most beautiful Mys I had ever seen.” I blinked. “And that was even before you took your shirt off.”

  His lips curled against mine, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly. “So you like what you see?”

  Simple words to what appeared to be an honest question behind his cockiness. “Yes, very much so.”

  His lips curled even more on mine, and his teeth nipped at my bottom lip softly. “The feeling’s mutual,” he paused, then he whispered, “sweetheart.”

  My heart stalled for a moment at the endearment. Because that’s what it was, an actual tender word. And I felt the protective, cold shell covering my broken heart — yes, it had been broken, shattered, really, from the mind rape — melt some and begin to heal. And that hurt and scared me. “Don’t…” I sucked in a harsh breath. “Don’t mess with my heart…please.”

  His thumb brushed back and forth over my jaw, again dragging his wedding ring along my flesh. Not backing away, he spoke bluntly. “I’m just as scared and confused as you, thrown into this situation our previous selves decided for us. But I did marry you. I chose you even if I’m only just beginning to see why from a stranger’s eyes.” Said green eyes flittered over my face. “I give you my word…I won’t hurt your heart.” His lips stroked mine slowly as my breath caught.

  And I wasn’t quite sure how it happened, between my heart seizing at his brutally honest words and our mouths melding together, but somehow he ended up under the covers with me, lying directly on top of me and lifting his arms as I pulled his silk shirt over his head and tossed it away. His hard, warm chest connected with mine and I groaned, pressing my soft curves up against him and instantly grabbing onto his back, digging into the muscles flexing there. His pulled his mouth away from mine, breathlessly muttering a curse as he lifted his hand away from my face to dig into his pant pocket.

  “Just a second,” he rumbled, his eyes holding an apology as he pulled his cell phone out and hit a number on it, listening with it at his ear, but it didn’t stop his mouth from reconnecting with mine. Even as I kissed him back just as generously and hungrily as he was me, I heard a masculine voice answer, and Ezra lifted his lips from mine, muttering into the receiver, “Guard my tent. I don’t want anyone entering, not even you.” The voice over the line said something, apparently assenting because Ezra snapped the phone shut, dropping it beside us to grip both sides of my face…and his warm and slick tongue dove inside my mouth, sliding against my tongue before I could warn him.

  Spiced heat exploded on my senses, and I groaned deeply at the potent, intoxicating taste, which was uniquely my husband’s own. My wolf woke instantly, growling quietly, and Ezra froze for a moment before blurring his head back to stare me in the eyes. I didn’t move, wondering what my wolf was planning for him as I rubbed my tongue on the roof of my mouth, savoring his taste. Ezra stared as I continued growling softly, and he stated slowly, “Just like I knew before seeing those videos that hybrids could do an Awakening,” a slow blink, “I somehow just know that Shifter sex the first time around is rough…and I think I just woke your wolf.”

  I nodded once and blinked, realizing my eyes were glowing dimly, their blue glow slightly on his face. “Yes, it is, until the partner proves himself.” My wolf was riding my voice hard, but my eyebrows puckered as I felt my wolf staring out at him. “But I think my wolf already considers you mine, and me yours, since we’re married.” Another blink…yes, I was feeling my wolf’s satisfaction and basic hunger for this man. “Otherwise, this would be going a whole lot differently right now.”

  He stared as a soft chuckle escaped, a bit of real amusement gracing his features. “Since that wasn’t general knowledge I had before the mind sweep…”

  My grin was real. “It would be nice to remember
what our first time together was like.”

  His eyes were at my lips. “I’m sure I didn’t run, since I don’t run well.” His tongue peeked out, and I almost groaned at the sight as he slowly licked his bottom lip, his predator growling just as quietly as mine was. “It’s safe to kiss you now?”

  I nodded, and I did what I wanted — hell, what even my wolf wanted — and pulled his head down to press my lips to his, instantly sliding my tongue back inside his mouth to run it across his, wanting to taste him again. I groaned at the sensual glide, our tongues sliding against each other, and heard his Vampire growl more loudly as the warmth in my gut started to burn brighter, filling me with fleshly heat. His hands fisted my hair, turning from gentle to dominant as he tilted my head the other way, his tongue diving in more forcefully, owning my mouth as he tasted every part and only just pulling back enough so I could do the same.

  Drowning in what our mouths were doing, I hardly noticed when he lifted some of his body weight off me, altering his position as his knees slid over, then between mine, spreading my legs so his thick cock nestled directly against the wet heat of my core. His deep moan vibrated against my chest as he ground against me. I lifted against him, but I shook my head because I wanted to taste him, all of him.

  “Get undressed,” I mumbled breathlessly, pushing back against the pillow to separate our mouths. “I want to taste you.” His Vampire growled loudly, and he started to dive back down to my mouth, but I pushed at his muscled shoulders. “Please.”

  He stilled, Vampire still growling but quietly now, and he inhaled heavily before blurring off the bed, the blanket flying off with him. Instantly, I rolled toward him and lifted onto my knees at the edge of the bed. I was barely able to track him as he blurred, undressing in a hurry so close I could still feel his heat. When he stopped moving directly in front of me, I stared at his eyes that were tracking over every inch of me, dipping down and flaring in desire, the green damn near disappearing as his pupils dilated. The sight made me want to purr inside, my own desire notching higher with the blatant certainty that he wanted what he saw.

  Quietly, he growled, “Mine.”

  His hands started to lift, but I brushed them away gently and leaned forward, because I wanted to nibble on the mocha skin I could see in my peripheral. My lips landed on his heated pec, and I sighed against the warmth, slowly kissing and nibbling my way across his chest, savoring and learning his flesh until I got to a small brown nipple. “Mine.” I bit gently, then I sucked it into my mouth and heard him moan softly, his fingers instantly threading through my hair.

  In the dimly lit room, I gradually nibbled and licked and caressed his heated skin, stroking him with my fingers, slowly lowering until I was sitting on the bed with my legs on either side of his, licking my way over the hard, muscled hills and valleys of his abdomen. His breathing and heartbeat had accelerated, and when I gripped his — holy shit — huge fucking cock, he jerked automatically, thrusting into my hand repeatedly, a rumbling sexy moan reverberating from his chest.

  Trying to reposition myself upon realizing how huge he was I quickly took my hand away, but he took my action the wrong way, his fists tightening in my hair as he groaned in disappointment, and he rapidly stated, “I’m sorry, but it has been a long fucking time.” I glanced up at him at his honest words. His thumb caressed my cheek softly. “I won’t push. You can go at your own pace.”

  I shook my head inside his hold, turned on even more by touching him. “It’s not what you think. You’re just larger than I expected.” I quickly maneuvered so I was on my knees again. “There, now I can do this.”

  “Ah.” I watched as an adorable blush stole over his sharp cheekbones, even though his green gaze held mine. “Right.”

  I smiled up at him. A real one. “I’m going to taste you now.”

  His chest heaved, and he nodded once, eyes on my mouth, the desire on his face hard etched. He didn’t say anything, but it was there in his eyes, in the way he was only just holding himself back from taking over, his muscles clenched tight, and I knew in that moment he was permitting me to do this the way I wanted. He was much larger than me, more powerful than me, and possibly more dominant than me. He wasn’t saying any of this, allowing me to lead, but it was obvious that he wanted me to hurry the fuck up.

  I grinned then lifted my head, staring down at his cock, heavy and hard with need. His grip tightened incrementally on my hair, but again, he didn’t push as I opened my mouth wide — because it sure as hell needed to be with his massive size — and slipped the head of his cock into my mouth. He jerked, a brash, deep shout rumbling from him as I sucked, rolling my tongue around the crown, relishing how his scent and taste intensified here.

  Groaning at the feel of him, I gripped the base of his cock with my right hand, fondling his heavy sac with my other, and the arousal that had started inside my gut heated even lower, my core throbbing at his flavor and the feel of his velvety hardness, the warmth inside making me dizzy with craving. His grip tightened fiercely in my hair while I sucked him hard, bobbing my head as far as I could go while my hand moved with my mouth’s motions, because there was no way in hell I could take him all the way down my throat, my moans of pleasure joining his deep ones.

  As I rubbed my tongue under the head of his cock, he jolted, shouting, “Fucking shit.” His Vampire growled deeply, and his head dipped down. His eyes, focused solely on me as I glanced up, were almost pitch black except for the tiny rim of spring green around the edges, and I knew he was done letting me play, his body beginning to tremble right before he started thrusting in time to my movements. “Harder, sweetheart…fuck, harder.”

  I moaned when his hands, fists full of my hair, started guiding my head as he drove his cock inside my mouth, the feeling of velvet over steel running in and out my mouth, past my lips, across my tongue. I sucked even more firmly and felt him shudder. The inside of my thighs were growing slick as he plunged in and out of my mouth repeatedly, groaning deeply, and feeling restless, I squirmed, whimpering, needing contact.

  I heard him inhale deeply and curse quietly, yanking my head back. “Hush,” he whispered, pressing me back on the bed, his cheeks flushed and his dark, dilated eyes staring at me. Slowly, he lowered his body over mine, my whole frame trembling past desire and on to pained need as his hard, warm contours pressed against my soft ones. I instinctively opened my legs wide for him, another whimper of carnal need leaving my lips at feeling his cock rub against my wet, swollen flesh. “Do you want my cock or fingers or tongue in you first?”

  Panting, I tilted my hips against his. “Your cock. Definitely, your cock.”

  He nodded, gently brushing his lips against mine with the motion. “How rough do you need it?”

  My dilated gaze met his. “It’s been over a year since we last had sex.” A small moan slipped past my lips as he rubbed his cock back and forth over my slick flesh, his gaze intense. “I want you to fuck the living shit out of me.”

  “I think I can handle that,” he growled softly, his large warm palms sliding up my sides, over my shoulders, my neck, my cheeks, and into my hair. He fisted my hair in an unbreakable hold. “Just tell me if I hurt you, and I’ll stop.”

  I nodded, running my hands down his muscled back where it dipped at his waist, and grabbed — I sucked in a breath…fuck, his ass was perfect — two rounded muscled globes. My nails dug in as I gripped him tight, and he moaned softly, his forehead touching mine as he stared me in the eyes. He tipped his hips back, the head of his cock at my core’s entrance, and I squirmed my hips, moaning for him to hurry.

  He thrust brutally, answering my call.

  We both shouted as his huge cock slid inside my slick, tight channel only a few inches, stretching me to the point of pain, and my wolf raised her head again, practically nodded as she double-checked it was my husband, before her head fell back down, absolute approval in the motion.

  Eyes hooded, he panted, “Shit, you’re fucking tight.” I wasn’t so positive I was
all that damn tight, especially after having Isa. Pretty sure the culprit was his huge cock. Nostrils flared, his jaw clenched, he pulled his hips back, thrusting again, my body bowing as I cried out his name; the only thing keeping me in place was the grip he had on my hair. He shuddered, pressing his forehead harder on mine, and I felt his ass flex as he tilted his hips back, then he drove his cock all the way inside my channel, his hips flush with mine. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he groaned shakily, “you feel perfect.”

  I couldn’t even breathe as my channel tried to adjust to his size, but it didn’t mean he didn’t feel damn wonderful inside me, stretching me full. I blinked up at him, my husband, who wore the same expression of pained ecstasy that I must have been wearing, and whispered, “Please.” I needed it, my lower belly burning for friction. “Too long. It’s been too fucking long.”

  Breathless, his lips lifted, and he softly kissed my own, speaking against them. “I’ll do as you asked.” His nose brushed mine before he planted another gentle kiss on my lips. “But after we’re done, I’m going to taste every inch of your flesh, and we’ll go at this slower.” His hips pulled back, and he did exactly as I had requested.

  Fucked the living shit out of me.

  I screamed against his lips as he slammed his hips against mine, driving his cock into me with bruising force, perfect force, the rhythm ruthless. My slick channel coated his pistoning cock to maximum perfection, our skin slapping almost as loudly as our shouts and groans filled the room. “God, baby…oh, fucking yes!” I saw his lips curl as he grabbed the top of the headboard, mocha biceps flexing above me while he pounded in and out of me with relentless fury, easing an ache inside me I hadn’t realized was there until our first kiss. Lifting my legs farther up his sides, I threw my hands above me, pressing back against the headboard when his furious thrusting threatened to throw me into it.

  “More? Do you need more?” he groaned in a pant, sweat beginning to bead on our bodies.


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