Tempting Flame (The Jendari Book 1)
Page 21
"I'm pleased to see you, too, my lady. Thank you for agreeing to officiate for us."
With a wry smile Jamar flicked her glance to Borini. "It took a bit of persuading, but you know how he is."
"I do. Like a me'hendra with a bone."
She laughed. "Just so." Then Jamar released Tallis and stepped in front of Jaz. This time the priestess folded her hands over her heart and gave a respectful nod. "I am Jamar A'vaase, Priestess of the Night Sky."
Taking her cues from the Jendari woman, Jaz crossed her hands over her heart and bowed her head. "I'm honored to meet you, my lady. My name is Jasmine Teale."
"And you are to be bound to Tallis in the am'chai ceremony?"
"And you understand what that entails?"
"Yes. Tallis was careful to explain the commitment involved in being am'chai." Jaz only hoped she could live up to her part of the bargain.
Jamar gave her a long look. "Very well. But before we make you am'chai, there is one important issue we need to resolve."
Jaz's stomach dropped and she looked to Tallis for an explanation. Unfortunately, he didn't look happy either.
"What's going on, Jamar?"
The priestess lifted an imperious brow. "Nothing bad. Be patient."
Jaz could almost hear Tallis grinding his teeth, and when he spoke she could hear how tightly he was controlling his anger. "I know you're aware of how dangerous our situation is. If the Elders find out we're here they'll try to stop the ceremony."
"I'm aware of that." Jamar's voice held a sharp note of authority that made Jaz mentally sit up and take notice. "But I have my own responsibilities. I'm not about to bind the two of you together until I'm satisfied Jasmine understands what it is to be am'chai."
Tallis took a deep breath, but Jaz fancied his teeth were still getting a work out. "As you wish, my lady."
That must be Jendari code for go to hell, because Jamar's eyes narrowed. Jaz's anxiety cranked up a notch. She didn't understand clan politics enough to intervene, but she didn't want the only priestess willing to perform the ceremony to leave because Tallis insulted her.
Hoping she wasn't going to make things worse, Jaz took half a step forward. "Tallis has been very clear about what it means to be am'chai, but I suspect I won't understand the full implications until we're living that life. I do know that this ceremony will bind us to each other exclusively and permanently. According to Tallis, our union will be inviolate and only the Goddess herself can break the bond."
"And you are willing to bind yourself to him, to honor our ways and traditions?"
"I am."
Jamar stepped closer and looked deep into Jasmine's eyes. It was disconcerting to say the least. Jaz felt as though the priestess was peering into her soul, excavating and examining every thought, desire and secret longing. Determined not to let Tallis down, Jaz did her best to hold steady.
Breaking the eye-lock with a short nod, Jamar gave her a reassuring smile. "Good enough. Let's begin."
Jamar signaled to the rhe'hashan, letting them know she was ready. As they came over, Lioth placed a large basket at Jamar's feet, and Deasun headed straight for Jaz, producing a huge bouquet of wildflowers from behind his back.
"This is part of your tradition, yes?"
"Yes." Delighted, Jaz lifted the flowers to her nose and breathed them in. "They're gorgeous, thank you."
"You're welcome." With a cheeky wink Deasun took his place with the others, forming a half circle behind Jamar. The me'hendra scattered themselves between the warriors at random intervals—all except Itohan who wedged himself tightly between Jaz and Tallis.
"Are all guests and witnesses present?" Jamar asked.
The rhe'hashan responded as one. "We are."
"Yes." Jaz and Tallis responded as one.
"In the name of the Goddess I—" Jamar broke off as all the me'hendra stood and turned to face south.
Jaz felt the atmosphere change as the rhe'hashan went on instant alert. "What is it?" she asked Tallis.
He held up his hand for her to wait, and the only reason she did was because she assumed he was talking to Itohan. Then he looked at her with panic in his eyes. "The Elders know what we're doing, and they're going to try to stop us."
"How did they find out?" Jaz's heart squeezed, not immune to some panic of her own.
"I don't know. Through the me'hendra, I expect."
Jaz's anxiety lurched from slightly nervous to full-out terrified. She couldn't bear the thought of coming this close to being married, only to have it snatched away. "I don't understand."
"The me'hendra have abilities we don’t completely understand, and they can access information in ways unique to them. They are also single-mindedly loyal. If one of them saw us, or sensed us in some way, they would have alerted their rhe’hashan partner." Tallis wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her as close as he could with Itohan standing between them. "Are you still with me?"
"Right." He turned to the priestess. "Are you still willing to perform the ceremony?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then we need to hurry. I want to be bound to Jaz before the Elders get here."
Chapter Twenty-Four
Tallis struggled to hold back his rising fury. He'd lost so much in his life, he'd be damned if he'd lose Jaz as well.
His parents had died when he was young, and in the battles he'd fought he'd lost too many friends. He'd left his home world on what many believed was a suicide mission, knowing he could never go back, and he'd traveled across unknown galaxies.
He'd dealt with those loses like the warrior he was, but he couldn't deal with the possibility of losing Jaz. Panic wrapped him in a tight grip, clenching his gut and causing sweat to prickle his skin. The emotion was rare and decidedly unpleasant.
Jasmine owned him body and soul, and she trusted him to take care of her. If the Elders arrived before they could complete the ceremony, being forbidden to see Jaz would be the best-case scenario. At worst, they could both forfeit their lives.
And it wasn't just Tallis and Jaz at risk. By standing with him and helping him, Tallis's brothers also put themselves in harm's way.
Then, just to give his panic some added incentive, the me'hendra in the grove went on high alert.
They are coming, Itohan said.
Tallis's heart skipped a beat then jerked into an unsteady rhythm. How many, and how far out?
Four me'hendra and their rhe'hashan. Itohan paused as he watched the other me'hendra streak out of the grove. I will hunt, you stay with your mate.
Itohan gave Jaz's hand a quick lick then he was off, following his brethren. A moment later the rhe'hashan scrambled, racing out of the clearing behind their four-legged companions. Only Borini and Liron remained—both to witness the ceremony and to fight with Tallis should the worst happen.
Jaz tugged on his arm, her blue-green eyes clouded with fear. "What's going on?"
Tallis figured it was quicker and smarter to simply tell her what was happening. Turning to Jaz, he tried to sound calm and in control. Hopefully she wouldn't realize just how scared he was. "There's a faction of rhe'hashan who believe whole-heartedly in segregation. That's who the Elders will send after us. The me'hendra have gone to try to head them off. Lioth, Hadar, Deasun, and Kasim will delay the force for as long as they can. Borini and Liron will stay with us, both to witness the ceremony and to fight with me should it come to that."
"Oh, my god." Jaz wrapped her arms around her waist, as if she could somehow protect herself. "Will that happen?"
"I don't know. I hope not." Tallis cupped her precious face in his hands and tilted her head up. When she met his gaze he leaned in for a slow, soft kiss. "The best and safest thing for us to do is to complete the ceremony before they get here." Her stared into her eyes, willing her to find her courage. "Once you're am'chai, nobody will be able to touch you. Are you with me?"
"Of course." Jaz spoke the word on an exhale, and when
she breathed in again her spine straightened and her shoulders pulled back. "Let's get it done."
With equal parts pride and relief, Tallis turned to Jamar. "Are you ready, my lady?"
"Yes." The priestess turned to face Jaz. "Jasmine Teale, do you come before Our Lady with a sure purpose and an open heart?"
"I do." Jaz's voice came out a little shaky and Tallis squeezed her hand to let her know she was safe with him. He prayed that the next ten minutes wouldn't turn him into a liar.
"And what is that purpose?" Jamar asked.
"To become am'chai with Tallis."
"And will you bind yourself to him for now and ever more? Will you trust him, love him, and respect him? Will you protect him to the best of your ability?"
"I will."
The power of the Goddess moved through Tallis, surging out from his heart to fill every inch of his body. Jaz gave a start and when she lifted her wide eyes to his, he realized the Goddess had blessed her as well.
Jamar turned to Tallis and asked him the same questions as she'd asked Jaz, and he replied in the affirmative each time.
Bending down to her basket, Jamar drew out a decorative bowl that housed a small, lush plant. She placed the bowl on the ground between Jaz and Tallis. "This is a veneshay, a binding vine," Jamar explained to Jaz. "It represents the beginning of your new life together. It symbolizes your commitment to each other, to the clans, and to the Goddess."
Lifting her hands out from her body, Jamar began to sing. Her voice was crystal clear and Tallis didn't just hear the song, he felt it deep inside. The melody entwined itself with his own song, resonating through every cell in his body.
Under the power of Jamar's magic, the plant began to grow, the vines separating to wrap around his and Jaz's legs. It coiled around them, traveling up over knees, hips and torso. And with every loop they grew one step closer to safety. It didn't take long before he and Jas were wrapped from chest to ankle, with only their arms remaining free.
Found them! Itohan's cry jolted Tallis out of the ceremony for a moment. The fierce joy in the me'hendra's energy was a far cry from the fear beating in Tallis's chest.
I trust your courage, my brother, but don't be reckless. Itohan was fearless and Tallis had fought beside him often enough to respect his abilities. But if the me'hendra got it into his head this was his moment to show off to Jaz, his enthusiasm would override his tactical capabilities.
Not reckless. Just not boring. There was a short pause before Itohan spoke again. Busy now.
And that was it. He cut the link and Tallis could do nothing but offer up a silent prayer for his safety.
The exchange had taken only seconds, but by the time he brought his attention back to Jamar, she was finishing her song. Bending down to the basket at her feet, she picked up a small, ornate knife.
"Ah, what's that for?" Jaz eyed the glinting steel with suspicion.
"It's part of the ceremony." Tallis gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, hoping to avert an argument before she decided to mount one. "I told you about the blood bond."
"You never mentioned a knife."
Tallis frowned as he tried to remember the exact content of the conversation. He thought he'd told everything but— "I'm sorry, shamira. We don't have time for long explanations."
Jamar interrupted him to speak directly to Jaz. "You've committed to Tallis and this ritual. If you want to be am'chai, a blood link is required. All the talk in the world won't change that, and we're running out of time."
"All right." Jaz gave Tallis a hard look out of the corner of her eye. "We'll continue this discussion later."
That was fine by him, if they managed to have a "later" together, she could talk to him about whatever she wanted.
Jamar held out her hand. "Tallis?" Without a word he put his hand palm up in hers. She lifted the knife and made a shallow cut on the fleshy part of his thumb. Tallis felt the press of the blade, but no pain.
Jaz offered her hand but kept her gaze fixed at a point just above Jamar's shoulder. Once the cut was made, the priestess sealed Jaz's hand tight to his. Shifting his grip slightly, he curled his fingers between hers and held tight.
"Blood to blood, heart to heart. Two people, one life, one clan. Tallis and Jasmine, you are am'chai from now until the Goddess calls you home."
Lifting her hands, Jamar placed her palms on their foreheads for the benediction. "I call on the four aspects of the Goddess to bless this union. Gilana the child, who imbues us with joy and creativity, bless Tallis and Jasmine with a lifetime of laughter. Elazar, the mother, who nurtures us and teaches us compassion, bless Tallis and Jasmine with love and understanding. Rahtri the Wise, who offers us wisdom and patience, bless Tallis and Jasmine with knowledge and reflection. And Badria, the warrior Goddess who protects us all, bless your son and his am'chai with strength, courage and endurance."
A thick, prickling sensation ran up Tallis's spine, like a stream of warm water running the wrong way. Jamar began to sing the binding song, and Tallis didn't just hear the sound, he felt it with his whole body. His scalp tingled and the hairs on his skin stood up as though they were electrified. Then a warm flood of Divine energy surged through his body, filling his heart and mind with the love of his Goddess.
He could see by the look of awestruck wonder on Jaz's face that she'd been blessed as well, that she experienced the same power and acceptance, the joy and sense of belonging. In that moment Tallis was so proud of his woman and his Goddess that he thought his heart would overflow.
Jamar's song came to a close and the vines began to unwind from his body. As they did they took with them the euphoria of being touched by the Goddess. The plant shrunk down until it was once again contained in the small pot, and Tallis's fears came back with a vengeance.
The ceremony was almost done and he wasn't sure he could leash his impatience. Every second brought the Elders one step closer and the back of his neck prickled in warning.
Itohan. How goes it?
Still busy. Stop talking.
Tallis clenched his jaw and dropped the link. As much as he wanted to know what was going on, he had no desire to distract Itohan at a critical moment.
Jamar cupped her hands around Tallis's and Jaz's clasped palms, bringing his attention back to the grove. Then the priestess turned to Borini. "Borini K'ahel, do you bear witness to this union?"
"I do."
"And as the leader of the rhe'hashan in New Havilah, do you give your blessing?"
"I do."
"And acting as proxy for Tallis's mother and father, will you welcome Jasmine into the clans?"
"I will."
Jamar nodded and turned back to Tallis and Jaz. "The vow is sanctified and sealed in the presence of family, and in the presence of the Goddess in all her glory. Congratulations to you both." She smiled at Jaz. "Welcome to the clans, my sister."
"Thank you."
Tallis stood back while Borini welcomed Jaz with a fatherly kiss on the cheek. The moment she was free Tallis scooped her up and spun her around. Placing his mouth right next to her ear, he whispered, "I fucking love you."
Laughing, she squeezed her arms around his neck. "I love you, too."
"Tallis." The warning in Borini's voice snapped Tallis into fight mode. Gently placing Jaz on her feet, he turned towards the sound of movement in the forest. A moment later four Elders and two rhe'hashan walked into the sacred grove.
The Elders, Rasheed and Seevah are here. Tallis said to Itohan, naming the rhe'hashan. Who else is coming?
Two more rhe'hashan are playing with the dog and the bear. The bad me'hendra are busy being prey.
The dog and bear were Deasun and Hadar, both aggressive warriors. Tallis hoped that Itohan referring to the opposition me'hendra as "prey" meant their side was winning. Though with Itohan, one could never tell.
The Elders strode across the velvety grass, three men and one women flanked by two wary rhe'hashan. All the Elders had equal rank, but when Talli
s saw that Kharvek M'rath was in their number, it became obvious who would be doing the talking. Kharvek was a career politician and he liked to put himself front and center of every big issue. And there was no issue bigger than making a human am'chai.
When the interlopers were within shouting distance, Itohan burst from the tree line, streaking across the grove. He came to a skidding halt in front of Borini, Tallis, and Liron, who had placed themselves squarely in front of Jaz and Jamar.
Sides heaving, Itohan sat, tail swishing in displeasure. When the two groups were only feet apart, he growled a warning, hackles raised.
Kharvek positioned himself at the head of the group as they came to a halt. "Tallis, control your me'hendra."
"Itohan isn't a pet and he's free to make his own choices." Especially when those choices were ones Tallis heartily endorsed.
Kharvek was a tall man, fit and handsome, but when he puffed himself up and straightened his shoulders, Tallis knew the clansman was in full Elder mode. "Tallis Ba'reha you will surrender into our custody. You have entered into a relationship with an unapproved human and you have breached settlement security by bringing her into New Havilah. Both of those acts contravene our laws and violate the oaths you have taken as rhe'hashan."
Before Tallis could take a breath to reply, Borini spoke up. "Kharvek, you overstep your authority. I answer to the Elders, but the rhe'hashan answer to me alone. Tallis was acting under my orders when he met Jasmine, and he kept me apprised of their deepening relationship. A relationship of which I wholeheartedly approve." Borini took a couple of steps until he stood right next to Itohan. "I'm aware of the security risks in bringing Jasmine here, which is why she had an escort of five rhe'hashan—not including Tallis. It's also why I personally oversaw her movements."
Kharvek's jaw firmed and Tallis could see his face flush with anger. "You rewrite the events of this day before the day is even done. Your attendance here has everything to do with your radical politics and nothing to do with the safety of our people."
"Wrong again." The tension in Borini's body belied the calm tone of his voice. "The segregation policy is shortsighted and dangerous. We will never be in harmony with humans if we keep ourselves separate from them."