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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Allyson Young

  “Gag her, for God’s sake, Jeff,” he said. “She’s a screamer, and she’ll bring the whole department running.”

  Jeff released his hold on her nipple and his hand came up to cover her mouth. Alex huffed into his palm, her nipples already regretting the loss of his touch. Devon lapped through the folds of her labia and then turned his attention to her clitoris. He suckled the distended flesh, pushing back the hood, and then sucked it hard against his palate. Jeff ordered her to open her eyes and look at him, and Alex came hard in the first orgasm of her life, her body bowing up to meet Devon, her screams muffled by Jeff’s hand, somehow keeping her eyes focused up at Jeff’s.

  “Holy fuck, Jeff,” Devon asked. “Was that what I thought it was?”

  “Alex, was that the first time for you, darlin’?”

  Alex nodded her head, eyes now ground shut, bottom lip quivering.

  “Baby girl, there is so much we want to teach you and have you experience,” Jeff spoke softly in her ear. “Will you give us the chance?”

  He sat her up in his lap then helped her stand while Devon slid her panties back on and then her jeans. He palmed her breasts through her shirt, not bothering to fasten her bra as he cuddled with her and awaited her response. Alex was bemused and overwhelmed. She would probably go straight to hell for this, but she felt like a kid in a candy store who had just tasted chocolate for the first time.

  “If you want to,” she answered.

  Jeff and Devon chuckled.

  “Oh, we want to, Alex,” confirmed Devon. “Give us your address, and we’ll come see you around seven tonight.”

  “I have two roommates,” Alex said.

  “Then we’ll pick you up at seven. Pack a bag so that we can bring you back here to work on Monday. Oh, and Alex? We are control freaks in the bedroom, so think about that.”

  Alex took a deep breath and nodded. For sure she would go to hell for this, but she was going to step out of her good-girl role for once. She had been missing something all this time.

  Devon and Jeff kissed her briefly in turn. Devon turned at the door and said, in a deep, commanding voice, “No touching yourself, Alex,” and left with Jeff.

  Wondering what that was all about, Alex made her way to the bathroom and did her best to tidy her dishevelled appearance. She hardly recognized the woman peering back at her from the mirror. That woman looked happy and full of anticipation, unlike the calm, persistent bone seeker from a week ago. Alex decided then and there to take an early day in order to go buy some sexy underwear and a nightgown for the weekend ahead. She put a note on her office door, grabbed her purse and cell phone, and locked up early for the first time in her life.

  Chapter Two

  “She’s too good to be true, buddy,” stated Devon to Jeff as they drove back to the station. “We are two lucky men.”

  “We can’t push her too fast, Dev,” cautioned Jeff. “She’s special, and I don’t want her to run from us once she knows our kink and how dominant we are.”

  Devon shrugged. Jeff knew that Devon had lots of faith in his ability to win a woman over, and Jeff was always there to keep the edges soft.

  “I mean it, Devon.” Jeff’s voice took on an edge. “This feels like the real deal, and I’m not going to lose her.”

  Devon hesitated, and Jeff could almost read his thoughts. Devon was worrying that this woman might come between them. His friend replied, “I hear you, Jeff. Keep me honest.”

  They continued in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts, and then Jeff asked quietly, “What did she look like, Devon?”

  “Pink like those roses Mrs. Winters grows next door, and her clit is a shade darker. And she tastes kinda sweet and fresh all at once,” Devon replied with a chuckle, never taking his eyes off the road. “I put one finger in, Jeff, and it didn’t go past the knuckle,” he continued. “I’ve never had a virgin before, but seems there’s a chance and I didn’t want to push it.”

  “No shit. So then her ass is cherry, too. One for each of us.”

  “You forgot that mouth, Jeff,” Devon answered. “Guess we’ll play for that one. And I kinda like the blonde curls, but I think we should just leave a little ruffle right on top of her. I want nothing between us and her pussy lips.”

  Jeff laughed and thought about all the games he and Devon had played over the years. Who would get to shave her? Who would be first to get blown? Maybe they could see who could make their girl come the most often in a time-specific period. The winner would get sucked off. Or maybe they would blindfold her and have her taste them alternately and play guess who. She would earn a punishment for every time she got it wrong, followed by a reward. He wanted to get to know Alex, too, though. It didn’t feel like it was going to be just about the sex. He wanted the whole package for him and his friend. Life was good.

  * * * *

  Devon was lost in his own dirty thoughts, but he wondered about the woman, too, if she came from a big family like he did, or was an only child, like Jeff? How did she come to such a profession? He liked intelligent women, and those with some spirit, too. He thought Alex might have some of the latter, though it was hidden, and her eyes shone with intelligence. They would be proud to take her to the Club.

  He and Jeff had grown up together and then went to college, taking law enforcement courses. They ended up applying for positions in the same detachment. They found a house and renovated it, preparing a huge master suite with adjoining bath and a playroom, having discovered BDSM during college. Sharing women was the next, natural step. The guys they worked with had ribbed them with some gay comments initially, but the rumours and the fact that several of those officers were members in the same local Club soon dispelled any hint that they were homosexual. They were familiar with one another’s bodies, their abilities, and interests simply because of their sexual sharing. If Devon touched Jeff’s cock or balls, it was because he was reaching between his friend’s legs to help pleasure the woman his friend was buried inside.

  The two of them could pass as brothers, tall and broad-shouldered, slow to anger, and similar in mannerisms. But where Devon was blond and blue-eyed, Jeff was brown over green. They never fought, rarely argued, and most everyone knew they were a formidable team. Devon visited his family at their usual bimonthly gatherings, and Jeff went along, included without question. Jeff had regular contact with his elderly academic parents, but they were engrossed in their research and each other, so Jeff tended to get his family fix from Devon’s. Devon turned his thoughts back to planning Alex’s sexual education.

  Chapter Three

  Alex stood in the lingerie aisle and fingered the beautiful items on display. She had no idea what to choose or even what size she wore. She had never worn anything like it before. A breezy voice caused her to turn and see a petite brunette coming her way.

  “How may I help you?”

  “I’d like a bra and panty set, but I’m not sure,” Alex stuttered. “I’m just looking.”

  She felt so stupid, wondering what the other woman was thinking of her. But there didn’t seem to be an issue as the woman stepped back and perused her shrinking form.

  “I’ll measure you, but I think a size six, and a thirty-four C should work.”

  Alex found herself trailing the clerk to the change room where she was handed a robe and asked to remove her clothing. She was pretty sure a size eight was way too small, but she was then measured and lifted and stretched, pushed and prodded with efficiency. In under half an hour Alex found herself nearly three hundred dollars lighter, clutching a small bag filled with the most beautiful scraps of lace, wandering out the door of the boutique.

  Alex showered, washed, and dried her hair, then smoothed her usual baby lotion over her body. She stared at the bottle, wondering if she should have purchased something else today, then shrugged. She had used baby shampoo and lotion all her life. She had never had an interest in anything different, much like her lack of interest in makeup. Lip balm was a must in her dry office, but eve
n that was plain and tasteless. Perhaps she had lived a truly bland existence until today.

  Alex donned the tiny panties and matching bra. The creamy lace edged with chocolate brown satin flattered her light skin if she did say so herself. The cups lifted her breasts and displayed more than she would have thought acceptable, but she felt different, happy somehow, just looking at herself. She flushed, reminding herself not to be vain, and avoided the mirror. But she didn’t take the underwear off, pulling her robe on so that she could go to her bedroom without any comments from her roommates. Gloria and Eva were engrossed with their cell phones and didn’t look up as she passed, but she knew how curious they were about one another’s lives and didn’t want them invading hers. They all got along, but Alex knew they wouldn’t miss her if she weren’t there just as long as her share of the rent got paid.

  The jeans and button-down shirt laid out on the bed didn’t have as much appeal, but Alex had little else to choose from. She didn’t date, and she didn’t partake in sexual encounters, unless one could count that fumbling years ago with that guy who was as inexperienced as she was. Well, she didn’t partake in sexual encounters until today. Alex’s body flooded in memory of what those two had done to her. Her private parts heated and moistened, and Alex hurriedly took the little panties off, not wanting them to get soiled.

  She found her hand wandering between her legs, seeking the same spot Devon had found, seeking to recapture the same feelings she had experienced. Alex lay back on her bed and felt a surge of those sensations. She continued her exploration, experimenting, thinking about how it felt to have Devon’s mouth on her there with Jeff holding her captive. She couldn’t have stopped them, though to be honest, she really hadn’t wanted to. Alex knew, intellectually, what genitals looked like and the specifics of reproduction. She had two female roommates for heaven’s sake who talked about sex and men all the time. And she didn’t get to her age without formal education on sexuality. She now thought that there might be a whole lot more to it than she was aware of or believed. The sensation in her belly and thighs grew and intensified with the memory of what had taken place, and she was rewarded with a small eruption, but nothing like what Devon had coaxed from her. Alex petted herself and wiggled, then guiltily pulled her hand away.

  Goodness, it was nearly seven, and she wasn’t dressed. She wiped herself with tissue and then drew the panties back on. Pulling up her jeans and fastening her shirt over her new bra took barely a minute, but already there was a knocking on the apartment door. Alex didn’t know if she had time to put her hair up and chose to leave it down to give her a moment to tuck the new nightgown into her little overnight case. She took a deep breath, toed her feet into her flats, and walked to the bedroom door in response to Gloria’s agitated call that someone was there for her!

  Alex’s heart jumped in her chest at the sight of the two men standing just inside the front door. They were introducing themselves and declining drinks and offers to be seated from both Gloria and Eva, who were nearly dancing in place. Alex held back a smile and said hello. She was rewarded with two intense stares, and she flooded her new panties. Darn it all.

  “Ready to go, honey?” asked Devon, reaching out a hand to her.

  Jeff came forward and relieved her of the suitcase, taking her elbow and ushering her between himself and Devon.

  “I’ll be back Sunday night,” Alex tossed over her shoulder to her roommates.

  “Monday night,” corrected Devon with a smile and shut the door on two astonished, wide-eyed faces.

  “I’m going to get labelled something bad after this,” Alex commented.

  “What do you mean?” asked Jeff, looking her in the eye.

  “I should have met you somewhere. I’m not naïve enough to think going off with two men with a suitcase will be written off as nothing,” answered Alex.

  “You need to get used to it, Alex,” proclaimed Devon seriously as he opened the door of the SUV. “Just keep your head up as there are always going to be people who judge others.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Alex said under her breath, earning her a look from either man, but they didn’t comment further.

  Jeff followed Alex into the backseat, surprising her. Devon got behind the wheel and pulled out into the street. Jeff made sure she was buckled in and then started to unbutton her blouse.

  “Hey,” Alex complained, pushing his hands away, “we’re in public here.”

  “The windows are darkened, and no one can see in,” Jeff said patiently. “You are going to learn that you can trust us never to put you in a position that would make you too uncomfortable, humiliated, or embarrassed. Now put your hands on the seat.”

  Alex reluctantly did as she was told, feeling that mutinous feeling flicker deep inside but pushing it away as she always did. Compliant, that was her.

  Jeff pushed the blouse apart and whistled. “Our little gal has some fine taste in lingerie, Devon. I think I’ll leave it on so you can see it later.”

  Alex blushed with pleasure that her purchase had been appreciated then jerked in reaction as Jeff pinched her nipples through the fabric. He watched her intently as he did so, and Alex remembered not to close her eyes. Jeff seemed to smile in approval and satisfaction, and as she watched he looked up to meet Devon’s eyes in the rearview mirror. Alex was responding. Jeff stopped his tormenting of her nipples and rebuttoned her blouse. He sat back, and Alex realized they were pulling into the driveway of a ranch-style home.

  “Do you live here?” she asked.

  “We do, for several years now,” answered Jeff.

  Devon got out and opened the door for her, helping her from the seat and walked her into the house. Jeff followed with her case and set it down in the hall closet.

  “My stuff is in there,” Alex said.

  “You won’t need anything in there until Monday morning, darlin’,” advised Jeff.

  Alex looked around the large living area, admiring the stone fireplace and hardwood floors. She could see a dining area and what appeared to be an updated kitchen beyond. The blinds were lowered, and the only light came from strategically placed lamps. Then the looking time was over as Devon planted his mouth on hers and took her breath away with a masterful kiss. She tried to respond, shyly touching his tongue with hers, and he groaned against her lips. He tore his mouth from hers and gave her a dark smile.

  “I’d like to see the new undies, Alex,” he said. “Strip.”

  Alex stepped back, flustered.


  Seemingly without volition, Alex fumbled with the buttons of her shirt, opening it and sliding it off, allowing it to drop to the floor behind her. Devon’s eyes glowed as he saw her bra, and he reached out to trace a finger across the swells of her breasts. He gestured to her jeans and raised an eyebrow. Alex obediently unfastened her jeans and pushed them down, slipping her shoes off as she did so. She stood there in her bare feet, wearing the scraps of lace and satin that had made her feel so beautiful earlier, and tried to stay proud in front of their gazes. She had always thought she was average in height and weight and didn’t need to worry too much about what she ate, when she remembered to leave her desk to do so. But standing there watching the heated look in Devon’s and Jeff’s eyes as they looked her up and down made her tremble. Alex didn’t know if she was shamed or aroused.

  “Beautiful, honey,” said Devon.

  “Perfect,” said Jeff. “Just perfect.”

  He touched each pink nipple, just visible behind the fabric, with a finger and smiled as they hardened under his touch. Stepping closer to her, he flicked the front catch open, and her breasts spilled out of the cups as he pushed the straps down her arms to her elbows.

  “Leave it like that and look at me. Keep your eyes on mine,” he commanded.

  Devon moved behind her and pulled the little panties down her legs, and she raised one foot then the other to allow him to put them to the side. He slipped his hand between her legs with authority, and she automaticall
y set her feet apart to give him room.

  “Have you been touching yourself, Alex?” he asked.

  Alex froze. He had told her not to touch herself when he left this afternoon. Was that what he had meant? But he had shown her such pleasure, and she had wanted to replicate it. And it was her body! She bit her lip.

  “Don’t lie,” said Jeff, “or you’ll wrack up another punishment.”

  “What are you talking about? What do you mean by punishment?” Alex was bewildered and a bit irritated.

  “We tell you what to do or not to do when it comes to your sexuality, Alex,” answered Devon, now standing close behind her. “You said you wanted us to teach you, and we are very good teachers. But teachers expect their students to obey, don’t they?”

  Alex sputtered, “Good teachers respond to questions, too, as students learn from that as well.”

  “We’ll entertain questions, Alex,” Jeff replied, “and sometimes we’ll answer with a show instead of a tell. Now answer Devon.”

  “I did, just before you came to pick me up.”

  “Why?” asked Devon.

  “I wanted to feel the same way you made me feel earlier today.”

  “So you don’t masturbate?” Jeff inquired.

  Alex flushed to her toes. How personal was this going to get? But she was kidding herself if she could be embarrassed after what had taken place right in her gosh darn office!


  “Well, honey, you won’t need to masturbate with us around, unless of course we want you to put on a show for us,” crowed Devon, “and since all of your orgasms belong to us, don’t touch yourself or we’ll punish you.”

  Alex carefully asked, “What is a punishment?”

  “We’ll tan your bottom, honey,” said Devon.

  “Or pleasure you but not let you come,” added Jeff.

  “I don’t think so,” replied Alex. “I think you should take me home.”


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