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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Allyson Young

  Jeff washed her with the warm cloth, and Devon passed him a towel to pat her dry.

  “Need the bathroom, darlin’?” he asked.

  Alex shook her head, her gray eyes fixed on him, a bit wary. He smiled at her, a dark smile.

  “My turn,” he said.

  Jeff took the same position as Devon had, only on the other side, being left-handed, and waited until Devon set the timer. Alex was protesting now and trying to move away, so he bit lightly into her shoulder and reminded her of the list. She subsided, but he heard her teeth set.

  “On the clock, man,” said Devon as he bent forward to view Alex’s pussy spread beneath Jeff’s hand.

  Jeff began with Alex’s clitoris, rubbing circles around it and sliding back its hood. Alex began to moan and thrash a little and he pushed her thigh in warning as she slid it closed. As she obediently spread it again, Jeff pushed his index finger just inside her opening and moved it in tiny circles, feather-light and quick. Back to her clit then to her vagina. Alex’s vagina reached toward his fingertip, trying to pull him in, her body knowing what to do out of age-old instinct. Jeff obliged and finger-fucked her in earnest now, feeling her start to ripple around him. He pulled free and pinched her clit, to be rewarded with Alex’s wail of completion. He was breathing as hard as if he’d been running a marathon, affected by this responsive woman in a manner he’d never before experienced. And a virgin to boot.

  “Shit, just over two minutes,” complained Devon. “I’d better get her ass.”

  Chapter Five

  An hour and a half later the three of them sat around the dining room table, eating tacos and bean dip Devon had picked up earlier and left to warm in the oven. He and Jeff were drinking beer while Alex slugged back a Coke. Not a Diet Coke, not Caffeine-Free, but an honest to goodness Coke. That was his girl. She ate with gusto, too, not like the other women they dated, who picked at their plates and worried about gaining an ounce. Alex was slender but not thin. Her breasts were full and her ribs and hipbones didn’t gash them, and her ass was rounded and soft.

  Devon and Jeff were wearing boxers, and Alex was wearing a handful of silk with lace and ribbons over the bodice, slit up each leg, in a color the hue of milk chocolate. She had negotiated hard to cover up at all, but he and Jeff couldn’t resist her pleas to wear something chosen just for them. They would keep her naked or in gowns like this at home, he thought, imagining her at the door when they got home from work. They hadn’t decided if she would kneel for them or not. Both were considered Doms, but neither practiced high protocol, though some things were nonnegotiable. Like what Alex would wear once she moved in, and where she would sleep, and if she would work or not. The latter would have to be sorted out; he already knew that much about her, but they had to come before her work.

  “What’s your full name, Alex?” Devon inquired.

  “Alexandra Stephanie Desjarlais. I’m of French descent, and my mom’s name was Stephanie.”

  “Are your mom and dad still alive, honey?”

  “I grew up in a foster home and convent school because I was orphaned,” Alex said quietly. “I have no family other than the one who fostered me and I don’t see them very often anymore.”

  Devon reflected on both their good luck and the bad. Alex was innocent because of her background, but would fight ingrained shame and embarrassment. He also felt badly for Alex that she had no real family. But his family would embrace her. They knew about the sharing he and Jeff practiced, and he couldn’t imagine his family not liking Alex.

  * * * *

  Jeff fed Alex another bite of taco and watched her tongue come out to gather up a bit of salsa. He focused on that pointed tip and struggled to contain the lust simmering just below his surface. Alex needed to rest and eat before they took her back to bed, and he drew on his sexual training to deny his need for the moment. Devon was watching her mouth, too, and Jeff smiled inwardly at the puppy-dog look Devon wore, so unaware. Alex opened up to them about her education and work, too, her enthusiasm for the bones of history charming him, captivating him. Her smile was infectious, her intelligence shone forth, and he hardly even thought about what was to happen shortly. Or at least, not that much.

  He listened as Devon teased Alex about her roommates and wished he hadn’t when she sobered. It was clear she had few friends, having learned early on to take a backseat. It was a wonder that people, considering her good nature and gentleness, hadn’t used her. Her loyalty to her boss and coworkers, not to mention her work, seemed unswerving, too. Perhaps her profession had isolated her enough to make her seem boring and not much use to the takers in the world.

  Jeff paused in his thoughts. He and Devon took from their women, and they would expect Alex to give everything to them. He consoled himself with the belief that they would provide everything for her and give back twofold. Ultimately, she would have the power if she didn’t break in the process.

  He shook his head slightly. Devon tended to have deep, dark thoughts sometimes, and Jeff struggled with enough of his own when it came to a woman’s total submission. He resolved to honour his promise to Devon and keep him honest, ensuring that they made the best possible choices for Alex. She inherently wanted to give up control to them, that he believed, but there was a spirit about her he didn’t want them to break.

  Alex stood from her chair and stretched. She stepped away from the table and headed toward the hall closet.

  “Where are you going?” snapped Devon.

  Startled, Alex replied, “I want my toothbrush. I always brush after meals.”

  Devon said, “There’s a toothbrush in the bathroom for you, and probably everything else you’ll need.”

  Alex stood tall. “Come on, this is silly, Devon. I brought a toothbrush.”

  “That’s four, Alex.”

  * * * *

  Four! Good grief, these two liked to be in control. She didn’t bother asking about how the number got to four because in truth the last couple of punishments had turned out pretty good for her. Alex headed to the master bath. Sure enough, there was a toothbrush still in its packaging and a new tube of paste as well as some floss. Alex performed her usual routine with due diligence and had just disposed of the floss when Jeff came in the door. She hadn’t forgotten his contention that she was a virgin, and she wondered how much longer that condition would last.

  “Use the toilet, Alex,” he said.

  Alex looked at him and then the toilet, creasing her brow.

  “You aren’t going to have another chance for a while, and a full bladder will prove to be uncomfortable.”

  Alex waited for him to leave, but he stood there, waiting. She just knew it was another one of those control things they’d told her about. She backed to the toilet and lowered herself, keeping her nightgown over her thighs. It was hard to let go with him standing there watching, but she finally peed and then wiped herself under the cover of her gown, reaching back to flush. She went to wash her hands, conscious of green eyes now hard as emeralds watching her.

  “I’ll let it go this time, darlin’,” Jeff said, “but the next time you won’t have a nightgown to hide behind. Now, start up the bidet and take that sexy thing off.”

  Alex pushed the button on the top of the bidet and watched the water begin to swirl. Jeff crossed to her as she pulled the nightgown over her head. He helped her settle over the bidet and then pumped some clear soap into his hand. Watching her intently, he reached between her legs and washed her pussy and bottom thoroughly in the warm water. Maybe if he hadn’t been watching her, Alex would have found the experience soothing. As it was, she felt the signs of arousal once again. Jeff pulled her to her feet and allowed the bidet to drain while he patted her dry with one of those warm towels.

  “I’ve never used a bidet before,” she said.

  “They don’t take as long as a shower and we find they come in handy, darlin’. Now come on, I’ve waited long enough.”

  They entered the bedroom where Devon lay on his side on
the bed. He had lit several candles and turned off all but one of the lights. The bed had been remade with a soft cotton sheet and the covers pulled down to the foot of the bed. Devon’s eyes were dark and his face taut. He patted the middle of the bed, and Alex clambered into it, stretching out on her back.

  Devon immediately claimed her mouth in a possessive kiss, and it seemed that he would draw the breath from her body. He supported his weight on one hand and began to fondle her breasts with the other. Alex moaned as he rolled her nipples. Breaking the kiss, Devon put his mouth on her breast and suckled her, taking as much of her inside of his mouth as he could. He then nipped the sensitive underside and turned his attention to her other breast.

  Jeff took his place on her other side, and she felt his hands smooth over her stomach and down to her pussy. He shoved gently at her thighs, and she rolled them back and opened for him. He stroked her gently, tantalizing her clit and her opening. Then he pushed a finger into her vagina and thrust slowly upward. Alex felt him push against her, and it hurt. He seemed to know and withdrew to thrust knuckle-deep, then added another finger. Alex began to rock against him, and her natural lubrication started to flow. Jeff added a third digit and stretched them apart.

  Alex felt so full and ached for more. She wiggled and pushed against Jeff’s fingers, and he continued to thrust and stretch her.

  “She’s so tight, Devon,” he told his friend. “I’m going to be a long while here.”

  “I hurt for you, you lucky bastard,” Devon replied, “but you won fair and square. I’ll just concentrate on other parts.”

  Alex wished they wouldn’t talk about her like she couldn’t hear, though it was kind of hot. She liked it when they cuddled her after they made her come, and loved the things they said afterward. Another sensation distracted her. Jeff drew her moisture to her anus and stroked her there. It felt so interesting yet so wrong. Devon bit a nipple, and she jumped, reaching to push him away even as the tiny pain rushed to her vagina.

  “Hold onto the headboard, Alex, or I’ll tie your hands,” he ordered.

  Jeff kept stroking her anus and thrusting and scissoring his fingers in her vagina. He then began to lick her clit with long, lapping strokes, and Alex started to pant. Devon continued to nibble and suck her nipples, and Alex dripped moisture in response. To her chagrin, Jeff pulled away, and she heard a crinkle of foil. She somehow realized Jeff was sheathing himself, protecting her from pregnancy, and then understood what was next and tensed. Devon distracted her with another kiss and palmed her breasts as Jeff moved to lie between her legs. She felt something hard between her thighs and then between her labia.

  “Relax, darlin’,” Jeff crooned to her, staring down into her wide eyes. “I’ll take it slow. I’ll fit, I promise.”

  He inched forward, stretching her and making slow progress. Devon stroked her hair and murmured in her ear. Alex began to relax and open to Jeff. She felt him push against something far inside, and he looked deep into her eyes. It was as though he was trying to telegraph his love and care, and she blinked. At that he surged through, ignoring her gasp of pain, and began to drive back and forth into her.

  “So fucking tight, Devon,” he groaned. “You can’t imagine.”

  Alex felt skewered at first by Jeff’s invasion, and her first instinct was to fight him. But she held on to the headboard and tried to accommodate his thrusts. She felt a warm flush come over her, and her body began to surge to meet his. She felt his testicles slap against her and his cock push against her cervix and rejoiced in the sensations. He swivelled his hips somehow and pushed against that spot Devon had discovered earlier, and Alex felt the now familiar coil of orgasm deep within her.

  * * * *

  Jeff felt her first trembles as she strained for climax. He knew he wouldn’t last, losing it early with a virgin for fuck’s sake, and reached out to Devon with a glance just before his balls drew up and he spent himself into the condom.

  Devon reached between their bodies and pressed Alex’s clit. She milked Jeff’s cock in her release, causing him to groan loudly. Her hands let go of the headboard, and she wrapped her arms around Jeff and Devon both, holding them close, crying silent tears. Jeff knew he had hurt her at first, but then realized her tears were not from pain.

  * * * *

  Devon waited for Alex to process and enjoy her experience. He was touched beyond explanation at how she had included him after Jeff had fucked her. Part of him felt like a greedy pig to expect her to take him next, but he craved a release with her. Jeff shifted to take some of the weight off of her and nodded to Devon, who rolled on a condom. Alex complained a little when she was shifted, and Jeff pulled out of her and dealt with the condom.

  Devon slid over her, resting his forehead on hers, pressing his mouth to hers.

  “Are you sore, honey?” he breathed.

  Alex stared back at him. “A little,” she admitted.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he told her, warmed at her nod of acceptance and thrilled as her hands reached up to grasp the headboard.

  Devon pushed into her, feeding her his cock steadily inch by inch until he was seated as far into her as he could get. It took some time and all of his will power to hold back, but he held still and watched her face. Alex’s mouth had fallen open a little, and her eyes were enormous.

  “Do it, Devon, please,” she whispered. “Do it now.”

  Devon pulled back and powered forward with slow, easy strokes.

  * * * *

  Jeff lay close beside Alex and intently watched his friend fuck their woman, his cock filling and lengthening again as he did so. Alex kept her eyes open, and he saw clear through to her soul, those gray eyes now shimmering silver. Devon must have seen it, too, because he increased his tempo in her, now thrusting hips as she matched his rhythm. Jeff slid his hand between the pair and down to where Alex’s body met Devon’s, sliding his finger around the top rim of her vagina then over her clit. She called out, and Devon bucked his release. Alex hugged them both to her again then closed her eyes and slipped into sleep. Jeff noted the satisfied smile that lingered even into slumber and hoped she was thinking of waking up to them. They had lots in store for her.

  Chapter Six

  Alex woke to the smell of coffee wafting under her nose and struggled to focus on a naked Jeff presenting a large china mug of the black gold to her.

  “Morning, sunshine.” He beamed at her. “Let’s get you showered and out for breakfast. We have a full day planned.”

  Alex stretched, wincing at unfamiliar aches and pains, though the one between her legs wasn’t a really negative reminder. She smiled at Jeff and reached for the coffee, pouting when he held it just out of her reach, enticing her to get out of bed and into the bathroom.

  “Gimme,” she threatened.

  Jeff held the cup to her lips, and she sipped, secretly pleased to taste coffee prepared just as she liked it. They had observed even that little detail about her.

  Jeff set the cup on the vanity and opened the shower door, reaching in to turn on the water. “Use the toilet, Alex.”

  Alex hurried to sit and pee while his back was to her. She had just wiped when he turned and caught her trying to be circumspect. Jeff raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Alex went to wash her hands and located her toothbrush. Jeff used the toilet and patiently waited for her to clean her teeth then pulled her into the shower. Alex was unsettled by the intimacy in the bathroom, but didn’t have time to dwell on it. Jeff washed her from head to toe, being very gentle at her entrance, then shampooed her hair and conditioned it. Alex began to get wet when he ran the razor over her underarms, her legs, and finally her pussy.

  “I could do this myself,” she tried to protest.

  “We take care of what is ours, Alex, and you belong to us now,” Jeff told her.

  He suddenly slipped a finger into her vagina and rubbed the special spot. Alex went on tiptoe and squeaked. Jeff laughed and withdrew.

  “Too soon, darlin’,” he said. “We ar
en’t going to hurt you.”

  Alex didn’t know about that edict. His finger hadn’t hurt her, and now she wanted more. Muttering under her breath, she opened the shower door. Devon stood in the bathroom doorway, also naked, and aroused.

  “Shower games?” he asked, reaching for a warmed towel and wrapping her up in it and holding her close.

  Alex’s answer was short. “No.”

  Devon smiled at her and said to Jeff, “We’ve created a monster, partner.”

  Alex opened her mouth to protest then shrugged. She guessed they had.

  “Time for breakfast, sweetheart, then we’ll show you our special playroom,” confided Devon with a devilish smile.

  “Playroom?” asked Alex.

  “Kind of like a classroom, honey, but more of that show-and-tell stuff.”

  Alex’s pussy clenched and her nipples perked up, eliciting more amusement from the men. Jeff gently pushed her toward the kitchen, stroking her bottom as she moved, and Devon ran a finger over a nipple as she passed him.

  They ate omelettes and toast with heaps of bacon, washed down with orange juice. No one had ever made such meals for her in her entire life, and the wacky conversation that took place throughout made her feel like she belonged or something. Jeff figured out she liked crisp bacon and fed her pieces from his plate. Devon took the time to find marmalade for her toast. Even being naked didn’t seemed strange. Devon licked a tiny drop of jam from her bottom lip, and that turned her on considerably.

  After they ate, she excused herself to use the bathroom and fled. To her relief, neither man followed her, so she wondered if they would continue to allow her privacy. She hoped so, but was surprised to find herself already accepting their expectations and edicts. She returned to the kitchen to find everything cleared away and wandered down the hall looking for them, finding them in a family room-sized space that held furniture of sorts and other items she could only guess at.


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