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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Allyson Young

  Devon scrubbed his hands over his face. “I won’t guilt her out, Jeff. But it’s just this once. She’ll have to accept that, or I don’t see this relationship going anywhere. Fuck, man, I don’t know how I’m going to be able to stand it. She’s ours. And I thought we were hers.”

  Jeff found the repeated downloads on the computer each night and showed Devon. They agreed to resign themselves to give Alex what she clearly wanted. They agreed to make it home for dinner on Friday and hear Alex out then reassure her with the news that she didn’t have long to wait. They would do this for her because they loved her, despite their fear that it would end what they all had together. Stephan continued to be supportive and encouraging as were their other colleagues who participated at the Club. Greg was the lone voice who shared some reservations. He mentioned that Lacey felt this was a rather odd change of heart on Alex’s part, but upon hearing the evidence he, too, conceded.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next two days were a nightmare for Alex. It didn’t matter how late she stayed up. When Devon and Jeff finally got home, they smelled of beer and were in no mood to make time for her, shooing her off to bed, chiding her for not taking better care of herself. They kissed her good night, but their kisses were fleeting and lacked any depth of feeling. It was like they were withholding themselves from her, and it killed off something inside. She got up early both mornings. The first day she was in time to see the SUV backing down the driveway. The second day, she found Devon in the shower, masturbating, his head against the tile, his lips tight, and anger rolling off of him in waves. Alex crept back to the master bedroom and pulled the covers over her head so they wouldn’t hear her crying. She didn’t bother getting up Friday morning.

  On Friday, Alex tried to compose a letter to her men. She handwrote it, finding her laptop too cold, too clinical. She told them how much she loved them and was sorry that they weren’t satisfied with her. She apologized for not being more sensitive to their needs and offered to try it their way, at least once. She told them that she believed love was about compromise, so she would do her best. Alex hoped it didn’t look too much like a pity party and shoved it under the desk blotter. She would try to express herself better later. In any event, she would e-mail it to them if they continued to avoid her. She had a tiny spark of temper building and was close to branding them as cowards. They needed to tell her what they wanted. They needed to talk.

  Alex had spent the time alone thinking and doing more research on BDSM. She thought she had a better understanding, though it wasn’t the lifestyle for her. Devon and Jeff had more experience with it and had been trained themselves, so she supposed they thought taking it to the next level would be highly satisfactory and that perhaps she would come to like it as well. As if.

  * * * *

  Alex had prepared apple-glazed pork chops, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables for dinner. Both Devon and Jeff really liked that combination, and it was the first time they had shared a meal in over a week. She had also prepared a little speech, glad she hadn’t had to resort to an e-mail. To say she was nervous was an understatement, but she couldn’t stand the tension any longer.

  The three of them sat down to eat and while the conversation was stilted at least they were talking. Alex waited until they were nearly finished eating and opened the topic. The food had tasted like ashes in her mouth, and the way the guys had pushed it around on their plates, she figured they weren’t enjoying the meal either.

  “I need to talk with you about something that I learned, guys,” she began, “and it’s important. So please, can you give me a few minutes?”

  “It’s okay, Alex. We really don’t need to talk about it. It’s not like it’s a secret. So we went ahead like we usually do and hope you’ll be okay with it,” Devon said with a blank look on his face.

  Jeff shot him a look. “I’m not sure what you mean,” Alex said cautiously.

  Devon ploughed ahead. “Alistair has arranged a scene for you tonight at the Club. With Stephan. We thought he was the most experienced, well, the best choice for you. It’s at nine. We’ll get you ready.”

  Alex sat frozen in her chair. She was going to offer, but they’d taken away her choice. Maybe it was better this way. Mostly they did things to and for her without allowing her to make a choice or even have a say, and it was always okay in the end. In fact, it was wonderful. So deciding for her was what worked for them and had for her. She would do her best this time and try to fake it.

  “Fine. I mean, that’s…” Alex pushed back from the table to hide her trepidation and began to gather up the dishes. “There isn’t a lot of time. I need to shower and stuff.”

  Jeff came around behind her pulled her against his chest, his mouth at her ear. “Only if you’re sure, Alex.”

  This was her chance. She could back out now. She wasn’t sure and was, in fact, terrified. But she couldn’t do that to them. She forced a big smile and made her eyes happy.

  “I’m sure, Jeff.”

  “Leave the mess. There isn’t much time,” he managed to say.

  Alex was stupefied at the depth of Devon’s reaction when he grabbed her and crushed her lips under his. He must be so grateful and aroused that she hadn’t fussed. Good old compliant Alex.

  Jeff led the way to the bedroom where they stripped her efficiently. She stood, watching them remove their own clothing, their cocks rigid and their stares intent on her. She dimly felt like she was being rewarded for good behaviour and wanted to scream at them, scratch at their faces and pull out their hair. But she swallowed her ire and allowed them to pull her to the bed.

  They took turns kissing her and stimulating her breasts. She began to respond to them despite her chaotic thoughts. Devon thrust two fingers into her and worked her G-spot, then pulled out to penetrate her bottom with the wet digits. He wasn’t really gentle, and she flinched a bit against his onslaught. He rolled her onto her side, working his fingers deeper into her ass while Jeff pinched her clit and pushed a finger up her. It somehow felt angry, and Alex began to stiffen against them both.

  * * * *

  Jeff struggled against taking his anger out on Alex, trying to be gentle and give her a good experience. He knew Devon was not managing to keep his feelings of anger and rejection under control, and now Alex was reacting to it and resisting them. He then wondered if she was so looking forward to tonight that she was disengaging because of it. He pushed everything aside and made the ultimate effort to slow down and make love to Alex. He felt like it might be the last time. He shoved Devon’s shoulder, and they shared a look. Devon settled down and schooled his movements.

  Jeff moved away and found the lube in the bedside table. He squeezed half the tube up into Alex’s vagina while Devon gently stretched her ass. Then he heavily lubed up his cock, moving to slowly push in between her labia and penetrate her vagina. Once he was seated fully, he lifted her leg up, feeling Alex beginning to relax against him. Devon removed his fingers from Alex’s ass and coated himself with lube. He reached between her legs, sliding a finger in between Jeff’s cock and the wall of her entrance. He inserted the tip of his cock and began the slow slide and entry alongside his best friend.

  * * * *

  Alex tensed. They had never done this before, and already she felt too full, too tight. She whimpered and asked them to stop. Although neither responded verbally, they went still, and Devon stroked down her side and hip, and they waited for her to relax and accommodate them. They couldn’t fit, they were too big, she would split apart. Alex was finding it hard to breathe. It became easier, and finally, Devon was inside of her as far as he could get, and he and Jeff began to pull Alex up and down on them in tiny little jerks. She was full to bursting and thought at first she couldn’t stand the pressure. Her vision blurred, and her lungs burned, and then she went over, making a guttural sound that echoed in the room. She felt the jets of Devon and Jeff’s semen bathe her vagina in waves, and she came again.

  * * * *

n held Alex tightly, unable to let her go. Jeff’s arms nearly encompassed Devon’s as well in his frantic need to hold Alex close. Finally, she squirmed, and they pulled out, one at a time, her juices mingling with their semen, flooding her thighs. Alex pulled her knees to her chest and waited for her body to settle.

  Devon stood and looked down at her, his shoulders sagging. Jeff gave him another warning look. Once again they had taken everything she had to give them, and she had given it willingly. They had needed this from her and now were going to give her what she needed.

  He stood back while Jeff scooped her up and took her to the shower and he stripped the bed. He wanted Alex to come home tonight from the Club and have a fresh place to start again with them.

  * * * *

  Alex stood in the shower, dazed and overwhelmed. They hadn’t hurt her in the end, not really, but they hadn’t been really kind either. Was it a prelude to what they had planned for her later? Maybe she had been wrong to give her heart to these men, though there hadn’t been much of a choice in the matter. Now she was committed to seeing the evening through, but she thought she might not come home as Alex. She stood docilely while Jeff washed and prepared her as if she were a doll. He handed her off to Devon to dry and showered himself. While Devon got ready, Alex numbly watched Jeff look in the closet for something appropriate for her to wear. He pulled out the red dress that he knew she loved and the matching shoes a little red beaded bag, and then a pair of thigh-high stockings. He transferred her little wallet over to the beaded bag and added lip gloss, a comb, and some tissue. Makeup wouldn’t last tonight, but her lips for sure would get dry.

  She sat while Jeff blew her hair dry, avoiding his eyes, mute with despair and anger. He didn’t engage her at all, appearing to be off in his own thoughts. She stared at the red dress laid out on the bed and cursed his lack of sensitivity. That dress was the first thing they had ever bought her, and she loved it. They were giving that away, too. She would never be able to put it on again after tonight. Devon came back into the bedroom, dressed for the evening.

  “I cleaned up the kitchen, so you won’t have to worry about it in the morning, Alex,” he said.

  “Thanks,” she managed and then decided to try again.

  “About tonight, Devon,” she continued, “If you are really okay with…”

  Devon cut her off again, kissing her forehead. “It’s a done deal, and we’re all going to figure out where things go afterward.”

  Alex gave up, allowing Jeff to slip her stockings on, not commenting on the lack of a bra and panties, and finally to pull the dress down over her. Devon knelt to push the stilettos on, telling her that he’d carry her to the vehicle. Alex took heart that they still cared enough about her to do nice things for her. She kept chanting over and over in her head that she was doing this for them, because she loved them.

  The drive to the Club went so quickly. Jeff and Devon sat up front while she sat alone in the backseat. She felt isolated from them. Alex wished for a flat tire, anything, to slow things down. She hadn’t asked what was going to take place and didn’t know exactly what to expect.

  “Can you tell me what I can expect?” she asked Jeff quietly.

  He spoke without looking at her in the mirror. “Stephan knows what he’s doing, Alex. It will be like a typical BDSM scene. He’ll flog you to warm you up, maybe paddle you, and get you off. You’ll probably suck him.”

  Alex briefly wondered how Jeff would assume that she would be that familiar with BDSM scenes. The little exposure she had had at the Club wasn’t really an education. But she was too busy trying to assimilate what Stephan had planned for her to inquire.

  Devon was silent during the drive and even after they pulled up. He got out to open her door and escort her inside the Club while Jeff parked. Hardly anyone was in the dining room or the lounge, and she hoped people weren’t even going to be there tonight. Devon took her down a hallway to a small bedroom with an attached bath. He kissed her again with a savage hunger, but then left, telling her Jeff would be along shortly.

  Alex sat on the bed and waited. Jeff arrived and retrieved a silk robe from behind the door. He also was quiet as he removed all her clothing without comment, helping her into the robe. He kissed her, and handed her the lip gloss, and she quickly applied it. She thought he was giving her time to prepare herself mentally.

  “Ready, sweetheart?” he asked, offering her his hand.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be, Jeff,” she replied, pasting on a smile and taking his fingertips.

  The walk to the scene felt like a funeral march, but Alex smiled brightly although she saw that Jeff kept his face blank. Alex nearly faltered when she saw the St. Andrew’s Cross in the middle of the room, brightly lit by track lighting. She saw Stephan, dressed in leathers, standing beside it, staring at her with lust masking his features. She couldn’t turn tail now. It was too late. Devon and Jeff would be humiliated, their woman out of control and failing to please them. Dear God, how could she go through with this?

  Numbly, Alex watched Devon come toward her with a blindfold, and she beseeched him with her eyes. He looked anywhere but at her face, stepping behind her to slip the silk over her eyes and secure it firmly at the back of her head. His touch was gentle, yet his movements were stiff, and she wanted to cry.

  She felt Jeff undo the tie of the robe and slip it off of her shoulders. The cool air feathered over her body, and she shivered. She hadn’t looked around, didn’t know who else was there, but prayed it was just Devon, Jeff, and Stephan and perhaps that Alistair person who owned this den of iniquity. Her terror was somewhat mitigated by her distaste. Alex had to find something to hold on to in order to get through this and not disgrace her men. She decided to pray.

  She went with them and allowed them to secure her wrists and ankles without protest. She couldn’t know that seeing her stretched and exposed like that made Devon want to beat Stephan to death and blind all the people watching. Or that Jeff wanted to cover her with his jacket and drag her home. She couldn’t know that they had forbidden Stephan to fuck her or come in her mouth, or that they weren’t even happy with the idea of toys, but had compromised. She felt them stand back.

  Stephan circled Alex. She knew it had to be him. She could feel him displace the air with his huge frame, and he smelled different from her men. When he came close, she forced herself not to flinch away as he ran a finger over her lips then down between her breasts. He cupped each one and rolled her nipples while she tried not to tense. He moved behind her, drifting a hand down her back and over each buttock, sliding a finger between them to tap at her bottom hole, then up through her labia, seeking the entrance to her vagina. She knew she was dry and heard him mutter, obviously not pleased that she hadn’t started to respond.

  Alex couldn’t make herself wet at will and couldn’t think about Devon and Jeff while Stephan was fondling her. She just wished they would stop him. Or even speak to her. Her hair was wound into a single strand and placed over her shoulder to rest on her breast. Her back was now totally unprotected.

  Alex heard Stephan speak behind her and realized he was asking for a flogger. She began to recite childhood prayers in her head, anticipating the first blow. When it came, it was nothing like the playful hand of Jeff, or even the sneaky sting of Devon’s. This was no erotic pain to be blurred with pleasure. It burned and hurt as Stephan struck her across her shoulders, then her back, her buttocks, her thighs, over and over. Somehow she held herself against it and made no sound. She nearly had to bite through her bottom lip when he switched to a heavier flogger, but she stayed silent. It went on forever.

  Her resistance must have infuriated Stephan, for he clamped her nipples next, and the pain was excruciating. These clamps had jagged teeth, she could feel them, and he kept pulling on the chain that connected them, ordering her to verbalize her ecstasy. Alex kept praying and trying to dissociate, but Stephan countered by using a huge dildo on her, forcing it high inside her. It tore her delicate tissues, as d
ry as she was, and Alex choked back sobs. She couldn’t stop the tears. She then felt it at her anus but it suddenly seemed to move to the side and she heard it hit the floor with a sodden thump.

  Alex almost passed out when Stephan removed the clamps, the blood supply returning to them causing lights to flash in the back of her eyes. He flogged her nipples next, but Alex had ceased to feel.

  She felt hands at her wrists and ankles and was lowered to the floor, forced to kneel. A hand fisted in her hair and dragged her head up. She felt a cock push at her lips and kept biting down on her lip. He’d shove himself in if she opened her mouth to protest, and she would vomit, disgracing her men. She already knew she could never do this again. She couldn’t even give Stephan a blowjob, though her men willed it. She had failed them, and her shame was intense, overwhelming.

  Stephan pried his fingers into the corners of her mouth to force it open, and she despaired then all hell broke loose. She heard shouting, and Devon was there, pulling off the blindfold. There was an awful amount of light and sounds of people moving fast. Alex heard the word “emergency” repeated over and over.

  She thought it was Jeff who tried to get her robe back on, but she hissed against the touch of the fabric on her skin. It was Devon’s scent she detected as he carefully lifted her into his arms. She kept her eyes shut, and she wouldn’t answer their whispered queries. She felt a pulse beating hard in her neck, and she couldn’t control her choppy breathing.

  “Shit, Devon,” Jeff snapped. “We have to go, and right fucking now.”

  “I know, I know,” complained Devon. “But what about Alex?”


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