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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Allyson Young

  He helped Jeff raise Alex’s arms and insert her hands into the lined restraints hanging from the ceiling hook. Her feet were then shackled into the ankle restraints, and she was raised, almost on her toes. Only her rapid breathing and the slower rate of the exhalations of the men broke the silence in the room.

  “Not a sound, Alex, not one,” Devon muttered in her ear, “or we’ll gag you. We don’t want your neighbours interfering. You can answer us when we ask, but you are not free to speak. We are not interested in any distractions. Do you understand?”

  Alex nodded then gasped when a hand slapped across her buttocks.

  “Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Yes, sir.”

  * * * *

  Jeff stood back, both he and Devon leisurely perusing Alex’s slender back and buttocks, admiring the long length of her legs, stretched as they were. She was too thin, but her body sang its siren song as it always had. It killed him to take things so slowly, so great was his need for her, but he didn’t plan to deviate from their plan. Jeff handed Devon the flogger, holding the wide paddle for his own use. He walked around Alex’s naked body to ensure she wasn’t too strained in the position and stopped, staring in shock.

  Devon queried, “What?”

  Jeff grabbed Alex’s short locks and pulled her head back. “God dammit, Alex. When were you going to tell us?”

  He fumbled with the wrist restraints then stooped to loosen her ankles. Stripping off the blindfold, Jeff carried Alex over to the bed and set her down in the middle, looming over her cringing form.

  “What the fuck, Jeff? What?” asked Devon irritably.

  “She’s pregnant, probably three, four months, Dev. I saw the baby bump from the side.”

  “Alex? Are you fucking pregnant?” Devon asked in astonishment.

  “Yes,” Alex choked out, “and I was going to tell you when I felt strong enough to deal with you. You can believe me or don’t.” The tears began to leak from her eyes.

  “And you struggled through these first months alone?” Devon continued, his voice thick with anger.

  “When did you find out, Alex?” he asked.

  “Nearly a week ago. It must have happened that night, before the, before I left.” She recovered, never wanting to talk with them about that awful experience in the Club.

  She remembered how they had both fucked her together in near silence before bathing her and choosing her clothing and driving her to the Club. She remembered the orgasms, screaming out her pain and pleasure, stretched past comprehension with their frenzied thrusts. It was the first time they had both penetrated her vagina together, and it had felt desperate to her, foreboding and angry.

  “My period was due right away, and when it didn’t come…well, I waited then bought one of those tests this month,” Alex told them in a small voice.

  “Why did you wait?” Both men spoke as one.

  Oh, God, she had learned the news alone, no one to share it with, both a burden and a blessing, and her first thought had been that she had to tell her men. That day had been a blur for her, and she vacillated between despair and hope. What could she do?

  “Because I couldn’t face it. I didn’t want to believe it, couldn’t deal with more. I think, deep down I knew, there were signs, and I love children. And I…” Alex couldn’t go on.

  There was silence. They stared at her, overwhelming her. Alex tried to decipher their emotions as her gaze darted between their faces.

  “Have you seen a doctor, Alex?” Devon demanded. “No goddamn wonder you had no sanitary supplies and that huge bottle of vitamins!”

  “I saw one two days ago. Everything is fine except I need to gain a bit of weight. He said the antibiotics I took when I had that flu cancelled out the effects of the pill,” Alex said. “There’s a report in my backpack.”

  She waited while Jeff impatiently ripped the zipper open and scanned the doctor’s report, confirming to Devon that what she had said was accurate.

  “Pack your things. We’re leaving tonight,” stated Devon, “and we’ll have you see the Club doctor before we clear the issue between us, Alex. Jeff, pack up the duffel while I help Alex.”

  Alex cringed then straightened her shoulders and thrust her chin forward, looking as determined as possible while naked and lying on a bed. The beautiful naked physiques of the men didn’t help her focus any, but she was going to try.

  “I’m not leaving my job without notice. These people have been good to me, very kind to me, and I can’t leave them in the lurch. I have another shift in two days!”

  When Jeff and Devon advanced on her, she scooted up to the headboard and compressed her lips. “And I’m not going to the Club doctor like some prize heifer either. The doctor in the town is perfectly competent. You’ll have to take me kicking and screaming, and I doubt it will go unnoticed.”

  Devon had her over his knee before she could draw another breath to challenge them further. Alex screamed at the first smack, and then Jeff had a bit in her mouth and secured behind her head. Her butt hurt, and then the pain morphed into a familiar tingle, especially when Devon smoothed the area he smacked in between strikes. Her vulva swelled, and her vagina moistened. Oh, God, this again. She would never stop craving this feeling. She had thought Stephan had killed this need in her, but obviously not with her men.

  Devon handed her off to Jeff, who placed her on her back, spreading her legs with his knees between her thighs, opening her to their gaze. Devon held her hands above her head in one of his and began to touch her breasts with the other. He rubbed the nipples then alternately pulled and twisted them in the way she so well remembered, creating further sparks in her vagina. Her pregnancy made them so much more sensitive.

  Pop! Jeff’s hand came down between her thighs, connecting with her lubricated labia. Her clitoris throbbed, and Alex tried to squirm away, fighting Devon, fighting the pleasure. Jeff pushed a finger up her and as quickly pulled it out, slapping her clitoris again, then again. He inserted two fingers, added a third when moisture welled and slid down her opening. Alex whimpered against the pressure, and Devon swiftly removed the bit. His mouth descended on her own, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips, seeking entrance, soothing the stretch of the bit. She surrendered, and his tongue ravaged her mouth, extracting the very essence of her in his demand.

  Jeff left his position between her thighs, and she arched in his direction.

  “There, there, Alex, I’m right here.”

  She heard a zipper scrape and objects rattling, and then Jeff was back, cool lube coating his hand as he began to stroke and press against her anus. He slid his thumb in and moved it in circles, and she clenched in desire, in memory, around it. Devon continued to kiss her while stroking and plucking at her breasts. So many sensations, she felt herself giving up to the moment, all thoughts of mutiny abandoned.

  As Jeff pushed a finger in to join his thumb, and he began a gentle assault on her clitoris with his other hand, alternating with two fingers in her vagina, then three, then a circling motion on her now throbbing sex organ. Another finger entered her anus and started to scissor, stretching and tantalizing those nerve endings ignored and abandoned over the months.

  Devon finally let go of her mouth, both of them gasping for air, and then his head descended to replace Jeff’s fingers, making a meal of her. Alex bowed up from the mattress, trying to restrain her frantic whimpers and screams. Her orgasm built as Devon’s tongue delved between her labia, stroking and stabbing into her vagina. He suckled and laved her clit then pinched it gently between his teeth, and all the while Jeff stretched and tormented her anus. Alex fell back to earth in a limp sprawl, her vagina in spasm, anus clamping down on Jeff’s fingers, cream erupting over Devon’s lips and cheeks. They stroked, suckled, and petted her until she settled.

  Jeff went to the bathroom, and she heard water running. He returned with a cloth and cleansed her from front to back, so gently. Devon pushed the sticky, sweaty strands of hair from her forehead and pressed his
lips to her.

  Jeff cracked, “So much for plans, eh, partner?”

  Devon smiled down at Alex and remarked, “Good to be flexible.”

  He then shifted on the mattress and pulled Alex under him. His rock-hard erection pressed against her vulva, and she spread her thighs almost without volition, and he began to insert his penis into her, groaning as he inched forward.

  “She’s tight, Jeff. It’s been a long time.”

  Alex bit back a snort of laughter, and Devon grabbed her head between his hands and looked into her eyes.


  Alex answered, “It was always hard to get inside me, both of you. With those monster cocks.”

  * * * *

  Devon laughed and then groaned again when the movement pressed him in farther, and her vagina compressed him even more. He stroked into her, both cursing and blessing the condom. He so wanted to feel her on his skin, but he knew that he wouldn’t last any length of time without one. He swivelled his hips as he pulled back from her pelvis, delving for that rough spot high in her vagina, and was rewarded with a gasp from Alex.

  Jeff lay beside the pair, looking into Alex’s face, touching her cheeks, running his finger across her lips.

  “Keep your eyes open, Alex,” he commanded. “I want to see you come.”

  Alex pried her lids open. “I don’t think I can come again. I can’t.”

  Devon choked out, “I could use some help here, Jeff, soon.”

  Jeff slipped his hand between their bodies and pinched Alex’s clit. She bowed off the bed as much as Devon’s weight would allow and came, screaming. Devon rode through her climax then filled the condom he wore, hoarsely calling her name.

  * * * *

  Jeff rolled Devon off of Alex, and took his place between her legs, quickly shoving his latex-covered cock up inside her, feeling the shivers and squeeze of the tiny muscles of her vagina as her orgasm waned. He knew she would be sore, out of practice, but he battered at her, fast and furious, rearing back to pull nearly out of her body and forge back inside while Devon recovered to move to tweak her nipples. He listened to her moan as she thrashed her head from side to side, yet kept eyes open to meet his. His pubic hair scraped across Alex’s distended clitoris, and Jeff felt his testicles begin to draw up and fought it hard. He had been well trained to delay his pleasure and the latex helped, but this little woman made a mockery of that training. Jeff and Alex fell together, Jeff coming in waves against latex with Alex coming apart around him.

  Jeff slid off to the side, pulling Alex with him, sandwiching her between him and Devon, his softening cock still inside of her. She reached up to touch his face then dropped her hand behind her to touch Devon. She closed her eyes, her breathing slowed, and she drifted into the sleep of the exhausted.

  Jeff raised his head and looked at Devon. “It’s like she’s never been gone, Dev. She responds to us just like she used to.”

  He couldn’t talk about her gentle touch on both of them. It felt too precious to put into words, though he knew Devon hadn’t missed the implications of it either. She never forgot to include them both, and it was rare that they took her separately.

  Devon quietly replied, “I still think we need to paddle that fine ass of hers some more, but I want to wait and see what the doctor says about any risk to our kid.”

  He froze for an instant. “God, Jeff, our baby. We get her back and a baby to boot. Doesn’t feel real.”

  Jeff reminded him, “Alex hasn’t agreed to anything yet, Devon, and we had better listen to her this time. She did try to talk to us before about Stephan, but we weren’t listening. Our egos were hurt, and we threw her to that wolf. I doubt she’s forgiven us.”

  Devon shook him off. “She’s ours, and she’s coming home. We aren’t leaving without her no matter what it takes, so man up, Jeff. You know we are what Alex needs, and we aren’t living without her anymore. Done deal.”

  Jeff shook his head and kept any further cautionary statements to himself. Alex would wake, and then they’d all see. But that gentle touch gave him hope.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Devon looked through the contents of the fridge, frowning in dismay at the meagre pickings. What in hell had Alex been eating? There were a couple of apples, a package of almonds, and a part-quart of milk. The sliver of cheddar wrapped carefully in the original store wrappings hardly counted. A cursory search of the cupboards turned up a nearly empty box of Cheerios and a box of soda crackers. He turned as Jeff came into the tiny kitchenette, wearing boxers just as he was.

  “She awake yet?”

  “Nope, and I don’t have the heart to wake her any earlier than we have to either,” Jeff commented. “She doesn’t have to work today, and she’s got to be exhausted after the seven days she just put in, according to her boss. And we tired her out last night.” A smile of memory flitted across his face.

  Devon waved his arm toward the fridge.

  “Well, when she does wake, we’re taking her out for some actual food. Pregnant, on her feet ten hours a day, underweight, poor as a church mouse. I want to choke her and hold her all at the same time. How long do you think it would have been before she would have told us? Asked us for help at least?”

  Jeff shook his head. “I don’t know, buddy, although I’d like to think she’d have said something before she had the kid! We’d better find out who that doctor is and go see him today. I want to know just how she is health-wise and”—he locked eyes with Devon—“just what we can and can’t do in bed.”

  “And out of it,” Devon added.

  * * * *

  Jeff knew that neither he nor Devon needed to talk further about their raging need for this woman, their Alex. They figured they knew what had happened that night at the Club, hell, even the week prior to the event, but she needed to tell them. They needed to hear it from her lips and ensure that they understood, but more so that she understood them. If it took breaking all her barriers down again to prove how they felt about her and also show her their willingness to own what had happened, well, they were up to the task. It might prove emotionally painful for all of them and a bit painful for Alex physically, but the rewards would be far greater than any discomfort.

  Jeff pivoted back to the bedroom in time to see Alex push up to a sitting position in the bed. He wished he could have had her tied and spread for them. He wished she had woken to find herself at their mercy, him making a meal of her pussy this time while Devon made those fine breasts sing. Her nipples had to be more sensitive with pregnancy, and he had dark, erotic thoughts about that. But they’d pushed it last night, what with her being pregnant, and good things always came to those who waited.

  Alex stared at him warily. She pulled the sheet closer over her breasts in a gesture that broke his heart then infuriated him. Jeff closed the distance to the bed in one stride and pulled the cover away from her.

  “You never cover yourself in front of us, Alex. Never.”

  His harsh comment and expression caused Alex to tremble, and Jeff was again pierced by emotion. What the hell had happened to their Alex? She had never been afraid of either him or Devon. Sure, there were times when they had punished her for unacceptable behaviour, but the pain had been erotic, and she’d begged for more. He suspected her current reaction was a result the emotional pain they’d inflicted on her, and he chafed at the need to put off the little “talk” they were to have with her. Sooner than later, he hoped.

  Devon spoke from the doorway. “Get up, honey. We’ll get you bathed and take you for breakfast.”

  “I can shower myself,” Alex mumbled.

  Devon chuckled. “I’m going to make some allowances for now, my sweet, because maybe those hormones are making you resistant, but I said we would bathe you, and that’s what’s going to happen.”

  * * * *

  Alex’s traitorous vagina was instantly bathed in moisture at the sound of the dominance in Devon’s voice, and her nipples defected, too, stiffening in reaction. She bit th
e inside of her cheek and somehow managed not to whimper. Devon’s gaze traveled up and down her naked body, darkening and heating. Jeff looked like his mirror image. She retreated before them into the bathroom.

  “I need to use the toilet. I’d like some privacy.”

  “No. No modesty, Alex,” Devon grated. “Get on with it so we can run the bath.”

  Alex sat on the toilet and put her head in her hands. She felt Jeff’s hand stroke her hair and the back of her neck. It had to be Jeff. He was the softer of the two in many ways and tended to comfort her in situations when her boundaries were pushed. She wiped and flushed, all the while avoiding their eyes, and stood to wash her hands.

  “Alex.” Devon’s voice pulled her to look at him. “There is nothing you do, nothing about your body that doesn’t belong to us, nothing that would offend us. Just as we thought you felt about us.”

  Alex flushed, remembering their casual toilet habits around her. They were totally comfortable in their own skin and bodily needs. She had quickly understood that it was because of the strong connection between the two, leaving no room for false modesty or boundaries, and had found herself shedding her reserves and gaining a sense of freedom that amazed her. They had even inserted tampons for her, for heaven’s sake, and rubbed her belly when the cramps were bad.

  Jeff lifted her into the bath Devon had started. He helped her slide down and sit. His hair was still damp from an earlier shower. She hadn’t even heard them get up and use the bathroom.

  Devon picked up the little bar of soap and lathered the threadbare washcloth. He began to wash her feet and moved slowly up her legs, taking care to wash every inch of her. Jeff scooped water over her shoulders, soaping his hands and gently washing her breasts and upper body. She groaned with the care and comfort of their hands.


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