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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Allyson Young

  She sat at the counter and watched Jeff and Devon tidy the small kitchen, working together efficiently. When they finished, they led her to the cramped living room and sat her between them on the couch.

  “You haven’t said a word since we left the doctor’s office, Alex,” said Devon. “Tell us what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

  Jeff winced. “Jesus, Devon. Don’t start by pissing her off.”

  Alex tensed, and then shrugged casually and visibly relaxed.

  “What is there to say? I told you this morning what my plans were, and you ignored me. I can’t imagine saying anything else that you wouldn’t react to in the same way.”

  Devon’s voice went silky smooth. “Seems to me that you are being scheduled for an ultrasound here, in this redneck town, Alex, at the end of next week. We aren’t packed and driving back to the city. So, what part didn’t we hear?”

  Alex looked at him. “Okay, but you told him I’d be moving back to Tulsa and,” she stuttered, “seeing the Club doctor.” She fairly spat at him.

  “You’ve got a shift to work next week, and that will give your boss some notice to replace you, Alex, time for the ultrasound, and time to get organized to move back with us,” Devon said reasonably.

  Alex began to see red. She slithered out from between them and stood in front of the coffee table, taking heart from its flimsy barrier.

  “I told you I wasn’t leaving here. You think that by allowing me to finish out the shift and have the ultrasound I’ll be placated and become a nice little puppy at your heels. Not happening, Devon.”

  Jeff, took up the battle with Alex.

  “We have told you repeatedly since yesterday that you belong with us and need to come back to us. We’re trying to listen to you, but we can’t live here, Alex. Our jobs are in Tulsa, and vacation time only lasts so long.”

  Alex bit out, “It’s not just what you want. Not anymore.”

  Devon replied, “We know that, Alex. We’ve been trying to tell you that, too, but you aren’t hearing us.”

  “Because I’m not the woman you had. I left that behind when I…” Alex stopped, too close to spilling her secret. “I’ve changed, I had to, and I’m not going back to the person I was before.”

  “What did you mean? What are you not telling us, Alex?” asked Devon, standing and stalking toward her.

  Jeff raised a hand to caution him, but Alex was already retreating.

  “Nothing. I’m done talking about the past,” Alex asserted. “We need to discuss the baby and how we will work out access and, and stuff.”

  Devon went still. “Last chance to do this the vanilla way, Alex. Talk to us, or we’ll make you.”

  Alex’s eyes went wide. She had forgotten how ill-defended she was, and how helpless she was against them. She backed to the shelving unit that boasted the room’s few ornaments and knickknacks left by decades of tenants. Her hand closed around a Bunnykins, and she simply lost it. Blame it on those hormones. Incoherent epithets left her lips as she threw the knickknack at Devon’s head. He ducked, and it shattered somewhere behind him. His look of utter astonishment nearly caused her to giggle, but she was on a roll. An old candle followed the Bunnykins and then a fragile seashell ashtray. She hated dusting that shit anyway.

  * * * *

  Jeff choked on laughter, not nearly as stunned at her outburst as Devon was. Alex had never shown a temper like this when they lived with her. She displayed irritation at times and the occasional angry outburst, but always in a muted fashion. He briefly wondered if they had kept her in that state because of their veritable domination and had a moment’s regret. Something to think about later because an ugly picture frame was coming his way, skipped like a stone, and damned if it couldn’t have taken an eye out without his fast reflexes.

  The two of them converged on Alex, with Devon grasping her hands, forcing her to release the next object she’d chosen to hurl at them. Jeff bent and put his shoulder into her stomach, careful of the baby, and straightened up with her over his shoulder. He headed to the bedroom.

  “Put me down, asshole,” she shrieked and tore at his back with her short nails.

  He slapped her buttocks, and she screamed louder. Holy shit, their little woman actually knew how to swear! Devon was already beneath the hook in the ceiling, attaching the restraints then attaching the ones to the floor. Jeff lowered Alex to her feet and caught her fists as she flailed at him. Devon stripped her sweats and panties off, leaving her naked from the waist down except for the ridiculous tube socks she wore.

  Devon put his hand over Alex’s mouth as she opened it.

  He spoke quietly, “Be quiet now, Alex. We will gag you if we have to, but it will be a royal pain to keep taking it out and putting it back in to hear your answers to our questions. This is an interview, Alex. Don’t disappoint us.”

  * * * *

  Jeff pulled the remainder of her clothing off and lifted her chin to look into her face.

  “Open your eyes, Alex. Open them,” he insisted. “Tell us what happened, Alex. Let us help you.”

  When Alex shook her head, Jeff He turned to Devon, and they began.

  Alex’s wrists were put back in the ceiling restraints and her ankles inserted into the ones in the floor. Devon put the blindfold on and secured it.

  “Do you want the bit, sweetheart?” he asked. “It will not go well for you. No safe word.”

  Alex shook her head again. A safe word wouldn’t save her. She would have to tell them the truth if she backed down from this punishment, so she would simply have to endure it. Her senses were heightened by her inability to see, and her body was ignoring the cacophony of her thoughts and responding to being restrained and open to the will of her men. It was insane how aroused and needy she felt. She heard the rummaging in the duffel bag and recognized the sound of metal chains. Her vagina clenched and flooded with moisture. Her nipples beaded. Alex bent her head and conceded. She loved these men and craved their touch, their kinks, their sexuality. She knew they would never truly hurt her body, though the erotic plain they inflicted sometimes pushed the limits. Alex admitted that she craved that, too, because she trusted them with herself. But then the sadness erupted from her cracking heart, that heart of stone, overwhelming her as she accepted her submission to them would satisfy only until the next sharing of her. They would see her lack of ability to fulfill them at that time, and she might want to die except there was her baby to live for. She would have maybe a year with them before they let her go, and she would have their child as a precious memento of what they had shared before it all went wrong again. Alex didn’t realize how she trembled and sighed as she accepted it would have to be enough.

  Alex felt someone check the fit of the restraints to make sure her blood flow wasn’t being restricted. When he sucked the beaded tip of one nipple into his mouth, it lengthened and hardened further. The feel of the clamps made her grit her teeth, and the sensation of the chain connecting them made her belly quiver. The chain must have held tiny bells, and the quiet tinkling pervaded the sudden quiet in the room, broken only by her deep breaths.

  She felt another chain drape down her belly, and she shuddered and flinched away only to be held by hands at her waist. One of them, she thought it was Devon, put his face between her thighs and tenderly lapped at her opening, his tongue unerringly finding her clitoris. He sucked the hardening nub out of the protective hood and through the clip he held in his mouth. Alex moaned in protest, and he tapped her in warning until she subsided, panting harshly. He connected the clip to the chain, and Alex’s most sensitive parts spoke to one another painfully, yet with heat and pleasure.

  She stood there, stretched and open, waiting for their next move. The anticipation grew, and she felt she couldn’t stand it for another second when a paddle came down on her left buttock. Alex choked back a scream and felt the next strike on the opposite side. He rained the blows onto the unprotected skin of her ass, alternating with each cheek, catching the
sensitive crease where her buttocks and thighs joined and landing heavily on the cleft. Just as she thought she would scream for mercy, he stopped, rubbing his hand gently across her hot skin.

  “Darlin’, you look beautiful. So pink and red and hot.” Jeff’s deep voice betrayed his arousal, and she responded to the lust and praise, her pussy wet and clenching.

  A finger breached her entrance, pushing high to stroke her G-spot, circling and tormenting her as the hand soothed her bottom. Alex clamped hard and got another finger added to the first. She struggled for more sensation, trying for orgasm, and the fingers were abruptly removed, lingering across her straining clit as they did so.

  Alex cried out, “Please.”

  “Tell us why you ran, Alex, tell us what happened.” Devon’s voice was nearly hypnotic.

  She fell silent, and the chain was tugged, creating a myriad of pain/pleasure-filled sensations in her nipples and clit.

  “Talk to us, Alex, confess,” murmured Jeff.

  Alex bit her lip and tried to go away in her head to escape the immediacy of the situation. The chain was tugged harder, accompanied by little licks on her nipples and clit. She whimpered and struggled to get away, but those clever tongues followed her. Bells chimed and tinkled, the suckling sounds intensified, and Alex strained for release. The mouths at her breasts and clitoris stilled.

  “Confess, Alex. We can keep this up all day.”

  Alex lost track of who was saying what but found that piece of her deep inside, that hard, strong piece she’d discovered four months ago, and drew on it, staying silent against the erotic torture.

  The soft tendrils of the flogger trailed down over her breasts and clit, brushing in a tantalizing fashion against her, weakening her resolve. The first velvet lash struck a nipple, and Alex screamed, thrusting her breasts forward involuntarily. The lashes came steadily, catching one nipple then the other, then breaking in rhythm to hit two and three times in a row, never allowing Alex to prepare, only feel. The chain pulled taut on her clitoris with each lash on her breasts and Alex’s orgasm raced toward completion only to die back when the flogging stopped.

  She mewled like a kitten and heard herself begging in a high, thin voice. “Please, let me come, please.”

  Jeff spoke in her ear again. “Tell us, Alex. Why did you leave us?”

  “I can’t tell you. Please don’t make me, please,” Alex pleaded with him.

  “Alex, you need to tell us. Help us understand, darlin’.”

  “Fuck you,” she growled in his direction, pressing her lips together.

  “We’ll reserve that pleasure for you, Alex, once you talk to us. Brace yourself, darlin’.”

  Alex had no time to prepare for the cold lubricant squeezed into her rectum and gasped at the intrusion. Another sensation quickly followed as something pressed against her anus with authority, pushing past the ring of muscle. She felt it plunge deep into her until she thought it would never stop, and she cried out.

  Immediately, a hand smoothed her still-tingling buttocks, and a finger stroked her clitoris, distracting her and providing sparks of pleasure.

  “Just another inch or so, honey, there,” whispered Devon. “It’s a vibe.”

  She felt full, and the pressure was enormous at first and then subsided as she adjusted. A gentle vibration ensued, and she tensed. Then he tapped the end of the vibrator, seating it a little deeper inside her. Alex gasped and clenched, hard. The sensations were building, and she struggled to breathe deeply and through them. She knew she couldn’t come without pressure on her clit and being held just short of orgasm took all of her will not to beg for it, to confess to them.

  Just as she was gaining control, Alex felt something at her other opening, and Jeff crooned for her to relax. Of course she tensed immediately, and a wide, solid object pressed into her vagina, easily sliding deep, lubricated by her own juices as it was, but stretching her impossibly and pressing against the vibe in her bottom. The dildo was twirled, the tiny teeth creating further pressure and rubbing against her G-spot. Alex panted and clenched, trying not to beg and plead but losing out to the pressure and sensation.

  “I’ll suck your clit, and you’ll come so hard, honey. All you have to do is promise to tell us what happened, why you left,” Jeff said, rubbing his hand over her belly, tugging the chain, tormenting her.

  Devon nipped at her buttocks and tapped on the vibe between them.

  Alex hung there, suspended in her own denial, trying to withhold from them. She strained for release, strained to find that flint within her, and lost.

  She half screamed, half gasped her confession. “I couldn’t go through with it. I can’t do sharing, not even for you. It made me sick, and you would have found out if the emergency hadn’t happened. I hated myself for letting you down, for not fulfilling your expectations, for failing you. And I will fail you again in the future, and you’ll get rid of me. I can’t do it again. I’ll end up hating you, too.”

  Alex sobbed, the tears soaking the blindfold, her body retreating from the brink.

  “Sweetheart, we never wanted to share you. We wanted to kill Stephan, but we thought it was what you wanted. We have so much to straighten out. But for now, come, Alex, let it come,” said Devon.

  Jeff sucked her clit into his mouth, distended as it was by the clip, and pulled her into an orgasm that bowed Alex’s body against the restraints so hard that the hook rattled in the ceiling. She slumped forward into his arms as Devon released her wrists and unfastened her ankles.

  Devon pulled her to him and lifted her, carrying her to the bed. The two of them settled on either side of her, Jeff removing the blindfold while Devon wiped her face. She felt the toys removed and Devon’s weight dipping off the bed. He returned with a warm cloth and cleaned her gently. Jeff loosened the matted strands of her hair and petted her softly.

  Slowly, Alex got herself under control and pushed up on her elbows.

  “What are you saying? What is going on?”

  Jeff took a deep breath and started to explain.

  “We ran into Stephan and Melissa at JOY at the end of April”—he grinned at her ruefully—“when we were picking out a pair of nipple clamps for you in honour of our six-month anniversary.”

  Jeff paused and Devon took up the tale. “Stephan gave us one of those looks, the kind that says he knows something we don’t, and patted us both on the shoulder. It was like he was sorry for us or something, and you know guys and their egos. No fucking group hugs.”

  “Stephan is a real experienced Dom, honey, and he got to us that day. He walked away, and Melissa told us that she had been to visit you. She told us that you’d confided in her, telling her that…well, the short version is that we weren’t giving you everything you needed in bed. She inferred that you had tried to ask for it but we hadn’t listened.”

  Alex couldn’t get a full breath. “What are you talking about? I didn’t say anything like that to Melissa. Why would I? How could you think I wasn’t satisfied with you, with you both? What did I ever do to make you think differently?”

  Jeff said, very solemnly, “We’re going to have to live with how we jumped to that conclusion for the rest of our lives, sweetheart. We had a talk with Stephan after you, well, after you ran away, and he told us how badly he wanted to play with you. He thought his dreams had come true when Melissa told him that you wanted the experience with him.”

  Alex interrupted, “But I didn’t. I never said…” She stopped, replaying that conversation back in her head. It had cut her to the quick, and her lip curled now at how manipulative Melissa had been. That bitch had thrown her under the bus in order to make Stephan happy.

  “Melissa knew that Stephan was looking to move on, now that he had trained her, and find her someone else. She didn’t want to leave and recognized an opportunity to have him show her some gratitude and maybe keep her longer, even at your expense, Alex,” concluded Devon.

  “She came over for coffee that day. I was surprised as she really
didn’t seem to care for me,” Alex remembered.

  “She was fearful of losing Stephan, and jealous of how he wanted you, Alex. She had seen him watching you and recognized just what it was he wanted,” said Devon.

  “Melissa tried to make girl talk and then got really serious,” Alex thought out loud. “She told me she hated to tell tales, but we subs had to stick together. I told her I really didn’t think I was a sub, and she laughed at me. That stung me, and she took the opportunity to plant the seed right then. She told me you had been consulting with Stephan about putting me on display at the Club, and hoped he would do the honours. Melissa said you wanted to take things with me further and the time had come.”

  Alex began to cry again and was enveloped in two sets of arms, with two sets of lips kissing her tears away. Composing herself, Alex repeated the sequence of events as if in a dream, her eyes shut, safe within their hold. “I somehow got her to leave, and then I was ill.”

  Jeff groaned under his breath, and Devon cursed softly.

  “I thought I had made it clear that I wasn’t ready to do anything like that and didn’t know if I ever would be. We hadn’t even gone to many scenes in the Club, only had drinks in the bar to meet the other members, and I couldn’t believe either of you would go behind my back to that man without talking with me first.”

  Alex paused and opened her eyes. She extricated herself from their arms and slid to the bottom of the bed, clambering off to turn and face them, fists clenched at her side as she pivoted for the door.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Devon and Jeff surged after her, catching the door before it locked behind her.

  “You aren’t getting an opportunity to hide and regroup, Alex,” Devon said, compassionately for his nature. “We aren’t done talking.”

  She sighed and sat down on the toilet. They knew her so well. She wiped then flushed and stood to wash her hands. Her feet left the floor, and in a blink she was back on the bed, a man on either side of her.


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