Time Will Tell

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Time Will Tell Page 13

by M. Ullrich

  Eva smiled at her phone. She reached into the front of her sweater and adjusted her small breasts so they filled her bra cups fully, with just enough of the soft flesh pouring over. Eva angled the camera of her cell phone so she’d avoid catching her face in the photo. She snapped the shot. Before sending it, Eva checked the photo. The dim lighting of the room highlighted the swell of her breasts and darkened the shadow of her cleavage. Eva was pleased. Another message from Casey came through.

  Where’d you go?

  I’m here. On my couch, thinking about you. Eva added the picture to her message and hit send. When she didn’t get a response or dancing dots right away, Eva grew embarrassed. Maybe Casey was just being playful and didn’t really want Eva to send a picture. She wanted to take it back, but the best she could do was try to play it off as something silly and insignificant. She started typing. You said you wanted a pic of my tits. There’s not much to photograph. Ha-ha. Again, Eva waited for a response, but no sign of life came through the phone. Casey?

  Yes. Sorry, I’m just… The first message sat incomplete for nearly a minute before Casey added, I can’t stop looking at the picture. You’re so sexy. Eva’s blush was illuminated by the light from the small screen.

  Eva bit her lip and typed. I showed you mine… She took a sip of her drink and waited impatiently for Casey’s response. Even if she refused to play along, Casey’s shyness was just another reason why Eva adored her. When a picture came through, Eva nearly dropped her glass.

  The small rectangular picture was of Casey’s fully clothed chest, but the image was more provocative than nudity. Casey wore a plain white T-shirt that contrasted with the maroon blanket she was wrapped up in. Through the thin material of the shirt, Eva could just make out the edges of her areolas, and her hard nipples stood proudly. Eva swallowed back a whimper along with the rest of her whiskey. The burn of the alcohol didn’t match the fire blazing low in her belly.

  I wish I was with you. I’d like to know if I’d taste your skin as I suck on your nipples through your shirt. Eva hit send and put her phone down beside her. She took a deep, shuddering breath. She was always unashamed of the sexual woman she had grown into, but something about sending dirty text messages to her best friend, her first love, made it all seem taboo again. Her phone buzzed.

  I know you’d be able to taste me if you licked me over my panties.

  “Holy shit,” Eva said aloud. She got up and started to pace, energy from arousal and nerves buzzing through her limbs. “Okay,” she muttered before looking at her phone again. She typed frantically, correcting more typos than anything. You’d taste so sweet, but I don’t think I’d resist feeling you and having your wetness on my skin. Eva moved to the bedroom, where she fell back onto her mattress, shrouded in complete darkness. Just her phone screen lit up the space around her.

  All Casey’s next message said was Eva’s name. Shortly after, Casey added another. You’re killing me.

  If I’m killing you, then consider me dead.

  I’m serious.

  Eva released a long breath before asking Casey a simple, dangerous question. Are you touching yourself?

  Yes. Casey’s response was immediate, like she was anticipating the question. Eva knew Casey was typing, so she waited for more, and she waited for a while. Feel good wish you

  Eva read the four words in confusion, not entirely sure of what to make of them, and then it dawned on her. Casey was wishing Eva was touching her. Eva grinned when she realized why the sudden typos. Hard to type with one hand?

  Call. Eva gave Casey exactly what she wanted. She dialed and let her own right hand wander to the waistband of her jeans. She popped the button open and lowered the zipper. Casey answered on the second ring with a hello lost in a heavy breath.

  “How close are you?” Eva asked, cutting right to the chase. Casey didn’t want her to call for small talk, and she wasn’t about to waste another second without hearing Casey come.

  “Close.” The single word sounded strangled, and it heightened Eva’s arousal.

  Eva dipped her fingers into herself and gasped at how wet she was. They’d been texting for less than fifteen minutes, and already she was hot and swollen. “You should feel how wet I am.”

  “God,” Casey said, panting.

  “I’m in bed right now and my sheets still smell like you, like sex. If I close my eyes, I can still see your glistening skin.” Eva moaned. “I’m thinking about tasting the sweat on your neck as I sink into you with my fingers.” She circled her own clit twice, slowly enough to draw out the impending pleasure. “Feeling your heart beat around my fingers almost made me come without a touch.”

  “Eva…” Casey cried out, and for a second Eva worried about her roommate, but that concern fell away when Casey shrieked her name again. “I’m coming!”

  Eva’s own orgasm was close behind as she feverishly worked her fingers over her throbbing clit. Silence fell between them, just as Eva’s phone fell on the bed. Once the sound of her own heartbeat quieted, Eva could hear Casey calling out to her from the mattress.

  “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “Hi,” Casey said sweetly. “I’m glad to see you still have a way with words.”

  Eva laughed. “You’re quite the inspiration.” She had yet to remove her hand from her pants, and her eyes grew heavy. “Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now?”

  “I’m definitely more relaxed. Will I talk to you tomorrow?” Eva could hear the sleep creeping into Casey’s voice. Memories of sleepovers filled her mind.

  “Of course. Get some sleep, you have school in the morning.”

  “Good night, Eva.”

  “Good night, beautiful.” Eva let the phone fall away from her ear. Within minutes she fell asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Eva said, sitting on the edge of her chair.

  Luke’s lawyer, Ronald, stared at her. “As next of kin, it’s all yours now, Eva. Luke didn’t have much in the way of money, but his house, car, and property are all paid off and yours.”

  “He didn’t have anyone else? A church? Organization? A bar buddy?”

  “No immediate or extended family closer than you are.”

  Eva laughed at that. Funny how the tables turned. She wondered if this lawyer had said the same exact words to Luke when he told him he’d be inheriting a twelve-year-old.

  “What happens if immediate next of kin is a minor?” Eva’s question struck the lawyer as odd, she could tell by his blank expression. “For example, a twelve-year-old’s parents are murdered. They had a nice house and a comfortable bank account, so what happens to the inheritance?”

  “I can’t answer that because I don’t have enough information.”

  “Like what?”

  “Was there a will or a living trust? They should’ve set up property management for the minor if all of their assets were left to them.”

  “And if none of that was in place? Say, the couple wasn’t at all prepared for their untimely death.”

  “Everything should go to the minor, but if the minor’s guardian felt it was best to share or monopolize control of the inheritance until the minor reached adulthood, they could. It takes quite a bit of manipulation, but it can be done.”

  Luke would definitely manipulate a situation to benefit himself. “Thank you for your help.” Eva stood and walked to the door. Ronald called her back.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Eva.”

  Eva smiled politely and left.

  She drove and drove, not really in the mood to head home or anywhere else. She traveled highways she’d never driven and followed roads her faded memories led her to. The sun was warm, but the autumn air was brisk as it whipped into the car through the open windows. Eva enjoyed the contrast between the targeted warmth and the cool breeze. In less than forty-five minutes, Eva drove down the back roads of her childhood neighborhood. The scene was completely different than what she remembered. More homes clogged up the stree
t, and not one child was racing about their yard and playing. She parked across the street from her old house and let the car idle.

  The colonial-style home was picturesque with large, colorful trees in the front yard and a front porch swing that swayed as the wind blew. Memories of herself as a childhood daredevil filled her mind. Eva could practically hear her mother’s voice as she yelled at her to never stand on the swing. But that adrenaline rush was more important to Eva than going to bed without dessert.

  She thought about whether a family lived there now and wondered if they spent as much time creating happy memories as her family had. Eva wanted to knock on the door and tell whoever opened it that life was too short for assumptions and selfishness. Life was too short not to stand on the porch swing and imagine you’re riding the biggest wave to ever grace the Atlantic. Life was so much shorter than anyone planned for. Eva sighed and put the car in drive. She had no real reason to dwell on a past she couldn’t change. All she could do was make the most of the future. Eva repeated that resolution to herself as she turned the car around and headed back home.

  * * *

  The start of Eva’s week flew by in a flurry of phone calls with Luke’s lawyer and talking to every representative at his bank. When she finally had time to herself, Eva was too exhausted from deciphering legal jargon to do anything besides listen to Casey give updates about her day. Wednesday morning rolled around, and Eva promised herself she’d only focus on two things: rehearsal and her date with Casey. Casey had insisted on doing most of the traveling since Eva had to be in the city all day, and as reluctant as Eva was to accept such a gesture, she was beyond grateful for Casey’s thoughtfulness.

  Eva’s driver pulled up in front of the studio a little after ten in the morning, and Eva stepped out of the car. She heard a loud round of applause the moment she stepped inside.

  “There she is,” Max said, his voice bellowing above the noisy chatter in the space. “They’re sending a car for us in fifteen minutes.” He hugged her for a brief moment before kissing both of her cheeks. “You look wonderful, if not a little suburban. They’re going to love it.”

  Eva looked down at her flannel and skinny jeans. “Thanks?”

  “Go on,” he said, urging her into the crowded main area. “I’m sure there’s at least one pretty face you want to catch up with.” Eva rolled her eyes at his wink.

  When she turned toward the bustling group behind her, she loathed to admit she couldn’t recall everyone’s names. She knew the redhead modeled in stilettos better than she ever could, and the young man with captivating mahogany skin often answered to “Razor” because his jawline was so sharp. But names? Real names, not kitschy nicknames, escaped her. However, the name of the one woman who was waving at her was already on the tip of Eva’s tongue.

  “Sara, how are you?” Eva received a robust hug instead of an answer. Sara, the ever-electric bundle of energy, launched herself at Eva and clung to her desperately. “I guess you’re doing well.”

  “I’ve been missing you,” Sara said. When she moved in for a kiss, Eva leaned away from her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to talk to you about us.” Eva flinched at her own opening. She hated to imply their fling was anything significant, but judging by the glimmer in Sara’s eyes, playing into her interpretation of their relationship was the safest way to go. “We had a wonderful time together, but I have someone in my life now.”

  “You told me you weren’t looking for anything serious.”

  “I wasn’t, but it’s not as simple as that. This girl is something special.”

  “And I’m not?” Sara crossed her arms over her chest.

  Shit. Not my best choice of words. “That’s not what I meant. She and I go way back, and seeing each other again brought up a lot of forgotten feelings.” Eva could tell Sara wasn’t buying what she was trying to sell, even if it was the truth. “She’s my first love, and I wasn’t expecting to see her this weekend.” Eva recoiled when Sara made a sound of disgust in the back of her throat.

  “Whatever,” Sara said before storming off.

  Eva hadn’t been sure what to expect with Sara, but that certainly wasn’t it. She rejoined Max by the door to wait for their car.

  “How’d it go with Sara?”

  “She’s either really pissed at me or doesn’t care at all.”

  “She was over the moon for you, and you’ve only slept together a few times.”

  “You slept with her, too! At the same time I was, more often than not. I wasn’t fully expecting her to consider that a real relationship.”

  “Kids these days are very open-minded, you included.” Max bumped his shoulder against hers.

  “Yes, Grandpa, please teach me more about my kind.” Eva laughed at her own joke. Max was ten years older, but he always tried to philosophize like a wise elder. She could feel his eyes on her and she knew he was smiling, but she didn’t dare look into his kind blue eyes.

  “Whoever they are, they must be special.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You came back empty-handed,” he said. “You didn’t bring any of your stuff back, which leads me to believe you plan on staying there. Put that together with you breaking Sara’s heart? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.”

  She wanted to point out that she couldn’t have broken Sara’s seemingly fragile heart, but Max’s serious tone and hard eyes stopped her. “She’s everything I missed about home.”

  Max smiled broadly at Eva and then looked out the small window by the door. A black sedan pulled up. “It’s show time.”

  * * *

  Casey tapped her toe repeatedly against the worn wood of Eva’s front steps. Eva should’ve been home twenty minutes ago, but Casey understood the unpredictability of city traffic. She just worried the people Eva surrounded herself with in the city were equally chaotic. What if that life proved too tempting for Eva, and the idea of returning to Casey in Marlboro wasn’t really what she wanted? Maybe Eva didn’t want to split her life. A nondescript black sedan pulled up, dragging Casey from her insecure thoughts.

  She watched Eva step out of the car, her smile brilliant and unrestrained. They didn’t even exchange a hello before they were in one another’s arms.

  “I’m exhausted,” Eva said directly into Casey’s ear.

  Casey pulled herself free and kissed Eva slowly. When she looked at Eva, her brown eyes were tired but sparkling. “Then I say we should order a pizza and relax.”

  “That’s not much of a date.”

  “Our official first date can wait. I’m fine spending the night at home. School fried my brain today anyway.” Casey took Eva’s hand and led her straight to the bedroom. “Change and go get comfortable while I order food and grab my laptop.”

  “You’re wonderfully considerate.” Eva kissed Casey once quickly, and then dipped down for a longer, more languid kiss. Casey melted into her touch. “And you’re unbelievably beautiful. Has anyone told you that?”

  Casey smiled cheekily. “Not today.”

  “What about yesterday?”

  “You didn’t…”

  “Who was it? A stud in one of your classes? A cute barista at work?” Eva gasped. “Was it a professor?”

  Casey guffawed outright. “An elderly man who orders the same tea every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night. I have it ready for him before he even makes it to the counter.” Casey watched Eva’s face soften.

  “See? Considerate and beautiful.” Eva kissed her cheek before going to the liquor cabinet in the kitchen. She offered Casey a drink as she poured her own. Casey declined and watched as Eva took her first long sip.

  Casey tamped down her disquiet. Anyone should be able to unwind after a long day. “Change out of this,” she said while unbuttoning Eva’s flannel shirt. “I’ll be right back.”

  Thirty minutes later, Casey and Eva lounged in bed, eating pizza straight from the box and watching television. They laughed and chatted,
and Casey wiped sauce from the corner of Eva’s mouth more than once, even after Eva told her to leave it because more was on its way. When only two slices of pizza and half a discarded crust remained, Casey fell into the warmth and comfort of Eva’s body. She traced along Eva’s stomach with her fingertips, her touch soothing like a lullaby.

  “I want to ravish you, but I’m too tired.”

  Casey turned her face into Eva’s shirt and giggled. “Long week?”

  “Yeah,” Eva said, letting her head fall back onto her pillow. “Who knew being the heir to practically nothing would take so much time and energy.”

  “I still can’t believe this is really all yours.”

  “Kind of ironic, right? All I ever wanted was to get away from this place, and now it’s practically all I have.”

  Casey remained quiet, not entirely sure what to say. She wanted to assure Eva that they had each other, but those words seemed out of place. She still didn’t even know the extent of Eva’s past traumas.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what he did to you?” Casey asked. “You don’t have to, but ever since we were younger, I had my suspicions.” When Eva didn’t respond, Casey thought to backtrack. “It’s cool that you’re a homeowner, though. You’re only twenty-three and have a house to yourself. Every student on campus would be jealous if they—”

  “He hit me more times than I could count.” The sound from the computer nearly washed away Eva’s low voice as she extended her forearm. “This is from him.”

  Casey looked at the round scar again. She remembered when the mark was fresher, redder, and angrier. The sickening feeling that twisted her stomach the first time she saw it came back. “I remember the day he did this. We were having a great morning and then…” Casey stroked the soft skin of Eva’s inner forearm before pressing gently into the small pucker of skin. “I cried when I saw it.”

  “I know, I heard you in the bathroom.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”


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