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Playing Jasper (Genoa Mafia Series Book 4)

Page 15

by Ginger Ring

  “I’ve been waiting a lifetime for you.” His voice was low and breathy. “I just didn’t know it until now.”

  If she’d been worried about him being a player before, all those doubts were gone. His eyes said even more than his words did. He wanted her, he needed her, he loved her, and she felt the same way.

  Jasper pulled her to his chest. The touch of his skin against hers was smooth and warm. He’d kissed her before, but when his lips met hers this time, it was different. Possessive, commanding, and making her knees weak. His arm wrapped around her waist to hold her in place. Her breasts pressed up against his hard pecs. With the other hand, he weaved his fingers through her hair, deepening the assault on her lips.

  He tasted of coffee and sweets, two of her favorite things. It was a kiss of a lifetime. A promise of things to come. A promise of forever. A groan escaped her mouth when his lips left hers. “You all right?” His eyes searched hers.

  “Never better.” It was true. Tomorrow be damned. Tonight, she would live. “Your kiss made my knees weak.” She stroked his ego, even if every word she said was true.

  “I can fix that.” Jackie squealed as he bent down and picked her up like she was light as a feather. “Are you staying with me?”

  It should have been obvious, since she was wearing next to nothing, but he asked again, “Are you saying you’re mine?”

  “Yes.” For how long was anyone’s guess, but for now, she was exactly where she wanted to be. He kissed her again and carried her to the bedroom where he placed her on the bed. Shyness kicked in, and she reached for a pillow. Jasper took it out of her hands and placed it to the side.

  “Never hide. You’re so beautiful to me. The most beautiful one in the world.” His fingers touched the necklace he’d given her. “Forever and always. Some men might shower women with diamonds and money, but to me, words and actions mean more.”

  “I don’t need diamonds. Words and action are what counts.” Truthfully, Jackie never cared for the overpriced rocks. Jasper had been more thoughtful and romantic than any solitaire ever could be.

  “Someday, I’ll give you a diamond.” The mattress lowered as he put one knee down and joined her on the bed. “Unless you’d rather have something else.”

  “The only thing I want is you.” The last thing she wanted to think about now was wedding rings and promises.

  “You have me.” He nuzzled her neck with kisses that tickled and teased; Jasper’s hands caressed her skin raising good bumps with every stroke. “Am I really the only woman to ever be in this bed?” She had to know.

  Jasper raised his gaze to hers. “I swear. The first, only, and last.” Her heart soared. It was almost hard to breathe, it felt so full. Jackie traced a finger along his jaw. It was rough and scratchy with a five o’clock shadow, but she yearned to feel that surface against every part of her body.

  “Don’t stop now.” Her palm cupped his cheek before moving to his soft, thick hair.

  “I don’t plan on it.” His assault on her lips continued where they left off in the living room. Jasper fingers easily unhooked her bra, and he cupped her breasts in his palms. “Beautiful. Just beautiful.”

  She arched her back off the bed as Jasper teased first one nipple and then the next in his mouth. Jasper dropped kisses between her breasts before working his way down her stomach. Reaching her panties, he slowly slid them down her legs.

  With a devilish glint to his eyes, Jasper dropped between her thighs and began to kiss and tease. “I can’t take it anymore.” Jackie pulled him up by the hair to stop. “Don’t make me wait any longer. We have all night to explore, but for now,” she placed her arms tightly around his back, “make me yours.”

  “Anything you say, Angel.” Jasper positioned himself between her thighs then stopped. “Shouldn’t we be having that awkward conversation about safe sex and condoms right now?”

  “Jasper!” The guy drove her crazy in more ways than one. “I’m clean and on birth control.”

  “I am too.” Yet he stalled again. Was something wrong? Had he changed his mind?

  “Jasper, what are you waiting for?” It was too much to take. She was primed and ready to go, and now he had taken his foot off the gas.

  “As much as I want to go fast, I don’t want the moment to fade too quickly,” he admitted, and she felt a tear form in her eye.

  Jasper was sweet. Jasper was sexy. And when he finally entered her, slowly, Jasper was finally hers.

  Chapter Twenty


  Snuggling closer to the warm body behind her, Jackie yawned.

  “Good morning, Angel.” Jasper kissed her shoulder and drew her close, his arm tight across her chest and nestled between her breasts. It wouldn’t be surprising if she was rosy from end to end with whisker burns from his chin. How many times had they made love last night? Three. No, four. Two times in bed, once in the bathroom, their eyes meeting in the mirror as he bent her over the sink, oh, and then in the kitchen when they got hungry. Her cheeks burned thinking about him loving her with his mouth on the top of the kitchen counter.

  Jasper was her dream come true. A romantic, gorgeous man who seemed to want no one but her. He was also a self-admitted killer. She pushed that fact out of her mind for the time being.

  “Morning.” She entwined her fingers with his.

  Jasper’s phone buzzed, and he cursed. “Excuse me.”

  Her skin chilled when it lost contact with his, but as soon as he grabbed his cell, he enveloped her in his arms again. “Yeah?” he answered it.

  It was a male voice on the other end, but she couldn’t hear what they said.

  “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He ended the call and tossed it on the bed. “There’s nothing I would rather do than spend the rest of the day in bed with you, but I’ve got to go.”

  “Work?” She rolled over to face him.

  “Yeah, and I’m not sure how long it will take. Could be all day.”

  Her gaze lowered to his lips, and she dropped a kiss there. “It’s all right. I should get home anyway. I’ve got laundry piling up.”

  “Bring it here. Move in here.” Jasper pulled her on top of him. “Let me buy you new clothes.” He laughed.

  “We’ll talk about that later. You have to go, and so do I.” She framed his face and kissed him again. It was something she could do all day and never tire.

  The man beneath her let out a groan. “I’m so sorry.” He rolled her back to her side of the bed and slowly got to his feet. Damn, he was hot. Last night was a rush, but now in the daylight, she had more time to feast with her eyes. Long legged, slim waist, and tight muscles in all the spots they should be, and judging by the large erection pointing her way, he was very attracted to her. “Keep looking at me like that, and I’m going to be in big trouble for being late.”

  “I’m going also.” She dragged herself out of the bed, and he started to dress. They had clothes scattered throughout the house.

  When they were finally dressed, Jasper hugged her and kissed her forehead. “I’ll call you later and let you know when I’m done. We’ll go out to eat or something.”

  “Sure. I’d like that.” His phone rang again.

  “Damn. I got to go. Just lock up when you leave.” He looked at the screen.

  “I will. You’d better go.” She gently pushed him away.

  Jasper rushed out the door without answering it.

  Jackie sat down to slip on her shoes. This time, it was her phone that rang. It was Madison.

  “Hello?” It was a Saturday. Did she want to do lunch?

  “Jackie, I hate to bother you, but I have a favor to ask.”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “I know it’s a Saturday, but I have a shipment coming in, and I can’t be there to accept it.”

  “Do you need me to go to the winery?”

  There was a sigh of relief on the other end of the line. “Yes, and you’d be a lifesaver if you did.”

  “Of course.”
Maddy gave her the name of the delivery man and the time he’d be there. Jackie had just been given a key a few days ago, in case of emergencies like this. There was a lot to do before they opened for the summer season. Plus, Madison hadn’t been acting herself. She seemed tired and even teary at times. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, Roman has to travel, and I’m going with him. Everything is fine, so don’t worry.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of things.” It was the least she could do for all that Madison had done for her.

  “Thanks. Got to go.” The call ended before she could say goodbye. That was odd. Jasper had to rush away, and now, so did Madison. Was it mob business? Just the thought of it put a damper on her otherwise sunny day.

  Just a short time later, Jackie waited at the back entrance to sign for the delivery. It was a shipment of glassware with their new logo that would be used for wine tastings and also to sell. The driver handed her his iPad for her to sign and said his goodbye.

  Jackie locked the door and decided to check emails in her office. As the laptop kicked in, she glanced around her office. This was a dream job and not one she would ever want to leave. How could she even think about leaving Genoa, now that everything was falling into place? Reading the few emails didn’t take long, and now she had to find something to do the rest of the day. That hadn’t been a problem before, but now, all she wanted to do was be with Jasper again. Maybe she’d take a stroll along the lake. Yeah, that would be nice. Problem solved. She grabbed her purse and left the office.

  Walking through the storage area again, something felt off. Jackie stopped and looked around. There was a chill and a damp smell in the air, but what would be causing that? Glancing around, a light caught her eye. Drifting toward the source, she spied a doorway in the wall where a door shouldn’t be.

  “What the hell?” A lump formed in her throat. Did she really want to look at what was inside? She’d taken this job for a change of pace, some excitement, and because her days were numbered at the Globe, but that wasn’t the whole truth. All along, it’d been her hope to discover something that would prove the Caponellis were involved in criminal activities, and now it was the last thing she wanted to do. Her time in Genoa had been the means to the end—find something on them and hopefully discover who’d killed her parents. She dropped her chin to her chest. Jackie didn’t have a choice anymore. Some things were set in motion that couldn’t be stopped. Her palms began to sweat and her heart raced.

  A peek through the door showed what she feared: a hidden room. There were boxes set all over, but nothing was written on the sides. Jackie lifted a few and was shocked to see jewelry, guns, and bricks of what could only be drugs. She dropped the cover of that box as if it was hot. Looking up, the sight of what she’d recently seen on the front page of the paper was staring her right in the face. Her jaw dropped, and her head spun. It was a Picasso, the painting that’d been stolen from Rodney Studd.

  “Oh, no. Oh, no.” Jackie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was what she’d been working for and searching for ever since her parents’ murder. It was right next to her, but could she really blow the whistle and ruin what she had with Jasper? Something that had just started to grow and flourish?

  In a daze, Jackie closed the door but didn’t shut it all the way. Hurrying back to her office, she took a seat and calmed her nerves. Her stomach was in knots. There was only one choice, and it had to be made. If she didn’t make the call, she’d had to leave anyway. Her job was to discover what Roman was up to, write a story, and turn him in.

  A pit low in her gut formed as she picked up her phone and punched in the numbers she’d memorized.

  “Hello.” The voice on the end sent a chill up her spine. He’d been there to comfort her after her parents’ deaths and all the nightmares that followed. She’d been numb and just going through the motions, exactly the same way she felt now.

  “Mr. Hower. It’s Jackie Messina-Smith.” A pencil twirled between her fingers.

  “Jackie? It’s been ages. What can I do for you?” The man sounded as anxious as she was. “Is everything okay?”

  “I don’t know if you remember, but you know the story we talked about writing? After my parents passed?” Jackie paused. “The one that would make headlines?”

  “Yes.” The sound of a door closing could be heard in the background. “I’m listening.”

  “Well, I got it. Everything we need.”

  “I have to have proof and nothing less.” He breathed heavy on the line.

  “How soon can you get here?” She closed her eyes to keep the tears from falling. Jasper thought of her as an angel, but when this was done, he would think she was the devil.

  After that call ended, she placed one more to seal her fate.



  It was hard to concentrate when every time he thought about the last twenty-four hours, he was hard and happy.

  “What’s your problem?” Arlo was always gruff. At least, that’s what it seemed like lately. The guy complained if someone talked too much and was bothered if they were too quiet.

  “Nothing. Just trying to figure out what’s going on with the Russians. The last thing we need right now is a war.”

  “Tell me about it.” They were in the lead car, followed closely by Roman, Maddy, and their bodyguards. They’d gone to Chicago for an early meeting at Roman’s father’s home, where they’d met with Madison and Layla’s father Bruno Rinaldi.

  The Bratva had been made several strikes against Caponelli and Rinaldi businesses in Chicago recently. They’d gotten along fine, meaning no border fights in ages, but now they were showing muscle for no reason. The meeting had gone long, and they all ended up staying at the complex in the windy city for several hours. Jasper called Jackie a couple times, but she never answered. He was on the verge of driving back, but she finally texted later in the day saying everything was fine and she’d wanted to catch up on things around home.

  It put him at ease when he contacted the tech guys and they verified she was at home. He was concerned. They never did find the brute that had brutally attacked a young woman, and knowing it was an unhinged Russian thug made it even more dangerous. Jasper had the tech guys implant tracking devices in all the jewelry he’d given Jackie, so it would be a good bet she’d be wearing at least one at some time or the other.

  All the guys had trackers on their phones and on the phones of their women. If something went wrong, they wanted to be able to gather everyone at a moment’s notice. Jasper exhaled and tapped a finger on his knee. It was late afternoon before they were on the road home, and he was anxious to get back to town.

  Arlo’s cell went off. He answered it then put it on speaker.

  “Jasper?” It was Roman. Now what?


  “I need all of you tonight. Dom will be there also.” He went on to say the time, in code, and the place they would meet. “I’ll give you further info when we get there.”

  “Yes, sir.” The last thing he wanted to do was spend a night away from Jackie, so they’d better have a good reason. “What’s this about?”

  “Someone double crossed the family, and we need to take care of it.” Roman spoke loudly and clearly.

  Arlo glanced his way, and his eyes widened.

  “We’ll be there, boss,” Jasper answered and ended the call.

  “Do you think it’s the Russians?” Arlo seemed obsessed with finding someone to beat the shit out of, and they were his new favorite target.

  “Nothing would surprise me after what happened the other day.”

  “Do you think this means war?” Before, he would have jumped at the chance to even the score and fight, but that was before Jackie. He hated being apart from her. Hated taking unnecessary risks that might prevent him from being home at night. Just being in Chicago for a few hours had him itching to get the hell out of there and back to her.

  “I don’t have a fucking clue,” Arlo grumbled. “But
whatever needs to be done, I’ll do it.”

  It was late evening when they drove up to the end of the tunnel that was the back way into the winery. Dominic was at the door, a somber expression on his face.

  “What’s up?” Jasper got out of the car and approached his friend. Arlo was close behind.

  “You’re not going to like it.” Dom ran his fingers through his long hair before tying it up in a knot. “Shit’s about to go down here tonight, and your girlfriend’s involved.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Her stomach twisted, and she fought back the nausea caused by just being in the same room with the guy. All the trauma came rushing back. The phone call in the middle of the night that her parents had been murdered. Going to the morgue to identify the bodies. No one should ever have to do that. Ever. Andrew Hower was waiting for her when she showed up at the police station. He was there to help her through the whole process, whether she needed it or not. At that point in time, Jackie had no idea what she wanted, except to have her mom and dad back.

  It was a mob hit, he had told her, and the police had agreed. Hower stressed that she never mention anything about what her father had been about to publish. To protect herself, he’d said. The story would stay buried, even though she had told him over and over again that she knew nothing about what it contained.

  Hower met her after dark, and they parked their cars behind the main building of the winery. She’d used her key, and they entered her work place. Cold air greeted them as they entered the room Jackie wanted him to see. It matched the chill that flowed through her veins. There was no way this would end well. In fact, one of them would die today. It was a given. Maybe they both would before it was all said and done.

  “And you’ve looked in all of these?” Hower rubbed his palms together. A virtual kid in a candy store. He opened one and pulled out a handful of diamond necklaces. Andrew replaced them and peeked in another. “Drugs, guns, jewelry. What else did you find?”


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