Rose of the Desert

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Rose of the Desert Page 12

by Roumelia Lane

She thought of the Rowland household, fairly bursting with love. Steve adored his wife. There was no mistaking the dejection in his eyes when he had to leave for the oil camp. With a wink at Julie he had swept up his children one in each arm, and dumped them in giggling heaps on the lawn. Lynn had walked to the car with him and waved him off to the end of the road, turning back into the drive with a resigned smile. But that was over a week ago. Since then they had weeded and tidied the garden together, caught up on a backlog of mending, and taken it in turns to supervise the children. She had learned a little of Lynn's life, how^she had travelled the world making publicity films for a national corporation until five years ago when she had met Steve holidaying in Morocco. Now she was a housewife and mother with no regrets, looking eagerly forward to the end of each working period when her husband would be back with her again.

  She came through the veranda doors now, fresh in a cream suit and hat.

  "How do you feel about taking over for a couple of hours, Julie?" she called. "I thought I might walk down to the shops. Bella tells me they've got some deliciously vivid blouses in Dano's."

  "I feel so redundant," Julie laughed guiltily, stretching her legs on the chaise-longue. "Janet and Mark have been in a huddle for the past half hour. It's all very secret and mysterious."

  "Don't worry, it won't last." Lynn gave a wry smile. "If it does make the most of it. They'll make up for it another day. I won't disturb them with a kiss. 'Bye!" She waved and disappeared along the drive.

  After another fifteen minutes had elapsed Julie thought it might be advisable to go in search of the children. Their voices had grown gradually fainter, and now she could hear them through the gateway of the courtyard. Perhaps Mark had decided to take a turn on his bike. But no. She found them both sprawled out on the flagstones poking with dusty fingers at some object between them.

  At the sight of Julie, Jane jumped to her feet, eyes wide with guilt. She skipped forward with forced gaiety.

  "Julie! Julie! Come and look what we found!"

  "Yes, Doolie, come and have a look. Doolie!"

  Mark was lying on his tummy staring down in hypnotised fascination. The object moved and Julie felt her flesh creep, though she kept a bright smile. She moved forward to take a closer look.

  The spider was about the size of a florin with hairy legs like combs. It was prevented from running to any great lengths by a circle of toy bricks and an occasional wallop from a small hand.

  "He's in the zoo!" Janet hopped proudly. "We captured him for our zoo!"

  "We captered him," Mark echoed, adding importantly, "I picked him up from a fower."

  "Mark, I don't think you should touch it like that," Julie offered tactfully, though she felt faint from fear.

  "Come over here to me, there's a good boy."

  Mark didn't move.

  "I captered him," he murmured ponderously. "He's in our zoo." He put a fat fist out to push back a hairy leg and Julie ran forward. "Mark!"

  "It's quite harmless."

  A voice floated lazily from behind, and Mark was swung away from her and high on to Clay's shoulder. She gazed up with stricken eyes and he grinned round at Mark.

  "Nevertheless, young fellow, I think we'll put him back amongst the flowers. Girls aren't as tough as us, you know. Spiders scare 'em."

  Mark wriggled down and strutted with a swelled chest, "I'ne not scared. I picked him up."

  "I'm not scared and I'm a girl." Janet ran forward with an offended flick of her pony-tail.

  "No, you're not, you're just a breath of wind."

  She shrieked with delight as he swung her up and down again with one arm.

  "Right, then. Who's coming to see where we drop him?" Unceremoniously Clay scopped up the spider and strode off down the garden. Mark hesitated, staring at the empty circle of bricks.

  "I captered him for our zoo."

  "You don't have spiders in zoos." Clay called, and with a wicked glint at Julie, "What you want is a nice fat mouse."

  "Ooh yes! A nice fat mouse! "

  Gleefully the children took Julie's hands and dragged her down the garden. The spider, forgotten by now, was dumped down by a clump of jasmine, and ambled off over the coarse grass. Janet and Mark tore across the lawn, throwing themselves into various leaps and somersaults for Clay's benefit.

  "As it-happens I'm not in the least afraid of spiders," Julie stated primly, "but there are certain poisonous species to be found abroad. I just wasn't sure."

  "You did the right thing," Clay nodded. "It's wise to keep a healthy respect for anything that moves in the tropics."

  There was a silence in which she heard the squeak of his shoes crushing the grass.

  "Lynn's out," she mentioned casually.

  "I know. I've just seen Bella." He flicked a glance her way. "Like the job?"

  "Very much."

  "I thought I'd leave you to get settled in."

  What he meant was he couldn't spare the time. He must have spent the best part of his leave with Tamara. They came on to the terrace where a table and several chairs were set in the shade of a spreading cypress. Clay hitched his trousers and dropped down.

  "I could use a drink."

  "I'll see what Bella's got. Will iced lime do?"


  She returned with the lime and glasses on a tray, and at the tinkle of ice, Janet and Mark, hot and sticky, struggled on to the terrace. Julie smiled.

  "Bella's got your orange juice, but I think there's a little cleaning up to be done first."

  She led them inside, leaving Clay staring over the lawn. When she emerged his glass was drained and he was pulling on a cigarette. She sank down as he poured her a drink.

  "I'm flying back to Guchan tonight"

  Julie struggled to quell the hurt. Nearly two weeks of leave and he had come here on practically his last hour, and then probably only to see Lynn and the children. He handed her the glass, watching her face. She managed brightly,

  "At least the working period isn't so long now. Lynn tells me it's a fortnight on and a week off."

  "Not for me it isn't. I come and go when I can. Maybe my successor will get a better deal now that the Guchani oil project is pretty well on its feet."

  "Your successor ?"

  Julie couldn't keep the curiosity out of her voice. There was only the clink of ice in her glass as he paused and drew lazily on his cigarette.

  "I've been offered a desk job in administration.'*

  "Will you take it?"

  He shrugged. "A villa in Tripoli might not be a bad idea."

  "I can't imagine it," she replied jerkily, swishing the ice round in her glass. The idea of Clay becoming part of some domestic scene somewhere shook her. She had always wanted to imagine him as the tough, impervious oilfields boss, dedicated to his profession. It was bearable that way. Now he was talking of a villa in Tripoli. Had Tamara got through somehow?

  "Can't you?" he was saying with a sour smile. "I don't see why not. Civilisation hooks us all eventually, you know." There was the sound of footsteps on the drive, and Lynn came swinging round the bend, a couple of parcels in her hand.

  "Clay! How marvellous!" she beamed. "Are you staying for a meal?"

  He got to his feet with a grin.

  "If you're sure it won't upset Bella."

  "I'll go and soft-soap her right now." She winked conspiratorily and disappeared inside.

  "The desert widows," Clay murmured drily, watching her go.

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "Desert widows. That's what the women call themselves. They're compelled to live in the towns, while their husbands spend the best part of their lives in the desert."

  "Lynn and Steve seem happy enough," Julie pointed out.

  "Maybe, but to my mind it's not the ideal arrangement."

  "Is that why you've never married?"

  She could ask this question because Clay had his back to her. He slanted a glance her way, his face expressionless.

  "You could say that." />
  After a silence she asked,

  "Did Tamara get my address?"

  Though it was like smoothing ft rash with glass paper she "just had to bring Tamara out into the open. Clay nodded.

  "I was going to drive her out here this afternoon, but something turned up regarding this air base job."

  "She hasn't got it yet, then?"

  "These things take time."

  Time! That was something that Clay and Tamara had both had plenty of lately. And it sounded as though they had used it up together. Moodily she stared at the row of English flowers that Lynn and herself were carefully cultivating. She didn't see what a gay splash of colour they made against the stucco wall of the house. Clay threw away his cigarette and came back to his seat,

  "How's the leg?"

  "It's fine now, thank you."

  "No scar," he said teasingly, "That's lucky, considering what a mule you were about having attention."

  "No more than you, who wouldn't believe it was just a scratch," she returned evenly.

  "Still prickly?" he mocked. "That was more than a week ago."

  "Nine days, to be exact."

  "Nine days!" He studied her with a glint in his eyes. "Are you glad to see me?"

  "Should I be?" She returned his mocking smile offhandedly. "Skip it."

  Mark and Janet tumbled through the french windows, bright orange stains around their mouths.

  "Clay! Clay! Give me a swing," Janet called, remembering to tack on a belated "please".

  Mark scuffed over to Julie's chair and dropped his teddy bear into her lap. "He's 'ost his eyes" and with a heavy sigh, "again."

  "I'll tell you what," Julie said, taking his hand, "let's go and find two bright buttons from the sewing box and I'll stitch them on so's they never come off again." Nodding happily, he clutched her hand and they went inside.

  Clay left about six o'clock after a boisterous hour with the children and tea on the terrace. He waved a hand briefly and drove off in a cloud of dust, and Julie turned back into the house, knowing just how Lynn felt when she waved Steve goodbye.


  STEVE'S arrival at the end of the week was a big day for all concerned. Lynn was complete once more, and the children could look forward to jaunts in the car which they adored. As for Julie, it was enough to be part of the enchantment and to help out in any way she could. The first four were halcyon days spent entirely with the children in mind, picnics on the beach and car rides to favourite spots along the coast, and Julie enjoyed herself as much as anyone. Though she was there primarily to assist with the children, she never felt anything less than part of the family.

  Steve and Lynn spent the next two days at a picturesque oasis some miles out of Tripoli. They returned much relieved to hear that the children hadn't been unduly disturbed at their absence. On his last day, when Steve was digging a swimming pool for the children, he pushed his hat to the back of the spiky blond hair and looked up at Julie,

  "We were planning to fly out to Malta for a few days next leave, Julie. Do you think you can cope?"

  Julie smiled, scooping Mark up from a mound of earth,

  "We'll have lots of fun on our own, won't we, young man?" Mark chuckled and clutched a portion of dusty soil.

  "Is it all right if I take the car occasionally while you're away? I think I can handle it now."

  He nodded. "From what I've seen of your driving this week you'll do O.K. In fact it was the best thing Clay ever did for us, mentioning your name. Lynn needs a break from the children once in a while, and your being here has had a marvellous effect on her. Thanks for coming, Julie," he added with shy sincerity.

  "I'm on to a good thing too, you know," Julie laughed. "Bed and board, and the children are no trouble. I feel a bit of a fraud 1"

  Janet ran across the garden, jumped and landed with a flop in the dusty hole, laughing loudly at her performance.

  "No trouble, eh?" Steve scoffed with a twinkle. He swung Janet up and sat her on his shoulders, disregarding the small fingers tugging at his hair,

  "How was he—Clay?"

  Julie fingered the handful of soil in Mark's hand.

  "Clay? Up to his neck in it as usual. A borer snapped last week, and the Arab section is a bit restless. Something to do with rates of pay. It's no wonder he hasn't much to say to people these days." He dropped Janet down and continued digging.

  It could be pressure of work keeping Clay's thoughts busy, Julie pondered. On the other hand it could be plans for his future that occupied most of his time. After all, it was a big decision he was considering—whether a desk job in Tripoli had as much to offer as the Guchani oilfields. With Tamara waiting for him what else could he decide?

  Steve left early next day and the house settled back into a peaceful routine. Lynn had the children from rising in the morning to lunch time. After that they had a nap in the heat of the day and then Julie took over until their bedtime. It was an ideal arrangement for both concerned. Lynn was happy just to potter around the house without having to worry what the children were up to every five minutes, and Julie spent her leisure hours walking around the town and sometimes bathing from the third beach. Occasionally she wrote a long letter to her father.

  One day when she had written a particularly lengthy epistle she gave it to Lynn for posting.

  "To your father?" Lynn handled the bulky packet with a knowing nod. "I write reams to my sister in Marubo. Like you and your father there's only the two of us."

  "Really?" Julie was surprised. "I imagined you to have dozens of relatives. You're so ..." she shrugged, trying to find the right word "... complete."

  Lynn smiled, glancing out into the garden to where the children were romping. "I've got everything to make me complete, haven't I?" She dropped the letter into her hand-- bag and pulled on a pair of white gloves. "Steph is five years younger than me. We were brought up by different foster-parents. She lived in Yorkshire and I was down in Kent. We didn't see an awful lot of one another."

  "But that must have been terrible 1" Julie was indignant "Couldn't they have arranged to let you live together?"

  "I don't think it occurred to anybody. They weren't all that fussy in those days. We were lucky to have a home."

  "Marubo," Julie mused. "Where's that?"

  "It's a little kingdom sandwiched between Ethiopia and the Sudan. Steph's husband is a farmer ... or at least trying his hand at it."

  "Marubo? I remember now. Isn't that the place that has just gained independence?"

  Lynn nodded. "There's a great agricultural scheme under way. John volunteered, though I don't know how Stephanie will come off. She's used to the bright lights of Nairobi. They used to run a night club there, quite a show- place, I believe."

  "Do you visit her?"

  "I haven't done yet." Lynn smiled wryly. "Stephanie's communications are few and far between. In fact the letter I received telling us of their move is the first I've had in months. You might say I know you better than I do my sister."

  "She must be missing the night club people, on a remote farm," Julie commented absently, staring out of the window.

  Lynn picked up her handbag and studied Julie thoughtfully.

  "You know, we should have a party," she said suddenly. "I've been so busy becoming domesticated I'm not on much more than speaking terms with the English contingent here. And you need young people around you ... perhaps a young man eventually."

  Julie smoothed the gathers of her dress and coloured slightly.

  "Unless," Lynn queried, "there's someone already. Is there? He's quite welcome here, you know."

  Composed again, Julie lifted her head, and forced a tight smile.

  "There's no one special."

  "But there will be." Lynn dropped an arm affectionately around her shoulder. "And wherever he is, he's in for a nice surprise. Do you want me to make an appointment for you while I'm at the hairdressers?"

  "Yes, please. The day after tomorrow, I think."

  Lynn waved to
the children on her way out, and Julie watched her go, knowing that for the first time since her arrival in Africa she had found a genuine friend.

  The swimming pool had been cordoned off until work could be resumed, and Julie saw the children were hanging precariously from the ropes.

  "Janet! Mark!" she called. "Come up here. I've gat a surprise!"

  Wide-eyed, the children fell over themselves to see what was in the box that she was holding. "Have you ever made a jig-saw?" she smiled, showing them the picture. "This one is of the zoo, and it's got big wooden pieces. Let's all sit round the garden table, and I'll show you how to fit the pieces to make the picture."

  The contents of the box were spread out and Janet longed excitedly. "Here's a tiger! A real tiger!" she cried.

  "And I've got the tail," Julie laughed. "Put that piece in there, and you've got a whole tiger."

  Mark pondered over a monkey's head, and Janet picked up the body.

  "Here you are, Mark. You can fix this one."

  Small hands forced the two pieces into one, adding a blow with a plump fist for good measure. They soon became engrossed, and Julie was able to glance at a magazine. She was studying the latest range of London fashions when a car sounded on the drive. The next minute Tamara was stepping from a long black Cadillac.

  "Hi, honey!" She smoothed down the skirt of the lilac suit and swung a handbag from the car seat. "So this is where you finally landed, huh?" She glanced round approvingly through the inevitable sunglasses.

  "Hello, Tamara." Julie went to greet her. "I wondered if you would call."

  "First chance I've had. And even now I can't stop." She dropped down under a striped awning at the edge of the garden. "You know, that's one thing I'll say for the Americans. They're thorough. I thought I was being tested as a possible first woman on the moon. Even now I'm not sure 1 haven't joined the American air force!"

  Julie laughed. "I take it you've got the job at the air base."

  "I'm on my way." Tamara saluted gaily. "It looks as if we both made out O.K., doesn't it? You didn't have to go back to England. And I finally got an 'in' at the base."

  "You really wanted that job, didn't you?" Julie smiled, noticing a glow in the other's eyes that even penetrated the sunglasses. Tamara laughed throatily.


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