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#Bae (The Hashtag Series Book 8)

Page 28

by Cambria Hebert

“All the other gifts from the guests I’ll have brought into the house, and you can open them later.” Valerie went on.

  I nodded. Just the thought of opening it all made me kinda tired. I was sure it would be a good job for Nova.

  Absentmindedly, I rubbed my lower back as I stared over the haul of beautiful things. I recognized it all from my list. I had no idea how they tracked all that down from Pinterest. That had to have taken forever.

  The next thing I knew, I was lifted off my feet. I gazed up at Romeo, who was looking at me with concern on his face. “Your back hurts.”

  “Just a little.”

  “When’s the last time you ate?” he asked.

  I sighed. “I just ate a pickle.”

  He glowered at me. “Something other than a pickle.”

  I groaned and pointed to my stomach. “Look at me, Romeo. There is no room inside me for a baby and food.”

  “Go sit.” Valerie shooed us away. “I’ll make you a plate, Rimmel.”

  Romeo agreed, like I didn’t just say I wasn’t hungry, and started toward our table.

  “Let me down.” I squirmed, uncomfortable. “I want to walk.”

  “Cranky,” he muttered but stopped and placed me gently on the grass.

  “You’d be cranky too if you felt like you were about to explode,” I retorted.

  “I know, baby.” He caught my hand and threaded our fingers together. “C’mon.”

  On the way to the table, I tugged him toward the fountain. It wasn’t small. It was taller than Romeo and very wide and round. Pennies littered the bottom already.

  Once the shower was over and the fountain was drained, all the pennies were going to be taken to the bank and put into an account in the baby’s name.

  Romeo produced a penny from his pocket and held it out. “Wish?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  “I’ll make one for you, then,” Romeo replied, accepting my superstition.

  I nodded and smiled. He closed his eyes and put the penny between his palms. A few seconds later, he smiled and tossed it into the water, where it made a light splash and sank instantly to the bottom.

  “It was a good one,” he sang and took my hand so we could go sit.

  A few steps later, I stopped, wrapping a hand around my belly.

  “Rim?” Romeo said, spinning around with worry in his voice. “Rimmel.” His hands were on my sides. I felt the fear in his stare, and I wasn’t even looking at him.

  Warm liquid trickled down the insides of my legs, beneath the white, flowy fabric of my dress.

  I guessed all those Braxton Hicks weren’t really after all. No wonder my back was hurting a little more than usual today and I wasn’t all that hungry.

  Romeo shuffled anxiously on his feet in front of me, and I straightened, still holding my stomach as nerves danced around inside me. “My water just broke.”

  His eyes flared. “Are you sure?”

  I lifted the skirt so he could see my wet thighs. An uncomfortable feeling squeezed my middle, and I winced.

  “Holy fuck!” he burst out. “That don’t look right. What’s happening?”

  “I’m in labor,” I told him, taking a deep breath. “We’re going to meet our baby today.”

  “But it’s not time,” he demanded. “He’s not supposed to come out yet!” He pointed at my stomach accusingly.

  “I don’t think he cares,” I said as more pain squeezed through my middle.

  “Okay, yeah.” He panted, his arms hovering around me. “Okay, don’t worry, baby. I’m right here.”

  He picked me up, and I made a small sound. He cussed, and I bit back a smile. He was the one worrying right now, not me.

  “We’re going to the hospital right now,” he announced.

  “But my bag, it isn’t packed.” I worried.

  “Ivy!” he roared.

  The entire family came running over, including Valerie and Tony. “We’re going to the hospital. She needs all her shit. You can do that, right?” he asked, talking fast as he went.

  “Rimmel, are you in labor?” Ivy burst out.

  I nodded and glanced at Valerie. “I’m so sorry to ruin this gorgeous shower.”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this day! Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll shoo everyone out of here, and then we'll be at the hospital right away!”

  “Where the hell are my keys?” Romeo yelled.

  “Probably in the house,” I told him calmly.

  “I’ll drive,” Drew announced. “Meet you in the garage.”

  And just like that, everyone burst into action. Ivy went to pack a bag. Braeden handed Nova off to his mother, and he and Trent flanked Romeo as he rushed me through the yard to my new Range Rover, Drew already in the driver’s seat.

  The second we were all inside, he peeled down the driveway like we were in one of his races.

  I glanced up at Romeo, his face pale and wild.

  I ducked mine into his chest and smiled.

  “It’s all right, Rim,” he told me. “I’ll make sure everything is fine.”

  He was so incredibly sweet. Even though I saw the nerves on his face, he was being the man I always knew him to be. Strong and capable.

  Funny, I’d been so scared for this moment when I first found out I was pregnant again. Scared I’d never get here. Scared I would.

  Now the moment was here… I wasn’t scared at all.

  There was an inner peace suddenly unlocked inside me, whispering everything would be okay and this baby would indeed be coming home with us.

  With my head on Romeo’s chest (I was still in his lap, getting him and me wet), I glanced across at the baby seat he’d just installed.

  My eyes misted over.

  We were finally having our baby.


  Everybody in this hospital was incompetent.

  I was going to sue them all.

  It was like they were all just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while my wife was in pain instead of getting my baby the hell out of her.

  Rim was hooked up to machines with some band around her stomach and an IV in her hand. Even though she was bigger than usual, she still looked small in the center of the hospital bed, with that ugly-as-sin hospital gown covering her.

  She was in pain. I read it on her face. When it got really bad, she bit down on her lip. I didn’t like it. In fact, it made my stomach ache.

  This was my fault. I did this to her. Why did I have to be so horny all the time?

  “Hey,” she said, holding out her hand.

  I abandoned the pacing and rushed to the bedside, wrapping her hand in both of mine.

  “I’m fine.” She promised. “Stop freaking out.”

  “I’m not freaking out.” I argued.

  Her lips curved into a knowing smile.

  “I don’t like seeing you in pain,” I grumped.

  “It’s not so bad,” she told me. “Besides, I’m tough. I got this.”

  I chuckled, and the worst of my fear ebbed away. She was tough and she could do this.

  There was a swift knock on the door before it swung open and a nurse strode in. I didn’t like her. She was way too chipper and nonchalant about this situation.

  “You have a parade in the hallway,” she announced and motioned toward the door.

  Braeden strode through, followed by Ivy, Drew, Trent, and my parents.

  “Hey, sis, I knew you were gonna explode. Didn’t I tell you?” Braeden said, stopping at the end of Rim’s bed and grabbing her foot, which was underneath a blanket.

  “She’s not exploding,” I growled and pointedly stared where he was touching her.

  “Maybe not, but how close are you?” B said, pulling back his hand and giving me a wary look.

  “I brought all your stuff and some extra,” Ivy told Rimmel, carrying a large bag and setting it on a nearby chair. “And some outfits for the baby.”

  I stared at the bag like it had four heads. How much shit did
she need? She wasn’t going to be here that long—was she?

  “Thank you,” Rimmel told her as the nurse walked to the monitors and started checking stuff. I watched her like a hawk, wondering what she was looking for, if everything was okay.

  “Contractions are closer now,” she said. “Everything looks good.”

  “How much longer?” I asked.

  “Could be several hours,” she replied.

  Hours? Oh, hells no. It had already been a couple hours.

  Rimmel’s hand went taut in mine, and her smile slipped into a mask of pain.

  “Squeeze my hand,” I told her, watching her face.

  How long was she going to have to do this?

  “That’s a big one,” the nurse said, reading the machine again.

  “Can’t you do something?” I snapped as Rimmel squeezed my hand with more force than I thought she had.

  About a minute later, her grip relented, and she rested back against the pillows.

  “Did you change your mind about an epidural?” the super unhelpful nurse asked.

  “No,” Rimmel replied immediately. “No drugs.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a few minutes with the doctor to see how everything is progressing.”

  When she was gone, I looked at my father. “You see that negligence. We have a solid case.”

  He laughed.

  “What the hell is so funny?” I demanded.

  “We aren’t suing anyone, Romeo,” Rimmel declared.

  I went back to pacing.

  Braeden piped up from his position near Ivy. “Dude, you gotta tell the kid to hurry up. That’s what I did with Nova. She came right out.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes, and my mom laughed.

  “Rimmel, can I get you anything?” Mom asked her, stepping up beside the bed.

  “No, thank you. I’m fine. Just a little nervous.”

  “Everything is going to be just fine.” Mom assured her and brushed her hair from her face. “I can feel it.”

  Rimmel nodded and relaxed against the mattress.

  The nurse came back into the room, followed by her new OB, who had already signed a NDA. “Should we see how things are coming along?” she asked as she went to check the machines.

  “We’ll be in the waiting room. If you want or need anything, you just have Roman come and get us. We’ll be right here,” my mother told Rimmel.

  Rimmel surprised me when she grabbed my mother’s hand and squeezed. “Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Mom replied, her eyes actually misty.

  “See, Moms, I told ya Rimmel was a good one,” Braeden said.

  “You were right.” She agreed as she and my father left the room.

  Trent and Drew both went to kiss Rimmel and rub her belly for good luck (I glared at them both) before following along behind my parents.

  The doctor glanced at Braeden and Ivy.

  “I’m not leaving,” Braeden announced. “That’s my sister.”

  Rimmel sighed. “It’s okay,” she told the doctor.

  “Go stand in the corner!” I ordered B. “Don’t be looking at my wife.”

  B put his face in the corner. “Some things a BBFL don’t need to see.”

  Ivy moved up beside Rimmel’s head, and I did the same on the other side.

  The doctor did her thing and announced Rimmel was almost ready to push. “We’ll be back in just a little while, hopefully to have a baby!” the OB declared, then left the room.

  The nurse adjusted her pillows as I glared at her, and Rim smiled sweetly. “Is he always like this?” she whispered, leaning down to my wife.

  Rimmel giggled. “Sometimes he’s worse.”

  “I heard that,” I muttered.

  “It’s okay, Dad,” the nurse remarked on her way past and patted me on the shoulder.


  Holy shit. I was going to be someone’s dad.

  Two things:

  1.) I was going to be one sexy dad.


  2.) I didn’t know how to be a father.

  When the nurse was gone, Rimmel was taken over by another fucking round of pain. I gave her my hand again, and she squeezed it until I thought my bones might break.

  When it was over, I eased onto the side of the bed to take her stomach in both my hands. “You and me, we need to have a talk,” I said. “Now I’m your daddy, and I say it’s time to come out of there. Your mother has had enough.” I leaned down a little closer. “Between you and me, I don’t like the looks of the nurse, so you’re gonna have to do some of the heavy lifting here. Don’t worry. I’ll be here when you get out.”

  I felt the stare of both girls, and I looked up. “What?”

  They rolled their eyes.

  I turned around to look at Braeden. He nodded. “That should do it.”

  “You two are idiots,” Ivy muttered.

  “I think I need to push,” Rimmel said, her voice strained.

  I leapt off the bed and yelled at B. “Go get the damn doctor, man!”

  He rushed from the room. Ivy grabbed Rimmel’s hand. “I’ll wait in the hall. Give you two the first few minutes alone. Come get me when I can hold my niece or nephew.”

  She stopped and hugged me on the way past, then disappeared.

  “Sometimes I thought this day might never come,” Rimmel told me, holding out her hand.

  I took it, kissing her palm. “It’s here.”

  “I love you, even though this kinda really hurts.”

  “I’d take the pain if I could,” I vowed.

  “It’s going to be worth it.”

  I leaned down and kissed her head. Her breaths came in short gasps now. My heart hammered in my chest, and my palms were starting to sweat.

  The doctor and nurse came back into the room, closing the door behind them. After a look downtown and the second Rimmel’s face pinched in discomfort, she encouraged her to push.

  I stayed by my wife the entire time, I focused on her face, her hands… the sound of her breathing. I don’t know how long she pushed—it felt like eternity—but then suddenly, the excited exclamations of the doctor and nurse and the sound of a crying baby cut into my concentration.

  A squirming little baby appeared. The doctor placed it on Rimmel’s chest.

  “It’s a boy!” she announced.

  “A boy,” Rimmel cooed and instantly wrapped her arms around him. “Hi there, little guy,” she said, her voice hoarse with emotion.

  He looked up at her like the sound of her voice was all he needed to hear. She started to cry and rubbed her fingers over his cheek.

  I stared down at them, my wife and my son. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. My entire being went into looking at them, at the perfect picture they created.

  “His eyes are blue, just like yours,” Rimmel said, glancing up at me.

  I swallowed.

  “Romeo?” she said, a question in her voice.

  I blinked, leaned down, and kissed her forehead. “God, Rim. You did so good. He’s perfect.”

  “I’ll need to see him for a bit,” the nurse said, reaching out her hands.

  I moved, using my body as a shield. “Don’t touch my son,” I growled.

  Alarmed, she backed up. “I need to clean him up, get a weight.”

  “Dad?” the OB called. “Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?”

  Behind me, the baby fussed. Rimmel made soft sounds to soothe him. I glanced at the doctor but kept my body taut.

  “Romeo, let them do their job,” Rimmel implored.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned toward the nurse. “She went through a lot of shit to have that baby in her arms.” I warned. “Don’t you take him from her yet.”

  “Another minute wouldn’t hurt.” She agreed.

  I gave her a look I hoped scared her and stepped around to cut the cord. When it was done, I glanced back up at my wife. Her eyes were still on the baby.

  “He’s so beautiful,” sh
e told me. “Come see.”

  “I really need to clean him up.” The nurse worried.

  I glared at her.

  “Oh, yes,” Rimmel said. “I’m sorry.”

  Carefully, my son was transferred into the nurse's care, and she carried him to a small scale and began doing what she needed to do.

  I watched but stayed near my wife. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  “I’m fine.” She promised. “Go see him,” she urged.

  The doctor was talking to Rim, finishing with her, so I let them do their thing and went to see my son.

  “He looks really healthy,” the nurse told me. “Seven pounds, two ounces.”

  I peeked over her shoulder as she wrapped a generic blanket around him and added a pink and blue hat to his head. With care, the nurse picked him up and held him out to me. He was crying, and I knew it was her fault.

  Without thought, I reached for him, pulling him into my chest, holding him as tight as I dared. “There now,” I told him. “I got you. Everything is all good. We Anderson men are made tough.”

  The nurse laughed.

  He was tiny, practically smaller than a football. What little bit of hair he had was light like mine. I brushed at a downy strand just beneath the brim of the cap. His one hand found its way out of the blanket, and it waved around. I slid my index finger against his palm. Instantly, his hand closed around it.

  That’s all it took. I fell so far in love with him there would never be any going back.

  “It’s better than I imagined,” Rimmel said.

  “What is?” I asked, still studying his little face.

  “Seeing you with him.”

  “This is a good-looking kid, Smalls.” I glanced up and smiled.

  “I wanna see.” She held out her arms.

  I carried him over and surrendered him.

  “We’ll need to take him—”

  “No,” I growled.

  “It’s hospital policy,” the doctor chimed in as she was taking off her gloves. “You can go with him.”

  The door opened, and Braeden’s head appeared. “What the hell is taking so long?”

  “It’s a boy!” Rimmel announced.

  The door flew open, and B and Ivy came in. “I totally called it.”

  “We’ll give you just a few minutes, but then he must come with me,” the nurse said, glancing at me.

  I relented. “Okay, thanks.”


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