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Love 'Em or Leave 'Em

Page 3

by Angie Stanton

  The remaining women tried not to look desperate while the cameras rolled and perspiration collected on their faces. While these women wished to stay in, Ashley prayed to get out. Almost there, almost free. Just a couple more roses and she could begin putting her life together again and try to figure out how to make Kelli pay her back for this one.

  The ceremony dragged on forever as the producer kept stopping and starting to get different angles and correct the lighting. Ashley was exhausted. Her eyelids drifted shut. Sleep deprivation was not good for her. She began to daydream, that or sleep standing up. Only a few more names.


  Everyone looked at her. Rachel and Liz waved their hands in an attempt to get her attention. One edge of Luke's mouth tilted up as he eyed her across the room.

  He repeated her name, but this time as a question, "Ashley?"

  Ashley stood frozen. Panic rushed through her veins.

  Luke stared. His eyebrows scrunched together.

  "Oh geez, I'm sorry," she said as she stepped forward, embarrassed.

  "No problem. You don't have to take it if you don't want to," he teased as he held the rose out of her reach.

  Ashley replied with a big smile, "Okay," and began to turn away.

  Before she turned even halfway, Luke reached out and took her arm for the second time that night and held her in place.

  "Will you accept this rose?"

  She paused, then shrugged. "Oh, why not?"

  She took the rose from Luke's powerful hand and looked up to see him grinning, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. She couldn't help but grin back. Ashley stepped to the side with the other "winners" Liz and Rachel gave her the thumbs-up. They'd all made the first big cut from twenty-five down to fifteen.

  Each of the "rejects" said good-bye to Luke on their way out. Then Clay brought out the champagne and everyone toasted the new adventure. Ashley found herself in great spirits after all. It had been an exhausting day and an interesting evening. Thankful she'd met two great women who would be joining her on the next leg of the show, she hoped they would also help buffer her from the insanity.

  Bright morning light shone through the windows, mercilessly breaking through Ashley's exhausted sleep. No matter which way she rolled over or how she held the pillow over her head, the sun snuck through and annoyed her into wakefulness.

  The background noise of distant squealing, shouting, and feet running past the door and down the stairs broke through her stupor. The cobwebs in her mind began to clear as she lay in bed somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. She was not at home in her own bed. She hadn't lost her job, and she didn't face eviction. She was in a huge house. No, a mansion, with strange women running around and squealing like ten-year-olds.

  "Ashley, get up" Liz pounded on the door as she passed by.

  Ashley flung the pillow off her head and opened her eyes. Along with the bright sunlight, it all came flooding back. She had slept in a mansion along with a bunch of women she didn't know. She was posing as an eligible woman who wanted desperately to land the bachelor, none other than hottie quarterback Luke Townsend.

  No, no! She was trying to sneak her way off the show, take her quickie paycheck, and find a respectable job.

  Ashley glanced around the room. Luckily, Liz and Rachel had tugged her along with them when rooms and roommates were picked, so she didn't have to feel alone.

  The fourth girl in the room was Gwen. Tired and overwhelmed by the time they found their room, Ashley had simply nodded hello and collapsed into bed, exhausted.

  Looking around the small space, true reality began to sink in. During the rush for the best room, Ashley had stepped aside to avoid the stampede. The ones with views of the ocean or pool areas were taken quickly. This room was small. Four single beds filled it. Three had probably been added for the show. Two small dressers sat between the beds on each side. Terracotta-colored tile with bright Spanish-style hand-woven throw rugs covered the floor. There was a small desk in one corner and an oversized potted ficus tree in the other. A tiny excuse for a closet completed the space. The one redeeming quality was a small balcony holding two chairs and a tiny table. Off the side of the house opposite the pool area, the balcony's view mostly showed the driveway and parking circle, but also some palm trees and greenery. Very nice.

  The door swung open and Rachel popped her head in. "Come on, you're missing it! The first mail arrived and there's a date tonight."

  Ashley gave her a fake look of excitement. "Oh goody!"

  "Hurry up," Rachel said, and disappeared.

  Here we go, Ashley thought. She pulled herself out of bed and tried to put on her I'm-so-excited-to-behere face.

  Downstairs, chaos reigned. Bouncing, happy girls clad in little more than tank tops and panties filled the great room. With bronzed legs and long hair everywhere, it looked like a Victoria's Secret slumber party. Ashley glanced down at her pale, sun-starved skin and pulled her baggy T-shirt a little lower.

  Tami, the tall brunet who'd worn the dress with the slit a mile high the night before, held the letter and waved it every few seconds. Her tiny midriff top exposed a pierced belly button and showed off its large ruby-colored stone. Tami's thick, dark mane had a gorgeous natural wave. It was hair to-die-for. Each time she raised the date letter in the air more shrieks erupted. The producer stood off to the side, yelling over the noise, "Wait until the cameras are in place" Finally, he gave the thumbs-up and Tami tore open the envelope and read the enclosed message out loud:

  Screams again filled the room. A few moans and groans came from those left out, particularly Tami, who pouted as she handed off the note as soon as she saw her name wasn't on it.

  Liz and Ashley rushed over to Rachel to bask in the glow of her excitement.

  "Oh my gosh!" she cried. "I can't believe I'm on the first date. He likes me. This is unreal. Do you think he picked me?" She was flushed. "Do you think he likes me? He is so good-looking! What will I wear?"

  They laughed at her nervousness. Last night Rachel had acted as though the whole thing didn't matter. She wanted to fund her next exotic trip, not win the man of the hour, and certainly not gush over some macho jock.

  "Whatever you do, wear heels," Liz said, looking down at Rachel's petite five feet two inches. She patted her head. "He'll never see more than the top of your head if you don't"

  "Don't worry, you'll look great whatever you wear," Ashley added. "You're the cutest thing in this room. You're gonna knock 'em dead"

  "Great, you make me sound like a kitten, not a hot date," said Rachel, shaking her head.

  Two hours later the lucky ladies waited for their date. Luke arrived in a sporty SUV limo. Dressed in khaki cargo shorts, a cream-colored golf shirt, and Tevas, he looked pretty amazing for a guy who wasn't trying. He smiled and waved at all the wallflowers as he opened the door for his dates. The three women fought for position while trying to act as if they were casually waiting for Luke.

  One at a time, he took each by the hand and guided her into the limo. Rachel smiled demurely. Jenny went next. She didn't let him just take her hand-she walked right into his arms and gave him a squishy hug and what looked like a big wet smooch on the cheek. Yuck.

  Shelby entered last and batted her baby blues as he took her hand. In her Southern drawl she crooned, "I just can't wait to get to know you a whole lot better, sugar." She leaned into him as she got in the limo and gave him a great view of her generously proportioned, store-bought bosom.

  Luke wore a goofy smile as he climbed into the vehicle. It looked to Ashley like he thought, "Me too, honey, me too"

  As the limo pulled away, the group left behind yelled good wishes and waved good-bye. Shelby leaned out the window and waved. "See you all later."

  Standing there on the front steps of the mansion, the remaining twelve watched the limo drive down the manicured lane to the distant street. Ashley was relieved to see them go. The focus of the cameras would be elsewhere.

  Liz and Ashley stood off to one

  "Make good choices," yelled Ashley.

  "No tongue kissing," hollered Liz. They giggled and ducked down to avoid the camera as it panned across them.

  The group headed back into the mansion.

  "Thank God I didn't get picked," Tami announced. "There is no way I would traipse around a bunch of stinky animals in a zoo. I don't care how much money Luke makes"

  "No kidding," chimed in Lindsey. "When he takes me out, it had better be in style. I didn't come here to be treated like a child. I expect linens and crystal, not popcorn and snow cones" She turned and walked back into the mansion.

  "Look at Miss Hoity Toity," Ashley whispered to Liz. "You can see right up her nose, she's holding it so high." They walked back inside too, snickering as they went.


  "He gave me a rose"


  "Kelli. You said he wouldn't even notice me. That if I played it cool, I'd get right out and could go home." Ashley huddled on the toilet seat in the bathroom. The shower and sink ran full blast and the bathroom fan added to the noise.

  "Are you serious? You're on the show! This is so exciting!"

  "It is not exciting," she yelled in her whisper voice. "I did everything you asked. I put on the stupid dress and put myself through the ringer to get there in time. I humiliated myself in front of the cameras and Lord knows how many other people" She stood and paced the small room. "I can't do this, Kelli. You know I can't. You said `one day.' You promised."

  "Oh honey, I said `probably one day.' There were no guarantees. Apparently he liked you. At least enough to get to know you more. It'll be fine"

  "It will not be fine! I didn't bring enough underwear to stay longer! What am I supposed to do? I don't even know how this thing works." She swiped her hand across the steamed-up mirror. Her frustrated and frightened reflection stared back. "I'll look like an idiot next to all the other women. Have you seen these women? They're gorgeous. I'm not talking just pretty-I mean incredible." She turned her back on the face in the mirror and leaned against the sink.

  "I know, Ashley. I helped select them. And stop selling yourself short. What are you doing on the phone? You know that's forbidden."

  "Hey, I need a line to the outside world here. Kelli, I'm warning you, if this gig goes south on me, I am holding you responsible."

  "Fine. Just remember, you can't let anyone know you don't want to be there. If the producers find out, I'll be fired. The rest of them all took personality tests, IQ tests, drug tests, and a bunch of other qualifiers. Now that you're staying for the next few days, I'd better fill up your file in case they go looking for backstory"

  "Oh, Kelli, why did I let you get me into this?"

  "Because you love me and would do anything for me"

  "Yeah, yeah, I know. You creep. It is going to take a lot of chocolate for you to pay this one off."

  "I'll have it ready and waiting the moment you get off the show. Heck, you may be free by this weekend."

  "I'd better be! How am I going to survive in this mansion filled with love-starved beauty queens? They drive me nuts."

  "You'll be fine. You always adapt well. Plus there are some very nice women there. I'm sure you'll make a friend or two"

  "I suppose. I did meet two who are nice, but you should see some of them. One of them looks like she walked right out of a brothel. Oh, and another. Cricket! What is wrong with her parents? Who would name their kid 'Cricket'?"

  "Her real name is Charlotte, and she's from a very nice family on the East Coast. Listen, I've got to run, but try to enjoy yourself. Who knows? You might even have fun."

  Ashley flipped the phone shut. Fun. Sure. Then why did her stomach feel like it was sinking?

  Ashley sat on her small bed, legs crossed. Rachel returned from the day at the zoo filled with information and ready to dish.

  "Shelby, it turns out, is a genuine beauty-pageant girl." Rachel plopped on the edge of her bed.

  "No big shocker there," Liz said.

  "She came from a suburb of Dallas and grew up doing the beauty-contest circuit."

  Ashley wasn't surprised. Shelby wore her blond hair long and highlighted to perfection. Her body was scary-amazing. Kind of like a Barbie look-alike.

  "Her daddy's a plastic surgeon and he makes sure Shelby gets whatever she wants."

  Liz and Ashley shared raised-eyebrow glances. Rachel continued, "Her perfect tiny nose was a sweetsixteen gift."

  It sure put Ashley's birthdays to shame. She celebrated hers with a cheap dinner out with her alcoholic dad and his latest flame. If she lucked out, the flame would be at least a few years older than Ashley. One year, the girlfriend brought Ashley a rose. She'd been one of the better ones. Of course, she was never seen again. When Ashley had turned twenty-one, she'd wised up and put contact with her father on an asneeded basis, which meant funerals and weddings.

  "Oh, and then there's Jenny," Rachel added. "She played touchy-feely the whole time. She sat next to Luke every possible minute, and snuggled up to him as though he were her personal security blanket."

  "Sounds like that girl has some attachment issues," Liz joked.

  "No kidding. When we were at the zoo, she took his hand, pulled his arm over her shoulder, and hugged him as they walked."

  "Were you able to get any time with him?" Ashley asked.

  "Not much. It was like prying a dog off a bone to get near him. Between the beauty queen and the canine it wasn't easy" Rachel's eyes lit up. "But he did manage to get me alone in the sky-cab flight across the zoo"

  "Now you're talking. Spill it, babe. What happened? Don't leave out anything." Liz leaned in to catch every detail.

  "It was fun. He is so funny" Rachel grinned and covered her face with her hands, visibly shaking. "He said he felt like a rooster in a hen house with Jenny and Shelby around. And he said he wanted to get me alone to see if I had a voice, since all he'd heard so far were Shelby and Jenny."

  A lovesick girl replaced the intelligent, independent young woman who had hiked across Central America. Ashley was surprised at the transformation.

  "He is so handsome, and he's always aware of everyone around him. Even with the film crews and women positioning for his attention, he always spoke to all of us and kept us entertained."

  More likely he is a womanizer and revels in all the attention. Why else would some good-looking rich guy agree to go on a show where he would be fought over and followed around by camera crews every minute? He was probably some exhibitionist who needed to be the center of attention.

  "I'm glad you had such a great time." Ashley gave Rachel a big hug. It was nice to see her happy to be a part of the show.

  One good thing Ashley learned: there was no shortage of competitive women wanting to win over Luke. Most likely, he would never get a minute alone without two or three bombshells surrounding him. It would give her every opportunity to keep her distance and fade into the background. With any luck, she wouldn't get a rose at the next ceremony and could collect her paycheck and go home.

  "How's it hanging, bro?"

  "Let me tell you, little brother. This is rougher than playing the Vikings at the dome."

  "You jerk. You're swimming in gorgeous women and all you want to talk about is the Vikings?"

  "Like I said, it's rough. Every time I turn around there's another one comin' at me. Some hit high, and some hit low. There're a lot of personal fouls going uncalled." Just talking to Mike made him feel better. There was nothing Luke liked more than to yank his brother's chain.

  Luke heard Mike's wife in the background asking if he'd found anyone he liked yet. "Susan wants to know if you got lucky." Mike said.

  "I did not!" Luke heard her yell back.

  "Sounds like you're hating every minute of it too. So, 'less up. Did you?"

  "No, but there are a couple who are trying. It keeps the game interesting." He'd bet money he could land any one of them if he wanted to. That was the question. Did he want to? He'd spent the past seven
years doing exactly that. His life was too shallow, too predictable. But on the other hand, it was simple, with no strings attached.

  "You're so lucky. Why is it you always have all the fun while I'm left here to deal with the crap?"

  "If I recall correctly, Mike, you're the one who cornered me into this deal." At first Luke had been angry about Mike's underhandedness. But after some consideration, he'd wondered if it might be a gift in disguise. If he wanted it to be, that is. Problem was, he wasn't sure what he wanted.

  "Yes I did, and I'm proud of it. You can thank me later."

  "It'll be a cold day"

  "So, anyone promising? Any future wife-material?"

  "Why is it you're always trying to get me married?"

  "What can I say? Misery loves company"

  Mike was the happiest man Luke knew. He and Susan had fallen in love as college students and were still going strong. They were quite a pair. They fought hard and loved hard. Always with laughter blended in.

  "I've got enough misery thinking about how we lost in the playoffs"

  "Come on, you lost the bet fair and square. Now you're obligated to give this the `Luke Townsend try.' If ever you've been in a situation to find the right woman, this could be it."

  "Yeah, well, we'll see. I'm here-you should be glad"

  "No complaints, man. I just want you to take advantage of the situation. The woman of your dreams could be in the group."

  "I highly doubt there is a woman anywhere who could compete with my dreams. But I get the point. You and the family want me to settle down and act like a grown-up"

  "Oh, you've got the grown-up part down, but you have definite issues in staying with a relationship."

  Luke agreed, but relationships had never been his strong point.

  "I've never found anyone worth staying loyal to. I keep telling you guys to give it time."


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