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Love 'Em or Leave 'Em

Page 13

by Angie Stanton

  Ashley threw her hands in the air. "Why do I let that woman bait me? I fall for it every time."

  "It's her gift. Don't let her get to you. She's so full of herself, she wouldn't know love if it bit her on the behind."

  "She does make you doubt his feelings, though," Ashley added.

  "Yeah. I was feeling pretty special until Tami showed up. Now I don't know. Let's hope for the best. If Tami is who he really wants, he deserves her."

  "I'll second that" Tami's innuendoes had rattled Ashley, but she'd done her best to block them out. Tami was a troublemaker and nothing more. She hoped.

  Compared to the first night, the great room seemed cavernous. The trio stood in a small group in front of Luke, waiting. With cameras in place, a silent tension filled the room. Ashley's anxiety caused every muscle in her body to tense.

  Up until that point she'd only wanted to get off the show and go home. Now she wanted desperately to stay and be with Luke. The time they had spent together in Costa Rica had deeply affected her. They'd clicked and she didn't want it to end. She didn't want to believe Tami. Luke couldn't be working both of them, or all three of them for that matter. Could he? She hated the doubt that crept in.

  Luke's gaze slowly moved from Ashley, to Tami, and then to Cricket. He gave each of them a warm and reassuring smile. He reached into the basket and pulled out the first of two roses. He looked at each of them again and then said, "Cricket"

  Damn, why couldn't he call her first? The rat. But Ashley was glad to see the blond girl move on. She was so nice. Cricket walked up and performed the gracious acceptance. Now it was Ashley and Tami. The girl next door versus the evil sexpot. Luke held the final rose. His face was serious, and then one corner of his mouth curved up.


  Yippee!! For a moment there she had doubted him and she didn't like the way it had felt. A grin covered her face as she walked up to accept the rose. Her eyes locked with his each step of the way. Euphoria ran through her. He liked her. He wanted her. It wasn't just a temporary thing.

  "Will you accept this rose?" He held the rose close to his chest.

  "Yes, I'll accept this rose" It felt like an out-of-body experience. As she put her fingers around the stem, he put his other hand around hers, holding it securely. Energy sizzled between them. Luke leaned down and kissed her lightly on the corner of her mouth. His cheek brushed against hers an extra moment. She walked away, floating on a cloud, and joined Cricket. They tipped their roses together in celebration.

  Tami walked up to him, daggers in her eyes. "You jerk! You wouldn't know the perfect woman if she gave you a lap dance"

  Luke roared with laughter.

  Warmth and happiness filled Ashley. Luke glanced her way and winked.

  Ashley peered out the small window of the private plane. The view was like nothing she'd seen before. Hills and valleys stretched as far as the eye could see. An endless forest covered the mountainous terrain. So, this was Louisiana. Ashley hadn't been this far south before, other than a trip to Orlando as a young teenager. This was a part of the U.S. she'd never known existed. It was much more vast than she'd imagined and majestic in the power of its natural beauty.

  This was the place Luke, the superstar quarterback, called home.

  So far she'd seen him polite and gracious. Most of the time cameras followed him around with a crowd of women at the mansion or on dates. Now he'd be on his own turf, surrounded by his people. Ashley wondered how he'd act. Would he be different? Would he be nervous about her meeting his family? She was.

  There was quite a bit of turbulence on the flight. She hadn't eaten breakfast that morning, and the rumble of the plane matched her stomach. She felt nervous about meeting Luke's family and taking a step forward in their relationship.

  Relationship. Was that what they had? It felt like a relationship, but the reality was that they were playing a foolish game in front of cameras. But Luke didn't make her feel foolish or nervous when they were together. He was getting under her skin and she liked it. He made her laugh a lot, and he was more complex than she would have guessed a big jock might be.

  The thunk of the landing equipment lowering into place brought her back to the present. Off in the distance she saw a tiny airport. The small landing strip was close to Luke's hometown of Whiskey Bayou. Ashley tried to get a grip on her nerves and put on her game face. A couple of vehicles waited, with cameras in place. She felt blessed to have avoided a camera on the flight down. Apparently, without Luke, there was nothing to film. Speaking of being without Luke, she didn't see him, and there was no limo or town car waiting. Ashley wondered if she was to meet him at his parents' home. Yikes. She hoped not.

  The plane landed smoothly and pulled up near the waiting crew. As the door opened, the pilot turned off the engines. Filled with a mixture of excitement and anxiety, Ashley stood on the top step of the portable stairs still looking for Luke. He was nowhere in sight. As she began to descend, the roar of a motorcycle in the distance stopped her.

  She paused and watched the rider advance, dressed in faded jeans and black boots. He stopped near the base of the stairs, turned off the bike, and pulled off his helmet. Luke welcomed her with a smile and a wink.

  "I thought you might like to enjoy the countryside in style" He motioned to the bike. A second helmet was hooked on the back.

  Ashley dashed down the steps. Luke caught her in a huge hug, swinging her off her feet. He kissed her cheek and set her back down.

  "I've missed you," he whispered, his arms around her waist, forehead pressed against hers.

  "I've missed you too" She loved the feel of his arms around her.

  Luke glanced at the producer. "Hey, Jim, can we go now?"

  "Sure thing. Just don't drive too fast. We need to keep up"

  Luke helped Ashley strap on the helmet, then showed her where to step to get on the motorcycle. The bike wasn't new by any means, but very nice, and far out of her price range.

  Once Ashley settled in, Luke started the motor, lifted the kickstand, and patted her on the leg. He said something, but she couldn't make it out over the noise of the cycle and the helmet on her head.

  They took off and Ashley held on for dear life. Luke popped a wheelie down the runway. She tightened her hold around his waist, terrified. He must have told her to hold on tight.

  When the front tire landed smoothly on the pavement, Luke accelerated. Ashley was part scared and part exhilarated. She'd only been on a motorcycle once before but hadn't been impressed. The big machines made her nervous. Too much power and too many chances to wipe out. But something about the way Luke controlled his motorcycle made her feel safe and protected.

  He turned off at the end of the airstrip and headed for wide-open country roads. As they made the turn, Ashley saw the crew falling behind. It was obvious Luke wanted to lose their prying eyes, and she was elated. Time alone with him was a dream come true.

  They cruised along the quiet roads and through wooded areas. She relaxed and eased her grip around his waist. He patted her hands as she settled in against his back. She smiled at their silent communication. They were unable to speak or look at each other, yet she felt connected to him, as though they could read each other's thoughts.

  It felt good to lean against him, her arms wrapped snugly around him.

  The warm breeze cooled them as they cruised swiftly. After twenty minutes he slowed and turned onto a side road. It wound around and up an incline. As Luke maneuvered the bike higher, he turned onto a narrow trail. It led through some brush and into a large clearing. He drove the bike up to the peak, parked and turned it off.

  He pulled off his helmet and ran his lean fingers through his thick blond hair. He dismounted and turned to help Ashley as she fumbled with her strap. He released it easily and gently lifted off her helmet. Their eyes met. They were alone. He took her hand and helped her off the bike and into his arms. They held each other tightly, no words spoken.

  It was impossible anyone could feel this
good. What had she done to deserve this man? He was more than any woman could hope for.

  Luke gazed down at her and kissed her waiting mouth. The caress of his lips set her aflame.

  "I want to show you something." He took her hand and led her to a spot that overlooked the surrounding area. They could see for miles. Before them lay rolling hills thickly covered with trees. The terrain was like nothing she'd seen before. The clearing they stood in sloped to a small creek on one side of the property.

  "It's beautiful," she said, gazing out over the landscape.

  "It's mine," he stated with pride. "This is where I'm going to build my house. Right here, overlooking the hills." He took her hand and began to walk her around, pointing out where things would be built and how he planned to enjoy it. "Construction will start this summer. With any luck, by the end of the season, I can move in."

  Ashley felt his excitement. He was creating his own home, a special place where he'd finally have his privacy and be able to enjoy the gifts of nature around him. And, even more special, Luke had shared this special place with her.

  "It's going to be wonderful. I can't imagine how great it must feel to build your dream home, and in such a spectacular setting." She walked and picked wildflowers as she spoke. "I can see you here, sitting on the front porch, watching the sunset with a cold one in your hand" He smiled at her. "I can also see you whittling a piece of wood. Spitting tobacco juice and belching all night to keep the bugs away"

  "Very funny"

  "I love these," she said, picking another purple bloom.

  "Those are weeds," he replied.

  "They're not weeds. They're chicory, a wildflower."


  "Well, they're my favorite." She admired the small bouquet.

  He led her back to his bike. "I suppose we should go find the film crew and start our date."

  "Only if we have to"

  "I don't want to get them too mad, plus I've got a lot to show you today. It's going to be great"

  Ashley squeezed his hand. Yes, it was definitely going to be a great day.

  "Incoming!" Luke's younger brother Mike shouted, tossing another crayfish into the pontoon boat. It landed with a thunk and quickly attempted a getaway, scuttling along the floor.

  "Eek!" Ashley couldn't help screaming each time another of the shellfish landed. The ugly little critters were about four inches in length with black beady eyes and long tentacles. Luke snatched up a few and tossed them in a bucket, splashing out more water each time.

  "Heads up," Mike called as another crawfish flew by her head.

  Mike was a couple of inches shorter than Luke with a much stockier build. Ashley soon discovered he was a rascal with quick wit and a winning smile. He was also a shameless flirt.

  "These'll be great before dinner," Luke said, tossing another into the bucket as Mike climbed back aboard.

  "You're going to eat them?" Ashley crinkled her face in disgust. She was famished, but wasn't about to eat the gross crustaceans.

  "No. We are going to eat them," Mike said, putting his wet arms around Ashley and pulling her close.

  "That's right. Mom will be thrilled. We'll boil them as soon as we get back" Luke leaned over the bucket to count how many they'd caught.

  Suddenly, Ashley felt a sharp pinch in her backside. "Ouch" She turned to see Mike with a suggestive grin and raised eyebrows.

  "What's wrong?" Luke looked up from counting the creepy fish.

  "Nothing-something just bit me." She stepped closer to Luke, out of Mike's reach.

  "Let's get these babies cooked. You can have the first one," Luke offered.

  "No, thanks," she said from the safety of his side. "I wouldn't know how to eat it anyway."

  "I'll teach you," offered Mike. "You just bite 'em, suck 'em, and shuck 'em. Right Luke?" Mike imitated the motions, staring at her as he went. "Rascal" did not do him justice, after all.

  "So, Ashley, are you enjoying your visit?" Gus, Luke's dad, asked. It was obvious where Luke's size came from. Gus was tall, carrying the extra bulk that middle age invites. He sat at the head of the table, his presence dominating the room.

  "Yes, thank you. It's been quite an adventure." Ashley smiled. "I had no idea such an amazing place existed. I've never traveled to this part of the country before. It is such a beautiful and wild place. You must love it here."

  "Well, thank you, we do. In fact, the Townsends have been in this area for more than two hundred and fifty years. We have a rich tradition of family here. We hold it near and dear. Right, Luke?" He gestured to Luke with his fork. "Our boy here is like a diamond in the rough. He came out of this wild place and grew into something real special."

  Ashley smiled and nodded as she listened to Luke's dad. Luke was indeed a diamond. The kind of rare and special person you didn't meet often. "You would have to look long and hard to find another person like him anywhere, I'm sure."

  For the first time in her life, she put a spoonful of black-eyed peas in her mouth.

  "Speaking of looking, sweetie," said Maxine, Luke's mom. "How long have you been looking to hitch up with a nice boy like our Luke?"

  "Excuse me?" Ashley choked. She wasn't sure if it was the peas or the question. "I wouldn't exactly say I have been looking to `hitch up' with anyone."

  "No?" asked Gus. "Well then, what exactly are you doing if you're not trying to find a man?"

  Ashley glanced at Luke for a hint as to how to answer the question. He shrugged.

  She hesitated while swallowing the vile peas, unsure how to proceed. "Well, I came here to spend more time with Luke. I've had such a wonderful time getting to know him and he kindly invited me to meet all of you. Today has been a special treat."

  They all looked at her. Was there food in her teeth? Did she imagine the oppressive silence, or was it real? Luke didn't seem to notice as he shoveled a mystery vegetable in his mouth. It must be okra, or squash, or some other scary food Ashley'd never encountered.

  "Then why did you enter this contest?" asked Mike. "Isn't this set up so you all compete to marry the rich dude?"

  How could she possibly answer his question truthfully? Yes, it was a contest to find a husband. Yes, it was a competition, but she hadn't entered it on purpose, and she didn't want to get married. Not now and not for a long time. What could she say? The evil cameras rolled quietly in the corner, catching every word. What should she say? Ashley took a deep breath and hoped whatever sputtered out of her mouth sounded honest and heartfelt.

  "Yes, I did enter this contest," she lied. "And for many the goal is to marry the-how did you say it?rich dude." Ashley nodded toward his now-quietlyobserving brother. "However, I'd like to believe I'm different than the other women"

  Mike rolled his eyes.

  "I was looking for a little adventure and a change of pace in life, and I must certainly say this has been it. Wouldn't you agree, Luke?" She smiled over at him.

  "Can't argue with that," Luke agreed. "We have certainly enjoyed our adventures, and life with you is definitely a change of pace" He eyed her mischievously.

  Was that a compliment or not? she wondered.

  "So, what do you do for a living, Ashley?" asked Luke's mother.

  Slightly embarrassed, she admitted, "Right now, I'm doing this quirky reality show on competing to marry a bachelor."

  His brother nodded pointedly at his father.

  She tried to bring some levity to the conversation and quickly added, "I am actually between jobs at the moment and using this opportunity to try something fun and different."

  "So, you've been leading him on throughout this whole little game show? Is that what you're saying?" Gus questioned. "You're playing with my son's emotions."

  "Oh my gosh, no! I would never lead anyone on. Luke and I have shared some great times together, and I think we have a lot in common"

  Luke snorted with laughter. She looked at him in disbelief. What was so funny?

  "Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit? You
don't golf, you don't hunt, you don't like sports, and you're afraid of wildlife. Ashley, I know we have a couple things in common, but a lot?"

  Who was this man, and was he really the same guy she'd shown up with? Or was his family somehow changing him? She was more confused than ever. "It was my impression that we both enjoyed humor and interesting conversation."

  "Yes, and that's about it." Luke gave her a broad wink.

  Before she could respond, Mike entered the fray. "Luke's always been successful with the ladies. Even the ugly ones. I have to admit, the way you looked at me earlier today made me wonder if I was finally going to beat my brother at something." Mike winked at her. What was with the men in this family and the winking?

  Mike continued. "If Luke doesn't pick you, maybe you'll settle for me."

  Her jaw dropped. She looked to Luke for his support. This was getting out of hand. Luke gave Mike a cold stare.

  "Don't feel bad," said Luke's mother. "We get this all the time with Luke. He's such a ladies' man. No one can resist him. You don't have to feel bad about playing your best hand for him. We understand. We're used to it."

  His father interrupted. "You know you'd have to sign a pre-nup if you win this contest? You don't just get all his money."

  "I don't want his money!" Ashley was stunned. Why would he say that? What a terrible man. How could Luke tolerate their behavior?

  "Well then, what is it you do want with him?"

  "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." She couldn't sit there and be attacked any longer. She stood, her stomach churning, and looked at Maxine. "Thank you for welcoming me to your home" Then she looked at the rest of the group and added, "And thank you for all of the hos pitality extended to me" Ashley stepped away from the table and pushed in her chair. "Enjoy your dinner."

  She grabbed her purse from the table in the hall and walked out the front door.

  She didn't look back.


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