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Scandalous Scoundrels

Page 49

by Aileen Fish

  “Wait.” She struggled out, trying to catch her breath. He quickly undid her button but he laughed softly.

  “I thought you would want to take the first bath.” Lily pulled her head back to look at him and Eric’s eyes were dancing as he looked back down at her. “Worried I was going to compromise you again, huh? I thought this was what you wanted?”

  He was making fun of her! “I said I wanted you to be the first man I was with,” she shot back. “How much longer until our wedding?” she struggled out. He was rubbing her nipples again and kissing her neck

  “Maybe an hour,” he said as he took one of her nipples in his mouth. She gasped at the pleasure of it, completely losing her train of thought. She felt him cup her buttocks and realized that she was somehow completely naked, while he stood fully dressed. She felt a tinge of embarrassment then the reality of his words sunk in.

  “An hour? What do you mean? Our wedding isn’t for another...” she paused, unsure of how many days it had been since she left Boston.

  He laughed again and lightly kissed her lips. “I am inclined to agree that it would be better to be married before we have any more relations, but as we are about to spend a few weeks on this ship together, I don’t see how I could keep my hands off you for that long.” He started kissing her neck again and she struggled to think. The only thing that kept her focused was that he seemed to be enjoying torturing her.

  “But James and Toby! How could we get married without Toby?” Lily started to protest.

  “Your brother knows. This was the alternate plan if our original plan was foiled. He was not pleased.” Eric rubbed her cheek, then stroked her hair. “I’m sorry that your family won’t be here to see the service and I am sorry Toby will miss it as well. But he will be thrilled to have you as his stepmother.”

  She swallowed a lump in her throat. She missed that little boy so much. “What about your family? You know so much about mine and I so little about yours.”

  “Well, my father became ill and died when I was nine, I think I mentioned to you that my mother raised me and my two younger brothers.” Eric wrapped his arms around her again and picked her up.

  She nodded, she knew how hard it was to lose a parent. “It must have been difficult for you. Your poor mother.” Lily rubbed her cheek against his.

  “It was a long time ago and my mother is tough as nails. She did just fine. Although, I tried her patience a great deal which she is always reminding me of.” He set her back down on her feet. “Now in the bath with you. You have a wedding to get ready for.”

  “Do I get to meet her, does she know you are getting married?” Lily was suddenly curious.

  “Yes and yes, although the longer we have, the happier we will be.” He winked at her as he began to undress.

  Eric helped her wash up and then it was his turn. She dressed her hair, wearing nothing but a chemise that Eric had left out on the bed. She was beginning to wonder if she was going to have to be married in the men’s clothes she had worn on the trail. Built into the wall, were several closed shelves and what looked like a wardrobe. Eric went to it and pulled out some clothes for himself and began dressing.

  “Eric, that’s a lovely shirt.” She raised her eye brows, hoping to drop a hint. She would settle for a set of clean men’s clothes.

  “Thank you.” He winked back. “I must say you look stunning yourself.”

  “You’re teasing,” He chuckled and pulled out a pale blue muslin gown. It was beautiful. He quickly helped her lace up her corset and pull on her petticoats. She put on the dress and Eric buttoned her up. She glanced in the mirror. Her face looked thinner than normal but it was so nice to see herself in a dress again.

  “Such a shame to put all these clothes on!” Eric’s eyes danced wickedly. She swatted at him as he returned to dressing himself.

  “Thank you for the dress. It’s beautiful.” Lily beamed at the man about to be her husband with her whole heart.

  “You are beautiful.” He kissed her forehead.

  “Where did you get it?” she asked, curious to know how he had gotten a dress just her size onto the boat.

  He chuckled. “I knew Captain White would be in Boston Harbor the day after we left. I left a note to be delivered that told him to wait in Portland and get some dresses. I left a quick description and measurements for the dressmaker.” Eric put on his jacket, he looked extremely handsome.

  Lily tested her sore muscles and smiled ruefully. “It’s too bad we couldn’t have just taken a ship from Bucksport.”

  Eric grimaced, “James checked into it. The harbor was heavily guarded.” He took her hand. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded, suddenly incredibly nervous. “It’s not that I’m not glad but why have you changed your mind about the wedding?”

  “We have been separated from your brother. It might be selfish of me but now that we know Andrews is also trying to claim you, I want to make you my own.” Eric took her hand. “Are you all right?”

  “No, I’m wonderful. This is wonderful. I just wasn’t expecting to get married today. Usually, a person wakes up in the morning knowing that is their wedding day.” She laughed, despite herself and it helped ease the tension.

  “It’s not the dream wedding, I know.” Eric touched her hand briefly. He left her side and pulled out the small satchel that Tracker had given him. He opened the bag and pulled out her diamond necklace, earrings and ring.

  Lily gasped at the sight of them. Eric fastened the necklace around her neck. It warmed her heart to have her mother’s jewelry on for her wedding. “Eric, thank you for all of this. I know it hasn’t been easy and I don’t know how many men would have given up on me, and my brother, but you didn’t and I can’t thank you enough. This is exactly what I wanted.” He leaned down and rested his forehead on hers and they stood together that way for a few seconds. Of all they had shared, this was one of the most intimate and special moments of their relationship.

  As the last rays of sun peeked over the horizon, Lily stood in front of Eric as Captain Jack White performed the ceremony that made them man and wife. The sailors of the ship stood in attendance, and they stood solemnly, if not awkwardly, as the couple said their vows. Lily had to smile, because although she had spent her life among sailors, she had never seen them called to battle before tonight. They had looked so fierce to her for a few moments but now seemed so bashful.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife.” Captain White’s rich baritone carried over the rush of the sea. Eric leaned down and kissed his wife on the lips. She heard several of the men clear their throats and a few snickers as well.

  “Now, if you will follow me, we have a small reception ready for you, as much as an hour will permit.” Captain White pointed back toward his quarters and the men of the ship began to disperse.

  “Won’t the rest of the crew be joining us?” Lily asked.

  “They are not the best company for ladies and we have only had time to prepare so much food that would constitute a reception.” The Captain waived toward the table of food.

  “Oh, I’m sure we could share what little there is and combine it with whatever the men were to have for the evening. They saved our lives, it seems that would should celebrate with them.” Lily looked at Eric.

  “I agree, Captain White, although thank you for your consideration.” Eric gave her a small squeeze.

  The Captain gave them a genuine smile then called the men back. Tables were set out on the deck and food was piled up for everyone to share. Lily and Eric sat at the head of the table while the Captain sat at the other end. The men ate heartily, and while quiet at first, they gradually began to relax.

  They told many harrowing tales of life on the sea. Storms and pirates dominated the stories and Lily found herself gasping and laughing with the rest of the men. The evening grew later and later and despite herself, she finally let out a jaw splitting yawn.

  “I think perhaps it is time for you to get to bed.” Eric leaned over and whispered in
her ear.

  “Oh, I’m all right. It has just been a long day I suppose. But we don’t have to go to sleep yet.” Lily felt relaxed for the first time in what seemed like months.

  Eric leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I have no intention of sleeping yet.”

  Lily felt herself blush to her roots. Eric excused them to the sound of a great deal of cat calls and cheers. She grew even more embarrassed.

  Lily entered the captain’s quarters first. He had retired them to the couple. Eric came immediately behind her. He firmly closed the door behind them and then pulled her back against his chest, kissing the back of her neck, sending shivers throughout her body. He reached for the buttons on her dress and gave them tug, sending several buttons flying.

  “That is my wedding dress!” Lily chastised her husband.

  “I’ll get it fixed later.” Eric pulled the dress from her shoulders and it landed in a pile on the floor.

  “Please tell me I have something else to wear.” Lily giggled as he kissed her neck again.

  “Hmmm, I am not sure, maybe you will have to go naked.” Eric was unlacing her corset.

  She pulled away from him. “I will not, and speaking of naked—I don’t want to be if you’re not.”

  He smiled at her and started taking off his clothes. She was amazed by how comfortable he seemed. He took off his shirt, and Lily stared at his bare chest. His shoulders were incredibly broad with a well-muscled chest that tapered down to a narrow waist. She felt the urge to run her hands up and down it.

  She stepped back into his arms and did just that. In no time the rest of their clothes landed in a heap on the floor.

  Eric picked her up and carried her to the bed. He entered her quickly but this time, there was no pain, only an intense pleasure. She held his body close as they climbed together, finally climaxing in unison.

  She lay in the circle of his arms, drowsy and content. Eric kissed her hair and stroked her arm. “Why did we wait so long?” she murmured as she closed her eyes.

  “I honestly can’t remember.” Eric grinned into her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

  Lily woke late the next morning feeling drowsy and content. She rolled over to touch Eric and realized the bed was empty. She sat up trying to figure out where he was when she clearly heard his voice outside of the door.

  “I need you to watch over her while I am gone.” Eric sounded mildly worried as he spoke the words.

  “I ain’t no nursemaid for Christ’s sake, I’m a sailor!” she heard someone respond.

  “If we are attacked, I need someone to protect her, you’re the man I trust the most to do it.” Eric sounded firm and the other man’s lack of response seemed to be his affirmation.

  Eric reentered the room and smiled at his wife as he came over to kiss her. “Where are you going?” she asked, the concern evident in her voice.

  He laughed. “It’s a ship, I can only go so far. But, I need to speak with the captain about plans for the trip.”

  Lily smiled too. “You said we would be on the ship for a couple of weeks, we are not going straight to Boston?”

  Shaking his head, Eric stroked her hair. “I thought we might take a break and a honeymoon of sorts. It might be nice to feel like we are not under attack for a few weeks.”

  “Then why do I have the guard?” Eric chuckled at her observance.

  “I just want to keep you safe. A precaution. Kurt is a bit gruff but no one can protect you as fiercely as him.” He kissed her forehead and stood up to leave.

  Lily lay back down on the bed stretching and arching her back. “Are you sure you have to leave now? What about breakfast?” She asked innocently enough but Eric could see right through her and he smiled devilishly as he picked her up out of the bed with only a sheet covering her.

  He kissed her long and hard and she found herself panting for more. “There is nothing I would like to do more than stay for breakfast.” He paused smiling wickedly at her. “But it turns out that keeping you safe is a full time job.”

  He laid her back down on the bed and gave her one last kiss. “I will see you later, Mrs. Sampson.”

  Lily lay in bed a little while longer than got out to wash up and dress. Her stomach was beginning to grumble and she would have to hunt down some food. She stepped out of her door and realized that the man, Kurt, that had been set as her guard was none other than the man who pummeled Andrews the night before. He gave her a long look but said nothing.

  Lily cleared her throat. “I didn’t thank you properly for what you did for me yesterday. If there is anything I can do—”

  Kurt cut her off. “You can stay out of trouble and make my job as easy as possible.”

  She nodded, unsure of what to say. His tone and demeanor annoyed her but she had asked and now she would acquiesce to his request. It shouldn’t be that difficult anyway. How much trouble could she get into on a boat?

  “Perhaps you could show me to the galley. I could use a little something to eat.” He nodded and turned, walking off without saying a word. She had no choice but to follow.

  When they arrived in the tiny kitchen area, Lily could see that it was a mess. The crew of fifteen men were all fed from this one part of the boat.

  “There’s some grub over there.” The cook pointed toward some vittles on the stove. They were less than appetizing, but Lily scooped some out for herself anyway. She returned to the deck to eat, glad for the fresh sea breeze and the beautiful view. Lily wondered what she was going to do with her day. She was not used to being idle and it made her restless. As she stood there, she watched some sailors pulling down a sail.

  “It’s got a rip in it again,” she heard one call.

  “Dammit, another one. I hate sewing those damned things up.” The other spat over the side of the ship.

  “Excuse me,” Lily suddenly made a decision. If she were going to be on this ship, she may as well make herself useful. “I’ll sew it for you.” Kurt, who had been leaning against the rail, stood up suddenly to give her a sharp look. She wasn’t sure if this was his idea of staying out of trouble, but she didn’t see what the harm was.

  “We couldn’t ask you to do that. It’s our job and you’re...” He paused then lowered his voice. “The boss’s wife,” he finished.

  Lily had to smile at that. “Don’t be silly. I’m just standing here, I may as well be useful. If you will show me the stitch you use, I would be happy to do it.”

  One of the men found her a chair to sit in the shade while the other got out the needle and thread. It was a big tear and was going to take her a while to stitch properly but it felt nice to do something. If her hands weren’t busy, she would have had a great deal more time for idle thought.

  When she had finished, Kurt fetched the men to take the sail. Lily decided to head back to the kitchen. After days of not eating a great deal, she found herself famished again.

  When she got to the kitchen, she found the cook hard at work. He had clearly finished plucking some geese and was trying to cook some dish. He looked fit to be tied.

  “How’s it going?” Lily quietly asked.

  He threw his hands in the air. “With Sampson on the boat...” He paused. “Sorry ma’am. Your husband is a good owner, better than most, but with him on the boat, the captain has ordered all this extra food and wants all these complicated dishes. I got these geese I gotta cook up and strawberries I’m supposed to make into some dessert.”

  “How many pie pans have you got?” Lily asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe seven.” He pointed over to a corner.

  “Do you have any rhubarb?”

  “Yeah, how’da know?” Cook looked perplexed.

  “Not from Maine, are you?” She smiled and grabbed some lard and flour.

  He shook his head and started clearing a space for her.

  It took her three and a half hours but at the end she had seven beautiful, strawberry rhubarb pies. She had to admit, they looked good enough to eat.

had been standing silently in the doorway for most of the time while she and the cook chatted away. She had learned all the gossip on almost every crew member and the captain. She hadn’t seen Kurt eat anything but he was staring fixedly at the pies. She took the small ball of remaining dough and the little of the filling left and popped it in the oven. Feeling the blast of heat, reminded her of how hot and sweaty she was, spending the afternoon in front of a hot stove.

  “Kurt, would it be possible to have a bath brought to the room. I’m a mess.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll be back in just a minute.”

  “He actually speaks.” Lily muttered more to herself but she heard Cook chuckle.

  “He does but that was the politest sentence I may’ve ever heard him utter. Not much for being friendly but he’s tougher than most and loyal to the bone. He’d give his life for you because you’re the boss’s wife.” Cook nodded his head to emphasize his words and Lily pondered them. She couldn’t have spent the day with two more opposite men. Cook seemed to say whatever came into his head while Kurt barely spoke.

  “He’s been grumpier than normal lately though.” Cook waved a knife to emphasize his point.

  “Why is that?” Lily asked genuinely curious about the man.

  “Sailor a few months ago, got in a tiff with Kurt, took a knife to his pillow. Kurt loved that thing, don’t know why. Anyway Kurt thrashed the guy to a bloody pulp. The guy, can’t remember his name, left shortly after.” Cook shrugged.

  Lily wondered what the significance of the pillow was. A lost love? “Would you mind is I used the goose feathers tomorrow?” she asked Cook.


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