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Fool's Errand

Page 37

by David G. Johnson

  1) We are all sinners (Romans 3:10; 3:23). That is hard to hear, but the fact is there are two kinds of people in the world, perfect people and sinners. If you are not one, you are the other. If you truly believe you are the former, there is not much else to discuss. Most people, however, are honest enough to admit they have lied, they have not always honored their father and mother, they have lusted, they have coveted, or they have hated someone. Any of these things puts you firmly in the category of sinner.

  2) We cannot remove our own sin. God in the Bible says the wages of sin is death. If, like many of the other world religions teach, we could counterbalance or work off our own sin by praying, giving alms, making pilgrimages, doing good deeds, meditation, or whatever, then God lied in the Bible and Jesus died for nothing. In Matthew 26:39-44 Jesus prayed three times asking if there were another way and yet still He went to the cross and died. If there were any way apart from Jesus that man could be saved, Jesus would not have died upon the cross (Acts 4:12).

  3) We will stand before God and be judged one day (Hebrews 9:27). God created us and He has the right to judge His creation. He takes no pleasure in the death of sinful man but truly desires that all may come to repentance and faith (Ezekiel 33:11). To that end, God has made a way for our sin to be forgiven and for us to be restored to righteousness.

  4) Jesus is that way (John 14:6). Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Some have called this narrow-minded, arrogant or elitist, but if we open our hearts and minds to the truth, God was not obligated to make any way for man to be saved. He did so because He loved the world and humankind (John 3:16). He wanted us to have a hope. Does a drowning man look at the person throwing them a rope from a lifeboat and say “Don’t you have another way? That is very narrow-minded for you only to have one rope for me to choose. I prefer a life preserver or life jacket instead.” How silly would that be? No a drowning person would grab onto that rope and hold on for all they were worth and be very grateful to the person who had tossed it to them. Yet this is exactly what society has conditioned us to do in response to the gospel. We sneer at the rope and criticize the boat captain who has thrown it to us.

  If you are seeking truth, then the one true truth that exists is Jesus. A way has been made for you by a loving God to be saved from judgment and wrath. All that is needed is for you to recognize and repent (turn away from) your sin and put your faith in Jesus Christ. Grab onto that rope and hold on for all you are worth. You can do that by saying a prayer wherever you are asking that God forgive your sins and draw you to Himself.

  If you have, or are willing to do that, you have taken the first step. The road does not end there, however. Profession of faith in Christ is not a “get out of hell free” card. There is nothing in the Bible that mirrors the false teaching of “easy believism”. Faith in Christ means living your life for Him. Three times in John chapter 14, Jesus equates loving Him with obedience. So how do you know what to obey?

  You need discipleship. You need to find in your area a Bible-believing church and get plugged into not only Sunday services, but Bible study classes as well. Every day you eat food to nourish your body, in the same way set some time aside every day to spend in prayer and in God’s word to nourish your spirit.

  You may have questions still. As you read and study you may have things come up that you do not understand. Your first resource should be your local pastor or teacher at the church you attend. If you do not find the answers there, I might suggest a few websites that might help. These are excellent resources for Christian apologetics and questions about the Christian life.

  1) This is the website of the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry. It is an excellent site to find many answers to a broad range of questions.

  2) This is the website of Dr. William Lane Craig, noted Christian apologist and speaker.

  3) Beyond those websites, if you have specific questions about the gospel or Christianity and cannot find the answers with either your local clergy or the above sites, you can contact me with questions at Please be aware, I am opening this email up to my readership as a resource and help. I will not argue or debate questions I feel are aimed in that direction, but will gladly do whatever I can to help sincere inquiries concerning biblical truth. There are numerous debate boards on Facebook and elsewhere for those looking for that, but this email address is for sincere seekers of truth that have earnestly sought answers elsewhere and yet have been unable to find those answers. I cannot promise to be able to answer every question, but coming from the background of a skeptic and having researched truth claims and studied apologetics for several years, I hope that I can be a resource to anyone sincerely seeking faith or struggling for answers. Your patience with my response times is appreciated as I have a number of responsibilities on my plate, but ministering to seeking souls is a high priority.

  Finally, for those who do not have specific faith-based questions but would like to send fan-mail, questions, comments, feedback, etc. specifically regarding the Chadash Chronicles books themselves, those types of responses can be sent to Again, if there are things sent here requiring a response, please be patient and know I will do my best to respond. I also have an author page up on Facebook at:, so feel free to drop by and like my page and keep your eyes out for new projects and new releases.

  By His grace,

  David G. Johnson

  Achiram – Archangel, second in command of the Malakim. Patron of the herbivorous and ursine anthromorphs, not including Centaurs, which inhabit primarily the Sambraturan Savannah, Ombatu Forest and the nation of Ursara. Those races include the Ouaga-Yi, Ursai, Dicero, Loxodo, Pardali, Caffera and Tsebi. His powers include transformation into other forms as well as control over animals and the forces of nature such as wind, rain, etc.

  Aerik Iceblade – Current king of the Wolf Clan Qarahni and father of Goldain. After centuries of warfare and raiding, Aerik has a vision of his people living in peaceful coexistence with the nations around. He has also made peace with the Goram Bol, the Bear Clan, who have been enemies of the Lubane Bol, the Wolf Clan, since the time of the death of the Everking.

  Al-Kali, aka “Sirocco Al-Kali” – 46th son of Kali Al-Kali the Maharajah of Kali in the Great Southern Desert. He was sent as a child to the Burning Sands monk order due to his discovered koach gift of fire manipulation. The Burning Sands not only trained him to be an extremely deadly swordsman but also trained him how to control and use his fire koach as well.

  Arian Meridius – Adami human Dreadknight in service to Cyria. Currently serving Princess Tarynna. Is a sadistic pervert with a penchant for young girls.

  Arreya – A Zafirr chats-enash huntress. She is twenty-one at the time of the events of Fool’s Errand. She has been exiled from her village in the Djarmangara as her family was in the service of the recently deposed queen and the new queen has banished her forever. She is seeking a life somewhere and a place to fit in outside the jungle.

  Ayabim – The Hebrew word for “the hostile ones”. In Chadash the nine archangels still in rebellion against the One Lord are called the Ayabim while the nine repentant archangels serving the One Lord are called the Malakim. Each of the Malakim and Ayabim have servant races without eternal souls, which serve them as quasi-free-willed agents in their battle for the souls of the humans of Chadash.

  Azadriel – Archangel, leader of the Malakim. Patron of the elvish races, the V’rassi, V’Arbri, V’mayim and V’shami as well as the living tree-men called the Whosheera. His powers include stealth, archery, limited creation oth abilities, control of the woodlands and prophecy.

  Azmik – Fallen Archangel Ayabim. Patron of the Zawuti. Her powers include command over ice, snow, cold and winter storms.

  Bardrick – One of two twin brothers hired to help break the blockade of Dragon Pass. Fights with axe and buckler. Loud
and obnoxious.

  Chats-enash – A term meaning “half human”. It is used to describe the offspring of a human race and one of the Malakim or Ayabim servant races. While some chats-enash mixes have their own sub-species names, such as Fenriri chats-enash being called Fenratu, the term chats-enash is generic and can be used properly to describe any mixed-blood offspring of humans.

  Chikava – A heady mead made by the Rajiki from fermented roots. A stronger version, chikava-papa, is mixed with hallucinogenic flowers and is used in religious rituals to induce a “spirit trance”.

  Dadao “The Blade” – Piqa chats-enash. Has forsaken the Piqa culture of following the One Lord and has moved from Piqana to Thalyia to become a slaver and bandit lord. He is building his base of power in the region by forming alliances with Wild Lands goblinoid tribes.

  Daemius Kallandar – Adami human pyromancer and conjurer in service to Cyria, currently serving Princess Tarynna.

  Dalwyn Othblest – Durgak, current High Priest of Stonehold and member of the Stonehold High Council.

  Darius Tropham, aka “Captain Tropham” – Current captain of the Aton-Ri Elite Duelist Corps.

  Donovan Silvermane – Durgak, older brother of Duncan Silvermane and captain in the Stonehold Berserker Corps.

  Duncan Silvermane – Durgak priest of the One Lord. He is eighty-three at the time of the events of Fool’s Errand, still fairly young for a Durgak whose life span is typically around 650 years. He is out on his valor quest, a mandatory Durgak ritual for all males to achieve one’s place in society. Generally started between eighty and eighty-five years old and lasting for a three year period where Durgak leave Stonehold and seek fame and glory through deeds in service to the One Lord and the Durgak people, which are then recounted before the city at a special ceremony.

  Ebon Blackblade – Hobgoblin chats-enash and brother of Garrack Skullcrusher. Ebon is a current member of the Black Blades, a mercenary/assassin’s guild in Aton-Ri. He is a consummate swordsman and longtime friend to Thatcher.

  Elanna – Archangel Malakim. Patron of the Solana. Her powers include control of sunlight as well as crops and fields. She can also bring blight and famine.

  Elisheva – Archangel Malakim. Patron of the feline anthromorps and feline Centaurs including the Zafirr, Rumari and Baru’uwa. Her powers include mastery of swords, spears and knives. Greatest warrior of the Malakim and on Chadash is second only to Mutazz, leader of the Ayabim.

  Farris Stonebender – Durgak, current Minister of Mining and member of the Stonehold High Council.

  Felonious Redhand – Mitsar assassin. Member of the Shadow Cloaks, a guild of highly skilled assassins from Mitsaria. Husband of Pernicious Highhill. Currently in service to Cyria and Princess Tarynna.

  Garrack Skullcrusher – Hobgoblin chats-enash and current leader of the Skullcrusher clan in the Wild Lands. Long time friend of Thatcher and brother of Ebon Blackblade. Garrack is well read and brilliant but envisions forming a takeover of other Wild Lands clans by like-minded chats-enash with the goal of ending the raiding and inter-clan wars and bringing peace between the Wild Lands clans and the human nations of the northwest.

  Gideon Trueheart – Paladin from Parynland. He is thirty-five years old at the time of the events in Fool’s Errand. One-eighth V’rassi blood. A holy warrior with a deep, genuine faith, which he attempts to live out in some form of balance with his calling to a life of the sword.

  Goldain Iceblade – Qarahni warrior of the Wolf Clan. He is twenty-three at the time of the events in Fool’s Errand. A prince and son of Aerik Iceblade, current king of the Wolf Clan Qarahni. Being the seventh and youngest son he is far from the throne, but being the best warrior among the king’s sons he has been sent to establish diplomatic relations with the nations of the northwest in keeping with King Aerik’s policy of peaceful coexistence; a radical change from the warlike history of the Qarahni people.

  Guntur Bonecrusher – Durgak, current Field Marshal of the Stonehold Defense Force and member of the Stonehold High Council.

  Hadaram – Archangel Malakim. Patron of the dwarvish races including Durgak, Durbra, Kibshanu and Ephah. His powers include mastery of stone, gems, metalwork, defensive oth and is a master armorer for the Malakim.

  Husam – Fallen Archangel and second in command of the Ayabim. Patron of the D’zarik race. His powers include powers over darkness, earth, elements and metals. He is the master weaponsmith of the Ayabim.

  Humans – The only free-willed and soul-possessing races on the world of Chadash. These are not under the control of either Malakim or Ayabim but are free to choose whether or not they believe in and serve the One Lord. The human races include Adami (normal humans), Eshi (pyromancers gifted with fire koach), Rajiki (horsemen), Somamu (islanders), Tamueai (pygmies), Mitsar (halflings), Qatoni (koach gifted halflings), Raphaim (titans), Qarahni (northerners), Arba-Zeroa (four-armed humans), as well as all half-human chats-enash. Humans are the only cross-fertile race on Chadash, and any union that would yield a mixed blood child, which would be less than 50% human, is biologically unviable and will not result in a pregnancy.

  Ignatius Farnsworth III – Current mayor of Aton-Ri. His “open door” policies have turned the city into a true melting pot of every race and person willing to agree to peaceful coexistence and pledged defense of the city in time of need. Some regard him as a fool while others see him as a visionary and shaper of the future of cities in the northwest. The northern Rajiki fortress city of Aton-Na is studying Aton-Ri with possible ideas of also declaring itself an independent city-state as its southern sister-city has done.

  Izdihar – Fallen Archangel Ayabim. Patron of the insectoid races including the Sar-K’-Kitik, K’-Tzillik, Scarabi and the Zza-Zree. Her powers include fertility, organization and influencing multitudes via mass communication.

  Jeslyn – Young Rajiki archer whose mother passed away and whose father, Baran, was captured while serving as a caravan guard.

  Kenrick Longfather – Durgak, current Chancellor of the Stonehold High Council.

  Kohana – Somamu warrior who fights with twin kukri. Speaks very little Adami. Hired to help break blockade of Dragon Pass.

  Kylor – Twin brother of Bardrick. Hired to help break blockade of Dragon Pass. Fantastic archer. Becomes a believer in the One Lord and is baptized by Duncan in Stonehold.

  Lord Nazim Yolodyr – D’zarik chats-enash and current ruler of the D’zarik city of Syythys. Known for his fanatical campaign of forced crossbreeding to create a superior race of D’zarik chats-enash and ensure Ayabim victory in the war for souls on Chadash by indoctrinating the half-humans fully into D’zarik culture and beliefs. He has been tricked by Husam into believing he will lead his army of D’zarik chats-enash in the afterlife.

  Magar Lumrit – Current guild leader of Aton-Ri Rogues Guild.

  Malakim – The Hebrew name for “angels”. In Chadash, the nine repentant archangels are referred to as the Malakim while the nine opposing rebellious archangels are referred to as the Ayabim. Each of the Malakim and Ayabim have servant races without eternal souls, which serve them as quasi-free-willed agents in their battle for the souls of the humans of Chadash.

  Malandyr D’Zhadarek – D’zarik chats-enash and younger brother to Melizar. Stayed in Syythys when Melizar fled.

  Mamoun – Fallen Archangel Ayabim. Patron of the Fenriri. His powers include the ability to inspire loyalty, trust and love as well as distrust, suspicion and hatred.

  Marilla – Archangel Malakim. Patron of the ichthyoids and crustacean races dwelling beneath the seas and on islands on the south and west coast of Ya-Erets, which include the Dagah and Pangxie races. Her powers include control of waters, sea creatures, and sea storms like tsunamis and hurricanes.

  Melizar D’Zhadarek – D’zarik chats-enash necromancer and cryomancer. He is 120 years old at the time of the events of Fool’s Errand, which is fairly young for a D’zarik chats-enash. Full D’zarik have a lifespan of 800+ years with chats-enash living to arou
nd 500 or so. He is in hiding after being sent by his father out of Syythys to escape the persecution and wrath of Lord Yolodyr for his father’s disobedience to the mandatory crossbreeding policy. He has grown up in D’zarik society, so still has much of the suspicion and scheming common to D’zarik.

  Mutazz – Fallen Archangel, leader of the Ayabim. Patron of the Nephilim including the Eben-Nephilim, Yam-Nephilim, Har-Nephilim, Esh-Nephilim, Qerach-Nephilim, Yaar-Nephilim and Chol-Nephilim. His powers are increasing in size and strength. He is the greatest warrior among all the Malakim and Ayabim on Chadash.

  Muzzif D’Zhadarek – D’zarik politician. Father of Melizar. Family dishonored for refusal to comply with the mandatory crossbreeding program put forth by Lord Yolodyr of Syythys.

  Odon Longnose – Durgak, current Minister of Commerce and member of Stonehold High Council.

  Ohanzee – Shade warrior specializing in throwing knives. Hired to help break blockade of Dragon Pass. Killed during the battle of Dragon Pass.

  Pernicious Highhill – Mitsar ranger serving as an assassin with her husband, Felonious Redhand in the service of Cyria and Princess Tarynna.

  Raphaela – Archangel Malakim. Patron of the Centaur races including Centaurs, Zahbri, and Gamal, but not including the leonine Centaurs the Baru’uwa. Her powers include the arts of healing but can also cause sickness and disease. She is also a master horseman.

  Rashaad – Fallen Archangel Ayabim. Also known as “The Counselor”. Patron of the Umbra. His powers are a hyper-persuasive voice, which can even influence other archangels to a limited degree. He is also able to use mind control and is the originator of kashaph powers.


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