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An Earl's Queen (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 2)

Page 7

by Lindsay Downs

  “It would seem guests have started to arrive if I don’t miss my guess.”

  Silently he was hoping it wasn’t Adolphus. He still hadn’t decided what to do when the man and Chelsea met for the first time after all these years. All he knew was that he had to be with her the entire time and also make sure footmen were stationed at the head of both corridors. With them in place it would make sure there weren’t any unscheduled meetings between the young ladies and gentlemen, in particular Adolphus trying to sneak into Chelsea’s room to finish what had been started years ago.

  As the man got closer, Tony halted and steeled himself.

  “M’ lord, one of the footboys sent a message the first carriage is approaching the mansion. He didn’t recognize the seal on the door.”

  “Thank you. We’ll be right along.”

  “Very good, m’ lord.”

  Tony wondered if the coach might belong to Chelsea’s father since the footboys had pictures of all the others. If so, he contemplated what the man’s response to the letter would be. He watched as Usher returned to the mansion, probably to inform Mrs. Durrant she would be needed shortly.

  “Mother, I’d suggest we hurry along,” he announced.

  “I agree, but as we don’t know who it is I’d recommend we go through the mansion in case it’s someone we don’t wish to see, at least for the present.”

  Not even having to ask who his mother was referring to, he glanced down at Chelsea only this time he saw panic in her eyes. No matter what, he’d make sure she was protected from Adolphus, but at the same time he knew they’d have to meet. All he could do was make sure it was on his terms. Then he had an idea.

  “Excuse me, Lady Iris. If and when Lord Adolphus arrives, do you believe he’ll remember you?”

  “There is a possibility he might, and I know where you’re going with this. If he was to see me then he’d know my daughter would be here also.”

  “And in seeing you he might make a mistake and try to contact my younger brother,” Nash added.

  When he felt Chelsea squeeze his hand, but not soften her hold on him, Tony knew she was afraid, and he had to do something.

  “Sinclair, when we get inside I need you to escort Lady Chelsea through the dining room and into the kitchen. From there she can make her way to the second floor and her suite,” Tony directed to him.

  “Fuller, you have my word as a gentleman she’ll arrive safely, and I’ll turn her over to her maid.”

  Tony tilted his head down and saw she was a little more relaxed, even though she still had a firm grip on his hand.

  “My dear, Lord Nash may be a scoundrel, but he is a man of his word. Once this visitor arrives and we know who it is I’ll send for you. As my office overlooks the courtyard, I’d suggest we all gather there.”

  Guiding Chelsea, with the others following, into the mansion as they arrived at the family dining room he passed her off to Nash, giving the man a warning look as he did.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he told her, then watched as they made their way through the room and into the kitchen.

  Continuing on to the front, Tony did his best to maintain a casual pace even though he was anxious to know who this arrival was. As he got to the front door, held open by Usher, he stood to the side letting his mother and Chelsea’s go out first then joined them as the carriage entered the courtyard.

  “That’s the earl’s. What’s he doing here?” Iris asked.

  Tony let out the breath he was holding on hearing it was Chelsea’s father. He hoped the man was bringing good news with him.

  “Lady Iris, he’s here on my invitation, but to be honest I didn’t expect him to leave London with Parliament still in session. I’m hoping he will give his approval for me to make my addresses to your daughter.”

  He wasn’t surprised at the gasp coming from either mother.

  “Lord Anthony, if the earl doesn’t give his consent at first, he will after I have a firm discussion with him. We should also make him aware of all the events, vis-à-vis Chelsea remembering everything after all these years, who’s been invited, and the possible threat to her from Valerian.”

  “Once he gets settled and refreshed from his speedy trip I’ll invite him to the office along with Lady Chelsea,” Tony stated.

  The sound of footsteps on the marble foyer caused him to look over his shoulder at the approaching Mrs. Durrant.

  “M’ lord, to answer your question he will be sharing my bed,” Iris stated.

  Hearing that, he turned to his housekeeper.

  “I’ll make the necessary arrangements for his valet.”

  With a nod he directed his attention to the carriage as it came to a halt several feet from the steps. Offering one arm to his mother and the other to Iris, he led them down the stairs as a footman opened the coach’s door and the earl stepped out.

  “Welcome m’ lord,” Tony said.

  Since the man’s title was older than his he bowed.

  “Lord Anthony, it would seem we’ve a great deal to discuss,” the man said, then gave a smile. “And fear not, it’s all good.”

  That was the news he’d hoped for then turned to his mother.

  “Lord Joseph, may I present Lady Rosalind, Countess of Wyatt.”

  He waited while she curtsied to his bow then continued.

  “If you’ll follow my butler, he’ll show you your suite. Once refreshed would you care to join me and the ladies, including Lady Chelsea, in my office? The countess can show you the way.”

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Turning him over to the butler Tony, with his mother, retreated into the mansion. When he got to his housekeeper he stopped. “Please ask Lady Chelsea to join us in my office.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Once she was out of earshot Tony glanced at his mother and smiled.

  “This is going to be a very interesting house party you’ve planned. And if I haven’t thanked you for reintroducing me to Lady Chelsea, thank you. Now, shall we head up to my office?”

  “Yes it will be, Son. As for you and Lady Chelsea, neither I nor Lady Iris knew what would happen when we decided to put you both together. I’m so happy everything turned out so well.”

  No sooner had he settled her on the settee than Usher stepped into the doorway.

  “M’ lord and lady, shall I get a tea tray?”

  Tony glanced down at his mother who bobbed her head.

  “Yes, for the ladies. Lords Joseph, Sinclair, and I will have whiskey so I’ll need several more glasses,” he directed to the man.

  “Yes, m’ lord.” Usher then slipped from the room.

  “Son, it would seem with the earl here along with Lord Nash we won’t have an uneven number.”

  “So true, Mother. With luck, Sinclair might even find a lady who can look past his reputation.”

  “Wyatt, that is very unlikely as there are very few ladies of the ton who would. Even if they did, their mommas would steer them to a better choice. Lady Chelsea is a rare gem, and you’re the lucky one to have found her again, after all these years,” Nash announced from the doorway, then stepped further in and took a seat.

  “One can only hope. If Rainer and I have found the love of our life, then anything is possible. Even for you,” Tony teased his friend.

  Hearing voices in the hall, Tony knew Chelsea and her parents had met up. Leaning against his desk, he waited until they entered then stepped up to Chelsea offering her his arm, which he was happy to note she refused, taking his hand instead. He then steered her to the settee where his mother sat and settled her. This he’d done so the current and future countess could sit together.

  “Lord Joseph, as you know from the letter I sent bringing you here, many things have changed over the past few days. To complicate matters, we’re having a house party starting today for the next few weeks. One of the guests invited was involved in hurting Lady Chelsea years ago. We only learned of this a few hours ago. Also, the man responsible was supposed to be on h
is way to India but was rescued and could be on his way here as I speak,” Tony started.

  “I can assume all precautions in protecting Lady Chelsea have been set in place?” her father, Joseph, said.

  Tony was about to continue when Usher entered carrying the tea tray along with several cut crystal glasses. This gave him the reprieve needed to devise an appropriate reply.

  “Set it down in front of the countess,” he told the butler.

  Seeing the man place it in front of Chelsea brought a smile to his lips. He then stood, collected the glasses, and made his way to the sidebar where he splashed whiskey in them.

  “Wyatt, you don’t need to bring them back as His Lordship and I have come to you,” he heard Nash say from behind him.

  Carefully spinning on his heel, he handed each gentleman their drink then raised his in a silent toast. His was to many wonderful years with Chelsea. After taking a sip, he focused on Joseph.

  “In answer to your question, with Lord Nash here for added safety, I’ve asked Lady Chelsea not to leave the mansion without at least a footman following. Of course, with the house party, there will be a great deal of coming and going so I’ll be with her all of the time.”

  “Except when we’re in discussion regarding the marriage contract,” her father said to correct him.

  Tony could feel his eyes widen as he’d not directly, only through a letter, asked for Chelsea’s hand. Earlier, when the earl had arrived, the man had hinted at it, but now it was official, except for one thing. He still needed to ask her. That he’d do, and it was nothing against Nash, when it was only the family. He also needed to get the earldom engagement ring from his mother and have the stones cleaned and reset if need be.

  From the corner of his eye, Tony saw Usher standing in the doorway shifting from foot to foot something the man never did.


  “M’ lords and ladies, several carriages are coming down the drive, and one of them has the seal of the Earl of Reads on the door.”

  Stifling a groan, Tony glanced over to where Chelsea was sitting and saw her back stiffen, which didn’t come as a shock to him. Should he keep her safe and in his office or have her join his mother in greeting the guests.

  The decision was taken out of his hands when he saw her stand and sweep up to him and the other two gentlemen.

  “Father, I know we haven’t had a chance to completely explain everything, but Lord Adolphus assisted Lord Valerian in dumping me in the river. I only remembered this last night while having another nightmare. I can’t hide the entire time from him but later would be the best to remind him of what he did,” she declared.

  “Are you sure?” Tony asked before her father could say anything.

  “Yes, and with your permission I’d like to retire to my suite. I don’t feel I can lay my eyes on that man right now.”

  Knowing it was never wise to argue with a lady, especially when they were right, Tony held his hand out to Chelsea who took it gently.

  “That might be for the best, and with Lady Iris on the porch it will send him the correct message to either behave or run away and hide with his lover,” Tony said. It was well known within the ton Adolphus had a preference for gentlemen.

  Escorting her to the stairs, he waited while she made her way up to the second floor and turned down the corridor leading to her suite. That done, Tony offered his mother his arm and with the Earl and Countess of Braxton following and Nash bringing up the rear, descended to the ground floor. As they stepped out, the Reads carriage came to a halt.

  Tony couldn’t help but notice the look of panic in the eyes of Adolphus, and he knew why. The man, if he could be called that, had seen Chelsea’s parents. Now he wondered if he’d be joining the house party, but that was answered when a footman opened the carriage’s door and assisted the Countess of Reads out. He was amazed when his mother released her hand from his arm and swept down the steps to greet the woman.

  After a minute or so of talking between them, Tony watched a timid Adolphus climb out and bow to his mother. He wanted to grin at the man’s behavior but at the same time felt sorry for him.

  Once they were introduced to Chelsea’s parents, Tony turned them over to his housekeeper just as another traveling carriage entered the courtyard. He knew he needed to greet these guests but also wanted to see, or at least hear, how Chelsea was fairing.

  Chapter Eleven

  With a glance in the mirror, she smiled then swiveled in the chair as her mother stepped into her suite. As much as she wished to inquire about Adolphus and his reaction on seeing her parents, Chelsea had a more pressing matter to discuss.

  “Thank you for seeing me before going down to greet the guests, but I’ve a concern.” Chelsea said.

  “Darling, what can I do to help? Are you having second thoughts about marrying Lord Anthony?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m worrying about. I know I love him, and I believe he has the same feelings for me. I just want to be sure. We know he sent a letter to father, but could Lord Anthony also have requested a special license from the Archbishop?” Chelsea asked.

  “My dear, if he did and if your father knows anything about it, he didn’t tell me. Might I ask why?”

  “As we’ve been separated for so many years and as we said have affections for each other, I just wish to know more about him.”

  “Such as his likes and dislikes? Chelsea, trust me when I say no matter how long you know a man, they are always surprising us ladies.”

  Letting out a moan of disappointment that her mother would not be able to help her Chelsea stood. She started pacing about the suite, wringing her hands in worry.

  “Mother, of course first Lord Anthony has to officially offer for me so maybe all this indecision might be for naught.”

  “Trust me when I say he will and this evening. He wishes asking for your hand to be a family affair. That’s why we’re meeting first in the countess’ parlor instead of the formal sitting room.”

  Chelsea could feel herself becoming nervous that it would happen so soon after they’d been reunited. If she’d been asked when she thought it would be, her answer would have been sometime during the house party, not when it started. Was it possible he wanted to do it now so he would more easily become her protector with Adolphus here and Valerian’s whereabouts unknown. Taking in a calming breath, she stopped in front of her mother. “You know my answer will be yes, but I’ll desire at least three weeks before we wed.”

  “I believe that can be arranged,” her mother replied.

  As it was getting late, and she still needed to be introduced to most of the ladies and gentlemen, Chelsea took a final perusal in the mirror then collected her shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  “Shall we, Mother? It wouldn’t do to keep Lord Anthony waiting. As I’m sure he must be nervous, considering what is about to happen,” Chelsea declared with the smile.

  Side by side they made their way down to the first floor and started for the countess’ parlor. As they passed Tony’s office, Chelsea glanced in and saw it was empty then heard his voice coming from further down the hall. What he was talking about she wasn’t sure, but whatever it was had her father laughing. She even heard a ladylike titter from the countess.

  At the door she stopped, took another breath, then with her mother following swept in and curtsied. She wasn’t surprised when Tony stepped up to her and bowed. Keeping a teasing smile to herself, she did notice he was tense when he offered her his arm. She let him guide her to the settee where his mother was seated. Before getting settled, Chelsea saw that her father had stepped away and was standing with his wife next to the fireplace.

  “Lady Chelsea, I believe you know the reason for this private meeting?”

  She bobbed her head and watched him let out a breath then get down on one knee, which brought him eye to eye with her.

  “After speaking with Lord Joseph in private, he has given his permission for me to ask for your hand. Lady Chelsea Parson
s, would you consent to be my wife?”

  “Lord Anthony Fuller, Earl of Wyatt, I accept your kind offer with one codicil, we wait three weeks before the wedding.”

  Before she knew what happened he lifted her gloved left hand from her lap and slipped a, to her, huge ring on her finger. Tilting her head down, she gasped at the beauty of it. In the center was the largest square-cut diamond she’d ever seen. It was surrounded by alternating emeralds and rubies.

  “Mother, look! Isn’t it the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen?” she cried out.

  Chelsea held her hand out so her mother could see it.

  “Yes it is, my dear.”

  “M’ lady, that’s the Wyatt family ring passed from one countess to the next. Someday it will be your honor to do the same when our son meets the lady of his life,” Tony explained.

  “Of course, but our first child will be a girl,” she teased back.

  “Lady Chelsea, I’ve taken the liberty to write an announcement to be posted in The Tattler and The Times of our impending wedding. Do I have your permission to have them sent along to London in the morning?” Tony asked.

  “Of course. It will definitely set the Grand Dames of the ton on their collective ear when they learn you’ve been tamed.”

  “My dear Lady Chelsea. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that. Reined in from his wild ways might be more appropriate. Now, shall we go meet our guests and see what mischief Lord Nash has gotten himself into?” Tony’s mother pronounced.

  With a sweet smile to Tony, Chelsea accepted his hand and stood then settled hers on his arm. With her and Tony in the lead, everyone made their way downstairs to the formal sitting room. At the door she let him halt her so they could be introduced.

  “M’ lords and ladies, your host Anthony, Earl of Wyatt, and his betrothed, Lady Chelsea Parsons.”

  As she glanced into the room, she watched as everyone stopped talking and bowed or curtsied as they swept in. Looking around, she recognized several of the guests but one in particular, Lord Adolphus, partially hidden in a corner. What she found most interesting was the look of fear in his eyes. She suspected it was from seeing her again after all these years, not to mention her being hale and whole.


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