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An Earl's Queen (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 2)

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by Lindsay Downs

  Stifling a chuckle at Rosalind’s last words Chelsea knew exactly what was in store for not only Tony and her father but also Nash. She decided to keep the secret to herself and not inform Amelia.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After changing into clean attire, with face and hands freshly scrubbed, Tony met up with Joseph and Nash as they made their way downstairs to the veranda. There they, save Nash, paired up as the other gentlemen had already done. He smiled as he overheard several of those who’d gone fishing relate their experience to the lady on their arm. What did have him puzzled was the expression Chelsea wore as he stepped up to her. It wasn’t one of worry, like earlier when he’d seen her at the pavilion, but more one of puckishness.

  “M’ lord, from what I’m hearing, it seems you had a successful trip to the pond while we ladies and a few of the remaining gentlemen were busy.”

  “Yes, and I was pleased to see your father joined us as it gave him and I a chance to start discussing the marriage contract. Trust me when I say you’ll be well taken care of. But enough of that for now. Shall we gather everyone up and head out to the pavilion as luncheon should be set up soon.”

  He offered his arm but was pleased when she took his hand instead. No sooner had they started down the granite stairs than he heard the other guests following. It had already been planned for his mother to make sure everyone was included. Stopping partway across the lawn, he glanced over his shoulder and quickly noticed one person was missing.

  “M’ lady, have you seen Adolphus today? The last time I saw him was last night when he excused himself before the port and brandy were passed. He was claiming not to feel well,” Tony stated.

  “No, m’ lord, but the countess did check in on him earlier then asked if Cook could send up her barley soup for him. I’m wondering if coming here and seeing me was too stressful for Adolphus?”

  Tony deduced she could be correct, but it still didn’t excuse the man’s behavior. Somehow, someway, Adolphus would have to make his apology to Chelsea. Not wishing to worry about it for now, he patted her hand then they started off again.

  As they climbed the wooden steps of the pavilion he guided her to one of the tables set along the railing overlooking the pond.

  “Is this all right or would you feel better at a different table?”

  “No, this will be perfect. After my first time out here, then the nightmare, I’m over my fear of it or rivers for that matter,” she replied. He was happy to see her give him a sweet smile.

  Once everyone had selected their table, he glanced around and noticed Nash had chosen to sit with his mother but kept glancing over to Amelia.

  “Before you ask, yes there is a tender between them, but the duchess is preventing them from being together.”

  That didn’t sound like the man he knew. In the past Nash wouldn’t let anything stand in his way of gaining a conquest. Then again, recently he’d noticed his friend had started behaving as a gentleman of the ton should. All he knew was that this was going to be a very interesting house party. A forbidden, by the duchess, love affair and a gentleman claiming to be sick who’d tried to hurt or kill Chelsea years ago.

  He knew that one would be resolved, but Nash was on his own in winning over the duchess as he knew her very well. Looking around the pavilion, he saw the Countess of Reads signal him with her fan.

  “If you’ll excuse me, m’ lady. It seems I’m being summoned by Lady Erin, for what I don’t know but will inform you upon my return.”

  Accepting her nod as one of approval, Tony weaved his way across the pavilion, coming to a halt at the lady’s table and bowed.

  “M’ lord, thank you for coming over. I know this isn’t the proper time or place, but I feel I need to apologize for my son’s dreadful behavior. I’ve never seen him act like this before, hiding away in his suite. I fear we might not see him for days, if at all. I wish to have your permission to send him back to our estate, even without the requisite act of contrition given. Also, with your consent I wish to stay as it’s been years since I’ve been to a house party and am enjoying the chance to relax.”

  Quietly Tony took in her words and couldn’t help but hear a bit of anger in her voice. Was it because of her son hiding away? Or that she’d not had time away from her husband except to take Adolphus to a house party and even then had to be careful he didn’t insult someone? One thing he did know, he couldn’t make the decision without consulting with Chelsea, her parents, and his mother.

  “M’ lady, before I can give you an answer I’ll need to speak with the principles. I promise to have a response before afternoon tea.”

  “Thank you and for your time. Now you must get back to Lady Chelsea.”

  With a nod and bow he retreated across the room just as the footmen, under Usher’s direction, set down trays piled high with a variety of foods, hot and cold, on several long tables. He waited until his mother stood and strolled over before he offered to assist Chelsea in standing while the other gentlemen did the same for the ladies with them.

  “What did she wish to speak with you about?”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to wait until luncheon is finished. What I learned should be told to your parents and my mother, and I’d rather do it once. Trust me though, it’s not bad news.”

  “I’ll take your word on that. Now, please hand me a plate as I’m seeing several delicacies I’d requested to be included,” she declared.

  Just before dessert was served, Tony excused himself and went to speak briefly with her parents and his mother. Much to his relief, without giving any explanation, they all agreed to meet in his office when they returned to the mansion.

  Later, Tony watched as several young ladies with gentlemen, as escorts, drifted back to the mansion under the stern, watchful eyes of the girls mothers. Glancing over to Chelsea, he wondered again about the coy smile on her lips.

  “They are being directed back so the gentlemen who didn’t help earlier in decorating the ballroom can now do their part. And don’t worry, the mammas will be there to help give directions until we join them.”

  Now he understood her earlier look when he joined her on the veranda. Something told him this meeting he’d called would have to be quick as he and Joseph would be needed elsewhere.

  “Then I suggest we return to the mansion and my office so I can tell your parents and my mother what Lady Erin told me.”

  Accepting her hand, he helped her stand then with their parents strolled across the lawn and upstairs to his office. After settling Chelsea on the settee he waited while the other two ladies were seated then waved Joseph to a chair.

  “Thank you for joining me without an explanation. As you saw, Lady Erin spoke with me before luncheon regarding her son. She’s apologized for him hiding away in his suite and requested she be allowed to send him home. She told me he’d never acted this way before, and I suspect it’s because of having seen you, Lady Chelsea. Very simply put, I believe the man is afraid for having done what he’d partaken in years ago.

  “As I told her, I’d have to bring this up with all of you. Personally, with him here even in hiding, he’s put a damper on the party. Her Ladyship did promise to make him face us when we return to London in the fall, and I believe her. She did request to stay for the rest of the party. Hearing the frustration in her voice of having to deal with her son, I’m in agreement. I told her I couldn’t make the decision on my own but would have to bring it to all of you.”

  “Since I invited them and have known the countess for years, I know her to be truthful. It’s the son I’m not sure of, and having known earlier, I never would have asked them to join us. I say you’re correct in sending him home, and if she wishes to stay she may,” his mother announced.

  “Chelsea?” Tony asked.

  He watched while she took a breath then focused on her parents.

  “Mother, Father, I don’t know if I can look at him. Last night when I was introduced to Lady Erin he kept glaring at me which made me uncom
fortable. If you’re willing, I’ll accept a written apology from him, but he has to do it before the ball and be gone before dinner tonight. As for the countess, I do enjoy her company and would hate for her not to enjoy time away from him.”

  This was the answer Tony had hoped for from all of them. Now, they’d be able to relax and have a wonderful time.

  “Then it’s settled, and now, Lord Joseph, I believe we’ve a ballroom which needs our attention. Before you ask, speak to your daughter and my mother. It would seem they’ve conspired against us to do something usually relegated to ladies,” Tony declared.

  “Son, I’m sure you promised to inform Lady Erin of the decision, but would you mind if I did?” Lady Rosalind requested.

  “No, not at all. Actually I was hoping you’d take my place on that little task.”

  With that unpleasant duty taken care of, Tony assisted Chelsea to rise then followed her father, mother, and his to the ballroom.

  Standing at the top of the stairs, Tony surveyed the room and the organized chaos. He also wanted to see if Lady Erin might be there, and in the far corner, next to the French doors, he saw her. Pointing the countess out to his mother, he started down the steps and waited, with Joseph, for someone to give him direction.

  “Just don’t stand there, gentlemen, we have chairs needed to be brought in from adjoining rooms for the matrons,” Chelsea directed to them.

  “Lord Anthony, welcome to the wonderful world of married life even before the day,” Joseph teased.

  “It can’t be all that bad, m’ lord. After all, look at the wonderful lady you both raised. To me she was, is, and always will be this earl’s queen, even if she does order me around as if I was staff,” Tony retorted.

  Tony glanced over to Chelsea and saw her usual sweet smile slowly turn into a frown, telling him it was time to get to work.

  An hour later, much to his surprise, Tony trailed the others from the room but stopped partway up the stairs and turned back. Looking around, he spied his mother step in from the veranda with a smiling Lady Erin beside her, carrying a folded sheet of paper. Could that be the written apology Chelsea had asked for?

  “I’d suggest we retire to my office and see what transpired as I feel it’s all good,” he said.

  Enroute, he stopped Usher and ordered a tea tray to be delivered. After he settled Chelsea on the settee, Tony marched over to the sidebar. “M’ lord, whiskey?” he asked over his shoulder.


  After pouring two glasses he stepped over to Joseph and handed one to him as his mother swept in, a bright smile on her lips.

  “I’m guessing you’ve not just good but wonderful news?”

  “Yes, but as I see Usher has brought tea it can wait while Lady Chelsea handles the duties,” Rosalind directed.

  Once tea was poured and passed, Tony waited as his mother handed over the paper he’d seen earlier to Chelsea.

  “It may not be what you desire, and if it’s not then we’ll tell Lady Erin and she’ll get a proper one from Adolphus.”

  “M’ lady, have you read it?”

  “No I haven’t, and I don’t believe neither did Lady Erin. That’s one of the reasons everything took so long. Once she learned what was required she went to his room, only to return shortly thereafter. Then together we went to the stable to order up her carriage. She told me he’ll be gone within the hour, and she directed the coachman to return him to their estate.”

  Tony studied Chelsea as she turned the note over in her hands, but the sound of a carriage leaving distracted him. Marching over to the window he watched the Reads’ coach depart the forecourt. From what he could tell, there was only one passenger. Returning to his desk, he noticed the missive was still unopened. This time though it was lying on the table in front of Chelsea.

  “No. I don’t want to read it, for I’m sure the words he put down are false. I’m just glad he’s gone,” she declared.

  “Wonderful. Now finish your tea, then I want you to go up to your suite and rest until it’s time to bathe and dress for the evening,” Iris requested.

  “I will, Mother.”

  Taking the final sip of his drink, Tony started to refill his glass when he saw Chelsea set her empty cup down. Knowing he could get another after seeing her upstairs, not necessarily to her suite, he’d return as there were estate letters which needed reading and answering.

  Escorting her to the stairs, he waited until she, along with Iris, reached the second floor then returned to his office where her father waited for him.

  “M’ lord, would you mind if we held off discussing further details to the marriage contract until tomorrow sometime? Suddenly I’m feeling tired myself and wish to rest. I guess I’m not as young as I thought, and I did enjoy the fishing,” Joseph said.

  “Not at all, Lord Joseph. I have one or two estate letters which I need to deal with.”

  Once his future father-in-law left, Tony turned his attention to the posts which he’d pleasantly ignored all day. When they were dealt with he started for the door when his eye caught the letter from Adolphus. Stepping over to the table where it lay, he started to pick it up then decided not to as it wasn’t addressed to him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dressed in his finest evening attire of dark blue, almost black depending on the lighting, jacket and matching trousers Tony nervously paced as he awaited Chelsea’s arrival where the three corridors met. From past experience with his mother, the longer a lady took to present herself the more ravishingly beautiful she would be.

  With both sets of parents already in the formal sitting room it had been decided he would make a grand entrance with Chelsea on his arm. Even though not yet married, she would be announced as the future countess. This hadn’t been his decision but the current countess. As she’d told him, “this way everyone who’s been invited to the ball will learn of it as the pronouncement has only today been placed in the London broadsheets”. With that declaration, he knew she was correct, once again realizing ladies should be listened to and not ignored as some gentlemen were wont to do.

  The soft sound of slippered feet on the hall rug told him his love was approaching. Turning to greet her, he immediately knew the wait was well worth it.

  He watched her glide toward him, wearing her ever present smile. She was in a flowing gown of a light fawn color which complimented the dark brown of her hair. The neckline was sculpted so it showed only a little of her shoulders before dipping down to just above her breasts, revealing while at the same time demure. The sleeves were puffed coming down a few inches onto her arms with long white gloves stopping at her elbows. On her left ring finger sat the family ring he’d given her.

  Letting his eye drift down, he loved how the skirt swirled around her hips as she swept up to him with a short train emphasizing her movement.

  As she got closer he had to refocus his attention to her head otherwise it might seem inappropriate to continue to stare at her form. On either side of her face several tendrils of hair framed her delicate features, ending just above where her swan neck met her shoulders. Several white roses had been woven into either side of her hair. Other than the ring the only other jewelry she wore was a five strand pearl necklace with matching earrings.

  He knew he was, without a doubt, the luckiest man in all of England. Giving her a bow, he offered his arm.

  “My dear, this evening you’ll make every lady jealous when we make our entrance.”

  “And you, good sir, are the handsomest gentleman this evening. I don’t even think that rascal Lord Nash can compete with you.”

  “Why, thank you. Now, shall we?”

  Tony accepted her head bob as approval and guided her down stairs to the ground floor. Turning down the corridor leading to the formal sitting room, he saw Usher back out then nod before stepping back in.

  As they got to the door Tony patted Chelsea’s hand and looked down to her upturned face.

  “Relax, my darling. I know it will be a crush in the
re once it’s announced you’ll be the new countess, but I’ll be at your side the entire time,” he whispered close to her ear. What he wanted to do was tease it with the tip of his tongue but couldn’t as it would have led to other events.

  “Thank you. I must admit I’m not used to being the center of attention but will have to get used to it. After all, I’ll be marrying a rakehell, and all the ladies will want to know how I brought you to your knees.”

  “You can tell them by being the most beautiful lady in all of England and thusly capturing my heart. Now, I’m sure Usher is wondering what’s happened to us.”

  Covering, for support, her left hand with his, he led her forward to the doorway.

  “M’ lords and ladies. Anthony, Earl of Wyatt, and the future Countess, Lady Chelsea Parson,” Usher bellowed out.

  Leading Chelsea into the room, he looked around for her parents, who now were surrounded by guests congratulating them. As he guided her around the room accepting felicitations from friends and neighbors, he was amazed at how calmly she accepted them. He’d seen ladies, in the past, in similar situations panic and wish to race from the room.

  After several minutes, he finally led her up to his mother and her parents. Each of the ladies, in turn, gave Chelsea a delicate kiss on the cheek.

  “Welcome to the family, my dear. Just think, in a few weeks you’ll be mistress and have to deal with the foibles of my son. Fortuitously I’ll be nearby so if you need any advice please come visit with me,” his mother declared.

  “Mother, please. I’m not all that bad.”

  “Lord Anthony, now that it’s official, congratulations,” her father said extending his hand to Tony who took and shook it.

  Tony knew he’d done that to divert the impending conversation to something more comfortable, for him at least.

  “Yes, and don’t you dare do anything in word or deed to cause my daughter harm,” Iris demanded.

  “M’ lady, on that you can set your mind to rest. Having thought I’d lost her years ago, only now to have found her, I promise to keep her safe,” Tony stated.


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