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Magical Acts: (Skeleton Key)

Page 6

by Michele Bardsley

  He smiled. His blue eyes filled with such love it made her heart ache.

  Now that she’d pledged her heart to Auron, she took the time to look at his luscious, naked body.

  Auron looked like a GQ model who’d just walked off the cover. His dark blue eyes were beautiful. His broad, muscled chest was tanned and hairless. His blond hair had been tied back, allowing her a mouthwatering view of his visage. She had thought him handsome, but…oh, hell. Her heart tripled its beat. Ardor needled her skin, crinkled her nipples, and swelled her feminine core with heat.

  His hungry gaze danced along her nude body. He looked as if he wanted to feast on her and couldn’t quite decide where to begin nibbling. She responded to that intensity, yearning for his touch, for his words.

  “You are so lovely.”

  “So are you.” She blushed. “I mean … you’re handsome.”

  He grinned as he sat at the end of the bed. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Yes,” said Natalie.

  “I want to kiss you. Over and over again. You have such a delectable mouth. I want to conquer it. I want those juicy lips swollen and wet. And I want to suck on those beautiful nipples.” His gaze dipped to her chest. The buds puckered under his lustful inspection. “I want stroke every inch of your flesh until you’re on fire for me. I want to taste your sweetness and bring you to pleasure.” His eyes burned with passion. “I want to slip inside you, to take you, to love you. We will fly together, Natalie, in the most beautiful way.”

  Natalie stared at him. His words stroked her just as well as his fingers, his tongue. She nearly lost her breath and her heart…oh, her heart tried to beat right out of her chest.

  “So, I give you one last chance to change your mind,” said Auron. “Because if you say yes, Natalie. You are mine.” His gaze pinned hers. “If you start this journey with me, you must see it through until the end.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You will return to your world…and you will never see me again.”

  Chapter 7

  Auron watched the lovely Natalie impassively, though tension held him hostage. What if she doesn’t want me?

  She was sweet. And she was strong. He was well aware that Natalie did not know her own beauty, but he was sure that she knew her own strength. He trailed one finger over her naked shoulder. She felt like silk. Peering into her world through the portal, being so close to her without being able to touch her, had been worse torment that Rin’s curse.

  He brought her fingers to his lips. He kissed each knuckle, enjoying her little sighs of pleasure. She watched him, her eager gaze on his chest. He knew that she wanted to touch him, but he saw her trembling. His hand snaked around her waist and drew her into his embrace. She slid onto his lap, naked and soft and pliant.

  He plucked a curl from her shoulder and used it to trace her collarbone. He saw her slight shudder and the unwittingly sexy way she wet her lips. Her lush mouth begged for a kiss, and though she probably didn’t know it, her eyes telegraphed potent desire.

  His cock hardened as he imagined that little pink tongue flicking across his skin.

  Auron played with the silky tendril of hair, wrapping it around his finger and tugging on it. He dropped the strand in favor of caressing her neck…until he reached the fluttering pulse at the base of her throat. Her breath hitched, her lips parted, and no longer able to resist, he leaned close.

  He cupped the back of her neck and gave her a fraction of a second to prepare before he ensnared her lips. He traced the tender seam with his tongue, and like a blooming flower, she opened under his onslaught.

  Auron drank her sweetness, tasting the corners, nibbling her lower lip. He swallowed her moan, and then slid his tongue inside, drawing her into an intimate dance as he deepened his possession of her mouth. Fire raced through his veins as she responded, uncertain but ardent, mating her mouth to his.

  “Touch me,” Auron murmured.

  Natalie pulled away, her gaze swirling with desire. “Where?”

  “Wherever you want.”

  Doubt seeped into her gaze, and he wanted to wipe that look from her eyes. He lowered his head and took Natalie’s mouth again. He plundered her velvety lips until she melted against him, panting and squirming.

  “Touch me,” he said again.

  The silk ties were almost liquid, allowing Natalie free reign to touch him. Her soft hands coasted over his chest—fiery need erupted everywhere she caressed him. He pulled away, just a little, and captured her gaze. Goddess, she was beautiful, right down to her soul, which shone like imprisoned sunlight in her eyes. He grasped one of her wandering hands and placed it on his length. Gaze wide and disconcerted, Natalie’s quivering fingers traced his erection.

  Auron groaned as heat speared him. His balls clenched, and his shaft pulsed. “Natalie,” he said in a strained voice. “That feels very, very good.”

  He saw her delighted expression. Ah. She had realized her own feminine power—and it was both boon and bane. Now, she would persecute him. And he welcomed her every torment.

  They lay down together on the bed.

  “Are you sure that your spell is still working?”

  “Yes,” said Auron. “But you are right to be concerned. Rin may sense the magic if I shield us for too long.”

  Slowly, she reached out and stroked his manhood. Then she boldly gripped him, her other hand cupping his balls.

  Auron sucked in an unsteady breath.

  “It won’t fit,” she said. “It’s huge.”

  “You honor me, Natalie.”

  He peppered kisses on the tops and sides of her breasts. His actions were tame. At least until his mouth trapped one nipple. He alternately flicked and sucked on the distended bud.

  “Oh!” Natalie arched, her hands fisted in the covers. He switched his attention to the other taut peak. She moaned deeply.

  Her breathy sighs and warbling entreaties embedded lust deep within. He didn’t think it possible, but his cock hardened even more, its thick length swollen with the need to feel Natalie’s pure femininity clenching around it. He could hardly wait to plunge into her tender woman’s core, and bring them both mind-blowing orgasms.

  But first…

  Auron moved to the inner folds of her sweet flesh, nibbling gently, swiping his tongue around her tight opening, dipping inside for a taste before kissing his way to her hidden pearl. He flicked the hard nub and was rewarded by her sharp intake of breath. She tasted like rare fruit, juicy and sweet. Everything about Natalie turned him on. He wanted her forever. To do this forever…

  He plunged his tongue inside her. She yelped, but pressed closer, widening her legs to give him better access. He trailed his fingers over her woman’s heat then moved back so he could drive two fingers into her soaked sex.

  He pumped his fingers inside her, and then pushed up, searching for the bundle of sensitive flesh. Ah, there.

  He rubbed the knot of flesh at the same time he leaned down and nipped her clit.

  Natalie screamed.

  Auron felt his mate’s quaking bliss as the orgasm overwhelmed her. He soothed her clit with his tongue, lapping at her juices. When she released his hair and let her legs collapse, he looked up at her. “Are you ready for more, m’lady?”

  “Yes,” said Natalie.

  Auron rolled on top of her, fitting his hard length against her sex. One finger traced her cheekbone. He said nothing, but a smile curved his sensual lips.

  She felt the steel warmth of his body as he pressed against her, his shaft rubbing between her slick folds. He continued the light movements as he feathered kisses on her neck. Auron’s hands drifted down to her thighs, trailing up her ribs oh-so-slowly until his big hands cupped her breasts. She moaned as he expertly kneaded the firm flesh. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples deliciously taut.

  He leaned on one arm, his mouth on her breast, sucking her nipple. His fingers trailed over her thigh then slipped between her slick folds to stroke the tight litt
le bud of her femininity.

  She felt the tip of his shaft against her entrance. Despite knowing that Auron would never hurt her, that she wanted to feel him inside her, she was scared. Auron re-positioned himself above her, his hands threading into her hair.

  She stiffened as his large cock breached her opening.

  He kissed her, drawing her tongue into a sensual duel. She grabbed onto the sheets, clutching the fabric as Auron inched his length inside her, his breath harsh in her ear.

  “Fast or slow?” he asked. “It will hurt either way, my sweet one. But I promise to give you pleasure.”

  “Fast,” she said.

  “Goddess,” he muttered. He rose to his knees, tilted her hips, and put her legs over his shoulders.

  He plunged inside—his shaft surged right through her virginal barrier. Pain broke the hold pleasure had on her. She cried out, tensing, and yanked at the silk holding her arms. “Why haven’t they broken?”

  “I must spill my seed,” admitted Auron.

  He moved her legs down, wrapping them around his waist as he moved to lie on top of her. He gathered her into his arms and kissed her. He kissed her until she relaxed until she accepted the strange fullness of his cock inside her. He bent to her breasts, laving the nipples, nipping at her flesh. His thumb stroked the swollen bud that tingled anew with pleasure.

  “You can take me. You can take all of me, can’t you, my love?”

  “Yes,” she promised. “Oh, yes.”

  Endlessly, he touched her and kissed her. He created within her an aching need, a fierce lust. He ever so slowly withdrew from her wet tightness then pushed inside. Stroke after stroke, he built the fires for both of them.

  His breathing labored, his muscles strained, and sweat rolled down his chest. She held onto him, dragging her nails down his back, clutching at him.

  “Auron!” she cried.

  “Yes, Natalie. Yes, my love.”

  Bliss exploded, and she quaked beneath her mage, her cries and moans and shudders wracking her every raw nerve.

  Auron tensed, and she felt his cock jerk violently. He pushed deeply inside her as he released his seed, his groan low, nearly a growl as he sank against her, and emptied himself inside her.

  The silk wrapped around binding her wrists released. Breathing hard, she looked up at Auron. His gaze was shadowed, but his lips formed a half-smile. “You are free, Natalie.”

  Chapter 8

  The moment the silk ties unwrapped from Natalie’s wrists, Auron scooped her up. He didn’t care that they were naked, only that they escaped the treacherous Caste of Dreams. He hurried out of the room, through the hallways, and up staircases, until he reached the roof garden.

  Rin’s minions burst through the door, swords at the ready. Rin took off from the roof, easily gaining height above the guards. Shouts followed them up, up, up, but soon there was nothing but quiet.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yes,” said Auron, bending to kiss her nose. “But not as beautiful as you.”

  Natalie smiled. “Let’s go home.”

  His heart swelled. Home.

  Natalie and Auron hurried up the stairs to his bedroom suite. With the night half over, they needed to complete the mating ritual. Or she would lose her mage forever.

  “Natalie, you should know that our mating magically binds us. You will never love another. You will never desire another.”

  “I will be yours.” She cupped his face, and as she did so, his flesh rippled. Blue scales erupted, their sharp edges slicing her fingertips. He hissed and tried to scrabble out of her embrace. “No!” She held on, and though he had the strength to pull away, he stayed.

  She watched as the monster form overtook him. His gaze never left hers. With every movement, every change, she loved him more. He had seen her beauty, and he could not hide his own—not even under dark blue scales.

  Within moments, she held not a mage, but nearly a dragon. He was twice the size of his human form, but he had a tail and wings. His clothing had shredded, leaving him naked. Gleaming scales covered every inch of his body. Well, every inch except his ball sac and the very large blue cock, which jutted proudly. Iridescent scales covered every inch of his skin. Even though he wore a monster’s skin, he was still tall and muscular. And he still had the heart of a man.

  “Now, you know,” he said in a growly voice. “You can still leave.”

  “Shut up,” said Natalie. “And mark me.”

  “I must bite you on the neck. There will be pain and magic—”

  “And love.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her soft form against his scaled body. “Make me yours, Auron.”

  Growling, her mage gently pushed Natalie out of his embrace. He placed her behind one of the chairs that face the fireplace. He took her hands and placed them on the top. “Hold on to this.”

  She bent over, clutched the chair, and spread her legs. Auron left her there, gasping and terrified and thrilled. When he returned, he kneeled and crawled under her. With his long, spiky tongue he licked and suckled her nipples until they were turgid. Her nipples throbbed as wicked desire pinged from her breasts to her swollen womanhood.

  “Natalie. My beautiful Natalie,” rasped Auron.

  He moved behind her and kneeled. She felt the ginger touch of one scaly finger as it penetrated her sex. She sucked in a shaky breath as that thick, rough finger gently probed her tender depths. He pushed in a second digit, allowing a few seconds for her to adjust to the feel of his asperous fingers infiltrating her. One scaly hand grasped her ass. His talons dug into her hip, his rough scales pressed flat against her flesh as he drove deeper inside her.

  “You’re so wet,” Auron said in a very sexy growl.

  “For you,” she whispered, aching deeply for his ingress. She’d be a fool not to be scared. Even so, the idea of being filled by Auron completely made her burn hot.

  “Are you ready?” He removed his fingers from her wet, ready sex.

  “I want you, Auron. Forever.”

  He placed a soft kiss at the base of her spine. His leathery lips and scaly skin made her shiver. Then he rose. Natalie kept hold of the railing, even though her palms were perspiring and fingers started to cramp. She wanted to please Auron. And she wanted to free him.

  She felt him position himself behind her. Fear and need wove together in a mystifying desire that clutched at her.


  Wonderful, terrible sensation.

  Panting with need, she still felt a zap of cold fear. She trusted Auron, but she wasn’t sure if she could handle the requirements of his mark. What if she failed him?

  With an effort, she loosened up, widening her stance, readying herself accept Auron’s hard cock.

  She felt the tip of his shaft tease her entrance. She wanted, no needed, to feel his cock buried inside her.

  Auron sheathed himself fully inside her.

  For a long minute, they gathered their breath, their energy. Joined in the most intimate way possible, pain and passion combined and tore down all the barriers, both physical and emotional.

  Auron wrapped an arm around her stomach to steady himself. Natalie looked down. His gorgeous blue scales were a lovely contrast to her pale skin. He was beautiful. How could he be anything else?

  She dragged in harsh breaths, anticipation rippling through her.

  He leaned over her, his hand joining hers on the chair. The other hand pressed against her sex and stroked the tender swells. One talon worked magic on her tight bud. The pleasure built swiftly, thanks to her distended, aching nipples and that rough finger tickling her clitoris.

  The first full plunge had her gasping with pleasure.

  The second penetrating stroke, rough and deep, drew a scream from her.

  “Natalie?” Auron sounded both turned-on and anguished

  “Don’t stop,” she begged. “I want you. All of you.”

  Growling, Auron created a fast, hard rhythm. Soon, she matched his every thrust. Then,
she felt nothing but him, his claim on her body, on her soul. The scales of his body scraped against her back as he took her. The talon pressed and scraped her most intimate part.

  Her body nearly overloaded on sensation, painful and pleasurable.

  Joyful tension coiled, low and tight in her belly.

  Still, Natalie knew Auron was restraining himself, trying to protect her from his monster. “Let go, Auron,” she demanded. “Make me yours.”

  He roared—a sound of terrible possession that shredded her control. Her orgasm unexpectedly burst—a ravaging bliss that seemed connected to every nerve in her body.

  Auron roared again, as if her climax was his triumph. He grabbed her hips with both clawed hands and pounded into her.

  Then his teeth pierced her shoulder, and she felt fiery pain. His fangs gouged her, and he held her, rutting until he roared a final time and emptied himself completely within her.

  They collapsed to the floor, both weeping and laughing. Magic and joy sparkled in the air around them.

  When Natalie looked up, she found the human Auron had gathered her into his arms.

  He sat up and dragged her onto his lap.

  “You broke the curse,” said Auron. “And then you became my mate. I can’t wait to introduce you to my parents.”

  “Malie and Nath? They’re here?”

  “They’ve been asleep, and they’ll wake soon.” He kissed her soundly. “Thank you, Sweet Natalie, for loving me enough to face my monster and take my mark.”

  “You mean that you’re a monster for your whole life unless you find a mate?”

  “Yes. Eventually, we lose the ability to turn into our human forms.”

  “What about now? Are you human?”

  “The monster is gone, my love. Forever.” He smiled. “You saved me.”

  “We saved each other.”

  The next thing she knew, they were in his bed. The curtains were opened, and the fire in the hearth burned brightly.

  “Lie down, Auron. And let me have you.”

  He did as she asked. She straddled his chest and cupped his face. His blue gaze pinned hers, and she could see his need. His love.


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