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Dragon's Lair

Page 14

by Chantal Fernando

  “But Arrow...”

  “I know babe, he looks like he has his shit under control finally,” Dex says on a sigh. “I think that’s why. He killed their President and now he feels like Mary’s death has been avenged. However, we now have a war on our hands.”

  Arrow walks up to us, his lip bleeding. Wonder who hit him. He looks at me, at my stomach.

  “I didn’t want to put you or anyone else in danger… but fuck. He knew those men were going to come here that night! They were his men, he fuckin’ sent them! He needed to pay,” he grits out, his face going red.

  I have no idea what to say.

  “I can’t put my daughter in danger Dex!” I whisper. I love this man, more than my own life, but not more than the life of my child. Dex nods his head, scrubbing a hand down his face. Arrow looks ashen. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but what can I do? Stay here and be a sitting duck, waiting for this ‘war’ to finish and hoping me and Clover will be safe? Jim walks over and pulls Dex away.

  “I’m sorry it had to be this way, but I’m not sorry that fucker is dead,” Arrow says again, his voice hoarse.

  “I know,” I whisper. “I know.”

  What am I going to do?

  Cindy storms in and starts barking orders, which I appreciate, because she saves me from standing here looking stupid. She knows what to do, what to say, and shows me just what it takes to be the president’s old lady.

  You need to keep your shit together.

  A test that I’d just failed big time.

  We organize food, places to sleep, and send the men on a store run to stock up on things we need. Apparently these lockdowns can last a few days even. More men arrive, ones I’ve never met before. I feel Dex’s eyes on me, watching, but he doesn’t say anything. He’s worried about me—I know it. I can feel it. See it on his expression.

  I can’t comfort him right now though, because even I don’t know what I’m feeling.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  I don’t know what to do with myself. So I pace. I feel like I’m a sitting duck. Waiting, just waiting for something to happen. Who are we going to lose this time?


  Clover? The baby girl I haven’t even met yet?


  I keep seeing Mary’s face in death. Over and over again.

  The thought makes me stop in my tracks and cry. Tears drip down my cheeks until I cover my face with my hands.

  “Faye,” Dex says, pulling me back into his warm body. “Don’t cry.”

  “This isn’t good for the baby,” Cindy says from behind him. “She’s stressed out Sin. I think she’s having a panic attack.”

  “I fuckin’ know that,” Dex growls. “What am I meant to do? She’s safest here, where I can watch over her. I won’t let anything happen to her. And when this bullshit is over, she will be safe. I’ll kill every one of those fuckers if I have to!”

  I feel like shit. They have bigger issues on their hands, but here they are, standing around me watching me lose my shit and trying to help.

  “Dex…” Jim starts.

  “NO!” Dex yells in reply, cutting off whatever he was going to say. “No, no, no.”

  No what? I try to pull myself together, wiping my eyes and straightening my spine. “I’m fine, I’m sorry.”

  “She needs to leave,” Jim says in a strong voice. “We need your mind on the club right now, not on her!”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “Don’t apologize,” Dex sighs, sounding resigned. “Everyone leave us!”

  The room clears.

  “Babe, until this whole mess is cleared, you need to be somewhere safe,” he starts, his face falling.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m sending you somewhere safe,” he says. “I don’t want you to leave my sight, but everyone’s right, it’s better for you to leave here for a few days. I’m being selfish in wanting you to stay.”

  “Can’t you come with me?” I ask, taking in a few shallow breaths. I don’t want to leave him. But I need to think of the baby first.

  He looks regretful. “I need to be here for my brothers. I wish I could babe, but I’m their VP. They need me right now.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek. He’s right. “Where will I go?”

  “Jim said his baby sister and her husband will look after you. They live a few hours away, and he’s ex-army. They will take good care of you,” he says, looking down at the floor.

  “Okay, I’ll go,” I tell him.

  “Pack your bag.”



  “Promise me you will come and get me in a few days,” I tell him.

  “Fuck, babe. It’s going to be hell without you,” he croaks. “But I need you safe. You need to take care of yourself and our little princess.”

  I nod, and silently start packing a bag. “Who’s driving me there?”

  “It’s going to have to be Vinnie,” he says, looking apologetic. “I wish I could take you.”

  “It’s fine,” I reply, sliding my feet into my thongs. “It’s going to suck but we need to do what we have to.”

  “It’s just for a few days.”

  Yeah a few days while I’m wondering who is dead and alive?

  Sounds like hell on earth, but at least my little girl will be safe.

  “You need to go now, so you get there before it gets dark,” he says, cradling my cheeks in his hands. “We can do this.”

  I don’t know who he’s trying to convince. Me or him.

  “I love you,” I tell him as he kisses me with a desperation so thick I can taste. His hands tangle in my hair as he shows me how much he’s going to miss me through this kiss. Dex has become everything to me. He understands me; he lets me be me and appreciates it. I know how lucky I am to find someone like that, someone who doesn’t want me to change any aspect of myself. Someone who makes me feel things, feel alive and wanted.

  “Be safe Dex,” I whisper. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “And I’ll be fighting for you,” he says, kissing me on the forehead. “Now get out of here before I change my mind.”


  The drive starts out blissfully uneventful. Vinnie treats me like I’m fragile, making sure I’m fine the whole way. Apart from my swollen feet, I feel okay. I tell myself everyone will be fine so many times that I begin to believe it. Clover kicks me, reminding me that I’m here for a reason. Worrying isn’t going to help Dex. I need to concentrate on what’s going on here and just have faith that everything back home will be okay. I can’t be mad at anyone. At Dex or Arrow. I knew what I was getting into here, and this is just one of the things I’m going to have to deal with being Dex’s old lady.

  We’re about halfway there when Vinnie says, “Don’t look now, but we’re being followed.”

  I sit up straighter in my seat. “Are you sure?”


  “What do we do?” I ask, wringing my hands.

  What the fuck do we do?

  “I’m going to try lose them.”

  “And if you can’t?” I ask, peering into the side mirror.

  “Then I’m going to stop somewhere. Can you drive?” he asks, in a completely calm tone.

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Good,” he says, as he suddenly speeds up the car. Shots start firing from behind us. Vinnie goes even faster. The car behind us tries to keep up but soon falls behind. We stop at the petrol station and swap seats. As we get back on the road, Vinnie pulls a gun out of his jeans and loads it.

  I gasp. “Is that why I have to drive?”

  “Yes, I need my hands free,” he says, peering behind us. “Turn this way. I’m going to go a back way and hopefully they will keep going straight ahead and end up somewhere else.”

  I turn, and we take a longer route to the house, but at least we make it there safely.

  I meet Jim’s sister, Paula, and her husband Matthew. They are both lovely and make me feel welc
ome into their house from the get-go.

  “Thanks for driving me here Vinnie,” I say, kissing his cheek. “Be safe.”

  “Always. See you soon,” he says, lifting his chin in goodbye. I watch him drive away.

  “Come on honey, I’ll show you your room,” Paula says. She doesn’t look anything like Jim, with her fair hair and features.

  “Thank you so much for letting me stay here,” I say.

  She waves her hand. “No bother at all. In fact I could use the company. It gets a little boring out here.”

  She shows me to the guest room. A large room with yellow walls and a big bed covered in white sheets. “It’s gorgeous, thank you.”

  “I don’t know about that, but it will do. Are you hungry? I’m just about to make something to eat,” she says kindly. Mathew carries my bag in and places it on the floor.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, mustering a smile for him.

  “No problem,” he says, walking away.

  Paula sighs. “Not a man of many words my Matthew. Come on I’ll give you a tour.”

  She shows me the house, and the huge land that surrounds it. They have horses, sheep, and cows. It really is a peaceful place, with fresh air and scenic views.

  I could learn to enjoy my time here.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  I check my phone obsessively for the first two days. Dex messages back whenever he can, and tells me everything is okay. I get a call as he wakes up, and a text before he goes to sleep, which is much later than me but I don’t mind. Day three, four, and five passes the same. Calls and messages, but no mention of what’s going on or when I’ll be going home.

  Faye: I miss you.

  Dex: Miss you too.

  Faye: What’s going on over there?

  Dex: Trust me. Will call when I can.

  Faye: Okay. I want to come home.

  Dex: When it’s safe.

  How long is that going to take? I don’t think anyone is ever going to be safe.

  Paula takes me to see a doctor for a check-up. I feel depressed that Dex wasn’t there with me.

  Selfish, I know.

  When I don’t hear from Dex on day six and seven, I call Cindy who tells me Dex is okay—just busy.

  But something doesn’t feel right.

  I call Arrow, Irish, and Tracker. No one answers.

  I start to panic.

  The next day I ring Jim and demand answers. “Little girl,” he sighs.

  “Just tell me!” I yell into the phone. Is he dead? In hospital?

  “He’s in jail. Cops came to search the clubhouse. Dex was armed.”


  “When will he get out?” I croak, clutching onto the phone so hard it might break.

  “We will find out soon, I sent the club’s lawyer to try and get him out. Stay strong, okay?”

  “I will,” I mutter before we both hang up.


  At least he’s alive.


  When I finally get his call a few days later, the tears refuse to subside.

  “Faye,” he says quietly as a greeting.

  “Oh my god Dex,” I cry into the phone. I start to pace as we talk.

  “How are you and the baby?” he asks.

  “We’re both fine. When can you get out?” I ask him, rushing the words out

  He sighs. “My lawyer is trying to get me out on bail. Should find out soon.”

  “I miss you,” I whisper.

  “You too,” he replies. “I don’t have much time.”

  “Is it safe for me to go home?” I ask.

  “Wait there until I come and get you,” is all he says in reply.

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  We hang up.


  The next day I’m lying in bed when there’s a knock at the door. “Come in Paula!” I call out.

  The door opens, and I turn my head. Then I scream. “Dex! You’re here!”

  He walks over. “Don’t get out of bed for me.”

  With my size, it’s kind of hard to anyway.

  He takes me into his arms, kissing my forehead, my nose, and finally my lips. “Missed you so fuckin’ much Faye.”

  He kisses my stomach twice.

  “I missed you too. I was going crazy. What happened? And how are you here?” I ask him, not letting go of him for even one second.

  “Lawyer got me out on bail this morning, I stopped at the clubhouse first, then came straight here,” he says, nuzzling my neck. When he starts to trail kisses down my collarbone I struggle to breathe.

  “I’m not done questioning you yet,” I tell him.

  “What do you want to know?”


  “Cops raided the clubhouse. I was armed, they took me in. Got done with possession of a firearm,” he says, kissing my mouth before I can say anything in return. He pulls down the strap of my white sundress and brushes his thumb over one of my nipples. I moan into his mouth.

  “I want you,” he says against my lips.

  “Then take me,” I reply. I thread my fingers through his hair and grip on the ends. His lips don’t leave mine as his fingers start to explore my body. I start to pull his t-shirt off, gripping the hem that sits just above his ass and sliding it upwards. He pulls away from me for a second to tug it over his head and throw it on the floor. I admire it for a few seconds, before he lays back.

  “I don’t want to squash you. Can you ride me?” he asks, lifting up my dress.

  I grin and undo the button on his jeans. He lifts up his hips as I pull them down. His arousal stands up proud, begging for attention. I kiss the head of him then pull down my panties and straddle him. He plumps my breasts with his hands, then leans forward to taste. Unable to take any more, I slide his length inside me, slowly, inch by inch. We both moan at the same time as I start to ride him slowly. Our eyes stay connected as I take my time with him, showing him with my body how much I missed him and how much he means to be. We finish together.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” I ask him after we catch our breath.

  “Is this our pillow talk?” he asks, stroking my hair.


  “I have to go to court in a few weeks. Because I have a prior record, my lawyer thinks I might have to do some time,” he says hesitantly. His eyes flash with uncertainty.

  “Possession of a firearm. You’d have to do about six months,” I gasp, sitting up on the bed.

  Six months?

  I cover my face with my hands.

  “Babe, it will be okay,” he soothes, rubbing my back. “You will be safe. That’s all that matters.”

  “What happened with Arrow?” I ask him, turning to face him.

  “He’s fine, and it’s all taken care of.”


  “You don’t want the details Faye, trust me on that.”

  I sigh. “Shall we drive back now? Or tomorrow morning?”

  “Paula insisted we stay for dinner,” he says. “How have you been feeling?”

  “Tired, but everything else is fine. I saw the local doctor here, and everything is as it should be,” I assure him.

  “Good,” he whispers. “Do you know how happy you make me? You’re all I could think about. If something happened to you…”

  “I’m fine, it’s you who was in jail,” I say with an eye roll. And has to go back there for six fucking months. What the hell do I do with that information? He might be going away as soon as Clover is born.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks, wrapping me in his arms.

  “You aren’t going to be here for Clover and me,” I whisper. “I know it’s selfish to even say but…”

  “It’s not selfish. I’m sorry Faye. Let’s not think about this right now.”

  How was I supposed to not think about it?

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  We can’t keep our hands off each other on the drive home. Even if it was just my hand
on his thigh, or him kissing my fingers, we stayed in contact as much as we could. We didn’t talk about his possible jail time.

  I just wanted to enjoy the moment.

  “How did you get involved with the Wind Dragons?” I find myself asking him.

  He glances at me before answering. “After I left home, I went in search of my dad. Eric and I have different fathers, which I assume you know.”

  I nod my head. Eric’s dad is a dentist who lives in Sydney.

  “Turns out he was a member of the club but had died a few years back. Jim and him were best mates,” he says, sadness lacing his tone. “That’s how I met Jim. And the rest is history.”

  “They became your family,” I say, looking down at our intertwined hands.

  “It felt like I was close to my dad, even though he wasn’t there. It turned out that he wanted to be a part of my life, but mum said no. She didn’t want me growing up around the club, so he sent her money and that’s it. Jim did tell me that he came to my graduation, and he was proud as hell,” he says, the tone of his voice letting me know that it did mean something to him. His dad had loved him, even though he wasn’t able to be a part of his life.

  My throat starts to burn. “Your mum did to him what I almost did to you.”

  Clover would have gone to find her father and ended up hanging around the MC anyway.

  He squeezes my hand. “All in the past babe. I’ve forgiven you, you should forgive yourself.”

  “Did anyone get hurt?” I ask hesitantly. He didn’t want to talk about it, but I need to know what went down while I was away.

  “Trace got shot in his arm, Rake is a little black and blue,” he says, looking straight ahead.

  “Okay.” That’s not bad, I guess. “And then the cops raided the clubhouse?”

  “Yeah, we had just let everyone clear out, lockdown being over when they busted in,” he replies. “People heard gunshots at the Wild Men clubhouse, and I don’t know, I guess they must have seen one of us around there. Both clubhouses were raided. Unlucky for them they were found with drugs, guns, and women who were there against their will. We were only caught with a couple of guns.”


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