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If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1)

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by Jean C. Joachim



  Jean C. Joachim

  Mainstream Romance

  Secret Cravings Publishing

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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Mainstream Romance

  If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1)

  Copyright © 2012 Jean C. Joachim

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-484-1

  First E-book Publication: January 2012

  Cover design by Dawné Dominique

  Edited by Tabitha Bower

  Proofread by Renee Waring

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Sweet Cravings Publishing

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing


  I dedicate this book to my readers. Thank you. Without you, my books would still be stories floating around in my head.


  Thank you for your support, and encouragement: Kathleen Ball, Tabitha Bower, my editor, Dawné Dominique, Jack Drucker, Sally Gallagher, Ariana Gaynor, Lisa Ingham, Larry Joachim, Dawne Prochilo, Marilyn Reisse Lee, Sandy Sullivan, Ben Tanner, the Tuesday Tales writers and Beth Walker

  In memory of Jack Harding

  He packed a lifetime of caring into twenty years.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and the following trademark owners mentioned in this work of fiction—






  Piper Hiedsieck


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  Jean C. Joachim

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Megan could hardly breathe. Her mouth, suddenly dry as desert sand, managed a smile as her eyes connected with his. Instantly, she understood Chaz Duncan’s enormous film success. His presence filled the room the second he entered it.

  Chaz stood about five foot eleven, with a slender build and shoulders that stretched from New York to California. His expertly trimmed, rakishly long, dark brown hair threatened to fall into his eyes at any moment. His eyes were the darkest brown, fringed by long black lashes. His nose was straight and just long enough. His lips were perfect, with a slightly fuller lower lip that looked completely kissable.

  He wore chocolate brown pants tailored to his body topped by a fitted white silk shirt, open at the neck, revealing a hint of chest hair. The scruff on his face was the right length—not too long to appear sloppy, but long enough to be sexy as hell. A burnt-orange and red, narrow-striped tie dangled down below the undone top button of his shirt. He struck a studiously casual stance with the brown jacket to his suit slung over his shoulder, hooked on the finger of one hand. He took a step forward and extended his hand.

  She took a breath as his warm, dry hand enveloped hers in a firm grip. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Duncan. Won’t you please sit down?”

  “Chaz, please,” he said, taking a seat.

  Megan returned to her seat. “Coffee?” She directed her gaze at her visitor.

  “Love it. Black.”

  “Andy, black coffee and water for me.” She called out to her assistant seated at a desk near her door. About a gallon; a pint to drink and pour the rest over me before I burst into flame.

  Chaz put his jacket around t
he back of the chair before parting his lips in a dazzling smile. The heat of his stare as his gaze traveled the length of her body, stopping momentarily at each attractive curve, raised her body temperature. The sudden warmth caused by his attention forced her to take off her jacket. She noticed he glanced at her chest as she pulled her arms back. Megan scooted her chair up to the desk. She sat up as straight and tall as she could at five foot four. Chaz slid his chair closer.

  With a trembling hand, Meg picked up her list of questions then cleared her throat. When her gaze met his, she noticed an amused air, as if he was stifling a chuckle. Andy interrupted them to bring in the coffee and water. Chaz closed long fingers around his coffee cup and leaned back. Her eyes narrowed slightly. She put the paper down on her desk. “Look, I know you’re famous. My brother is famous…”

  “Mark Davis. Star quarterback for the Delaware Demons, right?”

  “He’s my twin.”

  “You don’t look at all alike. Can you toss a football?” A smile curled his lips.

  “Like I haven’t heard that one before. I don’t give a damn you’re famous, okay. Can we get that straight? I’m not impressed, not going to grovel at your feet. You’re simply a potential client whose money I may be managing. No more and no less. I’m not going to swoon and ask for an autograph or throw myself at you. Of course, I’ll do my best to take care of your money as if it was my own, but that’s as far as it goes.”

  “Way to use your charm on me to win my business.” Chaz leaned forward.

  “I don’t need charm; I have brains.” A smug smile crossed Meg’s lips.

  “Whoa! Oh, yes…Harvard M.B.A., right? Harvey told me.” Chaz sat back in his chair again.

  “Right.” Meg leaned back, too, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Yale School of Drama here. So don’t condescend to me. I’m not a ‘dumb’ actor in love with himself. And you’re dressed pretty hot for a financial advisor with only dollars and cents on her mind. Not that I’m objecting. I love eye candy…great rack, too…” He grinned at her then pulled out his cell phone.

  “Eye candy? Rack? Did you say rack? Why the nerve! Is that your cell phone? Turn it off…” She rose up out of her seat.

  “My cell phone is my livelihood. I’m not going to miss an audition or an opportunity to read a script because you want my phone off. And rack is a more polite term than some men would use.”

  Megan sank down in her chair, speechless, while Chaz returned a text message.

  “I think perhaps you should talk to someone else here…” She stood up and moved toward the door, but Chaz’s strong grip on her arm stopped her.

  “Sit down,” he said quietly.

  Meg returned to her chair

  “Now we’ve got that off our chests…I can say chests, can’t I? Let’s move forward. Talk to me about how you plan to invest my money.” He relaxed back into the chair, lacing his fingers behind his head.

  “You still want me to handle your money?” Megan perked up.

  “You have fire…maybe principles…and probably brains,” he grinned at her. “I like that. Let’s see if you have some good ideas about money management, too.” He dialed his smile down to a mere five hundred watts; his demeanor reeked of sincerity.

  Megan took a big swig from her water bottle before she picked up the papers on her desk. “I’ve prepared some questions to help me understand your needs, Mr….ah, Chaz.”

  “My needs? You don’t really mean needs, do you?” He chuckled while his gaze raked her body.

  “I mean your financial needs…ah, maybe goals is a better word.”

  “Ah, goals, yes. Goals works for me.”

  “If we can agree on three goals, then I’ll prepare sort of a proposal…”

  “Proposal? You’re going to propose to me? We’ve known each other such a short time!” He lifted his eyebrows in mock shock.

  Megan couldn’t help herself. She burst out laughing, covering her mouth with her hand to mute the sound. Andy looked up from his desk. She signaled him to close her door. When she regained her composure, she tried again. “I’ll give you a couple of ideas about the best way to invest your money to meet your goals, safely, with as little risk as possible.”

  “I’m a big risk taker, Ms…”


  “Megan. My life is one big risk, but not financial risks. Don’t like those at all.”

  “On that we agree. Okay, Chaz, how much time do you have?” She glanced at her watch.

  “None, actually. I’m due at PBS in fifteen minutes. Say…why don’t you pick three goals you think I should have and work with those?”

  “Your input…I…I don’t know your lifestyle or anything.”

  “You’re smart...Guess. I’ll pick you up here on Friday evening…is that enough time?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Good, Friday evening at six. You can present your ideas to me over dinner.”

  “Friday night?” She opened her computer calendar, though she already knew she didn’t have any plans.

  “Unless you have other plans. I mean, if Prince Charming is scheduled to make love to you on Friday night, we could reschedule. Of course, I could be seeing Cutler and Bates on Friday, if I don’t see you…”

  “Friday night is fine. Great, in fact.”

  “Excellent. Wear something revealing, it suits you.” Chaz got up from his chair. He approached her desk.

  Megan pushed to her feet. Chaz took her hand, kissed it, and then exited her office.

  Andy came in as soon as he was gone. Megan stood in the same spot, idly stroking the back of her hand.

  “What was that?” Andy asked.

  “Cary Grant meets the Lords of Flatbush,” she murmured, a smile slowly raising the corners of her mouth.

  * * * *

  Half an hour after Chaz left, Harvey Dillon stopped to lean into Meg’s office. “So? How’d it go with Chaz Duncan?”

  “Meeting with him again Friday.”

  “What happened?” Harvey raised his eyebrows.

  “He couldn’t stay. I have the information. I’m putting together a proposal…” She stopped, broke into a grin, then continued, “a plan…for him this week. I’ll present it to him on Friday.”

  “At dinner…” Andy put in.

  Meg glared at him until he clamped his hand over his mouth.

  “No problem, Meg. Business is often done over dinner. Nice job. I’ll hold off on the celebration, but it looks good.” Harvey raised his hand in farewell then continued on his way.

  Meg let out a breath. Thank God I didn’t blow it.

  Meg was unhappy that the glass walled offices of Dillon and Weed provided Brielle Henderson, in an office across from Megan’s, the opportunity to watch Meg’s every move. Including her interactions with Chaz Duncan. The slinky, ambitious, blonde account executive sauntered out of her office in four-inch heels. She perched in Meg’s doorway, leaning against the doorjamb.

  “Dinner. Very cozy. Bringing in business…the old fashioned way?” Brielle cocked an eyebrow.

  Anger burned Meg’s cheeks. “I don’t work that way. He’s a busy man. Celebrities lead different lives…it’s for his convenience.”

  “I’ll bet it is. You should know, since you’re launching the new celebrity investment division of Dillon and Weed. I’m sure he’ll have reached a decision by…dessert.”

  “You are?” Andy gawked at his boss.

  Megan nodded to Andy, her eyes on Brielle, who slithered back into her office like a voluptuous snake.

  * * * *

  “You’re having dinner with him? Oh my God. I’m stuck in Delaware while you’re going out with Chaz Duncan!” Her sister-in-law, Penny, moaned on the other end of the phone Thursday night.

  Mark grabbed the phone. “No hanky-panky with Dunc, Meg.”

  “It’s business, Mark.”

  “Yeah, right, business…” he snickered.

  “Dunc? You call him ‘Dunc’?” She asked her broth

  “I met him once. We hoisted a few after a game.”

  Some static and a clatter indicated the phone had fallen. “Meg. We need to talk,” Penny said.

  Megan didn’t know anything about dressing fashionably hot. Always studious in college, she focused her attention more on acing tests than looking sexy. After graduation, she selected sensible, conservative suits paired with white blouses to project her serious intentions in the world of finance. However, as the head of the celebrity division, Meg had to rethink her wardrobe strategy. So, she turned to Penny, the family fashionista, for help.

  Meg’s lack of confidence about her appearance dated back to her childhood. Never the better-looking twin in her mother’s eyes, Megan became insecure and awkward. She turned toward books and away from pretty dresses. While handsome, blond-haired Mark laid claim to being the outgoing, charming, athletic twin, Megan, whose moods often matched her dark locks, was labeled the shy one. She’d bury her nose in a book rather than go shopping or even to a dance. Even now, she could recall hearing her mother say, “He got the looks…she got the brains.” Unbeknownst to her, Mary Davis’ voice carried beyond the master bedroom.

  “Shhh, she’ll hear you.” Her father had shut the door, cutting off the rest of the conversation from the eager ears of skinny, eight-year-old Megan.

  As close as any twins could be, they attended Kensington State University together. On the football field, her beloved brother completed more passes than any other quarterback on his college team. Megan maintained a 3.8 average without breaking a sweat. She helped Mark with schoolwork, keeping him eligible for football. In return, he helped her get dates. However, her dates always seemed more interested in being Mark’s buddy than her boyfriend.


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