So Far Away (California Dreamers #2)

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So Far Away (California Dreamers #2) Page 10

by Dakota Madison

  “I probably shouldn’t say this, but Jackson’s manager and some of the other guys in his firm have a pool going on how long you’ll last. The most anyone has you lasting is two weeks.”

  “I hope I keep the job a little longer than that. I really need to.”

  “If it’s any consolation there’s a rumor going around town that Daniel Robison hit on his male massage therapist. From what I hear he’s refusing the payoff money and threatening to go to the press. If he does and it comes out that Danny boy is gay, maybe you’ll be vindicated.”

  “That would be nice, but I’m not going to bank on it.”

  When the waiter drops off our drinks Finn raises his for a toast. “To new beginnings.”

  I clink my glass against his.

  After we take sips of our Sunset on the Beaches Finn asks, “So what do you really want to do?”

  I furrow my brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You said you earned two Master’s degrees. You probably don’t want to spend the rest of your life as a personal assistant.”

  I take another gulp of my drink. “I thought about getting into producing, but it’s so competitive. In a world where who you know is everything I don’t know anyone.”

  “I have connections,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “I kind of figured that.

  “I could help you out.”

  “And what do you want in return?” I narrow my gaze at him. “Nothing in Hollywood is free.”

  He takes a swallow of his drink then returns my stare. “You.”

  I gulp, but my throat feels like it’s closing. The guy doesn’t beat around the bush. I want so badly to tell him I’m taken. That I’m already involved with someone else. But then he’d ask me who it is and how I met him, and I’m not prepared to answer any of those questions.

  I’m already tired of lying and I haven’t even been doing it that long.

  “You’re a great guy,” I tell him.

  He puts up a hand to stop me midsentence. “Please don’t.”

  I continue anyway. “My life is complicated right now. I just don’t want to complicate it any more than it already is.”

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s okay just to tell me that you’re not into me.”

  I heave a sigh. “Fine. I’m not that into you.”

  “Liar.” He grins at me.

  I’ve never been a good liar, but I thought I was doing a halfway decent job letting him down easy. “My life really is complicated. That’s not a lie.”

  He furrows his brow as if he’s giving this some consideration. Then he eyes go wide. “You’re not screwing Jackson Drake are you?”

  My face heats with embarrassment. He’s close. “I’m not fooling around with Jackson Drake. The man is decades older than I am, and he’s my boss. Besides he has these weird rules I have to follow and no hanky-panky is one of them.”

  “Hanky-panky?” He laughs. “Did he really use that term?”

  “He did.”

  That makes Finn laugh even harder.

  He’s definitely an attractive guy, but I don’t have any of the feelings for him that I have for Emerson.

  Just the thought of Emerson gives me a bit of a tingle. There’s not even a single prickle with Finn.

  “I don’t mind helping you get a break in the business even if nothing happens between us,” Finn says.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Why would you do that?”

  “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m really not a bad guy.”

  “So what would this break in the business entail?” I ask.

  “Maybe a producing internship. So you can learn the business. See if it’s something you want to pursue as a career.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  He nods. “But only because you’re funny. If you didn’t have a sense of humor I’d have to pass.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him. “You really don’t want anything in return?”

  “Just do a good job for my dad. If you’re awesome it will make me look awesome because I recommended you.”

  “So your dad’s a producer?”

  “I don’t normally tell people that.”

  “So I gathered. Any movies I might know?”

  “He’s produced all of the Blake Knox movies.”

  I choke in response. I should have known. LA can be a really small town.

  “Are you okay?” Finn asks.

  I nod. “I must have gotten something caught in my throat.”

  I take another large gulp of my drink.

  “Apparently they’re trying to make a deal with your boss for another Blake Knox story.”

  “That’s what I heard.”

  Now Finn really can’t find out about me and Emerson. Or maybe even find out about Emerson at all. I’m not sure how deep that secret is hidden.

  “Do you want another drink?” He points to my nearly empty glass.

  I shake my head. “I should probably get going. I’ve got a full weekend ahead responding to Jackson’s emails. Several years’ worth.”

  “Good luck with that.”


  Once Finn pays the bill for our drinks he walks me out of The Pub. I’m glad we agreed to meet early because there’s now a line of people waiting for tables out front.

  “Thank you for inviting me out,” I tell him.

  “My pleasure,” he replies.

  It’s dark, and I have to admit I’m a bit anxious about walking home by myself, but I also don’t want to bother him after basically blowing him off.

  “Where’s your car?” he asks.

  “I walked,” I admit.

  He glances around. “You can’t walk by yourself in the dark.”

  I nod.

  “Let me give you a ride.”

  I follow him to his Jeep.

  He opens the passenger door for me and helps me into the car. “Aren’t you a gentleman?” I tease.

  “My daddy taught me well.”

  “Good man.”

  He laughs. “We’ll see what you think of him after you work for him for a while.”

  “It’s a great opportunity. I’m sure it will be fine.”

  He makes his way around the front of the vehicle and hops into the driver’s side.

  It only takes a few minutes before we’re parked in front of Jackson’s house.

  “Thanks again,” I tell him.

  “Still no chance of the two of us getting together?” He leaves the question hanging in the air.

  I shake my head. “Sorry.”

  “A guy’s got to try.”

  Before I have a chance to open the passenger door he hops out of the car and hurries over to open it for me. Then he gives me a hand out of the car.

  We stare at each other for a long, awkward moment.

  As I put out a hand for him to give a friendly shake he leans in to give me a peck on the cheek. The height distance between us is just enough that I graze his penis with my outstretched hand.

  In panic I swing my head just enough for his lips to touch mine.

  We stare at each other in horror. I accidently felt him up, and he accidently kissed me.

  “What’s going on out here?”

  A light flashes on. We both catch sight of Emerson marching towards us. He looks furious. His nostrils are flaring and his mouth is a thin angry line.

  When I glance down I notice his hands are balled into angry fists that I hope he doesn’t plan on using.

  “Who are you?” Finn looks Emerson up and down.

  “Back up.” Emerson pokes a finger at Finn’s chest.

  The two guys are about equal in size and weight, but Emerson looks angry enough to kill Finn with one blow.

  Finn puts his arms up in surrender and slowly backs up a few feet.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Emerson spits as he shoots daggers at Finn.

  “Who are you again?” Finn sounds extremely confused.

  “This is my girlfriend.” Emerson points to me. “And it looked like you were getting ready to kiss her.”

  Finn swallows hard. “I was going to give her a friendly peck on the cheek, that’s true. Then she—um—her hand—um…”

  I try to telepathically tell him not to finish that sentence. Nothing good can come of saying my hand touched his dick, as accidental as it may have been.

  “I moved slightly,” I state. “And his lips accidently grazed mine. Completely accidently.”

  Emerson’s eyes move back and forth between me and Finn.

  “Are we okay?” Finn asks Emerson. His voice is filled with trepidation. “I really need to get back to LA.”

  Emerson nods. The muscles in his body seem to relax a bit.

  “So who are you exactly?” Finn asks again.

  Emerson takes in a deep breath then exhales. “Emerson Drake. I live here.”

  Even though Finn nods I can see his wheels are turning. “Jackson Drake is…?”

  “My father,” Emerson admits.

  Nothing like getting everything out into the open at once.

  “Finn’s dad is a producer,” I tell Emerson. “He’s produced all of the Blake Knox movies.”

  Emerson scrunches his nose. “Oh.”


  “Are you adopted?” Finn asks, his curiosity obviously getting the best of him.

  Emerson shakes his head. “Nope.”

  Finn’s eyes go wide. “Okay. Now I’ve really got to go.”

  I imagine tomorrow’s headline on Hollywood Exposed: Jackson Drake’s Secret Love Child Discovered.

  Emerson has no idea what it’s like to be at the center of a celebrity scandal, but he’s about to find out.

  Before Emerson and I realize it’s happened Finn hops into his car and speeds away.

  “I messed up, didn’t I?” Emerson sounds devastated.

  “You did,” I agree.

  “My pop is going to be pissed,” he says.

  “What about your pop?” Jackson’s voice booms.

  We were so focused on Finn speeding away that neither of us noticed that Jackson had come out the front door.

  My body is frozen with fear. The truth—all of it—is going to come out and I’m definitely not ready.

  Say goodbye to the guesthouse and my ocean view. I’ll be living in my car in some fast food restaurant parking lot.

  When I glance over at Emerson he looks as apprehensive as I feel. His hands are actually shaking with nerves.

  “I thought I heard a car speed away.” Jackson stands between me and Emerson. “Was that your date?”

  I nod.

  Jackson turns his attention to his son. “What are you doing out here?”

  Emerson runs his tongue over his top teeth for several seconds before he replies. “There’s no easy way to say this. So I’m just going to spit it out. I made a mistake. Madeline’s date was the son of the producer of the Blake Knox movies.”

  Jackson’s eyes narrow. “Who’s Madeline?”

  “Maddie. Your assistant. Her name is Madeline. That’s not really the important part of the story. I told him that I’m your son.”

  Jackson nods more slowly than I’ve ever seen anyone nod before. It’s as if he’s thinking of all of the ramifications of the secret being revealed as his head bobs up and down.

  “Pop?” Emerson says. “Are you okay?”

  Jackson heaves a long, slow sigh. “I knew the truth would eventually come out. I’m surprised we were able to keep it quiet this long.”

  “Are you mad at me?” Emerson’s voice is filled with concern.

  “I could never be mad at you, especially for something like that.”

  “Good. Then I also need to tell you that I’ve been sleeping with Maddie.”

  Jackson may not be able to get angry at Emerson, but when he looks me in the eye it’s obvious he has no such problem with me. He’s pissed.

  “What did I tell you about hanky-panky?”

  “You told me not to engage in any.”

  “So why did you?”

  “I’m sorry.” Tears begin to stream down my face and I know it’s only a matter of moments before I break down completely. “I know it was wrong.”

  “But you did it anyway?”

  I nod. My chest has tightened and my throat isn’t far behind.

  “It was my fault,” Emerson says in my defense.

  “Did she consent?” Jackson asks.

  I reply, “Of course I did.”

  “You’re both at fault,” he replies. “It takes two to Tango.”

  “Please don’t fire her,” Emerson pleads.

  “I don’t have a choice. She broke a rule.”

  “It’s okay,” I tell Emerson. “I’ll pack my stuff.”

  “Please don’t go.” His eyes are starting to get moist like mine.

  “I have to,” I mutter.

  “Where are you going to live?” he asks.

  That’s when the floodgates open and I begin to sob. “I have no idea.”

  “Stay with me,” Emerson says. “Move your stuff into my room.”

  At the same moment I say, “I can’t do that,” Jackson says, “She can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” Emerson’s eyes dart back and forth between me and Jackson.

  “It’s too soon for us to live together,” I state. “It’s ridiculous.”

  “Why?” he challenges.

  I’m not really sure what makes the proposition ridiculous. I guess I always imagined I’d move in with a guy after we’d been dating a few years, not a few days.

  “I won’t allow it,” Jackson says.

  “Then I’m leaving too,” Emerson states. “I’ll get a hotel room for me and Maddie to stay in until we figure something else out.”

  Jackson closes his eyes for several long moments and takes in a deep breath. As he exhales he opens his eyes again. “I don’t want you to stay in a hotel.”

  “Then Maddie can stay with me?”

  “Fine. She can stay with you, but she’s still fired.”

  I’m not sure what to say, so I don’t say anything. I’m still not convinced moving in with Emerson is a great idea, but right now I don’t have any other options. I need to pack my stuff and take it somewhere. And it’s much too late to make the drive back to LA and knock on Nellie and Roscoe’s front door.

  Not that I want to beg them to take me back in. I’m really not in the mood right now to explain everything anyway.

  Emerson follows me down to the guesthouse. It’s a lot harder to say goodbye to the place than I expect. I was starting to get attached to it, and it felt like my own.

  Once we’ve got all of my stuff packed Emerson takes me into his arms. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. Your dad was right. We both made the decision.”

  He puts his hand on my chin and lifts my head so I’m looking at him. “I hope you still think I’m worth it.”

  The thought actually hadn’t crossed my mind. “Of course you’re worth it.”

  “My pop really likes you,” he tells me. “Just give him some time to calm down. That was a lot to lay on him all at once.”

  “I may have a lead on an internship with a producer in LA.”

  “Let me guess. Finn’s father.”

  I nod. “I was very upfront with him that nothing was ever going to happen between us. And if I wasn’t convincing enough, I think you convinced him.”

  “That was a little over the top, wasn’t it?”

  “More than a little. I knew Leo’s had a tendency to be possessive, but you went a little alpha male on him.”

  “I’ve never done anything like that before,” he admits. “I have no idea what come over me. I just couldn’t stand the thought of him touching you.”

  I place my hand on his chest. “You have nothing to worry about. I don’t want to be with anyone but you.”

  “Let’s get your stuff into my room,” he says.

bsp; It takes us two trips to get all of my belongings from the guesthouse into Emerson’s room. Luckily his room is large enough to accommodate everything.

  “I’m too tired to unpack right now,” I tell him as I stare at my boxes stacked in the corner.

  “Not a big deal. Unpack whenever you want.”

  “Aren’t you nervous about us living together?”

  He shakes his head. “What’s to be nervous about?”

  “What if we get into a fight?” I ask.

  He grins. “We’ll have great makeup sex?”

  I give him a playful slap on the upper arm. “I’m being serious.”

  “So am I. People fight. It’s normal.”

  “What if you get tired of me?”

  He kisses my forehead. “You have nothing to worry about. There’s no way I could ever get tired of you. If anything it’s the opposite. I don’t want to be away from you. It killed me when you went on that date with Finn.”

  “It would have been a lot more fun to be at The Pub with you,” I tell him.

  “Now that we’re not hiding our relationship we can go out whenever we want.”

  “Except I no longer have a job.”

  “I like to pay when I take someone out on a date.”

  “Is it still considered dating if we’re living together?” I wonder aloud.

  “Do you have any idea how much I like the sound of that?” He grins.

  “Us living together?”

  He nods. “There’s only one thing that would sound better.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You being my wife.”

  That stops me dead in my tracks. “It’s way too soon for us to even be living together. I don’t even want to think about the M-word.”

  He nods. “I can be very persuasive.”

  “I think you’ve already proven that. You got me into your bed and you got me to live with you. But that’s where I draw the line. Marriage is not in my immediate future. Or even distant future.”

  “We’ll see…”

  “Does this have anything to do with your ex-girlfriend?” I ask.

  He looks away.


  When he turns back towards me all of the happiness seems to have drained from his face. “I didn’t put a ring on her and I lost her. I’m not going to let that happen again.”

  “You were both young. You went away to college. You grew apart. That happens to a lot of people.”

  “It’s not going to happen to us.” I can see by the intensity in his eyes that he’s serious.


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