Evince Me

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Evince Me Page 3

by Lili Lam

  Chapter 3: Mondo

  "Are you sure you don't want to borrow this in black?" Anya asked twirling around in a full circle, reminding me a little of a ballerina. A ballerina in an extremely short and tight body hugging dress. She looked absolutely stunning in a red taffeta, body-con tube dress in her favorite color. The hemline coming to a stop a lot shorter than mid thigh, it could possibly be mistaken as a second skin.

  She's been trying to get me to wear the black version of her dress, but I adamantly refused. I wanted to be comfortable tonight and have fun. I didn't want to worry about spending the entire night tugging at the bottom of my dress in fear of it riding up and exposing my cheeks.

  "I'm positive, thanks for the offer." I answered putting the finishing touches on my eyeliner. I was dressed much more conservatively in a deep purple sparkly halter top that dropped extremely low in the front, but was held together by a golden chain, a pair of black capri tights, and a pair of gold high heeled sandals.

  My brothers insisted we all go to Mondo, a hot nightclub in Madrid. It's been two weeks since that incident with Marco. Ever since that day, we haven't seen a trace nor have we heard anything from Marco or about him. Tristan forbade me from going anywhere in woods by myself. Who could blame him? I don't plan on going into the woods alone anyway.

  That whole run in was enough to scare the living crap out of me. All those open ended threats from Marco potentially kidnapping me, if I were to trespass onto his land were enough to make anyone in the right mind not want to step foot into unknown territory.

  Making our way downstairs we could hear the guys in the kitchen, most likely getting some food in their system. Wolves, they're constantly hungry. Hmm, wonder if any of those competitive eaters are wolves? You know the ones they show on TV eating Buffalo wings or hot dogs. Wouldn't that be considered cheating?

  A few whistles were heard when we entered the kitchen, bunch of animals! We were greeted by a lot of at least twenty guys standing around wolfing down sandwiches. There were a handful of girls from the Manzanares pack too. Everyone was dressed to kill and I couldn't help but think, 'Damn we all look good!'

  Max, Gabe, Sam, Jordan, Troy, Andre, Axel, and Jett flew out to visit this weekend, arriving about an hour ago so my brothers decided we should all go have some fun. Max, Jordan, and Jett brought along their mates Kalista, Brianna, and Sofia. Aww, yea I thought the same thing when I found out they mated. Walking around with Anya, we said our hellos to the gang.

  A plate appeared in front of me, complete with a sandwich and chips. I looked up to find the smiling face of Rico. "Eat up, you don't eat, you don't go." He ordered bossily, damn Alpha.

  "Thanks." I grumbled at him and took the plate going to stand next to Alonso who was talking to Tristan.

  As I put my plate down on the counter, I picked at a chip popping it into my mouth and was pleasantly surprised when I was pushed against the counter by the warmth of Tristan's muscular body wrapping his arms around me.

  "You look amazing." His warm breath tickled the side of my face as he leaned down and rubbed his nose against my cheek. It caused instant tingles to shoot down to my toes. I turned around in his arms and stared up into those ashen gray eyes, losing my breath in the process.

  Tristan was wearing a simple black v-neck T-shirt that outlined every muscle and a pair of dark jeans with some dressy black boots. Simple, but I knew I'd need to have a watchful eye over him. I'm a jealous fool even though I don't really show it.

  It's as though all time stopped and I was lost in the swirling depths of silver otherwise known as his eyes. Tristan bent his knees slightly, wrapping his arms around my back. I let out a loud screech due to shock when he lifted me up quickly placing me on the counter.

  Producing my plate, Tristan smirked before saying "Eat up so we can leave." Such a damn tease, he always manages to get me. Knowing perfectly well the effects he wreaks on my body and mind. Thankfully, being the proactive mother that she is, mom took me to the doctors for birth control the minute she found out about Tristan and I 'did it.'

  No thanks to Anya and her big mouth. We were in my room chatting the weekend after returning home from Spain and she was being entirely too loud. Mom just so happened to be walking by and overheard everything. Hopefully in the future when we're settled we'll have lots of pups, but for right now I want to enjoy my time with Tristan.

  "Ready?" Tristan asked coming to stand in between my legs, interrupting my thoughts. I miss my parents, back at home and am grateful to be returning to Port Clyde when the summer's over. Nodding my head in agreement, I looked down to find my plate surprisingly empty as Tristan helped me get down off the counter.

  The adrenaline was pumping through all of veins as we pulled up to the Mondo. You could hear the music from all the surrounding clubs trickling down the cobblestone lined streets. We chose to go to Mondo, because its owner is a member of the Manzanares Pack, so that means free drinks.

  Making our way inside I've never seen anything like this in my life. Even though the place was enormous it was still jammed packed. Anywhere and everywhere you turned, you were faced with a drop dead gorgeous person. Boy, Mondo could make the most stunning person feel down right self-conscious about her self.

  Tristan gripped a hold of my hand tightly as he led the way towards the bar following closely behind Rico. I felt like the President the way they had me and Anya surrounded with Tristan and Luke at our front, Axel on my left side, Troy on the right and Alonso in the back. What were they afraid of?

  After downing a few drinks, everyone began to loosen up. We weren't as high strung as we were before the owner came over and reassured Tristan and my brothers that he had top of the line security guarding the door. Guess they feared Marco showing himself and starting some trouble?

  It wasn’t that the guys couldn’t handle Marco and his wolves if they showed up, but really? Who wants to fight in a club full of people on a night when we're supposed to be having fun, ugh, nobody. Especially not dressed the way we are.

  Being pulled out to the dance floor by a screaming Anya, I glanced over my shoulder at Tristan who gave me a wink. He was hanging back with Rico and Alonso being 'mature' and discussing things. "Ehh, stop your drooling and C'mon." Anya shouted at me. "Time to let loose!"

  Scream by Usher was blasting through the speaker, it's Anya's favorite song at the moment. We were dancing in one big group when someone handed me a drink, which I assumed came from one of the guys in the Manzanares Pack.

  Who it was, I honestly can't tell you. What I can tell you however is never to assume you know whom the drink comes from. Gulping it down greedily due to my sudden thirst from dancing, I was feeling fine for the first five minutes afterwards, that is until I started getting extremely hot.

  My entire body felt like it was burning from the inside out as the sweat beads began developing on my forehead. "I don't feel so good Anya, I need to go sit down." I complained, turning around to make my way through the crowd towards the bar.

  Anya looked at me and smiled, "Want me to walk you over there lightweight?" Her blue eyes twinkled happily as she leaned in so I could hear her better. She was having such a good time dancing with Luke, I didn't want to ruin it. Maybe there are too many people out on the dance floor or I could be coming down with something.

  Shaking my head no, I uttered loudly. "No, I'll be fine. I'm gonna go find Tristan." I answered turning around to go back the way we came. My sense of direction sucks enough to begin with, so I literally had no clue which way that was.

  The strobe lights were doing a number on my eyes causing me to blink numerous times in order to refocus. Shit! I was beginning to see double of people as I lost my sense of direction. Being shoved left and right wasn't helping my situation much either.

  Let's just safely say chips, a sandwich, and alcoholic beverages didn't mix well together as they swirled around viciously in my stomach making me want to barf. Looking around at the faces in front of me I couldn't recognize a single soul as I
prayed that I'd see a familiar face.

  Have you ever pushed rewind missed the spot you were on and then hit fast forward, that is exactly what I felt like I was going through right now!! I wanted to scream out 'help me', but I knew for a fact no one would hear my cries above the music.

  Not able to think clearly for the past ten minutes, I finally realized, Idiot! You're a wolf, you can mind link Rico, Alonso, or Tristan. 'Baby, where are you?' I thought trying to get a hold of Tristan, if I can't find him I’d stay still until he comes to find me.

  'Tristan, I need you.' I called out again, but didn't get any type of response back. What the hell's going on? Why isn't he answering me, I stood still swaying slightly on the spot. From someone else's view, they'd probably think I was rocking to the beat of the song. No people, I don’t have any control over my bodily functions.

  Letting out a breath of frustration, I decided to try for my brothers. 'Rico...Lonso...where are you guys?' I mind-linked getting an instant answer from both of them within seconds.

  'We're at the bar where you left us.' Rico answered then Alonso chimed in, 'Where are you?'

  'I don't know.' I responded helplessly, feeling like a lost child in a mall. Should I raise my hands above my head and jump up and down in the crowd in hopes that they'll catch a glimpse of me? 'I feel funny after someone gave me a drink.' I whined to my brothers in hopes that they'd feel sorry for me and come to my rescue.

  'What, who gave you a drink?' Alonso's voice shouted extremely loudly, giving me an instant headache.

  Ugh, I thought grabbing at my head with the palms of my hands. 'Sensitive to loud noises Lonso!' I groaned.

  'Put your hands above your head and stay put.' Rico ordered in a no nonsense tone of voice. 'Don't go with anyone no matter what and if anyone tries to grab you. Scream at the top of your lungs, drop all your body weight down, and sit down on the floor Indian style.' He prattled off giving me his techniques against battling abduction.

  As sick as I was feeling I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips. My brother's are hilarious! Who's going to try and grab me? Maybe I just had one too many drinks, legal drinking age over here is eighteen versus twenty-one in America.

  I'm not a drinker, so I think I've surpassed way beyond my one drink limit with the three drinks I've already consumed. What I was wondering was where's Tristan through all this? As I stood there with my arms above my head like a moron waiting for my brothers to find me, I turned my face slightly to the side. Needing to desperately make sure that my Secret deodorant wasn't telling on me and that I wasn't killing everyone around me with my body odor, I nonchalantly inhaled a deep breath. Ah, still tropical fresh, no worries here!

  Spinning around in circles, I searched the area around me for the person who just said that. Is it one of the guys playing jokes on me or am I hallucinating? A deep monotone voice whispered into my ear and it quickly disappeared. "Soon Princesa...we'll be coming for you soon."

  As soon as I whipped around to the right a muscular hand came down grabbing my upper arm. Being scared out of my wits I did exactly what my oldest brother advised me to and began screaming at the top of my lungs, "Help! Stranger danger, stranger danger!" As I threw myself down onto the ground and sat down Indian style, boy I need to stop drinking!

  The assailant was trying to fight against me, I was thrashing around violently as he tried to grab a hold of my shoulders. Dammit these are my favorite pants and they're going to be filthy.

  "Mirar, calm down. It's me!" Lonso shouted annoyed as his face popped into view causing my thrashing to cease immediately, he had Axel at his side. Somehow, Axel could sense I was in danger so he went looking for my brothers. Where's Tristan?

  A guilty look overcame my expression as I let my brother help me to my feet. Whew, that was a close call. "What's gotten into you?" Alonso asked concerned. He led me back towards the bar area where I spotted Rico.

  My heart was pounding against my chest a million miles a minute as I tried the best I could to calm myself down enough in order to inform my brothers of what occurred. What happened next caused my heart to feel as though it was going to fall out dead on the ground.

  This is where he was the entire time? Instead of hearing my cries for help and worrying about me...his mate...he was standing at the bar with a hot Spanish beauty practically draping herself all over him? Tristan's eyes looked glossed over and he didn't seem like himself either as our eyes met and I gave him the dirtiest glare before demanding to Lonso, "Take me home."

  Chapter 4: Taken


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