Evince Me

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Evince Me Page 4

by Lili Lam

Lonso and I managed to reach the exit of Mondo, before I was grabbed roughly by my upper arm pulling me to abrupt stop. I jerked around in anger and shot Tristan a filthy look, one that was filled with hurt and disgust. I mean, who cares if he's been shouting out my name asking me to stop for the past couple minutes?

  Obviously he wasn't concerned with my wellbeing before I caught him doing whatever it was he was doing! That gorgeous tramp is so darn lucky I'm not completely with it right now, because I'm pretty sure I would've given her a good beat down.

  "Lise, wait." Tristan grunted in exasperation as he came to stand in front of me blocking my way out of the club. "What's going on? Where are you going?" He asked with a look of pure confusion taking over his concerned expression.

  Staring up into his eyes, I could see that he had no idea what the hell was going on, let alone why I was angry with him. Lonso cringed slightly, shrugging his shoulders in a 'what do you want me to do' type gesture before walking off to give Tristan and I some privacy.

  "Two minutes." I shouted at my brother, holding up two fingers to show him that was all the time I was allowing Tristan to explain himself. The look of seriousness on my face made Lonso's eyes widen as he nodded in agreement and stepped off to the side not daring to go any further. I still wanted to go home, my night's officially ruined anyway. How much worse can it get?

  "Did you not hear me calling out for you for help?" I spat out ensuring that Tristan was able to hear me over the music. "Or were you too busy flirting up a storm with that!" The tone of my voice raised an octave higher as I nodded my head pointedly at the brunette standing by the bar watching us argue.

  Tristan inhaled a sharp breath, "You called for me for help? When?" For some reason his perplexed demeanor only pissed me off even more .Is he really that clueless or was he whacked over the head with a stupid stick? Aren't mates supposed to be able to sense when one is in danger or experiencing distress? What happened there? Why was he brushing off the fact that I caught him allowing Miss bionic boobs and butt over there to maul all over him?

  "When?" I shrieked, my voice cracking a bit sounding like a teenage boy hitting puberty. By this point I was absolutely livid. I could feel my face heating up as the venom traveled through my blood stream, I was ready to strangle him.

  He's lucky I was now in full control of my wolf. With the rage I'm feeling I could've very well shifted in the middle of Mondo! "Let's see, I'm just gonna take a wild guess here and say WHEN you were busy with her!" My hand shot out and my finger pointed directly at her accusingly.

  "Baby, I swear I didn't hear you calling for me." Tristan uttered in a panicked tone as he tried to reach out for me. I shook my head at him in disbelief. How could he not hear me, but my brothers did? Obviously, he was occupied with something or shall I say someone way more important.

  Did he kiss her? What could they have possibly been standing there conversing about? What would possess him to allow her to get that close, for what reason? It's not like he's here at Mondo alone, the whole gang of us is here, including my older brothers. It's blatant disrespect!

  "Don't...touch me." I mumbled under my breath, taking a step backwards away from him with tears springing to my eyes. I felt betrayed. I'm surprised Tristan even heard me over the music, but he did as he stared at me with a pained look in his eyes.

  "Please don't be angry. I don't know what's going on right now." He murmured helplessly taking a step forward, to be closer to me. "Let's leave, we'll go home together, ok?" Tristan voice was filled with desperation, I've never seen him this way before.

  But then again, I've never experienced another girl who was able to capture Tristan's attention the way the tramp did. I'll admit she's got the body of a voluptuous woman, where I'm still growing into mine. He's never allowed any other female, besides his mother and mine the opportunity to get close to hug him, let alone feel up on him.

  Not able to say anything else to him in fear that the tears would spill over, I directed my attention towards my brother who was standing off to the side. His arms were crossed over his chest leaning with his back against the wall. Lonso's eyes were focused on the dance floor, but I know he heard every word exchanged between Tristan and I.

  Pushing himself up off the wall, Lonso glanced over at me with a raised eyebrow. "Ready to go?" He questioned, making sure that I really wanted to leave. I nodded my head yes in response as Lonso came to stand in the open space between the two of us. "I think it's best if you stay, give her some space." Lonso advised patting Tristan on the shoulder.

  Without a second glance, I stepped around Tristan and made my way towards the door. I could feel the intensity of his gaze burning into the side of my face as I walked away from him. It felt like pieces of my heart and soul were being ripped from me with each step I took away from him, but I had to do it.

  I needed to prove a point; that point being I'm not one to be disrespected. I'm a princess for heaven's sake...his mate...the future Luna of his pack and I won't tolerate being treated that way. Not by him, nor by any other person or wolf.

  The first fifteen minutes of the car ride home was spent in complete silence, as I sat in the front seat glaring daggers out the window into the dark night sky. Do I have a valid reason for being so pissed off or am I overreacting? Thankfully, Lonso allowed me to sulk in my misery as he listened quietly to the radio.

  Clearing my throat I glanced over at my brother. "How long did it go on for?" I asked in curiosity, surely he witnessed the whole thing with Tristan only being at the other end of the bar.

  His deep brown eyes flickered to me quickly before landing back on the road ahead. "For like five minutes. She approached us with a shot in hand, said her name was Evie and asked Tristan to take a celebration drink for her birthday." Lonso admitted deep in thought.

  "At first Tristan kept graciously declining, I felt bad for him so I offered to drink with her, but she adamantly refused. Said she always wanted to drink with an American." Lonso finished almost like he was choosing his words carefully.

  I swear he better not be holding anything back, older brother or not I'll still beat the crap out of him! "Ok, so what happened after that?" I pressed for more info waving my hand in a circular motion for him to continue on with the story.

  "Tristan grabbed the drink from her, I guess he figured if he drank it quickly then she'd go away and leave us alone." Lonso shrugged, but his body language told me differently. "She didn't leave, she hung out there talking to Tristan and not two minutes after that she led him to the other end of the bar. We asked where he was going, but he didn't answer."

  Ok, so Tristan denied her advances...got annoyed...and ended up taking the drink in hopes of getting rid of her. Why would he then allow her to lead him to the other end of the bar though? What'd she say to Tristan to make him follow her?

  "You said you felt funny after someone gave you a drink, right?" Lonso confirmed with a look of worry flashing past his eyes as he stared over at me. I nodded my head, the space between my eyebrows crinkling up...I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

  "Rico and I think the two of you may have been drugged, Marco might not have shown up tonight but there's no doubt in my mind he has something to do with all this." Lonso sighed gripping the steering wheel tightly. "We think they spiked your drinks with Black Ice, it’s the only thing that could explain why Tristan didn't hear you calling out for him."

  "Black Ice has effects similar to roofies in wolves and it also has the ability to sever the mind link between mates when given in extreme doses it can cut off mind links to everyone." Lonso's explanation made me feel like pure crap for the way I treated Tristan. Black Ice, what in the heck is that?

  I needed to talk to Tristan, let him know I wasn't mad at him anymore for something he had no control over in the first place. How rotten of me to think he'd actually cheat on me. "Why would they give it to Tristan and I?" I wondered out loud, they didn't actually act on it. Was this some sort of a trial run, a test?

sp; We were stopped at a four-way intersection, which was relatively deserted. Before Lonso had the chance to answer my question a truck came flying out of nowhere t-boning our SUV, hitting Lonso's side.

  The impact sent our truck flying and rolling over and over again. I threw my hands up to cover my face reflexively as the windows shattered sending glass shards all over us. The crunching sound of metal scraping against concrete, sent chills up my spine. My voice wanted to scream out for my brother, but it was stuck deep in my chest, I was terrified.

  As the truck finally landed on it's roof I let out a groan of pain as I felt a warm liquid oozing from my head down my cheek. "Lonso." I grumbled turning my head to the side to see if my brother was all right. I unbuckled my seat belt to lean forward and get closer to inspect his injuries.

  Lonso lay there unconscious, but still breathing. I reached my hand up to shake his shoulder slightly afraid of inflicting anymore harm on him. I didn't receive any form of a response. Instantly, I mind-linked Rico and Tristan, 'We've just been in an accident at the intersection of Calle Mayor and Calle del Correo, please come quick Lonso's hurt.'

  'Lise, baby are you ok?' Tristan's voice responded immediately. 'We're coming right now hold on.' Rico's voice chimed in. The black ice must have worn off by now, but I still didn't understand what the point was in giving it to us in the club. What's that suppose to prove?

  I could hear as well as see several sets of feet approaching my side of the car as the door was yanked open suddenly. Being manhandled I was practically yanked from inside the car as a huge scary looking man held my arms behind me. Standing in front of me was none other than my father's wife Maria. She had an evil snarl on her lips as she stared at me with disgust. What the hell is going on here? I know she doesn't like me with the death glares she would always give me, but does she hate me enough to kill me?

  Marco got out of another SUV that pulled up alongside our accident scene and stood beside Maria. So these two are working together, but why? "Get her out of my sight son, before she warns them. Make sure you drug her up enough to keep her quiet!" Her evil voice bellowed echoing through the empty streets.

  Son, why in the hell is she calling him son? Marco made the big scary guy let go of me and he took me into his arms gently. I was too weak and injured to fight against them as they injected a needle full of black ice into my veins. The effects were almost instant. "Told you I'd be coming for you soon Princesa, didn't I?" Marco smiled happily. OMG he's demented!

  'I'm being taken by Marco and Maria is a part of this....I love you Tristan.' Was the last form of communication I got out before everything went black and I succumbed to the darkness....


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