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Page 9

by S K

  Everyone silently stared at Bradley Sr. with a different range of emotions. Pain and anger ran across Dominick’s face. Nikki and Matt looked at him with disgust. Jaxon seemed stunned. And Angel looked at him with satisfaction because he had finally been able to expose him for the murderous son of a bitch he was.

  Angel walked close and leaned down towards Bradley Sr. until his face was a couple of inches away from his. “Jaxon, this is the only time that I’m going to tell you. Sign the papers, now. Right, old man?”

  Chapter 14

  Bradley Sr.'s expression was full of hostility, hatred, and loathing, but unable to hold Angel's stare, he lowered his eyes and looked away. Still in shock, Jaxon went over to the table and signed his name on the documents which would finalize the transfer of stock to Angel’s name. Matt stood by him to watch then put Angel’s copy in his briefcase.

  Still staring Bradley. Sr. down, Angel said, “Matt…?”

  “It’s done, Angel.”

  After a moment, Angel stepped back and turned around and looked at his brother. Tears were in Dominick’s eyes as they stared at each other. Angel walked towards him and put his arms around him. They stood that way in an emotional embrace for several long moments.

  “Are you satisfied? You have the stock. Now I want that disk,” Bradley Sr. demanded.

  Angel looked at him dismissively as he went to Matt’s briefcase and perused the paperwork. “You must think I’m a fool. That CD stays with me.” He looked up before delivering the next warning. “And if anything, and I mean anything happens to me or my family, there are several copies waiting to be sent off to everyone from the local authorities on up to the FBI.”

  Bradley Sr. looked as if he was ready to blow a gasket. Turning to Jaxon, he thrust out his hand. “Give me those files you have on this sonovabitch. He thinks he has all the leverage. You just keep in mind that we still have damaging information on you as well that can be sent to the police anytime we get ready,” he bluffed. He snapped his fingers when Jaxon just stood there. “Give it to me, Jaxon!”

  “Go to hell.”

  They all turned to look at Jaxon in surprise.

  Bradley Sr.’s mouth dropped and an ugly scowl crossed his face as he turned to his son. “What did you say?! Give me the damn file!”

  “No.” Jaxon’s tone was full of disregard as he stood up to his tyrannical father for the first time in his life. He picked up the file and stared at it for several long seconds before looking at Angel and Dominick standing side by side. He took slow, reluctant steps until he stood in front of Angel. Seeing the two men so close together made the resemblance evident to everyone. Jax opened his mouth as if to speak, then just handed the files to Angel. Angel reached out to take them, nodding his thanks.

  “What are you doing?! You fucking idiot!” Bradley Sr. was livid.

  Jaxon stared his father straight in the eye. “Don’t ever talk to me like that again, do you hear me?”

  “I don’t give a…”

  “Shut up!” The way Jax postured up to Bradley Sr. made him pause. His face was fire engine red, but his mouth closed shut. “What kind of monster are you?!”

  “You don’t understand. She wanted money to help her youngest son start a new life when he got out of prison. They’re all just a bunch of criminals,” he spat in Dom and Angel’s direction. “When I refused, she said she was going to tell everyone, our family, the media, and your mother that I’d sired a bastard son. I couldn’t let that happen!”

  "I'm ashamed to even call you my father!" The bass in Jaxon's voice cranked up a notch to over talk his father. Chest heaving he looked again at Angel, his half-brother. Still not able to digest that bit of information, Jax shook his head and walked out the door without a word.

  “Jax! Jaxon!” Bradley Sr. yelled after his son but his only reply was the slamming of the door. Seeing the others staring, he looked at them one by one. “What are you all looking at?!” he screamed before focusing his ire at Angel. "You have your measly ten percent. Now get the hell out of my building.”

  “This isn’t your building anymore. It’s mine,” Angel said calmly.

  Bradley Sr. let out a rough laugh. “What are you talking about?? I’m sure with your background, you didn’t attend school, but ten percent doesn’t entitle you to make any decisions worth a damn, and it sure as hell doesn’t entitle you to the offices of DWC.”

  “No, but fifty-one percent does.” Nikki stepped forward and stood beside Angel. “I think you might need to make some phone calls, Bradley. Once you do, you’ll see that shares of your company have slowly been bought up through the years. You are no longer the majority stockholder of Davidson World Corp. With the ten percent he just received, Angel is.”

  Bradley Sr.’s mouth fell open. “What…? How...?”

  “My company, NaDa Holdings, has several subsidiary companies. As Nikki said, I’ve been buying up stock, a little at a time, the moment I discovered you killed my parents. As of a few minutes ago, I now own fifty-one percent. Now as you said, I didn’t go to a fancy school or anything, but if my calculations are correct, that makes me majority owner and CEO of DWC.”

  Bradley Sr.'s breathing became hoarse and labored. He took a step back until he fell into the chair behind him, staring at Angel. “You bastard…” But it was said without conviction. He knew he’d lost.

  “Far from it, old man. You see, my father was a real man who stepped up and took responsibility for his family and gave his name not only to a child that wasn’t his, but a child who had been conceived from his wife's affair. I knew nothing but love from Arthur Spain. When I found out that he wasn’t my real father, I felt I didn’t deserve his name, so I started going by my mother’s maiden name, LaCroix. But today I know I’ve redeemed myself in my father’s eyes. I know he and my mother loved me until the day they died, no matter what path I chose to take.”

  Dominick came and put a hand on his shoulder. Silent tears ran down Nikki’s face.

  Angel took a deep breath. “Until the day you bless this earth with your death, there’s one thing I want you to think about whenever you remember this company that’s been in your family for generations. It’s now owned by NaDa Holdings: Nora…Arthur…Dominick…Angelo.”

  Bradley Sr. became deathly pale as he grabbed his chest.

  “With that being said, get the fuck out before I throw you out.”

  Bradley Sr. slowly pulled himself up and looked as if he’d aged twenty years in the last hour. He slowly walked to the door, opened it and left out of the room.

  Matt released a long breath and closed his briefcase. “Alright, boss, I’m going back to the office to finish up some last minute details. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thanks, Matt.”

  “No problem.” Minutes later, Angel, Nikki, and Dominick were the only ones left in the room.

  “You did it, Angel.” Dominick looked at his brother with pride.

  Seeing the expression on Dominick's face caused Angel's heart to swell. He and his brother had finally come full circle. Just knowing he had once again been able to make Dominick proud of him meant more to him than anything. “No. We did it Dom. Matt will be transferring half of the stock to your name. I’m hoping you won’t turn it down.”

  Dom stepped forward and hugged his brother. “I don’t know what to say, Angel.”

  “Just be ready to roll your sleeves up. We have a lot to do to turn this company around,” Angel smiled.

  Dominick returned the smile, then reached down to hug Nikki before he left, closing the door behind him. Angel and Nikki stared at each other for a long moment.

  “Come here.” Angel held his hand out to her, watching her as she came over and put her arms around his neck. “Nikki, I’ve done some things I’m not proud of. Hell, a lot of things. But, I don’t plan on living my life like this forever. I promise I’m working on changing it, but it’s going to take some time. I’m asking you to stick by my side, to be there for me as my woman. Can you do that?”
  When Nikki hesitated and lowered her eyes, Angel placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up so that he could try and guess what she was thinking. He gritted his teeth, unwilling to acknowledge this feeling of uncertainty that was completely foreign to him. His feelings for this woman ran deeper than he wanted to admit and he didn't know how to deal with that. He'd tried to fight it, tried to get her out of his head, but it wasn't happening. When he was around her, he felt a sense of peace that had been missing in his life for as long as he could remember. Nikki intimately knew the side of him that he'd buried years ago and never allowed to surface. Things almost seemed...normal when he was with her. Whatever the case, he knew he wanted her in his life. Anything else was not an option.

  "Nik? Is this moving too fast for you?"

  “It's not that.”

  "Then what?" The question was asked swiftly with an underlying edge in his voice that he tried to control. "Look. Maybe you need to take time to think about this. My life isn’t pretty, and it’s not going to be easy, but…”

  Nikki placed her finger over his lips. "I love you. I've loved you for as long as I can remember Angelo Spain LaCroix."

  "Okay…" Angel waited on her to expand her answer.

  "But I won't share you."

  Comprehension clouded his face as he realized the reason for her hesitance.

  "Angel, I mean it. I refuse to be one of your women. If we're going to be together, I'll accept nothing less than being your only woman. Can you do that?"

  Angel pulled her close and leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. When he and Dominick got off the phone last night, Carmen had called and accepted the arrangements he'd proposed. She was a very intelligent woman and noticed the change in Angel that night at the fundraiser. She'd seen how he'd watched Nicole for the rest of the night, coveted her...craved her. Angel looked at Nicole the way Carmen always prayed he'd look at her one day but that never happened.

  Angel knew she had a passion for designing clothes, had seen her sketches, and they were good. Very good. He explained that he called in some favors and arranged for her to have her own line of clothing displayed in several high end department stores in New York.

  Not wanting to leave on bad terms with the only man she'd ever loved, Carmen acquiesced quietly. If she couldn't be with Angelo, she'd at least be able to indulge in her second passion. All she’d known her adult life was Angel. Maybe it was time to discover Carmen.

  Raising his head, Angel stared at Nikki with a burning intensity that almost singed the air between them. "Do you think I would step to you like this if I didn't have my business straight?"

  The silence stretched between them like a physical presence until Nikki pulled Angel's lips down to hers and kissed him with everything she had in her before tearing her mouth away. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes, I'll be your woman."

  Chapter 15

  Two weeks after gaining control of DWC, Angel let himself into his condo, blowing loudly from exhaustion. He'd been at the offices of Davidson World Corp. every day from sun up until after midnight. His first order of business had been to fire everyone from the old school who was still loyal to the Davidsons. His position was clear to anyone who stayed. It was a new day which meant new challenges and new demands. How they coped with those demands would make the difference in how smoothly things ran from this point on.

  He brought in his own people and appointed them heads of the divisions which were doing poorly and not showing profits. Along with his advisors and managerial staff, he went over stacks of paperwork, looking over finance reports, and familiarizing himself with the operation of the company.

  And Nikki had been right by his side. The two of them were perfect together in every way possible. Earlier today, he'd insisted she go on home because he could see how exhausted she was. Even though Nikki made him promise to wake her when he got home, Angel decided to let her catch up on her rest.

  Going into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, draining almost half of it before he’d gotten back to the living room. Angel walked towards the couch then stopped. He knew if he sat down, he might not get up again. He was just that tired.

  Instead, he went to take a quick shower, deciding to use the guest bedroom so the running water wouldn’t wake Nikki up. Stripping off his clothes, he stepped into the stall, sighing in relief as the water soothed and rejuvenated his body. Angel closed his eyes and held his face up, letting the water pour over him from head to toe. He had no intention of moving from that spot any time soon.

  Angel let his thoughts lead him back to an hour ago and the last task he'd needed to complete before he could close the final chapter on this part of his old life. After leaving DWC, he'd pointed his car in the direction of the Las Vegas International Airport. Pulling up to the unloading zone, he'd jumped out of his car glancing at his watch. A security guard headed his way, no doubt intending to tell him he couldn't park there. Never losing a step, Angel quickly pulled out a one hundred dollar bill and placed it in the guard's hand, telling him he'd be ten minutes. Hurrying through the huge airport, Angel finally came to the gate he was looking for and that's when he saw her.

  She was giving her boarding pass to the lady behind the desk. A few more minutes and she would be on her way to France. He had purchased an art studio for her in the heart of Paris. Everything had already been put into place. All she had to do was step into a life she had dreamed about since she was young. Angel stood back a ways, but still close enough to see her and make sure she got off okay.

  As she turned to walk through the entryway that would take her halfway across the world, Savannah paused. She turned around with a frown on her face. She could almost swear…

  Searching the crowd of faces, she looked for Angelo. She couldn’t see him, but she knew that he was there. Smiling, she brought her fingers to her mouth and kissed them, then threw her hand up in the air. It was probably best that they didn’t see one another again, too many bad memories. But she wanted him to know the good did outweigh the bad. She turned and walked through the gate without another look back. She was ready to start her life.

  Finally finishing his shower and feeling somewhat more alive, Angel dried off and tied a towel around his waist. Slipping his feet into his slippers, he went back through the condo to double check and make sure the door was locked and the alarm was on before he made his way to the bedroom.

  Nikki had left the curtains open, allowing the moonlight to gently bathe the elegant room, illuminating it with a soft glow. Inhaling deeply, Angel closed his eyes, breathing in his woman's scent. It was a combination of the lotions, perfumes and body wash he’d had a company in Europe design and mix especially for her.

  The company had shipped sample after sample to him, changing it each time he described exactly what he wanted. Angel needed it to scream sexy sophistication while still being feminine and sweet. The moment he smelled the last mixture, he'd known immediately it was perfect. Last night, he'd surprised Nikki with her own signature fragrance inspired by her, exclusively for her. Nikki’s Essence. She absolutely loved it.

  Angel looked at her asleep on her stomach in the bed, her nude brown skin outlined on the pristine white, silk sheets. The cover only fell over her derriere, leaving her shoulders, back and legs visible. The light from the moon highlighted every rise, slope, and curve of her body.

  You said you were going to let her sleep, he berated himself as his nature began to rise. You know how exhausted she is.

  Angel stood in indecision for a moment then untied the towel from around his waist. He’d let her sleep tomorrow. He reached down and curled his fingers firmly around his thick shaft. Thinking about what awaited him between Nikki’s thighs made him harden even more.

  Slowly walking towards the bed, he took his time and pulled the sheet down in anticipation, unveiling his pièce de résistance. Letting his eyes leisurely roam over her body, Angel silently mused that this was one of the reasons why he had no regrets i
n settling down with Nicole. Her unbelievable sweetness, brilliance, loyalty and love for him aside, the sex between them was the best he'd ever enjoyed. A naturally passionate woman, he appreciated her eagerness to learn his appetites and please him, because she said that was part of her pleasure. When a man had a woman like Nikki, she was all he needed.

  His eyes stopped on the enticing view of her plump, round ass which extended an invitation for him to come and ride. Groaning quietly, Angel eagerly accepted.

  He crawled in the bed at her feet and kneeled between her thighs, allowing his hands to lightly slide up her calves. He paused, massaging the delicate muscles there before moving up the back of her soft thighs. Her skin was so smooth, so supple. Nikki moaned under her breath as he continued up the slope of her ass, taking a cheek in each hand and splaying his fingers wide over her skin. Nikki kept her eyes remained closed, moving restlessly beneath his touch.

  "Did you manage to get any sleep?" Angel asked her softly.

  "Yes," Nikki whispered with a slight catch in her voice. "I thought you were going to call and wake me before you came home."

  "I'm waking you now."

  He slid a hand down to touch the warm dampness between her legs, spreading her juices along her lower lips, massaging her quivering clit. Nikki's flesh jumped in response, begging Angel to penetrate her but he wasn't ready. Not yet. After getting his fingers nice and wet, he slid a slow trail from her center up to the crease between her cheeks. Nikki’s hands curled around the sheets as a gasp escaped, but still she kept her eyes closed. Angel used her cream to liberally lubricate her anal entrance then inserted just the tip of his finger. Nikki immediately tensed up.

  "Relax," Angel soothed. He slowly pushed his finger further inside to the first joint. With a gentle stroke, Angel moved it in and out until Nikki's hips starting rocking back and forth.

  "More," she managed to get out in a hushed voice. When Angel added another finger, her pussy flowed like a river, thirsty, aroused, and excited from what he was doing to her.


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