Midnight In Sicily
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Ordered by the Supreme Court to pay the not inconsiderable costs of his trial, the accused then resumed his lifetime seat in the Italian Senate. In May 2006, at the age of eighty-seven and after sixty years as a deputy and senator in the Italian parliament, he came within a whisker of being elected Speaker of the Senate. A few days earlier the Italian government led by Silvio Berlusconi had been defeated by a few votes in a national election, and former prime minister Berlusconi soon saw some of his own outstanding criminal charges lapse under the statute of limitations, just as former prime minister Andreotti had done before him.
A fortnight before the election which removed Berlusconi, Bernardo Provenzano, for years the capo indiscusso of Cosa Nostra and pursued by the police without success for thirty-eight years, was arrested by a team of masked commandos at the age of seventy-three. He had just taken delivery of a parcel of fresh laundry in a farmhouse a few minutes’ walk from his family home in Corleone.
In his mature years, the tractor who mowed down everything in his path had become Cosa Nostra’s accountant promoting a more flexible and less confrontational approach to the Italian state. Just like the old days. He had lately had a prostate operation at a private clinic in the South of France and for years had been issuing his orders from wherever he was by means of tiny handwritten notes, encoded on his Bible and delivered hand-to-hand by infinitely devious routes. He was upset when they wouldn’t let him keep the the well-thumbed old Bible in jail.
Everything has to change so everything can stay the same.
—Peter Robb
January 2007
AMBROSOLI Giorgio: Milan lawyer, appointed by Italian government to oversee liquidation of Banca Privata Italiana: murdered July 1979
ANDREOTTI Giulio: DC politician & life senator: first entered Italian government in 1947, twenty times minister & seven times prime minister until 1992: on trial for mafia & Pecorelli murder
BADALAMENTI Gaetano: Palermo mafia boss, expelled from Cupola early in Riina’s rise to power & escaped to Brazil in 1979: in prison in US since 1987
BONTATE Stefano: Palermo mafia boss & member of Cupola from 1970: leading opponent of Riina’s rise to power: killed April 1981
BORSELLINO Paolo: magistrate in Palermo prosecutor’s office, leading member of antimafia pool in 1980s & close colleague of Giovanni Falcone: deputy chief prosecutor in Palermo from 1991: killed July 1992
BUSCETTA Tommaso [Masino]: leading mafioso of Palermo group defeated by Riina & Corleonesi: arrested in Brazil 1983: decided to collaborate with Falcone 1984 after murder of most of his family: most important mafioso pentito
CALO Pippo: mafia boss, ally of Riina, the Cupola’s financial expert: based in Rome for many years: arrested March 1985, convicted in maxitrial & still in prison: witness at Andreotti murder trial
CAPONNETTO Antonino: Florentine magistrate, became Palermo chief prosecutor after murder of Rocco Chinnici in 1983: created Palermo antimafia pool, enabling the maxitrial of 1985: retired 1987
CARNEVALE Corrado: Sicilian supreme court judge: overturned many mafia convictions on technicalities: suspended & under investigation for mafia links
CASELLI Gian Carlo: from Torino, in Palermo as chief prosecutor since January 1993: close friend & colleague of Falcone
CHINNICI Rocco: Palermo chief prosecutor after 1979: campaigned against mafia’s cultural prestige in Sicily, initiated major investigations into drug traffic, indicted Cupola for Dalla Chiesa murder: killed July 1983
CRAXI Bettino: former socialist party leader, prime minister 1983—1987, now facing twenty-four years’ imprisonment for corruption: in Tunisia
CUTOLO Raffaele: Naples camorrista, founder & head of Nuova Camorra Organizzata, in prison for many decades, mediated release of kidnapped DC politician Ciro Cirillo in 1981
DALLA CHIESA Carlo Alberto: carabinieri general: served twice in Sicily, defeated leftwing terrorism in seventies: made prefect of Palermo: killed with wife September 1982
DI MAGGIO Baldassare [Baldo]: mafioso pentito, former member of Brusca family & driver to Totò Riina: enabled police to arrest Riina & claims to have witnessed 1987 kiss between Riina & Andreotti
FALCONE Giovanni: leading Palermo antimafia magistrate, prepared maxitrial indictment in 1985, transferred to Rome justice ministry 1991, killed in May 1992 with wife & three of escort
GAVA Antonio: Naples DC politician, minister of interior in eighties: convicted of corruption 1996: on trial as camorrista 1995-6
GELLI Licio: presumed head of secret P2 lodge uncovered in 1981: financier & influence peddler: convicted of rightwing terrorism 1996: linked to mafia & Vatican
LIGGIO Luciano: former estate guard from Corleone, murdered predecessor in 1953 to become head of Corleone mafia clan & later head of Cosa Nostra & mentor of Salvatore Riina: arrested 1974, died in prison
LIMA Salvo: Palermo DC politician & member of Cosa Nostra, successively mayor of Palermo, government minister, member of European parliament: head of Andreotti faction of DC in Sicily: killed March 1992
LUCIANO Lucky: born Salvatore Lucania at Lercara Friddi in Sicily, emigrated to US in 1919, head of US Cosa Nostra in thirties & forties, thought to have assisted allied invasion of Sicily 1943, freed & repatriated to Italy 1946: died Naples 1962
MORO Aldo: DC politician from Bari: prime minister: ideologue of understanding with PCI: kidnapped & murdered by Red Brigades 1978
PECORELLI Mino: journalist, former member of Italian secret services, owner & writer of Rome political newletter OP: murdered March 1979
RIINA Salvatore [Totò]: head of Corleone mafia clan since mid-seventies & head of Cosa Nostra from early eighties: operated in hiding in Palermo from 1969 until arrest in January 1993: now serving various life sentences
SALVO Ignazio: wealthy Sicilian businessman & DC politician: arrested as mafioso November 1984: convicted in maxitrial: killed September 1992
SALVO Nino: wealthy Sicilian businessman & DC politician, cousin & partner of Ignazio Salvo: arrested as mafioso November 1984: died of brain tumour 1986
SINDONA Michele: Sicilian banker, financier, mafioso: poisoned 1986
TERRANOVA Cesare: Sicilian magistrate, prosecutor of mafia in seventies: after serving in Italian parliament returned to Palermo as chief prosecutor: killed September 1979
VITALONE Claudio: former Rome magistrate, member of Andreotti entourage, DC senator & minister: on trial in Perugia with Andreotti, accused of organizing Mino Pecorelli murder for Andreotti
VIZZINI Calogero: mafia boss of Villalba, boss of bosses of Sicilian mafia at time of allied invasion in 1943: made honorary colonel in US army: died 1952.
THE RAW documents are in Italian and are the most enthralling of all. In published form there are Caselli et al. La Vera Storia d’Italia, for the Andreotti trial, and Falcone et al. [ed. Stajano], Mafia, for the mafia maxitrial, and the parliamentary reports in Commissione parlamentare antimafia, Mafia e politica and Commissione parlamentare antimafia, Camorra e politica, and in Tranfaglia [ed.], Mafia, politica e affari 1943–1991.
Three indispensable books, however, are in English. Paul Ginsborg’s A History of Contemporary Italy. Politics and Society 1943–1988 is a lucid synthesis of the social and political context of the crimes discussed here, sparely and movingly written. Alexander Stille’s Excellent Cadavers. The Mafia and the Death of the First Italian Republic for the first time makes intelligible the nightmare complexity of mafia history and antimafia history over the last twenty years. It recounts meticulously Falcone’s and Borsellino’s process of discovery of Cosa Nostra and its history, dealing rather less fully with the political relationship that began to come to light after their murders. The late Claire Sterling’s Octopus, aka The Mafia, is now like Ginsborg’s History slightly out of date in its information and also slightly heightened in its colour but formidably accurate and detailed, particularly useful on the American connection, and unputdownable.
Sciascia’s books come and go in English. The Day of the Owl and Equal Danger [Il Giorno della Civetta and Il Contesto] were published together by Paladin [HarperCollins] in 1987 but seem to be out of print. The Moro Affair and One Way or Another [L’Affaire Moro and Todo Modo] were published by Carcanet in the UK in 1987 and may be still around.
Ada Boni’s Talismano della Felicità is the indispensable Italian cook book and Elizabeth David warns against denatured English versions of it. Her own Italian Food remains a necessary document of the anglo experience of Italian eating and a book you’d want, anyway, to read.
Otherwise I’ve scavenged freely, using the books below, as Montaigne says somewhere, not to form my ideas but to prop up the opinions I’d already formed.
Aa. vv., Renato Guttuso dagli esordi al Gott mit uns 1924–1944, Palermo 1987
Abulafia, David, Frederick II. A Medieval Emperor [1988], London 1992
Andreotti, Giulio, Cosa Loro. Mai visti da vicino, Milano 1995
Arlacchi, Pino, Il processo, Milano 1995
Arlacchi, Pino, La mafia imprenditrice. L’etica mafiosa e lo spirito del capitalismo, Bologna 1983
Arlacchi, Pino, Gli uomini del disonore. La mafia siciliana nella vita del grande pentito Antonino Calderone, Milano 1992
Barthes, Roland, Wilhelm von Gloeden, Napoli 1978
Barzini, Luigi, From Caesar to the Mafia, London 1971
Barzini, Luigi, The Italians, London 1964
Bassani, Giorgio, Il Romanzo di Ferrara, Milano 1981
Benton, Barbara, Ellis Island, New York 1985
Biagi, Enzo, Il boss è solo, Milano 1986
Boardman, John et al., The Oxford History of the Classical World, Oxford 1986
Bocca, Giorgio, L’Inferno. Profondo sud, male oscuro, Milano 1992
Bolzoni, Attilio & D’Avanzo, Giuseppe, La giustizia è cosa nostra. Il caso Carnevale tra delitti e impunità, Milano 1995
Boni, Ada, Il talismano della felicità [c. 1932], Roma 1995
Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones [1956], London 1993
Borges, Jorge Luis, Tutte le opere [vol.I], Milano 1984
Borsellino, Paolo [ed. Cimino. Marta & D’Onofrio, Gettina],… sai, Lucia, Palermo 1994
Braudel, Fernand, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II [1949, 1966], London, 1972
Bufalino, Gesualdo & Zago, Nunzio [eds], Cento Sicilie. Testimonianze per un ritratto, Firenze 1993
Buongiorno, Pino, Totò Riina. La sua storia, Milano 1993
Caldarola, Giuseppe [ed.], Autobiografia di Cosa Nostra, Roma 1994
Calvesi, Maurizio & Lo Cascio, Dora Favatella, Museo Guttuso, Palermo 1991
Calvi, Fabrizio, La vita quotidiana della mafia dal 1950 a oggi, Milano 1986
Calvino, Italo, Fiabe Italiane [1956], Torino 1989
Calvino, Italo, Saggi [vol. I], Milano 1995
Caselli, Gian Carlo et al., “La giustizia e i suoi nemici”, MicroMega 4/95
Caselli, Gian Carlo et al., La Vera Storia d’Italia, Napoli 1995
Cavallero, Felice [ed.], Mafia. Album di cosa nostra, Milano 1992
Chroniques siciliennes. Photographies de Letizia Battaglia et Franco Zecchin, Paris 1989
Cipri, Daniele & Maresco, Franco, Lo Zio di Brooklyn, Milano 1995
Coletti, Alessandro, Mafie. Storia della criminalità organizzata nel Mezzogiorno, Torino 1995
Commissione parlamentare antimafia, Camorra e politica. Relazione approvata dalla Commissione il 21 dicembre 1993, Roma & Bari 1994
Commissione parlamentare antimafia, Mafia e politica. Relazione del 6 aprile 1993, Roma & Bari 1993
Cornwell, Rupert, God’s Banker. An Account of the Life and Death of Roberto Calvi, London 1983
Corrao, Francesca Maria [ed.], Poeti Arabi di Sicilia, Milano 1987
Cortelazzo, Manlio & Zolli, Paolo, Dizionario etimologico della lingua italiana [5 vols], Bologna 1979–1988
Costantini, Costanzo, Ritratto di Renato Guttuso, Roma 1985
Costantini, Costanzo, Il caso Guttuso tra scandalo e mistero, Roma 1987
Craft, Robert, Stravinsky. Chronicle of a Friendship. Revised & Expanded Edition, Nashville & London 1994
Croce, Benedetto, Storie e leggende napoletane [1919], Milano 1990
Dalla Chiesa, Nando, Delitto imperfetto. Milano 1984
Dalla Chiesa, Nando, Il giudice ragazzino. Storia di Rosario Livatino assassinato dalla mafia sotto il regime della corruzione, Torino 1992
Dalla Chiesa, Nando, Storie di boss ministri tribunali giornali intellettuali cittadini, Torino 1990
David, Elizabeth, Italian Food [1954], rev. ed., London 1989
David, Elizabeth, Harvest of the Cold Months. The Social History of Ice and Ices, London 1995
Deaglio, Enrico, Raccolto Rosso, Milano 1993
De Filippo, Eduardo, Cantata dei giorni dispari [vol. III], Torino 1995
Di Lello, Giuseppe, Giudici. Cinquant’anni di processi di mafia, Palermo 1994
Falcone, Giovanni & Padovani, Marcelle, Cose di Cosa Nostra, Milano 1991
Falcone, Giovanni et al. [ed. Stajano, Corrado], Mafia. L’atto di accusa dei giudici di Palermo, Roma 1992
Fava, Claudio, Cinque delitti imperfetti. Impastato, Giuliano, Insalaco, Rostagno, Falcone, Milano 1994
Fernandez, Dominique, La Zattera della Gorgone. Passeggiate in Sicilia. Fotografie di Ferrante Ferranti, Palermo 1992
Fiandaca, Giovanni & Costantino, Rosario [eds.], La mafia, le mafie. Tra vecchi e nuovi paradigmi, Roma & Bari 1994
Finley, M.I., Ancient Sicily, London 1964
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, The Great Gatsby [1925] in The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald [Vol. 1], London 1958
Franchetti, Leopoldo, Condizioni politiche e amministrative della Sicilia [1877], Roma 1993
Galasso, Alfredo, La mafia politica, Milano 1993
Gambetta, Diego, La mafia siciliana, Torino 1992
Gibbon, Edward, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [1776–1788] [3 vols.], London 1994
Gilmour, David, The Last Leopard. A life of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, London 1988
Ginsborg, Paul, A History of Contemporary Italy. Society and politics 1943–1988, London 1990
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Italian Journey. The Collected Works [vol. 6] [1816 & 1817], Princeton 1994
Green, Peter, Alexander to Actium. The Hellenistic Age, London 1990
Hess, Henner, Mafia. Le origini e la struttura, Roma & Bari 1973
Irwin, Robert, The Arabian Nights. A companion, London 1994
La Duca, Rosario, I veleni di Palermo, Palermo 1988
Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di, Il Gattopardo [1957 Ms, X ed.], Milano 1992
Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di, Opere, Milano 1995
Lewis, Norman, The Honoured Society [1964], London, 1984
Lewis, Norman, Naples ’44 [1978], New York 1994
Longhi, Roberto, Caravaggio [1952, 1968], Roma 1982
Lullies, Reinhard & Hirmer, Max, Greek Sculpture [rev. ed.], London 1960
Lupo. Salvatore, Storia della mafia, Roma 1993
Maraini, Dacia, Bagheria, Milano 1993
Marchese, Pasquale, L’invenzione della forchetta, Soveria Mannelli 1989
Minna, Rosario, La mafia in cassazione, Firenze 1995
Montaigne, Michel de [ed. Rat, Maurice], Essais [1580], Paris 1962
Montale. Eugenio, Satura. 1962–1970, Milano 1971
Moravia, Alberto, Renato Guttuso, Palermo 1962
The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary [2 vols], Oxford 1993
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, Giuseppe, Scende giù per Toledo, Milano 1981
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