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Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 1)

Page 5

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Finishing off his coffee, he rinsed out his cup and laid it in the dish rack.

  He had his work cut out for him.

  In the bathroom, he brushed his teeth, shaved, and finger combed his too long hair. He was in need for a cut when he got a chance. Pulling on a blue flannel shirt that he grabbed from the chair in the corner, he slipped into his worn boots and tugged on his hat, heading out the door, whistling. The sky promised rain.

  Usually he’d walk over to the staff kitchen to grab some grub, but this morning he headed straight to the barn. Hard work would ease some strain. He was anxious for Cara to get to Nirvana, and that was against his normal calm nature. This woman had him in knots.

  He felt sorry for her, nothing more, and that’s why he’d told the other fellas to stay clear of her. Ben thought she needed a friend. The men respected each other and without question, they agreed.

  Ben didn’t know her story, but he knew she had one. No one acted timid unless they’d been given a reason. Hell, maybe he was wrong in thinking her innocent and incapable of taking care of herself, but she’d struck his protective side and, even if he wasn’t sure why, he knew he had to find out.

  Once inside the barn, he removed his hat and his shirt and went to work.

  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed but he’d stacked the last bale of hay and pulled off his gloves just as he heard footsteps outside. He turned as Dade appeared through the barn door. “Back already?” Ben said sarcastically.

  “Yup, already. I had other transports to do, too” Dade chuckled as he dropped down on a nearby bale and stretched his legs. “She’s tucked in tight. You weren’t kidding. She’s as timid as they come, but sure pretty. Why are you taking the extra time for her?”

  Ben grabbed a cold water from the cooler and threw it to Dade, then opened another for himself. “Nothing special.” He drank half in one gulp. Since last night—really since he saw her picture—her eyes had haunted him. The manual labor hadn’t helped much.

  “Well, good luck, my friend,” Dade said.

  Dropping his gloves onto the workbench, Ben pulled his shirt from the hook and tugged it on. “It’s not about luck, pal. It’s about understanding.” He started for the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  By the time Ben reached his cabin, his jeans grew uncomfortably tight. He couldn’t get his mind off Cara. Knowing she was at Nirvana made him anxious to see her. He’d never been this excited before. Was this a sign that he wasn’t ready to leave the ranch?

  He could go see her now, but the rules were that they let the heartbreaks have a night of getting accustomed to their lodging. The heartbreaks came for peace and quiet, to learn to love nature, and they’d get that in their treehouses.

  He wondered what she thought of the treehouse. No one ever complained about the beautiful lodgings, at least that he knew of.

  Grabbing a meal from the freezer, he removed it from the box, vented the plastic cover and stuck it in the microwave. He’d settle for a nuked meal instead of going to the kitchen for something to eat where he’d certainly run into staff. He could see them now, sitting around the table chatting and joking about the new heartbreaks. He just wasn’t in the mood.

  Finding a leftover biscuit, he slathered it with butter and shoved it into his mouth just as the timer beeped. He grabbed his heated lasagna, headed into the main area, and sat on the edge of the bed. He eyed the steaming pasta and lost his appetite. He discarded it on the nightstand along with yesterday’s cup that had crusted milk inside.

  He wasn’t even in the mood to eat.

  He should clean his cabin and decided he’d do that task later. No one would see his mess anyway.

  There was something else that had him in loops. He itched to see Cara.

  And the enthusiasm hardened parts of his body.

  His cock became painfully stiff in his jeans and the throbbing became unbearable. If this is how he started the two-week session, he was in big trouble.

  Removing his clothes, his erection stood straight, a testimony to his dire need. He slid into bed and wrapped his callused fingers around his rod while images of pale eyes bounced behind his lids. This wasn’t the pleasure he was craving, but a man had to do what he had to do to get by.

  Chapter Four

  Cara fluttered her eyes open. The sun filtered through the large window and enveloped her in its warmth. She lazily stretched and sighed. The feel of the satin sheets against her naked skin was heavenly. She hadn’t slept this good in ever.

  She laid there for a while, enjoying the scenery of two birds sitting on a limb just outside the window, until she heard a thudding noise. She sat up and listened closer.

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  The sound grew louder.

  Oh hell! She realized someone was coming up the stairs and she jumped out of bed, dragged the sheet around her body just as a shadow passed the window. Less than a second later the knock came on the door. She took one small step to the right, into the shadows. Through the window she could see black hat and a broad back, remembering Dade telling her that a man, Ben, would be here today.

  Her heart kicked up a beat and she held her breath. The only place she had to go for privacy was the bathroom, and to get there she’d have to pass the door. He’d see her, wearing a sheet—naked and wearing a sheet. She cringed. Oh why had she slept so late? What could she do? Maybe she should pretend she was still sleeping?

  “Cara?” The voice was deep, muffled through the door.

  Three long seconds later, she knew what she had to do. She had no other choice. With a quick finger combing, she went to the door and opened it a few inches.

  Ah…sweet Lord.

  A cowboy stood on her step, his back facing her, and what a nice back.

  Gorgeous had come knocking.

  She inhaled deeply and sucked up soap and leather. Gorgeous smelled good too.

  The blue flannel stretched forever across wide shoulders, and she followed the brawny masculine line to lean hips, wide belt and…oh dear, all that is holy…the jeans fit like a worn glove on his tight buns. So this was what a real cowboy looked like?

  Her breathing quickened to a pant while her heart played a rhythm of pleasure. She’d been right… the treehouse was only the tip of the iceberg. Whatever she’d done in life to be rewarded with hot and sexy waking her up, she was grateful.

  She’d even forgotten for a moment that she was standing with only a sheet wrapped around her torso—her trembling torso.

  He turned and she held her breath. Oh yes, she most definitely was in paradise. The proof was wearing a cowboy hat and worn boots. Their eyes met and her knees weakened. What color were they? Green—blue maybe? And his facial features were delectable, as if he were molded with clay by an artist’s hand, then brought to life. A smile curved his beautiful lips and dizziness washed over her.

  She knew that smile. She’d had sweet dreams of those lips.

  But it couldn’t be possible.

  He couldn’t be the hero that came along and saved her at the vending machine.

  “Are you the man from the hotel parking lot?” She forced the words through quivering lips.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He dipped his hat.

  “Am I dreaming?” She didn’t realize she’d said the words aloud until he answered.

  “Call it whatever makes you happy. I’m Ben.” His smile widened to a magical width.

  She held onto the doorknob until her knuckles popped and she eased her grip. Her knees wobbled and she stilled her body by leaning into the door. She didn’t think she’d ever see him again, except in her dreams. Clearing her throat, she hoped her voice worked. “I’m—I’m Cara.”

  “Yes, I know who you are.” He didn’t have the deep twang like Dade, but there was a slight accent that teased her ears. He slipped a steady gaze down the sheet and her nipples hardened. Wow…how did he do that?

  “Did you know who I was at the hotel? Were you watching me?” Heat spread from the roots of her hair to t
he tips of her toes.

  “No, I wasn’t watching you. It was mere chance that I spotted you across the parking lot at the very moment you needed me.”

  Her cheeks stung and she guessed she blushed ten shades of red. She clasped the sheet tighter and took a step back, opening the door a little more. She concentrated on his eyebrows because all she wanted to do was gawk at tanned, sexy flesh. What had come over her? This man had come over her, that’s what. Then her gaze dipped to his kissable mouth. Wow…just wow. “I…I wasn’t expecting anyone. I mean, I was expecting you, not you, but Dade told me you would be here. I overslept. I’m sorry.”

  “No apology. Most guests tend to sleep late here. Your first visit with Sofie is soon, then a riding lesson if you’d like. There’s fishing, too, since you said you wanted to learn, or rather what you told the operator. You probably should eat breakfast, keep up your energy.”

  “I don’t eat breakfast. And who is Sofie?” More strangers. Her stomach did a loop.

  “Whatever your pleasure, Cara. Sofie is Nirvana’s life skills coach. Part of the package.” He winked. “We like to give every guest what she needs”.

  Sparks of awareness tackled her veins. She was no longer dizzy but there was a new tight feeling between her legs. “What I need?” She pushed the words through trembling lips.

  His smile warmed her bones. “That’s right, ma’am.”

  Here he was, confessing that he would oblige her every need. This was paradise at its finest, although she knew he was talking platonic, not sexual. She supposed most women would know what to say or do at a time like this, but her tongue was heavy and she was on the brink of shaming herself by passing out at his feet. Why was she a danger to herself at times? “Thank you,” she mumbled. She couldn’t manage anything else. She had to wonder if they had lessons for socialization skills because she needed them.

  “Are your accommodations to your liking?” He leaned against the porch railing, crossing his ankles and hooking his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans. “This is the best lodging at Nirvana.”

  “Very much. Not many people can say they’ve slept in a treehouse. And the bed, it was like sleeping on a cloud. I feel refreshed, and, oh, I didn’t have one nightmare.”

  “The rest of your stay should be spent with no worries, and certainly no bad dreams. Sit back, relax, and let us take care of everything. I’ll wait out here while you spruce up, then we’ll get the day started.” His eyes twinkled.

  Her skin felt like it was on fire. “Where…?” She’d forgotten every thought in her brain.


  “Oh yeah, that’s right.” She was losing her concentration. “How long before I have to be there?”

  “Fifteen minutes.” He watched her as if he found her humorous.

  “Okay. I’ll be out…you wait there…I mean, you can come in…but wait, no…” She wasn’t ready to have a stranger in her room. And yet, he wasn’t a stranger. At least he didn’t feel like one.

  “I’ll stay here and wait, ma’am.” He gave her a quick nod.

  Certain she was still red-faced, she closed the door and practically ran across the small room, jerked open the drawer, and rummaged for something to wear. She tossed her clothing to and fro, feeling more anxious as she got to the bottom with nothing to show for her effort. Why hadn’t she brought something nice, not just baggy clothes? For the first time in a very long time she wanted to wear something different. Pretty, which didn’t even begin to describe the clothes she’d packed. If only she’d known she’d run into Mr. Mysterious, she would have bought a new wardrobe.

  Why did she want to impress him? She had no reason.

  She had a big reason—she hadn’t felt this giddy in years.

  Finally settling for a pair of jeans, her newest pair, and a flowered shirt, she wanted to take a quick shower but she didn’t have the time or the comfort level yet to shower in the open, especially with Cowboy standing on the front porch. Would he peek at her? Goosebumps popped out on her flesh.

  Who was she kidding? A man like Ben probably had every woman he wanted in a hundred-mile radius. As good looking as he was, what would he want with her? She was the dictionary definition of homely, and she felt this even more when she looked in the small mirror hanging on the wall.

  She brushed her hair. Without washing the long, thick strands, it wanted to frizz up on her, so she went to plan B, pulling it up into a bun. That’d work. Digging into her almost empty makeup bag, she used the mascara and tinted lip-gloss.

  Ten minutes later, she was outside. “I’m ready.” She nervously ran her hands down her thighs.

  He stared at her and her stomach quivered. Had she chosen the wrong outfit?

  “Do you have a pair of boots?” he asked.

  She shook her head, sending tendrils of hair falling around her cheeks. She pushed them behind her ear. “No. Do I need boots?”

  “No worries. We’ll get you set up later. You ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” She followed him down the stairs and as they headed along on the small, pebbled path, the strong sun rays beat down on her exposed skin. She was grateful she’d slathered on sunscreen because her skin would burn before it tanned. “Aren’t you hot in long-sleeves?”

  “I’m used to the sun and temps. You should have on long-sleeves. I bet your pale skin burns.” He slipped a finger down her arm and she jerked. He quickly pulled away. He’d caught her off guard by the heat of his touch.

  They continued walking across the small patch of grass and she stopped dead in her tracks. Hitched to a tree was a very big—very intimidating—black horse. “Oh, so I get a riding lesson now?”

  He unhitched the reins, concern etching lines around his eyes. “You okay?”

  “That’s a horse.” She was fully aware that the seesawing of her voice matched the shaking inside of her body.

  “It’s not a dog.” He chuckled.

  “I-I’ve never ridden. Maybe I should be a little embarrassed in admitting that, considering I’m here on a ranch where I’m sure riding happens on a daily basis—“ His fingers came up and lightly touched her cheek. A whimper rose from her throat as she froze in her flip-flops.

  “That darn piece of hair. And don’t feel embarrassed. That’s why we teach lessons.”

  “I was babbling. I’m sorry.” She wanted the ground to open and eat her alive.

  “You apologize too much. There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

  His soft voice made her chest heavy. She was in a habit of apologizing…and rambling. She was making a fool of herself.


  Ben couldn’t help but admire the woman standing before him. She made him smile. She wasn’t a classical beauty, and it was obvious she didn’t want to draw any attention by any means, but there was something very stimulating about her modesty. She was pretty—very pretty. When she’d opened the door, her hair was wild around her pale cheeks, her eyes bright, her lips full, pink and very kissable. He’d almost went against every rule in his invisible book and dragged her body against his and kissed the hell out of her. He’d almost been done in like a fish on a hook seeing her wrapped in the sheet. A woman never looked sexier than when wearing satin.

  He guessed she was five foot two, and petite and slender, but not matchstick thin. Even the loose fitting clothes she wore didn’t hide the fact that she had curves in all of the right places. The V-neck shirt opened just enough to give him a sneak peek of deep cleavage. She had incredible, long hair that was pulled up now. His fingers ached to free the mass from the clip. But what intrigued him the most was her intoxicating beautiful blue eyes that shone like diamonds in the morning sun.

  Their gazes met and she gave him a hesitant smile. She flushed from cheeks to sleek neck. He let his gaze lower over her loose top and jeans, but quickly back up to a safer area. Her lashes fanned across the tops of her pale cheeks and he noticed the faint spattering of freckles. With her light skin he wasn’t surprised. Her eyes were sweet and
her face was delicate. And those lips! Wow, they were made especially for a kiss—his kiss.

  Oh, shit! He couldn’t allow his mind to travel down the path of no return. He was here to guide her, not screw her.

  “She seems gentle,” Cara said.

  “You have nothing to be afraid of. Nellie is calm.” He patted the horse’s neck. “And I’ll lead you. But if you’d rather walk—“

  “No, that’s okay.” She lifted her chin in a bravery that he’d bargain didn’t match what she was feeling inside. He liked seeing that she had a spunky side under that thick layer of shyness.

  “If you’re sure?”

  “I’m sure.” Her bottom lip slightly trembled.

  “Okay then. Let’s get you in the saddle.” He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist—tingles shot upward through his hands and into his arms—and he easily lifted her onto the horse. She stared down at him. “Okay, there’s that look again.”

  “A look?” She moistened her lips and his cock twitched. This could be a problem.

  “The one that makes me wonder if you’re scared of me.” He shifted, wanting to ease the restraint behind his zipper.

  “I’m not scared.”

  “Good, because you have no reason to be scared. I’d protect you with my life.” The quick exhale of her breath made him grasp what he’d said. He’d only breathed those words to one other person in his entire life, and that person was gone. His jaw tightened and he knew he needed to change the subject, fast. “Let’s put your feet in the stirrups.” He adjusted them for her. In the open sandals, he could see that she had nice, soft feet. The color on her toenails matched the color of her lips. Realizing he was lingering a little too long, he pulled away. “Hold the reins and I’ll lead you. Relax and enjoy the ride.”

  Seeing that she’d lost all color to her skin, he felt guilty. “Here, I have an idea.” Without thinking of the consequences, he slid her foot out of one stirrup, placed his foot in the strap and pulled himself up behind her in the saddle. She immediately stiffened. “Is this okay?” He brought his nose close to her hair and breathed in her scent—cotton candy, just as he remembered.


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