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Pleasure 2035

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by Unknown

  She trembled at the thought. “That’s bad how?”

  Mark took her. He sat down on the ground and settled her on his cock, her legs around his waist. It grew inside of her, and she squeezed her tight pussy around it. He tensed, and she angled her hips, thrusting against him. Her clit swelled, and her nipples, both of them, ached for his attentions.

  “Umm, let’s see if this one works,” Mark said, suckling her left nipple.

  It worked all right, small shocks of pleasure shot straight to her clit. His cock did the rest of the work, rubbing her hard bud as he entered her over and over. The skirt of her tiny dress hiked up around her waist, and she watched him fucking her, their connection fully exposed in the harsh lights of the dump.

  He came quickly, shuddering into his climax and biting at her shoulder, nipping her skin, as she rolled her hips across his girth. He chanted her name as if it were a prayer. Her orgasm exploded in her brain, blinding her, shaking her. Mark held her there, letting her float back to earth and land in his embrace.

  Yes, he was definitely all hers.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Maia puffed and puffed, trying to remember the breathing exercises Sian taught her. Selena patted her brow with a cold washcloth and cheered her on.

  “Come on, Maia, just one more push,” Sian urged. Maia fought exhaustion, throwing all her efforts into pushing one more time, into giving birth to Mark’s child.

  “Eeeeehn!” she screamed through clenched teeth, and Sian whooped.

  “It’s a girl, Maia! It’s a beautiful little girl,” he said, wetness glistening on his face. Maia joined him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Daddy’s little girl. Mark would be thrilled.

  A tiny cry escaped from the bundle Sian held to his chest as he clipped the umbilical cord. A sweet little chirp, followed by a coo, charmed Maia, and she fell completely and utterly in love.

  “She’s perfect,” Selena said, her hoarse voice strained by emotion. She held Maia’s hand until Sian offered the new mother her daughter. The birth of Selena’s twins, Michael and Markus, only two months before went off without any complications, but Maia had continued to worry until just this minute, this perfect moment when her and Mark’s daughter came into the world.

  Selena helped Sian clean up Maia and gather his things, preparing to leave, as Mark peeked in the door. A tough warrior who’d faced the worst of enemies with great courage, he’d nevertheless decided to remain outside their tent during the birthing process, just in case his presence brought back luck. Or so he said.

  Mark made his way to her side and stared at the tiny being in her arms. His eyes glittered, and she offered him his daughter. He froze at first, but she nodded and smiled, reassuring him. Once in his arms, their baby gurgled, and the sides of Mark’s mouth turned up.

  “We need a name,” he said, sitting on the edge of the cot. He searched her face, his amber gaze locking with hers. Understanding passed between them instantly.

  “How about Amber Sol?” Maia suggested, and he nodded.


  They stayed that way for an hour at least, Mark fussing over her and the baby. They’d come a long way since he dragged her out of the pleasure synth box, a long way since they’d kept the peace talks between the Blues and the Blacks from disintegrating on that night so long ago.

  The peace didn’t last. Two months later, a Blue named Jeffrey Wellington was found murdered before he could face charges of corporate malfeasance, charges brought about by Maia and Mark’s evidence. The blood sample they found supposedly belonging to Maia’s good Samaritan did indeed belong to Jeffrey, the DNA in his semen matching exactly.

  Jeffrey admitted to holding Maia down when the doctors injected her with the serum her body transformed into the cure for the vampirism virus. A lucky swipe of her hand left enough blood under her fingernails to ID him. By Blue standards, murdering your child and attempting to murder your wife didn’t rate as a crime, but putting your company at risk did.

  Jeffrey’s wife, Margaret, remained missing, and the case remained unsolved.

  The residents of the Camp continued their revolution, trying to bring sanity to an insane world and live each day to the fullest. Maia could think of nowhere she’d rather raise their children than here, with Hannah and Dime settled next to them, making a life of their own. Each day brought challenges, but she’d never been happier.

  “You must be hot and tired,” Mark said, wiping sweat from her forehead with a clean rag.

  She was, indeed. The Old Long Beach summer normally stayed true to form, but this year the temperatures reached unusual highs. Early morning sunrise loomed, and the air in the tent warmed considerably.

  Mark opened the tent flap and returned to her side. He kissed her, his full lips teasing, and longing pooled in her belly.

  “I need you to rest up so we can make a little brother for Amber, you understand?”

  Mark settled their daughter in the crib Dix made just for her. He stretched out on the cot beside Maia, careful not to jostle her. He settled in for a nap and she leaned her head on his shoulder, utterly exhausted.

  Slumber threatened, but a glimmer of sunlight filtered through the hole in the top of the tent, dancing across her eyelids and flirting with her until she acknowledged its hopeful presence.

  And at long last, Maia Weston Artinuous enjoyed the sunrise.


  Visit for more great stories by Cameo Brown.




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