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The Twisted Laird

Page 19

by Cherime MacFarlane

  1Leaning forward with his head in both hands, Edan sighed. "I dinnae ken. I got feelings, mind? Like tae nae do something, or stay away from somewhere."

  Her hand on his back was comforting even if her questions were not. "When did ye get tha feelings? Ah few hours before? Ah day, or night? When?"

  "Mayhap, ah day, or some time before. Does it make ah difference?" he mumbled.

  His granny by marriage put her arm around him and hugged Edan to her. "Och! Of course it makes ah difference. I could have helped ye more, had I this information sooner. Ye've ah touch of tha sight. Nae as strong as Hamish, but ye have it none the less."

  Edan scrubbed his face with both hands. "If I must deal with tha mess, I wish it were clearer. I saw someone in the shop at tha lumber yard. Nae sure who, couldnae see properly."

  Turning his head, Edan glanced up at her. "I'm frightened. Whoever I saw, they were hurt badly. I'm thinking we're going tae lose another. God kens who. Now, I'm going tae be deviled by tha shite."

  "Ye said they were in tha lumber yard? An no one else was round? Then we need tae make sure tae never let anyone go there alone." She stared into his bi colored eyes. "I dinnae ken if we might change it, or nae, we can only try."

  Nodding slowly, Edan agreed. "This eve, we need tae tell all. Nae one is tae be at tha yard shop alone. Nae one. I only saw tha boots. I've nae idea if it was ah male or female."

  "I wish ye could see it all clearly. Then again, maybe for yur peace of mind, 'tis best tae nae delve tae closely intae it."

  With a snort, he looked away from her. "I'll nae have any peace until this is resolved. I wish...I wish it would nae bother me atall. I dinnae need snatches of things I'm nae able tae change. God's teeth! I do hate this!"

  Hesitantly, Cadha patted his good knee. "But, ye can do some things. Hamish trained ye tae take over from tha time ye were ah wean because of tha sight. Had he nae had tha compulsion tae do so, tha rest o' us would be starving in tha glen an ye dead at Culloden."

  The breath whistled out of him as he looked back at her. "I didnae think about it quite that way. I suppose ye're correct."

  "An another question for ye, lad. Ye ken yur Da was nae tae pleased tae find yur brother taking up with Rhona as young as she was. Do ye ken now tha reason?"

  Several things he had never quite understood suddenly clarified themselves in his mind. "Christ!" Edan whispered. "He was nae going tae have her for long. 'Tis tha same reason he spent as much time with tha lass as he did, before he mated with her."

  "And tha same reason he was always ready tae spend time with ye. There ye have it." Putting both hands on her knees, Cadha levered herself upright. "'Tis time ye begrudged her. As jealous of ye as Rhona was, ye were nae better, only more quiet."

  Open mouthed, Edan stared at her back as Cadha left him sitting on the box bed. Her words caused a pain in his chest. In his own way, he had caused Hamish as much distress as Rhona over the relationship.

  Quiet? Yes, he had been silent. Far too silent, when he and Hamish did have time together. "The best of brothers." They were some of the last words Hamish spoke to him. His older brother had been too lenient, he was far removed from the best.

  His method of gaining Hamish's attention had been withdrawal. It had been simply another manner in which to vie for attention. Coaxing him out of sullen silence, Hamish was forced to jolly him into a good humor. And all this time he had thought his 1behavior superior to that of Rhona.

  Could he have reacted to it in a different manner? How might he have made Hamish's life easier? The answer was not long in coming. Ignoring her insults, not nurturing them might have caused Rhona to leave off sooner. Instead, he gave her more reason to pick at him. Because she knew it bothered him, she continued to chip away at his heart.

  His beloved brother had been caught in the middle between them. Edan thought of the story of the two women before Solomon with the baby. 1But, neither he nor Rhona had given up. They pulled at the man like two dogs with a choice bone. How had Hamish coped with both of them with such patience?

  Rhona had been far too young when Hamish and she first mated. As it was, the girl had her own past to deal with. Being a few years older than her, he remembered Cai. 1There was a great deal of talk when the man's treatment of his wife and daughter came to light. Ashamed, she had hidden away from everyone for a very long time.

  Of all people, he should have understood shame. It was his companion every time he was not able to keep up with the other children. The accident might not have been his fault, but he lived with the consequences. And once again, shame was rising up into his heart. The only difference this time was Edan felt shame for his actions, not for his being.

  As surely as Cai had wounded her, he had contributed to it. Rhona was much calmer now. Edan knew he had the babe and Daracha to thank for her civility. His wife had badgered him into letting what was in the past, stay there. Rhona had struck out at him from grief.

  The more he sat and thought about the three of them and their childhood, the better he understood her. "Och!" Edan muttered. "Tha lass is like ah wild cat, all she does is out of fear of being hurt. She hisses an spits at ye, tae keep ye at bay."

  Where as, to keep from being hurt, he hid. Hiding in the shadows, he was as unwilling to take a risk as Rhona. Between the both of them, Hamish had stood, devoted to them both.

  Rising from the box bed, Edan knew it was time to go back to work. He had a commission which must be finished on time. Tonight, he and Cadha would try to change what they could. For now, it was all that could be done.

  As to the new revelations regarding Rhona and himself, that would wait until he could give it further consideration. There was work to be done and he needed to get to it. Jaw set, Edan returned to the workshop.

  Some things were second nature to him. Polishing the surface of a chest with shagreen was one. With the untanned hide wrapped around a block of wood, Edan used long strokes to smooth the surface of the wood. It did not require him to think, it only required him to keep the rhythm.

  Were there too many incidents between the two of them for any reasonable relationship? Rhona certainly would not want to bring up the past. He could agree to that. Neither did he wish to reopen old wounds.

  Could they smooth down the rough places between them enough for a friendship? At the end of one stroke, he lifted the block and glanced at the hide. It was time for a new wrap. Loosening the hide, Edan moved the block to a different spot and returned to stroking the top of the chest.

  What would work on the hard spots between them? What could he use to pare them down? Learning Latin from the old Bible had given him a very good memory for the things contained inside. He was not surprised when, "a soft answer turneth away wrath", popped into his thoughts.

  But a "soft answer" had not exactly worked with Rhona before. Then again, he had not exactly been "patient", nor had he "persevered" in attempting to be patient. Certainly anyone with one good eye, let alone two, would have seen his irritation with her.

  Being honest with himself, required him to admit to fueling the fire by 1insinuating himself into certain situations Edan knew would anger her. And he did it by making sure she was aware of his presence even as he attempted to keep out of Hamish's sight.

  Edan acknowledged he was somewhat slyer than Hamish. It could be his Campbell heritage. No matter the root, he had used his gift of being a shadow within a shadow to tease and torment Rhona. He was far from guiltless.

  What he had been, was deceived. And it was deceit of his own making. Labeling her as a "hellion" after goading her into 1irrational behavior was very wrong. Edan sincerely hoped Hamish had not understood how badly he manipulated Rhona. The entire time Edan kept telling himself, she drove him to it.

  "Hamish! Forgive me, brother." Edan breathed out as he ended the last stroke and leaned over against the chest. Feeling the prickling of tears at the back of his eyes, Edan dropped the block to the bench and used the hem of his shirt to press on his closed eyelids.
  A noise at the door alerted him to company. Scrubbing at his eyes with the back of one hand, he turned away from the door.


  "Aye, luv?"

  Daracha opened the door and stood just inside. "'Tis time tae eat. All are waiting on ye."

  "Ah moment, give me a moment tae move tha lid onto tha bench." He really needed the time to take control of his ragged breathing.

  "Yur voice sounds hoarse. Are ye getting ill?"

  He coughed and waved a hand in the direction of the plank he had been working on. "Nae, 'tis just tha fine dust. I didnae ken tha hour."

  Not really hungry, he ate what he could. Sitting back with a cup of ale, Edan waited until everyone was finished eating before calling all to silence.

  "It has come tae my attention that we need tae be more careful with tha lumber yard."

  Lara fixed Rhona with a piercing stare. Rhona shrugged. The girl turned back to Edan.

  "'Tis tae far from tha house. I dinnae want anyone there alone."

  Lara started to say something.

  Edan held up one hand and yelled. "Nae! No discussion. 'Tis an order, ye will obey me, or suffer the consequences."

  The only sound in the room was the hissing of the coal on the fire. He waited for a moment to allow his words to sink in. "An tha means nae one, including Jamie and I. Do ye all ken what I'm saying?"

  Slowly there were nods and "aye" was heard from the women. Edan turned to Jamie who was staring at him.

  "Anderson, I'll have yur agreement as well."

  Jamie gave a short nod. "Aye, Laird. Agreed."

  "Well now. I'm ready for my bed. Rhona, ye and Jamie, och and Lara are tae meet with me in tha shop in tha morn. We need tae plan how tae accomplish what needs done." Rising, Edan held out a hand to Daracha. "Come, wife."

  Without a murmur of dissent, Daracha followed him up the stairs. Once in their bedroom, she circled his waist with her arms and placed her head on his back.

  "What's bothering ye? I ken something is."

  Peeling her right hand away from his body, Edan brought her fingers up to kiss them. "I've ah bad feeling about tha yard. 'Tis tae far from tha house. A thief on horseback could do mischief an be gone before we could do aught. I'm trying tae protect what we have left."

  Losing her hold on Edan, Daracha allowed him to turn in her embrace.

  "We've lost enough, luv. I dinnae ken if I can stand losing another." Edan whispered into her hair.

  Her arms closed around him again. "I ken, dear heart." Lifting her face to his, Daracha smiled at him. "I've a good thing tae tell ye tonight. Something tae make ye glad. I'm pregnant, husband. Ye're tae be ah da ah few months after yur nephew is born."

  In the light of the candle, Daracha watched as a look of surprise followed by amazement chased the frown from Edan's face. Taking her head in both hands, the kiss was so tender it brought tears to her eyes.

  "I didnae think...some how...da? Ah bairn of our own. Daracha, my luv, aye, ye've made me glad an I cannae speak." Instead, he kissed her again.

  Chapter Twenty - Eight

  The giggling started when Rhona told Daracha what she had decided on as a name for the child she carried. Daracha blurted out that she was with child as well and her babe would be born a few months after Rhona's.

  Rhona did not recall ever having whispered and giggled in a corner with anyone. Daracha's joy was 1irresistible.

  "Och! If it's ah lass, I'm naming her Ailene." Rhona smiled at Daracha.

  "Nae! Ye cannae." With another giggle, Daracha slapped Rhona lightly on her arm.

  "In heaven's name, why do ye say nae?" Rhona asked.

  "Ye're nae having ah lass. And," Daracha put her hand up to her mouth to cover another laugh. "I'm naming my lass Ailene. So, ye cannae."

  A sparkle of humor lit the blue eyes which smiled up at Rhona. With a grin, Rhona responded. "I'm tae be first an will have first choice. If it's ah lass, ye'd best find another name that pleases ye."

  "Och! Nae need, all ken 'tis ah lad ye're carrying. For he's sitting low on yur hips. All lads like tae dally round tha hips, mind?"

  The fit of giggles got worse. Shortly, both young women were leaning against each other as they laughed. Tucked away in a corner near the doorway to the weaving room, they were out of the main stream of traffic. 1Talking quietly, they were largely ignored until their laughter drew the attention of the other women.

  Edan was watching from his position near the hearth. Finishing his tea, he rose and walked over to stand next to Daracha.

  "Spilled yur news tae Rhona, did ye?" He bent to kiss his wife on the forehead.

  "Aye. We're having ah talk about names. Seems we're fond of tha same one for ah lass. But as she's having ah lad, I get tha name."

  The look on Daracha's face as she looked up at Edan held so much affection, Rhona felt her heart twist. It was the same for Edan. The smile he wore was so tender, it nearly set Rhona to crying where she stood.

  "An when might ye be telling tha rest of tha hens?" Edan asked softly. "Ye do ken," he glanced up at Rhona for an instant, "they're going tae wonder what ye tae are whispering over."

  The look Edan gave her caused Rhona to pull back slightly. In that short glance she had seen nothing of the young man she had sparred with over the years. The two colored eyes were filled with confidence. Taking a short step back, Rhona took note of his bearing. Shoulders erect, there was a strength about him she had not noticed in the glen.

  Reaching out, Edan pulled his wife's head toward him. Closing his eyes, he placed another kiss on her forehead. Daracha's hands rested lightly on his shoulders. On breaking the kiss, Edan pulled back slightly and the couple exchanged another look.

  His arm went around Daracha as Edan turned to Rhona. Watching the other woman lean into her husband, Rhona was flooded with grief.

  "Jamie an Lara are in tha shop. Ye'll be meeting us there shortly?" he asked.

  "Aye. I'll be but ah moment. I've ah question for Daracha."

  Edan nodded to her as he gave Daracha a quick squeeze before moving away. His wife's eyes followed the man as he walked to the door. The limp was not as pronounced and the walking stick he carried barely touched the floor in front of him. Rhona noted his gait still rolled, a bit like a sailor fresh in from the sea. Edan was no longer a hesitant young man, he was the Laird of MacGrough. He had grown into it, as Hamish knew he would.

  Turning away from the sight of Edan, Rhona ducked her head. She had missed Edan's transformation. It had happened while she was involved in her own misery. What it meant for her was not clear. Reflecting on that thought, Rhona involuntarily clutched her fingers together. If she did not pay more attention to what was going around her, to the rest of the clan, she could miss something of vital importance.

  "Rhona? Ye had ah question?"

  "Och!" Daracha's voice startled her. "Could ye ask Cadha if she might be willing tae teach me tae knit? My mither has tried nae works between us."

  "Certainly, hen. Granny will nae mind. She loves teaching anything. Ye've bairn things ye're wanting tae make?"

  "Aye." Rhona smiled. "Mither is busy making things, but I want tae do so as well. Never thought I'd want tae learn it, but 'tis different when it's yur own."

  Daracha laughed. "I ken. I'm wondering when I will be able tae take tha time tae begin knitting. I've three lengths of cloth tae finish, an God only kens what more will come in."

  "Ye've only yurself tae blame. Yur work is tae lovely for words. Dinnae do so well an ye'll be less popular."

  Daracha broke into a laugh. "Ah, now hen, 1‘twas truly ah backhanded compliment. I'll ask Granny for ye later. Now, go along afore Edan sends Adie tae find ye."

  Jamie was shaking Edan's hand when Rhona entered the shop. The men turned to her with a smile. Edan pushed the tall stool in her direction. Lara sat on Edan's work bench next to Anderson, swinging her feet.

  "Take ah seat. We need tae discuss how tae go about rearranging tha schedule. Jamie tells
me ye've already asked him tae take over tha yard for the winter."

  Settling herself on the stool, Rhona turned to Edan. "I dinnae want tae fall in tha mud. I'm tae full an ah fall might injure tha bairn."

  Leaning against his bench, Edan looked over at Jamie. "Are ye done spreading tha manure on tha field yet?"

  "Next week, tha last will be down. But, I dinnae need tae be there as long as ye take ah look now an again. Tha lads I hired know what's tae go where. Frankly, I'm wondering how much business we will have through tha winter. Building is already slowing. Tha roads are near tae burns, as full of water as they are."

  The adults nodded. Lara tapped Jamie on the arm. "Is tha shipping going tae slow as well?"

  Jamie smiled at the girl. "I've nae idea. Per'aps ah bit, nae much I would think. Why do ye ask, lass?"

  Folding her arms over her chest, Lara glared at Jamie. "We're barely keeping up with stocking an are nearly out of tha building material. Per'aps we need tae build stock while demand is slow?"

  Glancing up at Rhona, Jamie shook his head. "I thought all young lasses thought of was dolls an such like. What have ye been teaching this wean?"

  Lara tugged on Jamie's coat sleeve. "I'm tae old for dolls. I like helping Rhona an I'm nae daft. It only makes sense. If Edan, sorry, if tha laird didnae have tha chests, stock when we got here, we all might have starved."

  Looking from one female to the other, Edan broke into laughter. When he stopped laughing, he looked at Rhona. "Do ye have tha yard ledger with ye? It seems we need to ken if we have money tae build stock."

  "Aye. 'Tis in my pocket. Hold ah moment." Rhona stood and reached into the slit in the side seam of her skirt that allowed her to reach into the set of pockets tied to her waist.

  "Here!" She pulled the ledger for the lumber yard out and handed it to Edan. "Tis current as of yester eve. Correct, Lara?"


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