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Page 8

by S. E. Lund

  "Oh, God," I moaned, my body spasming while the pleasure seared through me.

  "So good," he said, his fingers deep inside of me. He moved closer and sucked on one of my nipples and that made me clench even harder, my body tightening around his fingers. "So fucking good."

  I panted, recovering while my orgasm waned. Drake kept his fingers inside of me and then pulled me closer for a kiss, his mouth devouring mine. When he pulled back, he finally removed his fingers and licked them, his eyes not leaving mine.

  He lifted me off the counter and I stood up, my legs weak.

  "On your knees," he commanded. I knelt in front of him and waited for his next order. "Unzip me."

  I did, unfastening his belt and then unzipping him. I could see the thick outline of his cock, a wet spot where his fluid leaked out.

  "Take them off."

  I complied, pulling his shorts down over his thighs and to the floor. He stepped out of them and stood in his boxer briefs.

  "Put your mouth on me."

  I held his hips in my hands and leaned forward, my mouth on his shaft. I moved it over his length from the base to the tip, stopping to mouth the head, licking it, tasting his saltiness.

  "Take them off," he ordered and I complied, slipping his boxer briefs down over his thighs and down to the floor. His cock sprung loose and bobbed in front of my face. I tried to hold back a smile, because he was so ready, dripping.

  "What are you smiling about? You're going to take it – all of it – down your throat."

  I glanced up at him and his eyes were narrow, like he was angry with me, but I knew he wasn't. He was struggling not to smile as well.

  "Sorry," I said. Then I did what he said and took him in my mouth, slowly sucking his length into my throat, as far as I could take him until I gagged.

  "You're out of practice," he observed. "I guess I'm going to have to train you again. Now, I'm going to fuck your mouth for a while. Then I'm going to fuck you until you come on my cock."

  I couldn't respond with his very thick cock stretching my mouth wide. Instead, I sucked on the head, my tongue running around the rim of flesh, then I held still while he slowly and lazily fucked my mouth. I cupped his balls with one hand while I sucked him, my eyes open and gazing up into his eyes. I saw such lust in them I wondered if he wouldn’t just finish in my mouth, but he didn’t. When he got close, he stopped and pulled out. I'd only come once and once was never enough for Drake.

  I had to have two orgasms – at a minimum – to each one of his. He always said one of my orgasms was for him and the other was for me.

  "I'm selfish. The first orgasm you have is always mine because I give it to you and it's mine alone."

  "But they’re both mine," I said, smiling at him.

  "You don't understand," was his simple reply.

  Now, he lifted me up and turned me around so that we faced the kitchen island, and we could see our reflections in the picture window.

  "Drake, people could see..."

  "Let them watch. They'll be jealous."

  I smiled to myself and closed my eyes while his hands squeezed my breasts, his fingers tweaking my nipples. Then he stroked my clit, his erection pressed between my buttocks. Soon, I was moving my hips against his hand, needing the sensation.

  "You’re ready again," he said, nibbling on my shoulder. "Insatiable aren't you, Katherine?"

  "I'm always hungry for you," I replied.

  "Good, because I'm going to fuck you – hard." He entered me in one smooth push right to the root, and I could feel his balls slap against my pussy as he began thrusting. In the reflection, I could see my breasts shaking with each thrust and watched as Drake grit his teeth and pumped hard, one hand on my hip, the other slipping around to stroke my clit.

  He knew my body so well that soon, I was at the edge of my second orgasm, the sweetness cresting and threatening to overflow.

  "I'm going to--"

  "Come for me..."

  I did, the pleasure spiking, my body tensing, my flesh convulsing around his cock as he thrust inside me.

  "Oh, God, oh God..."

  Drake thrust harder and soon he too orgasmed, his face contorted in pleasure, his hands gripping my hips and pulling me against him with each thrust.

  "Fuck," he groaned, breathing in through his teeth.

  When he was finished, he leaned over me, his hands on either side of mine on the marble surface.

  "I needed that," he murmured in my ear.

  "I did, too." I smiled when he kissed and playfully bit my shoulder.

  "You came so fast both times. I've been depriving you, I see."

  "You have been. You're very mean."

  We laughed, because of course, Drake would never deprive me of pleasure. It was me who was always too tired for sex.

  I hoped that would change, now that Sophie slept most of the night through plus had a nice nap during the day. I didn't feel nearly as exhausted as I had when she was younger.

  I felt Drake slip out of my body and immediately grabbed a paper towel from the counter and placed it between my thighs.

  "Gotta run," I said and ran to the bathroom to clean up.

  Drake followed me and watched as I washed up.

  "Let's have a shower," he said, as he turned on the water. When it was the right temperature, he opened the glass door and led me in. Then, he washed me, taking his time, his eyes on mine the entire time.

  "It's nice to have you all to myself," he said in a deep warm voice. "I miss you."

  "I miss you," I said softly. It was so nice standing there in Drake's arms as the water flowed over us, the warmth comforting. I could have stood there for an hour, enjoying the moment with Drake that happened all too infrequently.

  When we went to bed later, after a drink of hot tea, watching the stars twinkle over the ocean, I felt like my life was finally back to normal. While I often fell asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow, that night I lay awake for a while, Drake's arm thrown around my waist, our hands clasped, and tried to appreciate what I had.

  Chapter 8


  Over the next couple of weeks, I spent most of my free time with Kate and Sophie. In addition, I visited several times with Brenda to talk about Liam while he was still at school. We discussed Maureen's mental health since Chris decided to return to his job in Kuala Lumpur. She thought Maureen was depressed and needed counseling if she was willing to leave Liam behind for six months at a time. I had to agree. For a mother to decide to leave their child behind, she had to be depressed and unable to face losing Chris.

  I couldn’t imagine having to choose between Kate and Sophie.

  I couldn't imagine it.

  I would do everything in my power to not have to choose, but you can only control your own actions. You can't control the other person and I guess Maureen couldn’t convince Chris to stay in the USA.

  I would have stayed with Liam, had I been Maureen.

  If Chris was so selfish that he would rather lose contact with Liam than stay and work at another job, he'd in effect bailed on Liam.

  Then Maureen did as well. It was horrible.

  When Liam came home from school, I spent some time with him, sitting on the floor in his bedroom while he played with his video game, listening to him talk about school and how he liked being able to go with the other kids. He'd missed most of his first grade due to treatment and was a year behind, but he didn't care. He wanted to go to school. He loved being in remission and being able to ride his bike around the neighborhood, or play soccer with the other boys in the playground.

  It would have been a shame to take him away from his life in California after finally getting healthy enough to go to school and be 'a normal boy.'

  "Thanks for coming by, Drake," Brenda said when I went to the door to go home. "We'll get this figured out. Maybe if Maureen is away from Liam for a while, she'll realize that she can't be happy with him here, separated from her."

  "I hope she comes to that re
alization before she goes. You know and I know it will be really hard on Liam if she doesn't come back and decides to stay."

  Brenda shook her head sadly. "I don't know what happened to her, but she must really be broken about Chris's decision to go back to Indonesia. I hope she comes to her senses."

  "Me as well. See you later. Call me any time you need to talk. And please, I'd like to spend more time with Liam. I'll be talking to my lawyer about joint custody and we'll get going on it as soon as possible."

  "I hope it works out," she said but didn't look all that positive about the prospects. "You'll have to be prepared in case your personal history makes a judge hesitate to give you joint custody. Even given the circumstances."

  "I know," I said. "I'm trying to be realistic about it."

  I waved goodbye and went back home, feeling good about seeing Liam, but torn about what I was facing with getting joint custody. I knew it would be an uphill battle.

  When I got back home, it was almost time for dinner and Kate was standing at the stove, stirring a pot of Italian tomato sauce. In a frying pan next to it, about a dozen meatballs sizzled. Sophie sat in her high chair and played with her toys. She gave me a big smile when I went to her and kissed the top of her head.

  "How did it go?" Kate asked when I went to her and slipped my arms around her.

  She turned around in my arms and held my face in her hands, giving me a quick kiss.

  "Good. I saw Liam, had a nice visit with him. Brenda and I had a good talk about Maureen and Chris. Not much to report other than that. We'll have to just give it a try and hope the judge we get is reasonable about my past."

  "He or she would be a fool not to grant you joint custody, especially considering Maureen is planning to go to Indonesia for at least six months."

  "You're biased," I said and kissed her.

  "I am."

  Two days. Forty-eight hours of family bliss with my beautiful wife and baby.

  That's all I had before getting a call to cover the shift of one of the other neuros who had a family crisis and couldn't come in to work. I'd promised my supervisor that I'd be as flexible as possible, covering shifts when needed because I wanted to work and would be happy to be the grunt doc at the hospital.

  When I got the text, Kate was sitting with Sophie on the beach down from our house, digging in the sand. I stood on the deck and watched them while I decided what to do. Technically, I was due five days off because that was my shift – five on and five off. But I had agreed to be the resident neurosurgery float who would come in and cover a shift if necessary, so that's what I had to do.

  Kate was supposed to go to her studio after lunch and work on her painting, while Sophie and I were going to spend the afternoon together, walking the beach and doing baby daddy things.

  Now, I would have to screw everything up.

  I felt bad that I would be leaving Kate after being away the previous day all afternoon. She'd happily forgone going to the studio so I could visit with Brenda. I texted Elaine to see if she could sit for us so that Kate could go to the studio as planned.

  DRAKE: I was supposed to be home with Sophie to let Kate go to the studio and get some work done on her painting, but I was called in to cover a shift and I can't say no. Would you be able to come and sit with Sophie so Kate can still go to the studio?

  I sent the text and waited. Elaine was usually on top of things so I got a response within a couple of minutes.

  ELAINE: I'd love to come by. I'll see if Ethan will join me so we can both play with her.

  DRAKE: Kate could drop Sophie off at your place if that would be easier for Ethan.

  ELAINE: No, it's better that Sophie is at her house. Besides, it gets Ethan out of the house, which is good for him. He gets a bit down when he stays in the house too long. I'm sure he'd love to be able to come to your place. I'll text you right back.

  I waited while she talked to Ethan and sure enough, in a couple of minutes, she replied.

  ELAINE: Ethan has a teleconference at 3 so maybe it's best if you drop Sophie off here. Sorry! I forgot about it...

  DRAKE: No, that's perfectly fine. I'm sure Kate will be just as happy to leave Sophie with you. Thanks again for all your help, I just hate to disappoint Kate when she's so eager to get to work on her painting.

  ELAINE: We're always happy to sit with Sophie. Never hesitate to ask.

  DRAKE: Thanks again. Talk later.

  It was great of Elaine to be so willing to look after Sophie on a moment's notice but I figured that she never had her own kids and probably saw Sophie as her only chance to mother a child. Whatever her motivation, I was glad. I knew how much Kate was looking forward to her trip to the studio that day and wanted her to feel able to go even if I had to take an extra shift at the hospital.

  I put my cell down and took my coffee out to the beach where Kate and Sophie were sitting under a sun umbrella.

  "Hey there, pretty ladies," I said and plopped down beside them. "What are you making?"

  "A sandcastle. You can't tell by looking at it, because each time I put a pail of sand there for a turret, Sophie demolishes it."

  "That's my girl," I said and patted Sophie's head affectionately. Then I turned to Kate. "Just to let you know, I got a text that I'm needed to cover a shift at three."

  Kate's face changed and I knew she was disappointed. Before she could respond, I added: "I talked to Elaine and you can drop Sophie off at their place before you go to the studio. I didn't want to ruin your plans at least."

  "Aww," Kate said with a frown. "That's too bad. I had hopes of us spending five whole days together." She pouted.

  "I know," I said and stroked her cheek. "Me, too. But duty calls. It's because I agreed to be really flexible and cover shifts that I was hired in the first place. I don't want to bite the hand that feeds me..."

  "Drake, you don't need to ever worry about money," Kate said. "If you wanted, you wouldn't have to work at all."

  "I'm a neurosurgeon," I said and shrugged. "What would I be if I didn't cut into people's brains?"

  "You'd be a philanthropist and a bass player and a wonderful human being. Isn't that right, Sophie?" Kate bent down and peered at Sophie's face under the brim of her floppy sunhat.

  Sophie smiled up at Kate and proceeded to slap her shovel against Kate's latest attempt at a sandcastle.

  "My cheering section," I said with a sigh. "We still have two days after today. Hopefully, Wallace will be back to do his shifts tomorrow, although I doubt it. I don't want to have to miss two days with you but we may only have one."

  "Can't someone else cover for him?"

  I shrugged. "I either say yes or no, and if I say no too many times, they'll find someone else."

  "It's not like neurosurgeons with loads of experience are a dime a dozen, Drake."

  "I know," I replied, helping build up the sand around the single turret Kate had managed to construct before Sophie could destroy it. "But I signed a contract. I have to live up to my end."

  Kate sighed audibly, which made me feel good that she wanted us to spend time together as a family – and as a couple.

  "It's really not so bad. We've had a nice two days together, haven't we?"

  She smiled. "We have. But I need more Drake," she said, climbing over to where I sat and snuggling into my arms. "I don't get nearly enough Drake."

  "Drake is all yours," I said. "Hopefully, tomorrow and the day after. I promise you lots more Drake. Six feet two inches and even more inches of Drake. Tomorrow, okay?"

  We kissed and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Beside us, Sophie pounded the lone turret until it fell onto nothing.

  I changed into a clean set of scrubs and then kissed both Kate and Sophie goodbye before driving off for my shift at the hospital. My shift was busy, and almost immediately, we were inundated with several head injuries coming from a multiple car accident on the freeway. After we were finished triage and I took my patient to the OR, I spent the next two hours doing delicate surgery t
o relieve pressure on the man's brain. An elderly man in his eighties, he and his wife had been traveling north when a drunk or drugged driver crashed into them and sent them careening into the path of a semi-trailer. There were five cars involved and several traumas due to the high speeds involved.

  When the last of the surgeries was finished, we gathered in the staff room and had a break, trying to decompress during whatever down time we had before the next cases came in.

  "Your dad was a trauma surgeon in Philadelphia, right?" Pete, one of the trauma surgeons said. "I remember him. He did a lot of work with Doctors Without Borders, right? Died in a plane crash in Ethiopia? He was legendary. He developed these crazy good surgical clamps that we use today."

  I nodded and we discussed my father.

  "He was really good with tools," I said. "He had his old Lada that he bought from someone who immigrated from the Soviet Union and used to tinker on it every weekend. He always had trouble with that car, but he made it run. He always said that if he couldn't have been a surgeon, he would have been a mechanic."

  "He was in Vietnam, right?" Pete asked.

  I nodded. "He was."

  Our discussion made me melancholic and I missed my father in a way I hadn't for a long time. The truth was that he was always in the back of my mind, but there were few opportunities to discuss him in any depth. Doing so brought out a deep ache in my chest. I was lucky to have Ethan in my life as a father-substitute, but it wasn't the same.

  It made me even more determined to apply for joint custody of Liam. I wanted to make sure he knew and felt that I was a father to him. Chris had been a father to him all this time and I knew he was a good father, but I suspected that finding out Liam wasn't his had put a damper on his feelings for the boy. It was cruel if true. Liam didn't know anything different other than Chris was the only father he had known his entire life. I was still just a stranger, becoming more familiar to him as time passed. But I knew I wasn't a father – not yet.


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