The Star Of Saree (GODS OF THE FOREVER SEA Book 3)
Page 54
Tempest had helped too, but now it was time for her to go. She had decided to keep her promise to Kian. Endra had protested little when Tempest told the mercenary about her plans. Endra was still a mess, and she knew that it was best for the children to be with Tempest until she could come to terms with what had happened.
It was Pepca who had argued about her leaving. They had a heated discussion on the subject, which Tempest had won. Now that Trimenia was stable, the Church would resume their hunt for those with the blood. The Order of the Blessed would return with members of the Hand and the burnings would begin again.
Pepca insisted she could protect her and the children from the inquisition, but they both knew it wasn’t true. If the Church came in force, Pepca would be hard-pressed to keep them safe, especially with her own secret to hide. Fear of the Church wasn’t the only reason she was leaving, though. Kian was like a father to her. He had risked much to keep her safe, and she loved the strange warrior. Taking care of his children would honor that love. Tempest hadn’t realized how much she counted on the quiet swordsman’s company and council until he was gone.
Walking up beside her friend, she put her hand on Pepca’s shoulder.
“That is the biggest one yet,” the queen said.
“I believe you are right,” Tempest said with a smile. “Let’s get it back to the kitchens so we can have it tonight.”
Their last dinner had been pleasant, neither mentioning their parting. The stag had been delicious and the evening wonderful. When morning came, she had dressed herself and prepared the children to leave.
Now Pepca stood watching her load a wagon with supplies and her charges. The queen adjusted her new cloak. It was a lovely burgundy color with a fur collar made from a black wolf’s pelt. Her dark hair was brushed and she had a bit of paint on her face. Tempest thought Pepca was starting to look very much like a young queen.
“Can’t I at least talk you into taking someone with you?” Pepca pleaded.
“I don’t need anyone. Besides, who would it be? The farther north we get, the less people we will see so the less danger. I’m not helpless.”
“Tempest, you’re alone with a pack of small children. Anything could happen.”
“The gods will watch over us. We will be fine till Cromwell or Kian returns.”
Pepca began to cry and that made her eyes mist up as well. She pulled Pepca into her arms.
“Don’t be sad.”
“When you leave, I will be alone,” the queen whispered.
“We will come for a visit next summer if all is well. I promise we will see each other again, Pepca.”
The queen kissed her cheek and held her face between her hands. “You must promise to be careful. I couldn’t bear it if you came to any harm.”
Tempest took Pepca’s hand from her face and kissed its palm.
“I promise. Farewell, Majesty.”
“Godspeed, Tempest… I love you.”
Tempest climbed into the wagon and smiled at Pepca through her own tears. “I love you too. You are not alone. I will always be with you, don’t forget that.”
The white-haired young woman slapped the reins and the two horses moved forward. The children blew kisses and yelled their farewells as the wagon pulled away.
Pepca waved at them until they disappeared over the horizon.
* * *
She found her father sitting on his throne. His dark eyes watched her as she crossed the bridge. Syann had never liked the veil of Hell and seldom visited it. As she crossed to the island, the goddess’s hand covered her mouth as the figure of her mother came into sight.
Only once had she seen the tree torture a victim and she had hoped to never witness it again. Her mother’s pale frame writhed in agony as the serpents slowly burrowed in and out of her. When not in her throat or mouth, nightmarish screams echoed over the lake of blood with a terrifying resonance.
“How long will she stay there?” Syann asked, looking up at the Mistress.
“Till she has paid for her treachery or till the sun burns out. I have not decided.”
A sigh escaped her. She and her mother didn’t get along well, but she didn’t know if she could bear this.
“You did well in the throne room, Syann.”
The goddess brushed a loose strand of blonde hair back, surprised by her father’s praise. “Helana will hate me, but it is best for her.”
“And you?” Octavian said, raising a brow.
“Yes, and me.”
“It matters little what your girl thinks. Vengeance to us is like true love to the mortals, rare and sweet, never to be squandered.”
“I wish it was not so.”
“Violence and death are who we are. One day, you will accept this.”
Syann glanced at her mother. “She is much like you.”
Octavian gazed up, taking in the convulsions of his struggling wife.
“Yes, Amaris is the strongest and fiercest of all my sisters. It is a shame she is such a jackal.”
“She loves you.”
Octavian’s look was without mercy. “That was her undoing.”
“The others will seek to come against us now. Perhaps even try to destroy us.”
“Let them. Those who won’t stand with us will be culled. We have enemies much greater than they to worry about.”
Syann nodded. “Yes, you spoke of your father. Tell me of him.”
“In time. For now, I don’t wish to frighten you without cause.”
“Is he that powerful?”
“He is the Darkness, Syann. If he comes, all we have won will be laid to waste.”
Syann shivered. She had never seen her father speak of anyone with such reverence.
“If he comes, can you stop him?”
Octavian glanced up at his wife once more. “We shall see.”
* * *
Raven heard a piercing scream echo through the tower. Running into the hall of the top floor, she saw Selena and Winter both staring at her. They had heard the cry too.
“I think it came from Destiny’s room,” Selena said.
They quickly moved to their youngest sister’s chamber. Raven threw the door open without a knock.
Destiny sat on her bed, rocking and mumbling to herself.
Raven sat beside her and stroked her sister’s dark hair. “What is it, another vision?”
Destiny nodded. “Yes, the phoenix has risen and now the wolf runs free. The time of blood nears, Raven. I am afraid.”
Raven pulled her close and shushed her. “Bring her wine,” Raven said, staring up at her sisters. Winter left to fetch the drink.
“Should we summon Father? Maybe he should be told of her revelations,” Selena said with a frown.
“No, not yet. For now, we keep this to ourselves. Tell the others. Till we know what these revelations mean, we stay silent.”
Selena nodded her agreement.
Winter brought the wine and Destiny swallowed half the cup before she put it down. “Raven,” she whispered.
“Yes, dear?”
“The wars are coming and we will have to fight.”
Raven frowned. “What wars? Who will we have to fight?”
Destiny grabbed her shoulders, her bottom lip quivering. “Everyone.”
“Kiandria, we are ready,” the aged elven mage said, peeking through the door.
She wished she could have spent more time with her sons. Though both had been twisted and tainted by the human world, she loved them. They were Favian’s children, after all.
No matter what of Saree’s fate, her children would forever be cursed to live outside the world of elves and men. Only the dark gods of Shadow Dragon Mountain would embrace them.
If they could, the creatures of the mountain would take her sons and use them to spread their evil. Neither Kian nor Tavantis would be any use to the elves now. It would be too great a risk to even attempt to sway them to her cause. Besides, she’d had to publicly denounce her offspring before she had been
allowed back into Sylonia. They would never help her now, and they would never understand. All Kia could do was pray to the ancestors that her sons would have the strength to resist the sinister forces that surrounded them.
She walked into the hidden chamber and dropped her gown to stand naked before the assembly. All the remaining elders were present. What few mages had been hidden from Octavian and his fellow immortals now surrounded her. Here, beneath the ruins of the last elven stronghold of Sarval, she would finally meet her destiny.
The circular chamber was devoid of ornamentation. Only the torches along the wall broke the room’s emptiness. She took her place in the center of the gathering. The spot was marked by the symbols of the four elements—fire, land, water, and air. It was where she was meant to stand centuries ago.
The old fear threatened her resolve just as it had then, but now after all this time, she had learned to quell it. Soon she would bear a great power, and a great burden. Through her, the elves would have a chance to rise again.
As the wizards began to chant, she could feel the souls of the old archmages stir to life inside her. A hidden breeze made her hair flutter as she slowly rose into the air. The magic inside her had awakened.
Kia cried out from the sum of the power coursing through her body as she slowly rotated above the stunned spectators. The extent of the magic was nearly too great for her to survive the pains of its birth.
Her right arm glowed brightly with a white light, and when it dimmed, from her shoulder to the back of her hand was covered with the images of flames so vivid she thought her arm was on fire. The left arm followed depictions of dark storm clouds and lightning. Then both legs shone with the white light. When it faded, one leg was covered from buttocks to foot with scenes of mountains, forests and plains, with ocean waves and winding rivers covering the other.
The mages stared as the likeness of a blue dragon spread across the woman’s back—its wings spanning across her shoulders, its tail sinking down to the small of her back, and the majestic head rising along her neck. The tattoo was so striking, it looked as if the great wyrm could spring to life at any moment.
She spun faster and the shape of a seven-pointed elven star was emblazed between her small breasts. Violent spasms made Kia jerk and twitch, and it seemed like an eternity passed before the magic allowed her fall to the cold stone floor.
Laying there, she watched the old wizards circle her, all staring down in amazement at her flamboyantly illustrated body.
“It is done,” she heard a voice say.
* * *
Kian sat on his horse, looking out over the southern foothills of Sylonia. He had returned his mother to her people. Before they parted, she had told him that her destiny had to be fulfilled alone. What that meant, she had not told him, nor had he asked. Kian found he cared little.
He thought finding his mother alive and well would change things, but it hadn’t. He had let the darkness out and no matter how hard he tried, he could not gather all of it back. A portion was free, and would forever remain so. A part of him welcomed it like an old rival.
Looking down, he saw that his hands no longer trembled and the pain in his head was slight. Kian knew whatever plagued him had passed. Tavantis was right, he was changing. Though he didn’t know what he was becoming, he knew now that it could not be stopped.
He looked to the northwest, his golden eyes searching the horizon. In that direction lay Gildor’s valley. If Tempest had kept her promise, his children would be there. K’xarr and the Sons lay somewhere to the south. His horse danced to the side impatiently as he thought things over.
Pulling the animal’s head around, Kian galloped to the northeast. He would ride to Tain and take a ship from Roarwyn’s capital. Perhaps he would travel to the Harsh Coast. Cromwell and K’xarr had spoken of it often and he had always wanted to see it for himself.
The wind pulled his dark hair behind him as he gave the horse the reins. The Slayer sped through the low foothills of Sylonia as if he could escape his destiny.
To Be Continued in Book Four...
Kian Cardan—Half-elven swordsman/The Slayer/Arradar/
Tavantis Cardan—Half-elven sorcerer/The Dark One
K’xarr Strom—Mercenary Captain of The Sons of the Reaper
Cromwell Blood—Toran warrior/K’xarr closest friend and lieutenant in the Sons of the Reaper
Endra Korlest—Sorrackan warrior/Member of The Sons of the Reaper
Rhys Morgan—Healer from Tara
Rufio Rabinus Tullus—former Dragitan Cavalry officer/ Lieutenant in The Sons of the Reaper
Nick Nock—Cook/Spellcaster
Ivan Rusgule—Asconan knight killed in Masaria
Ashlyn Sweet—former circus performer known as the Falcon/Member of The Sons of the Reaper
Beck—A mercenary in The Sons of the Reaper
Kago Kattan—former general of the papal army/ Lieutenant in The Sons of the Reaper
Hastings—Mercenary in The Sons of the Reaper
Tench—Mercenary in The Sons of the Reaper
The Gods
Elder Gods
Octavian/the Reaper—God of Death
Hesperina—Queen of the Gods, Octavian’s aunt
The Mistress—Queen of Hell, Mistress of the dead, wife and sister of Octavian
Octavia—Goddess of Nature, twin sister of Octavian
Shiavaka—Goddess of Magic, Octavian’s sister
The Beast—God of Evil, Octavian’s brother
Fane—God of War, Octavian’s brother
Cem—former King of the Gods, Octavian’s uncle (Slain by Octavian)
Galames—God of the Sun, Hesperina’s brother
Drusilla—Goddess of the Moon, Octavian’s sister
Satron—God of the Sea, Hesperina’s brother
Amulus—God of the Sky, Cem’s brother
Mantel—God of Mountains, Cem’s brother
Penelope—Goddess of Hope, Hesperina’s sister (Slain by Octavian)
Lesser Gods
Syann—Goddess of Justice, daughter of Octavian and the Mistress
Nikodemos—God of Vengeance, son of Octavian and the Mistress
Helana/The Maiden—Goddess of the Hunt and Female Warriors, daughter of Syann and Airius
Airius—God of the Dawn, son of Penelope and Galames
Ranjan—Smith of the Gods, son of Penelope and Mantel
Dendera—Goddess of the Harvest, daughter of Hesperina and Cem
Celestia—Goddess of Medicine and Healing, daughter of the Beast and Octavia
Kendarin—God of Trade, son of Dendera and Airius
Soren—God of Music, son of Cem and Hesperina
Tasel—God of Dreams, son of Drusilla and Amulus
Kamish—God of Hunting, son of Cem and Hesperina
Tobiah—God of the Arts, son of Airius and Valintina
Ramiel—God of Mischief, son of Amulus and Drusilla
Tagas—God of Strength, Son of Mantel and Penelope
Valdrey—God of Victory, son of Fane and Dendera
Witches/ the Sins
Selena—Cromwell Blood’s mother
Gabrielle—K’xarr Strom’s mother
Delilah—daughter of K’xarr Strom and Raven
The Circle of Thirteen
Vanguard—Archmage Master of the Circle of Thirteen
Tragedy—daughter of the Beast
Stone Crow
Green Tiger
Silver Scar
The Widow