Rush of Innocence (Rush Series #1)
Page 7
She stopped trying to rein in the tears. Her chest burned with hurt from his rejection. More than anything, she wished she wouldn’t have stopped him… not told him. She entered the lobby of her own building and stood with her head bowed at the elevator doors, praying they’d open quickly.
She gasped when a hand whirled her around. An angry Rush Drayton stood before her.
“What the hell are you doing?”
A sob broke free from her lips, further cementing her shame. With an oath, he gathered her against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t… just don’t,” he whispered against her hair.
“Please let me go,” she begged as she struggled to contain her scattered emotions.
The elevator doors pinged their opening. He ushered her into the car. “Which floor?” he murmured.
She shook her head. “Please just go,” she sobbed.
“Which floor?” he demanded between clenched teeth.
“Ninth,” she uttered as tears streaked unheeded across her cheeks.
It seemed to take forever to reach the ninth floor. He led her out and stopped.
“Which condo?” he asked gruffly.
Trying to shake off his arms, she cried, “Please just go. You’ve done your gentlemanly duty. You can certainly sleep well tonight.”
With a deep sigh, he murmured, “I promise you’ll thank me later.”
She struggled to gain control of her emotions. She panted against the pain of his presence. With more calm than she felt, she said quietly, “I’d appreciate it if you’d just go.”
He tensed next to her. After several long, agonizing moments, he released her arm and turned back to the bank of elevators. With her head bowed, she moved steadfastly down the hall until she reached the condo. She was happy to step into the empty condo. She untied the dress as she walked. Numbly, she dropped the shoes and let the dress fall. She turned on the shower as hot as she could stand it and sank down to the shower floor. No matter how long she sat under the scorching water, it never could penetrate the deep cold within her.
She feigned sleep when Sundra came stumbling in later. As she lay dried-eyed, she wished more than anything she’d stayed home. Maybe she did actually need her father’s protection after all.
Chapter 4
It was noon before Sundra and her friends rousted themselves out of their beds. Sundra stumbled into the kitchen in dire need of coffee. Trinity was curled up in one of the padded barstools, nursing her own cup. In the other bedroom, she could hear the other girls laughing and jumping around. Had she ever been that carefree? No, her father would never have allowed such exuberance.
Sundra grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it with steaming coffee. As she stirred in the pre-sweetened creamer, she grinned up at Trinity.
“So? How was your dream date yesterday?”
Trinity gave her a tight smile. There was no way in hell she was ever going to admit to anyone what had truly happened. “It was okay, I guess.”
“Okay? Seriously? I mean, the man is a god!”
Trinity cringed at the description, which so closely matched her own assessment.
“So? Are you going to see him again?” Sundra asked.
With a shrug of her shoulders, Trinity said, “No, I don’t think so.”
Sundra banged her cup down on the counter. “Why ever not?”
“We… we were just not compatible. You know how it is sometimes,” she mumbled.
Sundra stared at her for a long moment. “Not compatible, huh? No… I don’t believe that for a second. I saw how he looked at you at the club. The man was seriously crushing on you.”
Trinity gave mirthful laugh. “Crushing? I don’t think so. But anyway… it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to see him. There’re lots of guys out there, right?”
“Not like him… not like him. Wait. He didn’t do anything freaky or anything, did he?”
“Freaky?” Trinity asked.
“You know… tie you up, beat you. That kind of thing.”
Trinity glanced down at her coffee. “No, nothing like that.”
An extended silence had Trinity lifting her gaze back up.
“Did you have sex with him?” Sundra asked incredulously.
Trinity blushed. “No. Of course not. I barely know the man,” she muttered.
“That was a terrible mistake, my friend. Men like Rush Drayton don’t come along very often. It’s probably better anyway. From what I could see, he’d be a hard act to follow. You’d only be disappointed in the next guy… there will be a next guy, right?” Sundra said with a grin.
A next guy? Trinity didn’t know if she could take rejection like she’d had the night before again. Rush had seemed to want her, but he’d just as easily called a halt to things. Was her virginity that big a deal? Would the next guy be the same way?
“If the right one comes along,” Trinity finally answered.
“Well, we’ll have to be on the lookout for him tonight,” Sundra replied.
“Tonight?” Trinity asked.
“Yep. Hunter’s taking us to the Ski Village. It’s supposed to be the hottest club around.”
“I… don’t know,” Trinity said hesitantly.
“Don’t even think about it. You are so going!”
Trinity exhaled and lowered her gaze to her coffee cup. “What’s wrong with me, Sun?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
Heaving a heavy sigh, Trinity said, “Nothing. I just don’t know if it’d even be worth going out tonight or not. I’m not feeling much in the partying mood.”
“All the more reason to come out with us tonight. It’ll be fun.”
Trinity bit the inside of her lip and traced the rim of her cup. “I borrowed your cellphone and called Andy Nelson this morning.”
Sundra snorted. “So, what did the jerk have to say for himself?”
Still gazing at her cup, Trinity said, “The real reason I left Savannah was I found out my father had been having me followed. I found folders of all the guys I’ve dated since high school, including Andy Nelson. At the bottom of the files was the word ‘Eliminated’. I wanted to know what that meant.”
“What did he say?” Sundra asked.
“Andy didn’t want to tell me at first. I think he was frightened. But eventually he told me my father threatened if he continued to see me, he would ruin him. He would dig deep and find something to use against him… even if he had to manufacture it.” Trinity swallowed and wiped a hand against the tears on her face. “I was so mortified. My father has been doing this my whole life. Why wouldn’t he want me to find someone to be happy with? What is wrong with him?”
Sundra came around the bar and wrapped her arms around her. “I don’t know. Maybe what happened to your mother affected him that way. How creepy! I’m so sorry. All the more reason for you to stay. Don’t give in to him, Trin.”
“I won’t,” she murmured.
Somehow Sundra convinced Trinity to allow her to ‘glam’ her up for their night on the town. The slinky green miniscule dress barely covered her bottom – or her top, for that matter – and the impossibly high-heeled shoes made her legs seem to go on forever. Sundra put hot rollers in her hair, causing it to cascade over her shoulders in soft curls. She also used a heavy hand with the make-up, as well. Looking into the mirror, Trinity had to admit, she looked sexy and wanton. It gave her the boast she needed after what she’d dubbed ‘the Rush experience’. She barely recognized the woman staring back at her with her smoky, nearly black eyes, and sultry red lips.
Trinity felt further validated when she and the rest of the girls stepped out of the elevator into the lobby and she got a low whistle from Hunter.
“Wow, girl! You look… there are no words,” he said with a grin.
Sundra grabbed his arm and laughed. “Come on, horn-dog, don’t forget which girl you’re here with.”
“As if I ever could,” he said as he wrapped his arm around Sundra and pr
essed his lips against her temple.
Sundra grinned and linked her arm through Hunter’s.
Hunter looked at Trinity and asked, “Is this the group or are we waiting for a special someone?”
She flinched a little at his words. He obviously wasn’t aware what happened the night before… or didn’t happen, as was the case.
She swallowed before replying. “Nope. Just us.”
Sundra jumped when her cellphone rang out. She dug it out of her purse and looked curiously at the screen. “Hello,” she answered cautiously, obviously not knowing the caller. “Yes, this is she. Oh, hi. Yes, of course. Hang on a second.”
Turning to Trinity, she passed her the phone. “It’s your dad,” she mouthed, rolling her eyes.
Trinity groaned and took the phone. She stepped away from the group for the ensuing bashing she knew was coming. She took a deep breath and answered. “Hello, Dad.”
“Trinity. Oh thank God! I’ve been so worried,” he said in a rush.
“How are you?”
“Worried sick, that’s how I am. You need to be home. I want you to catch the next flight. There’s one leaving in three hours. I expect you to be on that flight. I’ll have one of Alex’s team meet you at the airport.”
She closed her eyes in frustration. “No. I have a flight already scheduled for the end of the week. I’ll be returning then.”
“Young lady, you will do as you are told. Do I make myself clear?”
Anger boiled up inside her. He still treated her like a child. “Oh, you’re clear, alright. Let me be equally clear. I will not be coming home tonight. I’ll be home as scheduled. When I get home, you and I will sit down and get some things straight. I’m on my way out right now. So, I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Dad.” With trembling fingers, she clicked the phone off without giving him an opportunity to respond. Exhaling deeply, she turned and moved back to the group.
“Everything okay?” Sundra asked.
Trinity forced a smile on her lips. “Yes, great. You might need to leave your phone off, though. I’m sure he’ll be calling back.”
Sundra grinned, powered her phone off, and slipped it back into her purse.
The Ski Village was a trendy nightclub with pulsating, lighted squares on the dance floor and multicolored light ropes surrounding the room. The lights seemed to swirl and pulse with the music. It seemed Hunter and Sundra were making it their business to ensure Trinity enjoyed herself. There was always a fresh drink in her hand and a steady stream of guys to dance with.
They’d been at the Ski Village for about several hours when Trinity was approached by an incredibly attractive olive-skinned man who asked her dance. His dark hair was longer than conventional and his dark eyes were piercing. It was obvious he’d had several drinks as his manner was aggressive, demanding, and a little frightening. She'd already begun to shake her head to decline the man’s request when her heart fell down into her stomach. Standing at the bar, leaning with his back against it, just as he had on her first night in Vail, was Rush Drayton. He was watching her intently with a drink in his hand. His lips were drawn into grim lines.
She inhaled sharply. Pain, raw and vicious, ripped through her chest. Humiliation burned a trail up her body. The need to vindicate herself – the need to feel wanted when suddenly she felt very much unwanted – had her putting her hand in the extended one of the olive-skinned man.
She stood and the man eyed her skimpy attire with wolfish delight. Because of the loud music, he was forced to lean in and said in her ear, “I’m Shay.”
She leaned back to gain a little personal space and stumbled in the high heels. Shay grabbed her hips to steady her, which only caused her dress to rise even more indecently. She placed her hands on his shoulders to help gain her balance. As she glanced up, she saw Rush stand straighter and glare at her. Hurt, frustration, and resentment made her mouth tighten. She glanced quickly away before stepping away from Shay. She bent and grabbed a drink from the table and slammed it quickly. Her stomach churned against the burn of the vodka in the cosmopolitan. Turning back to Shay, she grabbed his hand and led him out onto the dance floor with its pulsating lights and music.
She danced mindlessly with Shay through a couple songs. His eyes raked her body as they moved in time to the music. Her initial pique faded and he began to make her extremely uncomfortable. She decided to make her break from him at the end of the current song. When the beat changed, however, he grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him. He slid his hands up her back and gyrated his hips intimately against her. She struggled to step back, but he just tightened his hold on her. When she looked up to warn him off, he leaned down and plunged his tongue between her parted lips. She lifted her hands to his chest and tried to shove against him, but again he just tightened his grip. Panic had her clawing against him.
Suddenly, Shay was snatched away from her and slung across the floor. A raging Rush stood between her and Shay. Shay struggled to his feet and charged, but Rush had size and rage on his side. Rush ended the fight with an uppercut to Shay’s jaw. Shay went flying onto his back and slid unconscious across the floor.
With his chest heaving, Rush turned back to Trinity. She stood with a hand pressed against her mouth and eyes wide. Her legs began to tremble as the adrenaline of Shay’s assault and Rush’s force of violence passed. She took a step to turn away but Rush caught her and lifted her into his arms. With his jaw clenched tight, he moved through the crowd. Once the initial shock of being this close to him faded, Trinity began to squirm in his arms.
“Put me down, Rush! Please put me down,” she begged.
“Be quiet,” he commanded in a no-nonsense tone.
Embarrassment at being manhandled caused color to rush into her face. He walked past the bar and entered in through a door marked Office. A brown leather couch sat against one wall and a glass desk against the other. Rush set her down on the couch before turning to the desk. There was a young man sitting at the desk in a hip grey suit, with a thin, black tie. His blond hair was held back at the nap of his neck. He stood immediately at Rush’s entrance.
“Mr. Drayton. Good evening, sir. I didn’t know you were in town.”
“Mark, there is a situation on the floor I need you to take of. There’s a gentleman passed out on the dance floor. I need him removed. I do not want him back. Is that understood?”
The thin, blond man named Mark murmured, “Of course, sir. I’ll take care of it right away, sir.”
Mark gave Trinity a curious glance before slipping out the door. Rush stood for a moment still facing the desk, inhaling deeply. Moving to the door, he slipped the bolt into place before turning to walk slowly to the couch. He sat down heavily next to her. Leaning forward, he rested his forearms on his knees with his hands folded together. Eventually, he turned his head to rake his eyes over her face.
“Are you okay?” he asked finally.
Her heart pounded from being in such close proximity to the powerful force which was Rush Drayton.
She swallowed hard and strove to calm her scattered senses. “I could have handled it by myself,” she murmured as she lowered her gaze and tried to tug the hem of her dress further down her thighs.
She risked a glance at him to find him staring at the expanse of bare skin exposed by the short dress. He ran a hand through his short hair roughly.
“I saw how you were handling it.”
Her stomach muscles hurt from clenching so hard at having to sit next to him. Wanting to hurt him in some way, she said, “Maybe I didn’t want saving. Ever think of that?”
Through clenched teeth, he asked, “What does that mean?”
With nervous fingers, she smoothed her palms over her thighs again. Studying the floor intently, she replied, “Just because you didn’t want me…” she trailed off, hurt permeating her being.
“Not want you?” he bit off as he scrubbed a hand over his face. “Is that what you think?”
She swallowed again and simply shrugged her s
houlders. “It’s fine, really.” She stood, her chest heaving, needing to get away from him. “I should be getting back,” she murmured.
He ran his eyes up the length of her minuscule dress to the top of her wavy hair. He rose smoothly to his feet like a prowling panther who’d been dormant. He moved so swiftly towards her, she was barely aware he’d moved. He pressed her up against the wall and ran his hands over the sides of her breasts, past her waist, to her hips. Without his usual smoothness, he placed his lips over hers and kissed her roughly. He ran his hands up the back of her legs underneath her dress. She gasped, as the fire he’d kindled the night before came flaming back. She ran her hands over his face and into his short hair, holding him tight to her.
He grabbed her bottom within his hands and clutched her tight to his body. Even through their clothing she could feel his erection pressing against her.
“Not want you? Does that feel like I don’t want you? I’ve just about lost my damn mind with wanting you,” he rasped against her lips.
She whimpered and pressed herself even harder against his body. His words lit her up and made her needy. She ached in places that as of yet had not been explored. She ran her hands over his massive shoulders and around to his back, kneading his muscles as his body strained against hers. In one quick movement, he had her lying on her back against the soft, brown leather of the couch.
Urgently, he ran his hands under the slinky material of the green dress, pushing it up and over her head and then he cupped her breasts within his hands as he ground his straining erection against her. He removed his lips from hers and licked the tip of one breast into his mouth as he rolled the other beneath his fingers.
She began to whimper, “Please, please,” begging for relief from the building urgency within her, afraid he’d stop once again.