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An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1)

Page 5

by Sascha Illyvich

  She moaned louder, almost drowning out the storm above them.

  He traced patterns with his tongue over her dirty skin, the taste of metal and sweat mixed into his mouth as he nipped her flesh and licked at the wound.

  "Take the blood as a gift, my prince. Please, join me—oh god right there," Fingers carved into his back, dragged down his skin.

  Joséf yelled at the taste of her blood, his eyes tightly shut. He didn't know what he was doing, didn't care. His world stopped for her, for her blood when it dripped over his tongue. The taste of sweet mineral and iron ran into his mouth in a thick stream. Swirling his tongue over her skin, he felt goose bumps rise over her heated flesh. Laving the wound, he felt it healing beneath his tongue. Her hips rocked into his and her lips sucked on the tender flesh of his earlobe.

  She cried out when he nipped her.

  "Give it all to me," Her demand came out low and sultry.

  "What more can you possibly want, Kissa?"

  Seizing her breast in his hand, he squeezed, thumbing the taut nipple. Kissa sunk teeth into the delicate part of his neck, by his jaw, and he let out a strangled groan.

  "I want you, my prince."

  Shock at her words couldn't stop the orgasm welling within him, swelling around his groin as she milked him. His balls drew closer to his body, pulsing. He stopped moving, thrusting against her so he could push her just far enough away to study her face. He’d pulled out completely.

  Kissa cried from the separation. "Why?” She wouldn't move. Clinging to him, her hair fell in ringlets over her shoulders and his. Then she buried her face in his shoulder. "Why would you?"

  "Kissa, what do you think I am?"

  She looked at him with large, lust filled eyes. "Why do you question it? Did you fight your Queen?"

  Livía. His queen…

  "Yes.” Water rippled, splashing against them both. The hard rain stopped for the time being, cloud cover giving way to the moon.

  "Now why on earth would you do something so foolish as to fight against someone who loves you so dearly? Someone who depends on your very existence for survival."

  "Kissa, I was…"

  She shook her head, blinked and pulled him closer to her. "I know. High and out of your head. One of them clued me in. All shifters do things nobody understands. But can’t we let ourselves be pulled out of our muck and be rescued?"

  Surprised, his eyebrows shot up. No, there was no pulling him out of his shit. He signed up for it with a purpose and would remain in it until he served his purpose. Once he remembered what that was before all this crazy shit happened. "But…" a breath caught in his throat.

  "Joséf, later. Please. Finish me?"

  The wanton look on her face was so hard to deny. Every fiber of his skin ached to come, begged for climax.

  Kissa's expression said it all. "Give in."

  "Give in," he repeated. She made it sound so simple.

  Nodding, Kissa raised a foot, brushing against his groin, sending shivers through him. Giggling at his reaction, she swam to him. Feeling her waist with his fingertips, Joséf positioned her directly over his cock and tilted his body so he floated on his back with her on top. Her breasts jutted out proudly, making his mouth water. "Grab me.”

  "Of course, my prince."

  Her fingers sent electric sparks arcing to him, her touch quick and demanding as she slid him back inside her warmth. Still, through the cool of the lake, he felt her molten core, her slickness.

  "Have you waited long for this?"

  "For you? Yes. A year and three weeks," she hissed. “I knew you were coming for us, I just didn’t know if I’d make it.”

  She gave him a squeeze and sensation shot up his cock and through him. "But ho-oh God, Kissa!"

  "Yes," she cried, matching the pitch of his voice. "All the way in," she cooed.

  Cradling her ass with his hands, he watched her rock her hips back and forth, increasing the pressure on the top of his cock where his most sensitive flesh triggered waves of pleasure. He released himself in a series of grunts and groans inside of her. Not thinking, not feeling anything but pleasure, Joséf let himself go.

  Kissa shook. Her features contorted with need when his thumb found her hot button and slid two fingers inside, joining his still-hard cock.

  Joséf opened his eyes, focused on the way her hair swayed as she came. Noticed for the first time the reddish glow around their bodies.

  Satisfaction crossed her face after her orgasm subsided. Carefully, she stretched out, still keeping him inside her, while resting her head on his chest. "Promise me you'll keep me, protect me, Joséf."

  Incredulously, he glanced at her. "What?"

  She lifted herself up, grinned. "You own me now, my prince. I am yours. I can never leave your side. Promise me you will keep and protect me as you would a wife. I know you would not take more lovers, but if you did, I would not care as long as we are together..."

  She yawned and fell forward, landing against his chest in a mess, nearly sinking them, until Joséf altered his position and swam for the shore.

  "Great," he muttered. "Asleep.” She was his? He wasn’t in any position to carry the burden of another lover.

  What did she mean by having waited for this moment? Did she mean him? Or someone? Great. More questions.

  An inspection of her naked body beneath the moonlight revealed scars he missed, along with bite marks, including the fresh one he'd given her. Laying her against the cool sand, he realized they were both naked and their clothes were floating around Lake Balatón.

  Laughing bitterly, he realized he could simply shift and run back to the pack for more clothes. Kissa didn't have his shirt, or at least not tonight, but he'd get it back for her.

  How dare the others take what wasn't theirs and keep it? The voice in his head roared with anger at the seeming injustice until Joséf quieted it. It wasn’t real injustice; he’d come to recognize it as that violence fetish building within him when he yearned for a fight.

  But now, he could ignore the fetish he had for violence.


  Why did Kissa hold sway over those destructive urges?

  Looking over her body, Joséf realized her pale skin was almost effervescent in the moonlight. Almost like a china doll's, she was short but perfectly proportioned. What had he gotten himself into? Making that promise meant he'd have to bring her back to the States. How would Livía react? She said she was fine with them fucking but that was out of necessity. How would he deal with having to care for someone he'd fucked, even though his heart wasn't in it?

  Who was he kidding? He'd given a part of his heart to Kissa without even realizing it. Just like he had with Livía…

  Settling down beside her, he snaked an arm over her waist, tugging her into the crook of his arm. "Damn you," he whispered when he realized she'd begun glowing again, "I've been through so much, but I'm not strong enough to fight and keep you."

  Don't be a moron, Isabella chided. Bring her back here.

  Joséf couldn't remember how to talk back to her on their mental pathway without shifting into a wolf right now; the mental fog of confusion and relentless exhaustion from sex clouded his mind. How annoying. He'd sort through the details in the morning. He still had about eleven months to go with the pack, where he'd learn their ways, customs, and how to use his power more efficiently. Plus, he could get this damn prince thing sorted out.

  Trust me, Joséf. I hear it in your mind, the voices calling us pets, like you can run away or abandon us. Your Mistress and I are no pets. I assure you of that. If you bring Kissa back, you will free her from pack duties, as per werewolf law, and we will be reluctant to allow her contact with them. However, if you leave her behind, you will open her up to even more abuse, and cause her more harm than good. Either way, you must decide what to do.

  He scowled, annoyed with having yet another life-altering choice to make. "Big deal. Get out of my head and leave me alone until I return. I don't care if you are the strongest the
re. I am my own being, and make my own choices."

  So be it.

  Like that, the voice and power touching his mind were gone. Guess he'd signed himself up for being Kissa's guardian. Lover. Whatever the hell, he'd become responsible for her.



  A week later, a cool breeze blew bitter grape aromas, along with other natural flora and fauna through the forest. Leaves rustled, the scent of wild game neared.

  Joséf and Kissa had strolled back into the encampment, feeling a little lighter than before. The sex had rejuvenated both of them, but for Joséf, it had brought about some clarity through the mental fog.

  He’d looked around at the pack members tending to a dying fire. Some looked up, others looked away.

  Fuck’em. He didn’t have time for this shit. He pointed to the few closest to the fire. “You four, find those who are healthy. You’re going hunting for food. Bring back what you can so we can gather our strength. And where are the women? I know many of you have mates, I recognize when you smell like fucking.”

  Dirty faces stared back at him.

  He pursed his lips together and stepped closer, hauling one of the wolves up to his feet and shaking him. “Am I talking to myself?”

  “No. No you’re not.”

  “Then go now. Do it.” He smelled the man’s fear. Then Joséf growled louder and the stench of ammonia heightened.

  “What of our wounded?”

  “You can stay and tend to them with Kissa’s help.”

  Quickly, the man nodded, fear evident in his dark eyes. His jaw trembled.

  Joséf released him. “Go. Now. This pack needs structure, not bullshit caveman behavior.”

  Standing idly by, Sapporo nodded, allowing the decision.

  Joséf glared at Sapporo. “What?”

  Sapporo just shrugged in that oh so slow, manner indicating he’d seen more than Joséf could ever imagine.

  “Seriously. Where the fuck are the women?”

  “Usually,” the Ancient crossed his arms and blinked, looking bored, “they are in the city of Budapest. That’s where most of them reside, since we have been in a state of chaos.”

  That made sense. “It’s time for change. We live as a pack; we die as a pack. We will need them here eventually.”

  Sapporo sighed. “Very well.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, Joséf watched Kissa sleeping by the fire where he'd left her, wearing only his tattered shirt. He couldn't help the jealousy that somehow slammed into him each time Istvan looked at Kissa.

  At least it was quiet in the camp.

  Something foul blew past them.

  "There's someone here who doesn't belong," Joséf whispered to Istvan.

  Istvan stroked his beard. "Impossible. We'd know it. Each of us has a scent, Joe. One off scent would alert us all, especially Sapporo."

  Joséf stood taller, and motioned with a tilt of his head toward a lone man leaning against another tree. His eyes remained closed. Dull brown stringy hair hung over his face, hiding any real expression. "I suppose. But doesn't it strike you that John looks like none of us? He doesn't even speak the language, or if he does, I've never heard him."

  Istvan frowned. "I have noticed. I'd question it, if he hadn't bonded with Kissa's brother so quickly."

  Joséf arched a brow. "Kissa's brother? Oh, Fang. Yeah?”

  "Yes. When you nearly killed John, your first week here, Kissa's brother was there. He and Kissa came to us as children, and have been with the pack for as long as I can remember."

  "But Kissa's barely an adult.”

  "Yeah," Istvan laughed. "By your American standards. But here in Europe, she's beyond legal age as a member of our pack."

  Why didn’t that please him? "Great. She can drink, smoke, fuck without big brother's permission."

  Istvan sniffed Joséf's arm. "I'd not say that so loud if I were you. Fang doesn't like you already. Letting him know you fucked his baby sister would enrage him, and he wouldn't hesitate to try to kill you."

  "Fuck him. I swore to protect her. Besides, I'm sure he can smell our scents on each other.” Joséf narrowed his gaze. "Why hasn't Fang tried to fight me?"

  Istvan shrugged. "I don't know. He seemed to integrate as one of us immediately so it seems routine that he'd have wanted first dibs at you the moment Kissa took a liking to you."

  Joséf picked up a small branch, tossed it in the fire. It would be time to eat soon. The others would return with what they hoped would be a feast from what they could kill, and what they could steal.

  He looked at Kissa, her slender body curled around the backpack he'd been allowed to keep. Filled with few personal belongings, a pen, paper and a few stamps. Joséf intended to write Livía as a surprise. Writing a letter seemed silly since they could talk on a mental pathway, but the time difference dictated when they could talk. Maybe his vampire would appreciate the old-world gesture.

  Besides, Livía had talked to him when he slept with Kissa.

  Fucked Kissa.

  She’d even offered to protect Kissa.

  Closing his eyes, Joséf turned away from Kissa and Istvan. Even though Livía said she understood, the guilt at sleeping with another woman still ate at him.

  Yet he wanted Kissa again. The thought of his betrayal made him sick.

  Farkas, she is good for you. I understand. Livía, there in his mind, before she disappeared again.

  He clenched his fists. How dare she understand? Was she taking other lovers? No, Isabella had reassured him Livía was only feeding from the maid.

  "So what now?” Istvan's pacing interrupted Joséf's thoughts.

  Closing his eyes, Joséf let out a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. "We wait."

  "For food?"

  Joséf nodded. "For food."

  A few minutes of silence passed. Joséf kicked a rock, sending it flying into a tree. Kissa stirred, stretching her thin arms and legs out for comfort. He walked to her, knelt down before her. Cradling her in his arms, he let her nuzzle his chest, while watching the small smile curve over her pouty lips; he drew her to his body. His erection stirred as heat from her body drifted to his. The desire to wake her and plunge himself inside her became overwhelming, but Istvan stood too close.

  Plus, wasn't he just lamenting Livía?

  "I smell your heat, Joe. Might as well ask me to leave.” The large shit-eating grin he wore irritated Joséf.

  He glared at Istvan. "I am not going to fuck Kissa again."

  "Liar.” Dave, leaning against a boulder on the other side of camp, laughed at Joséf. He sauntered toward them. "You'll do it again, and not just because she feels so good, won't you?"

  Joséf carefully set Kissa down against his backpack and cleared the distance between himself and Istvan, ignoring Dave for the moment. Staring eye to eye, Joséf saw the humor in the other man's deep brown eyes, and knew the cold stare of his own. “What?”

  "You're going to take her again because Fang doesn't like you. And because I see the way you are with Kissa. You're her hero, Joe, never forget that.” Istvan’s eyes turned serious.

  Joséf scoffed.

  "You are. You're her hero, and more than that to her. Our pack has been searching for something to come in and right the wrongs of the past, but only Kissa has been concerned with something far greater than that. Even I, with a heritage I threw off as royalty."

  Well, this was new information. Joséf frowned. “Why would you leave a royal heritage behind for this?”

  Impatience filled Istvan’s eyes. “Because it’s in name only. It has been for a few generations now, since Hungary lost lands in the Second World War. This, the pack, has more value to me. For both me and Dave, we have more pride in being wolves and existing as part of the machine, rather than the controllers.”

  “You’ve seen what power does when it’s in the wrong hands, yes?”

  Istvan nodded.

  “Given the proper power, the right ones do amazing things. Or so I used to be

  Dave slid his hands in his pockets and motioned with his head toward Kissa. “Kissa believes it, Joe. She believes you’re going to restore pride to this pack, and be her champion.”

  "I don't want this," he growled low.

  "Suit yourself.” Istvan shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets like Dave had.

  "My prince," Kissa stirred behind him, moving, kicking out.

  Joséf turned to see her wrapping her arms tightly around her body.

  She moaned. "Don't…leave…"

  "I told you.” Istvan slugged Joséf in the shoulder. "She needs you. This pack has been brutal to her."

  "Even you?"

  Istvan lowered his head, letting out a long breath. "Even me. I did it because I was trying to actually teach her how to deal with life. Though I have asked for forgiveness, she has given me nothing but spite."

  "At least you tried."

  "Her brother isn't all that fond of me, either. Never has been, though since John showed up, he’s been worse."

  Joséf smiled. "We have a common enemy."

  Istvan ran a hand over his throat where he'd almost bled out earlier. "Yeah, we do. Let's try not to forget that.” A moment passed. "So, where did you get the idea of an intruder amongst us?"

  "Everything about John seems forced. When I was a cop, we had to learn how to tell the difference between a lie and the truth. Most people lie far more than the human race is given credit for."

  "What about the honest ones?"

  He narrowed his eyes. "They usually end up dead."

  Istvan sighed. "Okay, so he's faking everything. His accent, his mannerisms? Even the change from wolf to man?"

  "Yeah, that's the biggest clue. We don't force the power through us, do we?"

  Shaking his head, Istvan knelt down and picked up a rock off the ground. He tossed it up and caught it in his hand. "We don't. New wolves have to at first, but John's been here about three years."

  "Odd, that.”


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