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The Gift of Twins

Page 11

by Gabrielle Meyer

  “I tried to help you,” Levi said to his brother, a bit smug, “but you didn’t listen.”

  The front door opened and Ben stepped over the threshold with the man she presumed to be Mr. Trask, saving Emmy from making a decision at the moment.

  “Boys, we’ll need to finish this game later,” she said quietly. “Mr. Ben has brought a guest.”

  The boys looked disappointed, but neither complained as Emmy stood to greet the men.

  She caught Ben’s serious gaze and tried to convey her support.

  Ben closed the door behind the visitor and indicated the front room. “Why don’t you come in.”

  The man took off his cap and clutched it in his hand, his gaze going from Emmy to the boys.

  “Mr. Trask,” Ben said, “may I introduce you to Miss Wilkes? She’s our schoolteacher and currently boards with us.”

  Mr. Trask looked back at Emmy, his face filled with uncertainty. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss.”

  “And you, Mr. Trask.”

  Ben looked from Mr. Trask to the twins, his own uncertainty making her heart beat an unsteady rhythm for him.

  “Boys, please come here.” Ben motioned the boys to come from around the table and stand in front of him. “Mr. Trask, this is Zebulun and Levi.”

  Mr. Trask inspected them, a bittersweet look filling his eyes. “Hello, boys.”

  “Hello,” they said in unison.

  Zeb shied away, but Levi’s eyes filled with a question. “We have the same name.”

  Mr. Trask looked at Ben quickly, but Ben only smiled at Levi. “There are a lot of people with the same last name.”

  Emmy frowned at the response. Didn’t Mr. Trask want the boys to know they were related—or was it Ben that didn’t want them to know?

  The kitchen door opened and Mrs. Carver stepped out with a dish towel in hand. She looked Mr. Trask over from head to foot, and Emmy could only guess that the stout lady was thinking the man was much too skinny—it was a malady that most people suffered from in her estimation.

  “Mr. Trask,” Ben said. “This is Mrs. Carver, our housekeeper.”

  Mr. Trask nodded a greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” He looked around the room at the boys and then Emmy. “It’s a right full house you have here, Parson.”

  Ben smiled at his makeshift family. “I’ve been blessed, indeed.”

  Warmth filled Emmy’s chest at Ben’s statement. “Won’t you come in?” she asked Mr. Trask.

  “Lunch is ready to be served,” Mrs. Carver interjected. “Let’s eat while it’s hot.”

  “This way,” Ben said to Mr. Trask.

  The group entered the warm kitchen. Mrs. Carver had already laid everything out on the table. A single chair remained empty, so Ben suggested Mr. Trask sit there.

  Emmy pulled out the chair beside Ben’s, wishing that things hadn’t become so awkward between them. She couldn’t shake the memory of the previous evening from her mind. It had taken her several minutes to find the strength to rise and go to bed. She had found the robe on the hook, just as Ben had said, but he had gone to bed, his door firmly closed.

  Now he glanced at her as they took a seat at the table, and she found herself needing to look away, hoping he wasn’t thinking about last evening, as well.

  “Let’s pray, shall we?” Ben asked.

  Mrs. Carver reached out to take Emmy’s hand to her right and Mr. Trask’s to her left. The older man’s eyes grew wide and he stared at her hand for a moment before tentatively taking it. Levi also offered his hand to Mr. Trask, and Mr. Trask was even more hesitant to reach out to the little one, but he finally did. A sense of awe filled his weathered face before he closed his eyes and lowered his head.

  Emmy looked at Ben and found him watching her, his own hand hovering, waiting for her to accept it. She slipped her hand into his confident grasp and bowed her head.

  “For this meal, and our lives, Lord, we are eternally grateful. Amen.”

  “Amen,” Emmy said, wanting to pull her hand away—but longing to keep it right where it was.

  Shame and remorse filled Emmy’s chest as she pulled away. Thoughts of William clouded her vision as she went about the task of filling her plate with Mrs. Carver’s scrumptious food. Before coming to Little Falls, Emmy had thought of William every day. Now, it had been several days since she had thought of him, and even then, it was only in passing moments. Suddenly, she had a hard time remembering what he looked like.

  “Is everything all right?” Ben asked her quietly.

  She looked up quickly, her cheeks filling with heat. “I’m fine.”

  “Eat up, Mr. Trask.” Mrs. Carver slopped a spoonful of mashed potatoes on Mr. Trask’s plate. “You could stand to put a few layers of insulation on those old bones.”

  Mr. Trask looked at the lady with surprise lighting his face.

  “Don’t skimp on the roast beef, either.” Mrs. Carver lifted two thick slices off the platter and put them on his plate.

  Levi and Zeb watched the stranger as they ate heartily, though neither one looked too curious about their guest.

  “It was a pleasure to have you at church today,” Ben said to Mr. Trask. “I’m happy you made the trip. It couldn’t have been easy with all that snow.”

  Mr. Trask slowly picked up a fork as he studied the heap of food Mrs. Carver had placed there. “I’ve been through worse. Um, ma’am,” he addressed Mrs. Carver. “I don’t want to insult, but I don’t think I can eat all this food.”

  “You can.” She nodded. “And you will.”

  He looked at the food as if he was preparing for battle, diving in with determination.

  Emmy longed to inquire why he had come, but she sensed it wasn’t the time or the place to ask such things.

  Ben and Mr. Trask spoke of mundane affairs as they ate. When the man finished one serving of food, Mrs. Carver gave him another. After a while, he didn’t seem to mind, gobbling everything up eagerly.

  “You’re a mighty fine cook,” Mr. Trask said to Mrs. Carver between bites of food. “Don’t reckon I’ve eaten this fine since my ma was alive.”

  Mrs. Carver’s dimpled cheeks filled with color and she dipped her gaze. “That’s a real nice compliment, Mr. Trask.”

  Emmy glanced up at Ben and they shared a smile. It was the first time Mrs. Carver showed any sign of embarrassment since Emmy had met her.

  They enjoyed the chocolate cake and then Mrs. Carver rose to bring the coffee to the table.

  “May we be excused?” Levi asked Ben. “Zeb and I want to play outside.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Ben said. “Make sure you put on all your outside gear, and if it gets too cold, come right in.”

  “And don’t forget your scarves,” Emmy added as the boys jumped up from the table and started toward the door.

  “We won’t,” Zeb said with a smile.

  Mr. Trask watched the boys leave the room, his gaze stuck on the door long after they had disappeared.

  “Well?” Mrs. Carver said as she sat down with a mug of coffee in front of her. “Did you come to take them away from us?”

  “Mrs. Carver,” Ben said quickly.

  “That’s all right.” Mr. Trask held up his hand to stop Ben. “It’s a logical question.”

  Emmy circled her mug with both hands, gripping the warm, speckled tin harder than she intended.

  “I didn’t come to take the boys,” Mr. Trask said slowly. “I came to tell you where you can find their pa.”

  Emmy’s throat squeezed tight and she looked to Ben. She had half hoped they would never locate Malachi Trask.

  “I thought you didn’t know where he was.” Ben studied Mr. Trask, his gaze focused on the other man.

  “I never said I didn’t know—
I just said it would be best not to know. I still don’t think it’s a good idea, but I can’t shake the feeling that I should tell you.” Mr. Trask looked down at his mug of coffee and sighed. “Last I heard, he’s living in Owatonna.” He looked up and met Ben’s gaze. “I doubt he’s changed, but I guess everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.”

  Emmy swallowed the lump of anxiety in her throat. “Do you think he’s married again?”

  “I couldn’t say, but if I know my son, he’s a charmer and he probably talked some sorry woman into marrying him.”

  Ben leaned back in his chair, his eyes lowered. “If he’s married, then he and his new wife could probably manage to take the boys.”

  Mr. Trask inhaled a breath and then let it out again. “That’s what I was thinking.”

  Ben finally looked up at Emmy and there was sadness within his eyes. No doubt he would miss Levi and Zeb as much as she would.

  “I should probably plan to bring the boys to their father as soon as possible—”

  “If I was you,” Mr. Trask interrupted. “I’d write a letter first. Might come as a shock to him if you just showed up on his doorstep. A letter would give him some time to process the information and prepare for the boys.”

  Ben nodded. “That’s sound advice.”

  “And,” Mr. Trask continued, “he might have moved on. It wouldn’t be good for the boys to risk going all that way in weather like we’re having, especially if he’s no longer in Owatonna.”

  “Where is Owatonna?” Emmy asked. “Is it close?”

  “It’s down by the Iowa border,” Ben supplied. “At least a hundred and fifty miles, or so.”

  Mr. Trask took a long drink of his coffee. When he set down his mug, he looked at Mrs. Carver. “That’s good coffee, ma’am.”

  Mrs. Carver’s eyes shone as she stood and retrieved the coffeepot to fill his mug again.

  “I’ll send a letter out immediately,” Ben said with resignation. “And then we’ll wait to see what he’d like to do.”

  Emmy took a sip of her coffee, but it didn’t set well in her stomach. They had received some answers, but more questions had surfaced. If Malachi was remarried, would he and his wife want the boys? And, if they did, how could Emmy say goodbye?

  Chapter Eleven

  The last week of November had arrived, bringing with it more snow and more excitement for the coming Christmas season. Emmy closed the schoolhouse and called out to Levi and Zeb that it was time to go home. Every morning, Ben walked them to school and helped her bring in enough wood for the day, but in the afternoon, she walked the boys home. Ben had volunteered to fetch them after school, but she insisted it wasn’t necessary. With the twins by her side, and her stance clear about gentlemen callers, most of the men left her alone.

  Zeb laughed and ran as Levi tried to get him with a snowball. It sailed over Zeb’s head and hit Emmy’s knee.

  Levi stood straight, his eyes growing wide. “I’m sorry, Miss Emmy.”

  She secured her books under her arm and smiled. “I’m fine, but it’s time to go.”

  The boys ran to her side, trudging through several inches of newly fallen snow. The local citizens claimed they had never seen a winter so early, or so fierce. There had been at least one snowstorm each week, some lasting for several days at a time. Today, the air was colder than usual, pinching Emmy’s exposed skin on her cheeks and nose. She had only been outside for a few minutes, and already her fingers and toes were hurting from the cold.

  A man appeared on the other side of the street, walking toward Emmy and the boys. It didn’t take her long to recognize Adam. He waved and sprinted across the street to meet up with her.

  “Hello,” he said. “I was hoping to catch you before you left the school.”

  “I dismissed the children early, on account of the cold. The temperature has dropped steadily all day and I didn’t want to wait another hour before sending them home.”

  “May I walk with you?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  Levi and Zeb ran ahead and Emmy didn’t stop them. The sooner they arrived home, the happier she would be. They had been outside longer than her, and though they had been running around, it wasn’t safe for them to be exposed to the cold for much longer.

  Adam patted his upper arms with his mitted hands. “I’ve never experienced anything like this weather in my life,” he said. “I came from South Carolina.”

  “I remember,” she said with a smile. It seemed every time she saw him, he reminded her that he hadn’t been in Minnesota long and that he wasn’t fond of the weather.

  The church was another block away, but Emmy saw Ben step outside the building all bundled up in his knitted cap and mittens. He waved at the boys as they rushed past and then turned his attention to Emmy and Adam.

  Adam sighed. “I was hoping for a few moments alone with you.”

  “Would you care to come into the parsonage?”

  “I’d rather have more privacy than the parsonage can afford.”

  Ben came down the steps and started toward them.

  Adam scowled. It was the first time she saw him act ungentlemanly. “He seems dead set on preventing me from talking to you.”

  Emmy lifted her eyebrows. “Who? Ben?”

  “Yes.” There was a hint of irritation in Adam’s voice. “Does he consider himself your beau?”

  “Ben?” Emmy stopped. “Of course not.”

  “Then why won’t he let me speak to you alone?”

  “I don’t think he minds if you speak to me.”

  “Oh, no?” Adam indicated Ben’s advance. “There he is again.”

  Emmy glanced at Ben, warmth filling her cheeks despite the bitter cold. Was Ben preventing Adam from speaking to her? And, if so, was it because Mr. Samuelson had forbid her to entertain callers? Or was there another reason?

  “Hello, Emmy,” Ben said. “Adam.”

  “Well,” Adam said with resignation, “if I can’t have a moment alone with you, Miss Wilkes, I’ll have to ask you what I came to ask you with Reverend Lahaye present.”

  Ben straightened, his shoulders growing taut.

  “What did you need to ask me?” Emmy ignored Ben’s behavior and the accusation Adam had just made.

  “The Allens have just announced a Christmas Eve ball that will be held at the Northern Hotel.”

  Ben took a step forward, but Adam continued. “Will you allow me the pleasure of escorting you to the ball, Miss Wilkes?”

  A ball? Emmy hadn’t been to a ball since William died. She had loved to dance at one time, but now she couldn’t stomach all the attention lavished on her at balls. It didn’t feel right to be in another man’s arms, or to play all the flirting games so many men and women played. If she attended a ball, there would be more of the same trouble she’d had at the Hubbards’ home.

  The cold made her thoughts feel sluggish and her lips go numb. She needed to get inside and warm herself by the fire, but she couldn’t go until she gave Adam an answer.

  Both men watched her, waiting for her to say something.

  “I’m sorry, but I won’t be attending the ball.”

  Adam’s disappointment was swift and Ben’s relief was palpable.

  “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” Adam asked hopefully, turning himself as if to exclude Ben from the conversation.

  “Emmy, we should get inside.” Ben was taller than Adam and he looked at her from over Adam’s head.

  She turned her full attention on Adam, hating to disappoint him. “There is nothing you could do to change my mind.” She smiled, though her lips felt like stones. “I don’t attend balls anymore. Thank you for the invitation, but I must get inside.”

  Adam straightened and gave her a curt nod. “Good day, Miss Wilkes.�
�� He turned and strode toward the bank.

  “Here.” Ben reached for Emmy’s books. “We need to get inside.” He offered his arm and she accepted his help over the snowbanks.

  They entered the parsonage and Emmy quickly took off her mittens to blow warm air onto her frozen hands while Ben closed the door. He placed a rag rug against the bottom to prevent the draft from seeping past the threshold.

  Emmy’s hands were red and completely numb. She rubbed them together and continued to blow air onto them, but it didn’t seem to help.

  Ben set her books down on the table next to the lantern and took off his own mittens. He reached out and took her hands into his, rubbing them gently.

  Emmy’s breath stilled as they stood face-to-face.

  He didn’t say anything as he continued to rub her hands, though she sensed he was very aware of her—just as she was of him. His shoulders were so broad and well built, she felt safe and protected standing so close to him. He smelled of soap and wind and books.

  She didn’t pull away, though everything in her warned her not to let him get so close. Slowly, life returned to her hands, and her fingers began to tingle—but the feeling in her fingertips was nothing compared to the feeling coursing through every nerve in her body. Her senses were on fire.

  “Is that better?” he asked quietly, his voice deeper than usual.

  “Yes,” she said, just as quietly. “Thank you.”

  His hands stilled over hers, and she looked up into his beautiful eyes. Longing kindled in the depth of his gaze, frightening her because it mirrored her own heart.

  She stepped away quickly, pulling her hands from his grasp.

  He took a step toward her, an apology in his eyes. “Emmy—”

  “Mr. Ben!” Levi raced out of the kitchen, his eyes bright. “Mrs. Carver said we can make taffy, if you don’t mind wasting sugar.”

  Ben didn’t take his eyes off Emmy, but he nodded. “That’s fine.”

  “Yes!” Levi spun on his heels and ran back toward the kitchen. “Mr. Ben said yes!”

  Emmy swallowed and took a step around Ben to go upstairs. She needed some space to collect her thoughts and still the erratic beating of her traitorous heart.


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