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Fogbound: A Lin Hanna Mystery

Page 13

by Sharon Canipe

  “Given that there are many side roads and the Parkway borders private land, I think that Eustace and whoever he was with probably approached the area from another direction, but what were they doing there?” Sue asked.

  “Maybe they were out hunting or something, but I certainly didn’t hear any shots,” Lin offered, “and Eustace wasn’t armed.”

  “Still, that could be a possible explanation—especially if they live nearby. I’d guess that, after the earlier trouble, his family would take care to keep him away from guns. Do you think we should report this?”

  Lin reflected for a moment. “I don’t see what good it would do. After all, even though he ordered us to leave. He had no weapon and wasn’t really a danger to us. We never saw anyone else. Besides, we know of his condition and that explains his behavior.”

  Sue nodded her agreement, “I suppose we might mention it if we have occasion to talk to Dave Winkler or Mark Scott again, but I don’t think we should file any sort of formal complaint. It would be pointless.”

  They continued to enjoy their wine and snacks. Lin began to feel quite relaxed anyway. She turned to Sue. “Why don’t you talk me through this experience right now? I already feel fully relaxed with this good wine. You can be my therapist.”

  “I’m no therapist,” Sue chuckled, “I just learned this technique during my reporting days when I was interviewing folks and trying to help them focus and recall their experiences. If you keep experiencing such episodes, you might need to see someone for real.”

  “I hope it doesn’t happen again,” Lin said, “Now let me refresh my wine and we can get started.”


  A little more than an hour later Lin awoke from a short nap. She was lying peacefully on the sofa and felt very relaxed and refreshed. She could hear Sue stirring in the kitchen, most likely at work preparing that large salad she’d promised would be their dinner. Lin stretched her legs and remained just as she was, now recalling the relaxation session she’d done with Sue. It had certainly done the trick. Sue had asked her to close her eyes, had her relax her body, and then asked her to talk about her reactions and feelings when they were in the woods. Lin could clearly recall their entire conversation, but now any sense of panic was far distant. Evidently she’d drifted off to sleep after they’d finished talking. She got up and headed into the kitchen.

  “Sorry I went to sleep on you,” Lin apologized. “Must’ve been the wine.”

  “More likely just release from physical stress,” Sue commented. “You didn’t sleep long actually. Do you recall our talking?”

  “Oh, yes,” Lin replied, “clearly. Thanks for doing that. It really helped.”

  “You’re quite welcome,” Sue smiled, “but I’ve been doing some thinking. You really have had quite a lot of stress, quite a lot of change in your life over the past year. In addition to those difficult situations—the close calls—you’ve encountered, there’s your engagement to Neal…”

  “Hold on,” Lin interrupted. “I get it about the bad stuff that’s happened but I’m quite delighted and happy about my engagement. I’m looking forward to marrying Neal.”

  “I know, I know,” Sue responded, “but physical stress isn’t just about bad things that happen. Even positive life-changes can cause us stress. Marriage is one of the biggest life changes we encounter. Also, you’ve not been retired more than a couple of years, and that also brought a lot of change to your life. I’m just saying you’ve got good reason to have reacted as you did today.”

  “Are you suggesting that I should do more of these relaxations sessions—talk about all the changes in my life?”

  “Only, if you want to,” Sue grinned, “it might be a good way for me to find out more about your love life,” she teased. “Actually, I’m really just suggesting you concentrate on bringing some more relaxation into your life in general.”

  Lin thought for a moment. “You know, when we signed up to join that Wellness Center in town, which we seriously need to visit by the way, I noticed that they have some open yoga classes listed. A long time ago, I did some Yoga and it really helped me relax when things seemed to pile up with work, the kids, and everything. Maybe we should go. Have you ever done Yoga before?”

  “Not in a long time,” Sue reflected, “but that’s a great idea. We need to exercise too. That helps us all feel better in many ways. Besides, we promised ourselves and then all this stuff with Ellie intervened and…”

  “I know, we haven’t made it yet,” Lin sighed, “tomorrow after work we should go straight there.”

  “Agreed,” Sue said. “Now sit down. I’ve got this salad ready and some fresh bread that’s ready to take out of the oven.”


  Life indeed did seem to return to normal in the days that followed their scary encounter with Eustace Hinson. Visitation was steadily increasing as the summer season blossomed on the Parkway. Lin was so busy at the visitor center she hardly had time to think of anything else. Sue was experiencing the same pattern at Moses Cone. They kept their promise to themselves about exercising and even took in a yoga class on Tuesday evening that they both enjoyed. Lin’s panic attack of the Sunday before faded into the background. They heard no more from the deputy about Ellie’s case and Lin did wonder about that investigation. She was delighted to see Mark Scott walk into the visitor center on Thursday afternoon; maybe he would know something.

  As soon as she’d finished talking to a group of visitors, Lin sought out the young ranger who was relaxing outside the center enjoying the beautiful afternoon.

  “Haven’t seen you in awhile,” Lin commented, “What’s keeping you so busy?”

  “I’ve spent most of my time up near Deep Gap, helping Dave Winkler with the investigation of that shooting, the one involving Peter Dunne and Ellie Clark. You did know that case has been reopened?”

  “Yes, Dave called us about it,” Lin responded. “He thought he might be able to charge Stefan Kovich.”

  “Well, I think he’s was hoping to do that, but we haven’t found any real physical evidence to tie him to the scene of the crime. The weapon was of the same type he owns but his have all been cleaned so…”

  “ I was told that. He could’ve used them and then cleaned them, but that’s circumstantial at best, “ Lin agreed.

  “Yes, really all of the evidence falls into that category. The best evidence is the threatening notes found at his place, and his overall behavior toward the victims. There are witnesses to that. I think Dave is going ahead with harassment charges, but that’s all he can do at this time. We’ll just have to see what happens. I’m afraid a good defense attorney might get him off,” Scott shook his head.

  Lin frowned, “I don’t like the sound of that,” she said. “He’s bad news and I’m afraid he might try to come after us again, if he was the one who left that threatening note.”

  “I know how you feel,” Mark offered, “Dave says the assistant DA will argue that at the hearing, but without real solid evidence a restraining order isn’t likely.”

  That wasn’t really much comfort to Lin, but she wasn’t sure that such an order would be very effective anyway with a disturbed person such as Stefan Kovich.

  Mark Scott was soon on his way, and Lin realized that it was past time for her to leave work. She wanted to check her schedule for the upcoming week. She still hadn’t heard from Neal, but she was expecting he might call tonight. She really hoped he would be coming sometime during the weekend. All week she’d found that she couldn’t stop thinking about him, and how much she was missing his presence—in more ways than one—she could hardly wait to see him again.

  Lin found Rachel in the office perusing the calendar. “I was just coming in to check that myself,” Lin remarked. “I wanted to know when I was scheduled to work, I’m hoping my fiancé will be able to come sometime this weekend and…”

  Rachel interrupted with a grin, “you’d like to have some time off when he does.”

  Lin felt herself blushing at R
achel’s knowing look. “That’s right,” she responded.

  “Well, I have you down to work tomorrow and Saturday, then three days off Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday—wouldn’t you like to have the whole week?”

  “Let’s just leave things as they are for now,” Lin responded. “I’m hoping to hear from Neal tonight, and I should know more then. “Tomorrow, we can discuss the schedule.”

  “That’s fine,” Rachel responded. “Just remember, you’re a volunteer and you’ve worked long hours all week.”

  “That, hopefully, compensated a bit for those times I was out helping Ellie Clark and taking care of other matters. I enjoy being here, and I know you need help,” Lin smiled. “I don’t want to leave you hanging.”

  “You’re not,” Rachel said. “You’ve been a great help, and Ellie did so much of the back file sorting that my load is much lighter. You just find out when your fella’s coming and then we’ll set a schedule accordingly.”

  Lin thanked her co-worker and then gathered her things to leave. She was already feeling a deep longing inside, when she considered how much she’d been missing Neal. If he doesn’t call tonight, I’m calling him, she thought.


  As if her thoughts were shaping reality, Lin’s cell phone rang just as she entered the house and tossed her belongs on a chair in the front hall. She smiled at the familiar ID as she answered, “I knew it had to be you,” she told Neal. “I’ve been thinking about you so much all day; I feel sure you got the message.”

  “And just what message is that,” he teased, “do tell me more.”

  “If you don’t know, then my explaining further won’t help,” she made a quick comeback. How was it that she always felt like a teenager or college student when she thought about him. After all, she was a grandmother, facing her sixtieth birthday next year. Still, thinking about his tall, lean body, his handsome face and sparkling blue eyes beneath his salt and pepper hair pretty much turned her insides upside down.

  “I guess you’ll just have to deliver your message in person,” Neal continued. “I’m booked on a flight into Charlotte at five pm Sunday afternoon.”

  Lin squealed with delight, “That’s perfect. I’m off Sunday—Monday and Tuesday too—Rachel says I can take the entire week if I’d like.”

  “You’d like,” Neal responded. “ I’ve booked us two nights, Monday and Tuesday at the Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock, that’s my treat, but you need to find us a place to stay on Sunday. I think I’ll be too tired of traveling to drive all the way to the mountains.” He sounded as if he were faking tiredness at that moment. “I wanted us to have a chance for a more private reunion before I move in on you and Sue,” Neal explained. “Do you know a good place for Sunday—not just an airport motel.”

  “I know the perfect spot, and it’s only about forty-five minutes from the airport—probably less on a Sunday evening. I’ll take care of everything; this will be my surprise.” Lin added. “Now, tell me, how are things going out there with the house and all. How long can you stay here?”

  “I’ve got all the needed work done on the house. It looks the best it has in years, and it’s attracting some interest, which is a good thing. My work in Tucson begins in August, but the exact date is uncertain. Chris and I have discussed things and I’ll be off in September for our wedding; there’s no problem with that.”

  “And I haven’t planned to work here past the first of September, at the latest,” Lin responded. “Maybe, we can take some time on Monday to check out some wedding venues before we come back up here.”

  “As long as we’re back at the resort by evening,” Neal explained, “I’ve made some, er—special plans for dinner, not to mention afterward.”

  “Don’t forget Sunday night comes first,” Lin teased, “I might have some special plans of my own.”

  They wound up the conversation and Lin hurried into the kitchen to tell Sue about Neal’s plans. She found her seated at the table sipping a glass of wine and working on some of her writing notes.

  “Neal’s arriving Sunday night. I’m going to meet him in Charlotte, but we won’t be coming back up to the mountains until Monday evening—he’s booked us into Chetola for two nights before he joins us here,” Lin saw Sue’s eyebrow lift knowingly, “ I expected he’d want to get you alone in a hotel for a couple of nights but Chetola? That’s really special—that’ll set him back a buck or two,” she teased.

  Lin shook her head as if to admonish Sue, but she couldn’t stop herself from laughing at the images Sue’s teasing raised. “You’re too much, Sue Gray. As if I’m not worth it—only the best will do.”

  “And where are you going to whisk your lover boy away to on Sunday night—what’s your surprise?”

  “One that is a very thrifty choice,” Lin replied, “I’m taking him home. In fact, I plan to drive down earlier on Sunday and spruce the place up a bit. I’m not sure you and I left it in the best of shape.”

  “Certainly, not equal to a posh resort,” Sue smiled.

  “But home is where the heart is,” Lin responded, “and my place will be our place soon.” She filled Sue in on the dates of Neal’s work and the tentative scheduling of a late September wedding.

  Now that Lin knew Neal’s plans, she felt excited as she anticipated his arrival. “Let’s go out to eat,” she suggested to Sue. “I know my turn to cook is long overdue but I’m completely out of ideas. How about Chinese?”

  “You’re on,” Sue replied, sipping the last of her wine, “and you’re driving.”

  They decided on the Hunan restaurant. Rachel had recommended their family style Chinese dinner, but they had yet to try it. Soon they were both chowing down on Kung Pao Beef and Sweet and Sour Shrimp as they talked further about having Neal join them.

  “I know I’ve been teasing you,” Sue acknowledged, “but I hope you realize that I’m perfectly comfortable having Neal with us at the house. I want him to feel at home for as long as he’s able to stay. He doesn’t need to feel embarrassed at all about your relationship. After all, I’ve had my own share of relationships over the years. I was married once you know.”

  Lin realized that she didn’t know much about her friend’s past. She just knew that they’d hit it off from the first time they’d met, and it seemed as if they’d been friends forever. Now she pressed Sue for more information, “I didn’t know that. You’ve never mentioned being married, or having other relationships either for that matter. Tell me more.”

  “I married my high school sweetheart right after graduation,” Sue confessed. “We were both certainly too young, but that didn’t stop us. We went to college together and we both graduated with honors, but the marriage didn’t survive our growing up. Actually, we’re still friends. Eric married again later, and had a family and I went to grad school and found my true calling in journalism. We still keep up with each other.”

  Lin grinned at her housemate, “That doesn’t cover the ‘other relationships’ you mentioned. That sounds glamorous—handsome, sexy lovers from exotic places swept off their feet by your many charms?”

  “I’m not telling everything,” Sue grinned with a sparkle in her eye, “let’s just say I understand your attraction to your handsome professor, and I’m quite comfortable sharing a house with the two of you. Who knows, I may have some surprises up my sleeve in the future as well.”

  “Now you do have to tell me more,” Lin insisted, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you’ve been referring to Dr. Leonard as Frank recently whenever you speak of him.”

  Now it was Sue’s turn to blush. “Frank it is, but we’ve never even been on a date, as you well know. That said, we were in communication some before I came here, when I was hunting us a place to stay, and he and I have been chatting via Skype since he got to Italy—a couple of times. He’s invited me to come over for a visit when my volunteer stint is over. I’m thinking I just might go.” Sue seemed happy at the prospect. “Who knows what will come of it, but we do have a lot of intere
sts in common, and he’s not bad looking either.” Lin had to agree. Frank Leonard couldn’t hold a candle to Neal when it came to sex appeal, at least not in her book, but he was a nice looking guy, and he was an interesting person. She remembered that Ellie said he was a fabulous teacher.

  “I definitely think you should go. A trip to Italy with a congenial professor of art history—that’s too good to pass up.”

  They finished up their meal chatting about possible things the three of them might want to do together while Neal was there. Finally, Lin broached a subject she’d been dreading to bring up.

  “Stefan Kovich is probably going to face further charges but only for harassing Ellie and Pete. They haven’t got enough evidence to charge him in the shootings and no evidence that he was our intruder, although I can’t think of whom else it could be myself. I’m worried, especially with your being alone in the house for a few nights. I think Neal and I should postpone our Chetola plans, at least for now.”

  “Not on your life,” Sue retorted. “I’m not afraid of him or anyone else for that matter, and I can certainly take care of myself. I’m a western girl—grew up in Wyoming, lived most of my life in Colorado. You may not know this about me, but I’m a pretty fair shot, and I’m sure you’ve seen the hunting guns Frank has in that case beside the fireplace. He gave me the key; he said just in case we needed it. I know how to use those guns, and I’m not afraid to do so if I need to. If someone wants to start threatening us again, I won’t be intimidated. Don’t worry about me.”

  Lin swallowed hard. She’d learned a lot about her friend that night, and she felt confident Sue could handle whatever came her way. Nevertheless, she made Sue promise that she would call the sheriff immediately should Kovich or anyone else come calling—gun or no gun.

  Chapter 12

  By the next morning, the fickle mountain weather had done its thing and mist and fog were everywhere. The forecast called for rain showers throughout the day. Fog and mist would lift somewhat during mid-day hours but Ray’s Weather, the local online service, promised their return come evening. It took Lin twice as long as usual to reach Linn Cove. She really didn’t like the fog, it distorted things so much—trees seemed to loom out from the side of the road—approaching cars looked like apparitions as their fog lights came into view. It was almost impossible to read parkway signs until one was right on top of them. It was so thick around Linn Cove that Lin missed the driveway entrance at first and had to turn around at the next parking area. Given these conditions, she was amazed that she arrived for work less than ten minutes late.


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