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Fogbound: A Lin Hanna Mystery

Page 17

by Sharon Canipe

  “And I think we need an update regarding the investigation into the shooting also. We’ve heard nothing and it’s been quite a while now,” Lin added.

  Sue agreed. She went out on the porch to make the call. Neal insisted on picking up the tab for their lunch. Lin went outside to wait for him just as Sue was ending her conversation.

  “Dave Winkler isn’t in right now, but he’s expected to be back shortly,” Sue said. “If he doesn’t make it, someone else can talk to us.”

  “I hope he’s there when we arrive,” Lin responded. “I don’t have much confidence in those young officers who know nothing about the cases we’re talking about, I’m afraid.”

  Neal rejoined them and they headed across the street to the store. “We won’t stay but a few minutes,” Lin insisted. “We do need to get back to town, but I want Neal to at least see this place. We can come back later and spend more time.”

  Neal found the old store just as enticing as they had on their first visit. “We definitely have to come back,” he smiled as they got back in the car. “ Next time we have to go to the annex you told me about—to get candy, of course.”

  Shortly thereafter they were seated in the reception area at the sheriff’s office waiting. A young man approached them. Lin recognized him as one of the officers who had come out when they had received the threatening note. “Deputy Winkler is on his way back here right now,” he offered, “but I can talk to you folks if you don’t want to wait.”

  “We’ll wait.” Sue spoke quickly. “He’s familiar with the person we need to talk about already,”she added, hoping she’d not sounded short earlier. Neal struggled to suppress a laugh. Sue gave him a hard look. “You’d feel the same way if you’d been dealing with this situation.”

  “I know. I know. I’m sorry—it’s just you had such determination in your voice,” he apologized. “Believe me. I know what you mean. After dealing with law enforcement in Flagstaff and then down on the coast, Lin and I both appreciate the value of working with someone who already knows all the background information.”

  About that time, Dave Winkler walked in the door. He seemed surprised to see them. Perhaps no one had told him they were waiting for him to return. He seemed to realize that they were there to see him, however. “If you folks will go on down to the conference room, I’ll join you in a few minutes. I just have to drop off these papers.” He indicated the file he was carrying.

  When he joined them a few minutes later he asked, “What brings you in today? Have you had any more problems out at your house?”

  “Not so far,” Sue replied, “we wanted to share some information about our friend Eustace Hinson, and we also wanted to get an update on your investigation into the threat we received and the shooting incident at our home—what you might’ve learned when you talked to the Hinsons. We were also wondering how the investigation into the shooting of Ellie Clark and Pete Dunne was progressing.”

  Winkler seemed troubled when he spoke. He shuffled nervously in his seat. “Tell me about old Eustace. What has he been up to lately?”

  Lin was puzzled by this response, “Perhaps you can tell us? We’ve not seen the man since the incident we told you about earlier. You indicated then that you planned to talk to the Hinsons. We’ve been waiting to hear if you learned anything more about who might have taken that shot at our front door.”

  Winkler seemed a bit uneasy, “ I did talk with the Hinsons, but the entire family was together at Hiram’s home the evening your home was shot at; I believe they said it was a family birthday celebration. Anyway, it couldn’t have been one of them. I did speak to them about your encounter with Eustace. Apparently, he was out with his grandson, Luke Taylor. They went fishing in Reedy Creek and then Luke decided to go further upstream to see if the fish were biting better there. Old Eustace must’ve wandered off and that’s when you met him. I talked to all of them about keeping a closer eye on him. He could wander off and get lost. I told them that he didn’t do you any harm—there would be no charges or anything, and they agreed to keep a closer eye on him. Bottom line is that it couldn’t have been a Hinson who shot at your front door.”

  Sue spoke up, “Then have you uncovered any more information in your investigation. Someone was there. Clearly, someone is trying to intimidate us.”

  Winkler squirmed in his seat, uncomfortable with this situation. “Frankly, Ms. Gray, I haven’t a clue as to who might’ve shot at that piece of pottery. Maybe it was an accident. Some kid firing at targets or something. These things happen you know.” His irritation was evident.

  “On a foggy evening?” Sue queried. “That hardly seems a likely explanation. How can you be so certain the Hinsons are telling the truth about the family all being together that night?”

  Winkler was clearly upset at Sue’s question. He could barely control his anger. “I’ve known the Hinsons all my life. They are hard working folks. They don’t have much, like a lot of our mountain folk. They farm a little, fish, hunt, you name it—just to eke out a living. They are proud people. They don’t ask for anything from anyone—just to be left alone. Whatever you may think of their lifestyle, I know them as honest people. I’d take their word over a stranger’s anyday.” The lawman’s implication was clear.

  Lin could tell that Sue was getting angry herself. She spoke up quickly to change the direction of the conversation. “Well, if you don’t have any answers to share with us, maybe you’ll be interested in some information we learned this afternoon. Information about Eustace Hinson that relates to one of your unsolved murder cases.” She turned to Sue.

  Sue continued the story, “Today we visited with Mildred Fletcher.” Winkler raised a knowing eyebrow. “She told us that she’d always suspected Eustace of killing her daughter. We learned that his grandson was Sara’s boyfriend, the father of her child, presumably. We thought that connection was interesting and perhaps it might shed some light on his current behavior. After all, it wasn’t too long ago you believed he was the person who killed Peter Dunne and shot Ellie Clark. He did confess to that at one point, even though he later denied any killings. Didn’t you tell us he’d also confessed to several other killings when all that was going on?”

  Dave Winkler was clearly annoyed at having to address this information. He was barely civil when he responded. “Mrs. Fletcher’s feelings don’t constitute proof in her daughter’s case,” Winkler was calm but still displayed irritation, “There was no clear evidence then and there still isn’t. What are you doing digging up that old case anyway? Besides, you both know that Eustace’s confessions were tossed out of court.”

  Sue was very open with her interests. She told Winkler about the research she’d been doing for her book, about the information she’d gathered, and the similar patterns she’d found in some of these cases. “The fact that Hinson, despite his dementia, was claiming to have killed several people led me to think you just might want to look into his current behavior. Who knows, he might’ve been the one who shot at our front door. I don’t think a family party is much of an alibi.” Sue spoke calmly but clearly was irritated herself.

  “That’s another case where there’s no clear evidence. Like I said earlier, maybe that was just an accidental incident. Maybe old Eustace did get hold of a gun and do that. Maybe he drove himself, although his license has been taken away. Maybe he got someone to drive him. I really don’t know. All I know is I have no proof he’s done anything at all.” Winkler fairly snapped out his words.

  He leaned forward, staring directly at Sue. “I’m telling you right now. Ms. Gray to stay out of all this murder business. I know that the place where you said Eustace threatened you was near the scene of one of those murders you’ve been talking about, but that case has been solved and is closed.” Sue started to say something but thought better of it. Winkler continued, “As for these other cases, for all you know we’re still working on them, and anything you do could be considered interference with law enforcement. Dangerous interference, I might add
. If there’s a killer loose out there, you folks might well be the next target. Our department is stretched thin as it is, and we don’t have time to waste watching over busybodies who can’t mind their own business. Now, is there anything else I can do for you folks?”

  Neal rose, barely concealing his own anger at their treatment by Winkler, “I believe Ms. Gray also asked for an update concerning the recent shooting of two young people, one of whom died. What is the status of that investigation? We know that Stefan Kovich, one of your suspects, is currently facing immigration charges.”

  Winkler spoke more calmly, but his face still betrayed his irritation. “Mr. Kovich is still in jail. He is likely to face deportation. If that happens, he may or may not be required to face harassment charges here at this time.”

  “What about the murder and assault charges?” Lin asked. “ I thought you were investigating him in Ellie and Peter’s case.”

  “I was,” Winkler confessed, “but the DA isn’t willing to bring those charges at this time. Apparently the circumstantial evidence isn’t enough to support the case, at least that’s what he says.”

  “So whom are you focusing on in that case now?” Lin asked.

  “The case is still under investigation, and that’s the only information I am at liberty to disclose. I can assure you we will find the guilty party. I think it’s time for you folks to go and let me get back to work.” He rose quickly and left the room.

  “What’s gotten into him?” Lin wondered as they left and returned to their car. “He didn’t act that way when we first reported the incident at our home.”

  “I’d say he’s none too happy about my looking into these other cases,” Sue suggested. “That makes me even more curious about them. Why did he get so angry when we talked about the connections there?”

  Neal didn’t say anything during the drive back to the house, but when they arrived he went straight to the kitchen to check on the grocery supplies. “Have you ladies tried that grill out back here?” he asked. “If it works, I’ll cook these steaks you have in the freezer.”

  “It should work,” Sue said. “We’ve not used it, but Frank showed me how to operate it and said it was fine. It’s tapped into the gas for the house so there’s no tank to fill or anything.”

  “Great,” Neal said. “You ladies come up with a couple of side dishes and I’ll do the grilling. Before that though, I feel the need for a good stiff drink. I’m still zorked at the way that deputy treated you,” he admitted.

  “ Me too, in fact I don’t even want to talk about it right now,” Lin said. “All I want to do is change into something more comfortable. Then I’ll whip up some appetizers and a salad.”

  “I’ll put some potatoes on to start baking,” Sue offered, “and that should do it for dinner.”

  Lin followed Neal upstairs to change. Sue put on the potatoes and then did the same. By the time Neal had made gin and tonics for the three of them, and Lin had prepared a platter of crackers and cheese, they were more than ready to head for the patio out back.

  Gradually, Lin felt herself relaxing, leaving behind the unpleasant feelings that accompanied their visit with Deputy Winkler. Finally, she felt like talking.

  “I really don’t quite understand why he became so angry at what we were saying,” she remarked. “He didn’t act that way when he was out here taking our report at the time of the shooting. We’ve never seen him react like this before.”

  “I think Sue’s talking about looking into all these unsolved cases struck a raw nerve with him somehow,” Neal suggested. “Maybe he’s come under criticism or something because of them. He seems to be frustrated.”

  “Well, if he thinks I’m going to stop looking into things, he’s got another think coming,” Sue declared. “In fact, I’m more determined than ever to get some questions answered.”

  “I understand how you feel,” Lin replied. “Mildred Fletcher and the other families who lost loved ones deserve to have closure. To see justice done.”

  Neal was quiet for a moment. Then he reached out and took Lin’s hand in his. “Just remember, Winkler is right about one thing—whatever else you may think. If there is a killer still out there, you could be in grave danger. Both of you.”

  Chapter 15

  They ate their steak dinner on the patio, enjoying the beautiful sunset that painted the gathering clouds in shades of deep orange and purple. By the time they finished cleaning up their dishes things were changing; they could hear distant thunder, and the temperature was dropping.

  “Guess the weather forecast was accurate,” Lin sighed. “I don’t think we’ll be taking any trips to Mt. Mitchell or Virginia tomorrow. Too bad, it’s my last day off until next week.” She settled herself on the comfortable sofa in the living room to enjoy the fresh coffee Sue had made for after dinner.

  “I heard that,” Neal said as he came from the kitchen to join her and Sue, his own fresh cup in hand. “I’m crushed that you’re disappointed at the prospect of a rainy day spent at home, with me.” There was an unmistakable twinkle in his eye as he seated himself in a nearby easy chair, placing his coffee mug on a side table. “I’ll just have to find a way to entertain you, I suppose. Could be a challenge.”

  Lin realized that she had opened herself up for this. She was clearly at a loss for a quick comeback this time. Sue chuckled at her embarrassment. “ Since when can two lovebirds such as you not figure out what to do on a rainy day. After all, I have to work a six hour shift tomorrow—you’ll have the place all to yourselves—perhaps I can suggest…”

  Lin cut her off before she could go further, “Okay, Okay. That’s enough you two. I’m sure we’ll be just fine. It’s getting late so I think I’ll go up and take a shower.” With that she headed for the stairs, leaving Neal and Sue chuckling knowingly in her wake.

  She’d just finished lathering her hair with lavender scented shampoo when the bathroom door opened. Through the glass shower door she saw Neal standing there. He’d already shed his shirt and belt and was working on his zipper. “I hope I’m forgiven,” he said as he finally succeeded in dropping his slacks to the floor and stepped out of his boxers. “I just couldn’t resist teasing you. Can I come in?”

  Lin eyed his long, lean and totally naked body, her resistance clearly crumbling. She opened the door to the shower and he slipped in behind her. He placed his hands on her head, gently shampooing her hair. Then he grabbed the bath gel and began washing her body, gently scrubbing her from top to toe. A deep warmth penetrated her, and she couldn’t keep her hands off him—bathing him as he had her, observing he was clearly aroused as was she. He pulled her toward him wrapping her in a wet embrace and kissing her deeply as he reached to turn off the water. Without a word he opened the shower door and grabbed a large bath sheet that he placed around his shoulders and around her as well, wrapping their bodies together. He smiled, realizing her desire matched his own, and snuggled her close as they stepped out onto the warm bath rug.

  “I’ll take that as a positive. I’m not in the doghouse,” he smiled.

  “Even if you were, it was only temporary,” Lin grinned. “Now, I’d suggest we head for that warm bed in there—before we end up on this cold, hard tile floor.”


  It was well past midnight when Lin awoke to the sounds of yet another thunderstorm rolling by. She could see the lightning flashing through the curtains. She glanced at Neal lying beside her, still sleeping soundly. She was quite wide awake and not likely to go back to sleep right away; she decided to head downstairs for a late-night snack. When she got up, she realized that the house was quite chilly. She fumbled toward the closet to grab a warm robe, taking care to not turn on a light. She didn’t want to disturb Neal.

  She crept to the hallway and flipped the light switch near the head of the stairs—nothing happened. I guess we’ve had a power outage, she thought, the storm most likely. She felt for the railing and carefully descended to the main floor. She knew there were candles in a kit
chen drawer, but it took her a few minutes to find them in the dark. Finally, she had a couple of candles lit and placed on the table. The kitchen seemed now like a quiet refuge from the storm that continued to rage outside.

  By the time she’d made herself a half sandwich and poured a glass of cold milk, the thunder had moved to a more distant location, and the rain seemed to have subsided a bit. Still, the lights were out. She’d gathered some more candles and matches to take upstairs and was just sitting down to eat her snack when she heard a noise outside—a shuffling sound coming from the direction of the back door. She quickly blew out the candles, knowing that their dim light would reflect in the glass door, making it impossible for her to see outside. There was another shuffling sound, followed by a scrape like something being dragged across the porch. Lin wished the power were on so she could turn on the porch light. Her heart was pounding and she was having trouble breathing. No, she thought. I can’t panic. I’ve got to stay calm. She was standing at the table, so she grabbed the edge for support and forced herself to take several long, deep breaths. That clearly helped to calm her. She carefully made her way over to the glass door and peered out into the rainy night. At first she saw nothing, but, as her vision adjusted to the darkness, she thought she could make out a form. Someone seemed to be crouching on the porch next to the wooden steps. Whoever it was, was dressed in dark clothing and wearing a hood. The person was working with some sort of tool, but Lin couldn’t tell what it was or what the intruder was doing. She certainly couldn’t make an identification.

  Gathering her courage she rapped strongly on the door glass and yelled, “Get away from here. Get away now.” The intruder stopped working with the tool but didn’t move. Lin was about to yell again when a hand reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Sue was standing beside her, one of Frank’s shotguns in hand. She raised a finger for Lin to be silent and moved toward the door, cocking the weapon as she went. “Get the lock,” she whispered. “When I nod, open the door fast.” Lin could no longer see the person on the porch, but all was quiet. There were no sounds of movement or work. She did as Sue asked and flipped the door lock as quietly as possible while clasping the knob. Sue nodded. Lin jerked the door open. At the same moment Sue fired the weapon, and they heard the sound of someone scrambling down the steps.


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