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Hail to the Queen (Sage Trilogy, Book 3)

Page 11

by Julius St. Clair

  “But don’t we need the stone of Quietus to prove we’ve defeated them? Or are we just expecting them to go off our word?”

  “With all the conflict we’ve come up against since we left Allay, they’ll have to. I’m not going to risk losing it. They know we’ll be coming, and I’m sure word of Quietus’ demise has reached their borders by now.”

  “But we can’t just leave the stones like that either.”

  “It will have to do. I would rather have it in a neutral location than with us. We’re walking targets.”

  “Well, is there anything we can do for him?”

  “Yes,” Catherine said, turning to face him directly. “You can stop worrying. Arimus is strong. If you think a lost arm and some burns are going to keep him down, then you never knew him to begin with.”

  “Fine,” James grunted. “But I’m not responsible if he falls over from exhaustion.”

  “Besides, we have another powerful Sage to pick up the slack, don’t we?”

  “Yeah, right,” James snickered. “I think I can still feel Jester’s blade between my ribs.” Catherine remained silent as they continued climbing the snow covered mountain. A light dusting had begun to brush against their faces and James rubbed his forearms, wishing they still had the wool cloaks they had left Allay with. Out of the three of them, only Arimus still had some of his armor left. Hopefully, it was warmer in Prattle, and maybe the citizens would be especially grateful once they heard of Jester’s death. He needed some warmer clothes urgently.

  James looked over at Catherine to ask how she felt, but stopped once he saw the focus in her gaze. He sighed and kept walking. It felt like the last time they were together it was an eternity, yet only a couple of days had passed. Still, there was no way she was going to discuss what was going through her mind. She cared for him and said that she thought no less of him since learning about his heritage, but she still acted like she had to take on the world alone. Scenarios playing out through her mind, the worries of her people in the background…there was little time for him, and wasn’t this just a glimpse of their future? If they returned to Allay, would it be the playful excursions and sparring sessions he hoped for? Or would it all be politics and diplomatic meetings with the other Kingdoms? Could she be able to ever take a break?

  “Something on your mind, James?” Catherine asked abruptly. James was taken by surprised and began stuttering. She just laughed and continued on. “It’s okay. I’m sure I have it all figured out. Thinking about our future together again?”

  “Am I that predictable?”

  “Yes,” she laughed. “But that’s part of your charm. It means I always know I can rely on you. A very admirable trait in such dark times.”

  “I was thinking about proposing to you,” James said slyly.

  “No, you aren’t!” Catherine laughed and punched James on the arm. “And don’t you dare! I swear I’ll say no!”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “That’s a promise!”

  “You won’t keep that promise.”

  “Well then why don’t you go ahead and ask away? The worse I can do is give you a big fat no and then go marry the King of Prattle.”

  “You’ve never even met him.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m sure he’s way cuter than you.”

  “I have an adorable puppy dog face,” James mused. “And it’s a proven fact that girls cannot say no when proposed by a boy with a cute puppy dog face.”

  “Are you cute or adorable? I’m confused. You’re mixing things up.”

  “They’re the same thing!” he exclaimed. “And besides, you’re just trying to change the subject!”

  “James, you drive me crazy,” Catherine laughed to herself as she shied away from him. “You make me feel my age. A very hard feat to accomplish.”

  “Someone has to keep you young. I think I see a silver hair sticking out.”

  “Oh, and that’s going get you closer to a yes.”

  “So I’m getting a consideration?”

  “It’s not like you actually proposed.”

  “True. True,” James said, nodding his head and looking at the increasingly diminishing path beneath their feet. They were almost to the section where Jester was once held captive. Soon, they would meet the Kingdom guards, cutting his time with Catherine short once again…

  “But seriously, please don’t do that,” Catherine pleaded. “Like I need more on my mind.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to you,” James admitted. “But at least I’m letting you know where I stand.”

  “You’re really that serious about us?”

  “I am. And I have a lot more to say…I’m just not sure we have the time.”

  “Then worry about your survival and we’ll discuss it in the future. I’ll be sure to write you into my schedule. Maybe fit in an interview.”

  “James, can I speak with you in a minute?” Arimus called from far behind them. James glanced back reluctantly. Catherine smiled and put her hands into James’, clutching it tight.

  “Go ahead, James,” she said. “It might be important, and I can take care of myself for a few measly minutes.”

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, giving her a peck on the cheek and then falling back until Arimus caught up. He was breathing heavily, but otherwise his visage was far better than when they left. It was if he had gotten a little of his vigor back.

  “How are you doing, Arimus?”

  “Just getting used to my weight loss,” he chuckled, holding up his arm. “And my new tan.”

  “The ladies won’t be able to contain themselves now.”

  “Very funny, James,” he said. “But to get on with it, the reason I called you over is because we haven’t had time to catch up.”

  “Another conversation about Catherine?”

  “In a sense. I want to finish the rest of my story. The one I began in the Langoran forest if you don’t mind.”

  “I thought it was already done.”

  “Didn’t you ever wonder what could be so bad that I would actually leave my family and friends behind? Just completely abandon them and join the enemy?”

  “I haven’t had time to think about it much,” James said solemnly. “Not really anything. I mean, I’ve lost my best friend a few days ago, and my teacher, but it still feels like they’re just off on some secret mission and I’ll be seeing them once we reach Prattle. I can’t believe they’re gone at all. It’s only when I see a shade of red the color of his hair or I hear someone laughing uncontrollably that I think of them.”

  “Well, listen close,” Arimus replied. “This is the last of my story. I didn’t leave Allay on a whim. I’m far too loyal for that. The reason is because I was in love with Catherine’s mother.”

  “What?” James said in shock as Arimus put a finger to his own lips.

  “Don’t be so loud. She doesn’t know,” Arimus said, pointing to the Princess in front of them. “Her name was Ashalynn, and we met when we were children. Back then I was a guard in training within the castle, very much like Dominic was. I wasn’t betrothed to her, but I wish I had been. I fell in love with her the moment we met. Of course I knew she was the Princess, and her father, a very old fashioned and stubborn fellow, would have had me kicked back to the village if he knew, but we found ways to secretly profess our adoration towards one another. You would have loved her, James. She was mature beyond her years, and she carried herself like true royalty.”

  “I think I would have passed,” James laughed. “Catherine’s more my type.”

  “Catherine forgets her status habitually, and even though you think she should relax more, I believe she hasn’t taken her job seriously enough.”

  “Trust me, Arimus, there are plenty of uptight adults to go around.”

  “In any case, Ashalynn shared my vision of the Kingdom – a strong and resilient army, an academy that would accept children along with adults in Sage training, better relations with the other Kingdoms. She was nothing like her
father, who just wanted the people to work for him and give him the fruits of their labor. He cared little for what the other Kingdoms did and refused to interact with them. From what you’ve seen, we’re still bearing the weight of those decisions even today. Our conversations with the others have been strained at best.”

  “So what happened? She ended up marrying another?”

  “Actually, she married me – in secret, while her father was on his deathbed. Her mother had already passed a few years earlier and she wanted to ensure that I would be King when she took over as Queen. Our union lasted all of three days, when the unthinkable occurred…her father declared an heir.”

  “Catherine’s father, right?” James said. “Cornelius Herald?”

  “Yes,” Arimus grunted under the growing incline. “He was made King, and he was barely known too. Ashalynn had no suitors besides myself in secret, and I had only heard rumors. He was the son of a deceased guard, like I had been, but I knew nothing of his reputation. Yet somehow, he had gained the most powerful title in all of Allay. He was just like Ashalynn’s father, proud and selfish, and I couldn’t stand the sight of him. Neither could Ashalynn, but she performed her duty. She became his Queen - no matter how hard I tried to convince her otherwise.”

  “Is that why you left?”

  “I had little options, James. I couldn’t stay married to her - the King would have had us executed. And I didn’t dare try to overthrow him and cause a mutiny. I didn’t want to fracture the Kingdom I loved so dearly…and yet, I still couldn’t abandon her. I remained a guard in the castle until…until…”

  Arimus shut his eyes and he clenched his fists over the memory.

  “He began hitting her…just a slap every so often, but it grew more violent and severe by the hour. For a reason I have never understood, he absolutely hated her, and being an easily angered man, she was at the brunt of his attacks often. One day, when I was to leave on a mission, I decided to take a stand. I just couldn’t accept it anymore. I feared that if I left, I may come back and find my love had died under his soft and privileged hands. I didn’t try to kill him, but I gave him the beating of his life, right in front of Ashalynn, right in the midst of their bedchamber. As he was losing unconsciousness, I swore to him that I wouldn’t speak about what happened, but in exchange, he was never to hit her again. He nodded as best he could and blacked out. I kissed my love, embraced her one last time, and left for Languor, deciding that it was the best course of action. If there was any chance that Cornelius was going to adhere to my words, I couldn’t be roaming the halls of his castle. Better to remain a shadow, ready to descend on him when he least expected it. I knew Ashalynn wouldn’t run away with me so I didn’t ask…but, to this day I still wish I had been there to fight the Quietus. Perhaps I could have saved her.”

  “We’ll find them,” James said. “They’ve got to be somewhere. And there’s only two Kingdoms left that we haven’t seen for ourselves.”

  “You may be right,” Arimus said, clearing his throat. “But the purpose of relating to you my tale is not to vent off of past regrets. It’s to make you understand the seriousness of Catherine’s position. No matter how hard you try to sway her emotions, no matter how fervently you pursue her, you must remember that we are not in her position. We must follow her word and trust in her judgment as the future Queen. If she decides that you are to be nothing more than a friend for the rest of your lives, then that is where the ruling must stay. Any further discussion will just cause distraction – the kind that can get people killed. I’m not trying to dishearten you, and I understand that you too have a heart. Just know that if her heart does break…it will affect the world. Someday, she will take the crown, and be one of a select few to lead. Whether into war or peace, we have to respect her wishes to the bitter end. Do you understand me, James?”

  “I get it,” James said with a half-smile. “I understand…but if you loved Queen Ashalynn so much, you should know what I’m going through. And that means you better be willing to distract me enough to not have to think about it.”

  “What do you recommend?”

  “Make me stronger,” James declared, placing a hand on the big man’s shoulder. “Take over where Chloe left off. Teach me all you know.”

  “James, I’ve taught you – “

  “- the basics of becoming a Sage. You’ve never taught me what it means to be a warrior. Give me what I need to get better.”

  “As hard as this may be to hear, I’m not a very good educator.”

  “Then teach me like most men do. Live and fight…while I watch. Show me your strength, and I’ll do my best to emulate it. If you can promise to me you’ll do your best to make me stronger, I’ll stay focused on my training and let Catherine make the moves from here on out.”

  “You can’t keep that promise,” Arimus laughed as James joined in.

  “Maybe not for too long, but at least I’ll give an effort.”

  “It’s a deal,” Arimus replied as the sound of a troop headed their way. Catherine stopped in the trail up ahead and waited for Arimus and James to catch up. Standing side by side, they waved to the oncoming guards as soon as they turned the corner. Its leader, Gyruin, laughed heartily as soon as they appeared. James glanced over to his left at the broken gold door in the mountainside – the prison that had once held Jester. It had been completely crushed and obliterated into tiny pieces. James frowned as a realization came to him.

  He didn’t show me that level of strength. James thought. He was holding back.

  But why? Why would Jester continue to hide his true strength even after his Sage transformation? Didn’t he need the Sages dead for his master to perfect his plans?

  “My, my,” Gyruin laughed as he left his troop to approach them. “I considered you all dead. Even prayed for your souls in my dailies. Although…” he looked right at Arimus’ missing arm. “it appears you didn’t leave Quietus without giving them some trinkets to gnaw on.”

  “The important thing is that we’ve returned,” Catherine said. “And we have the Quietus stone with us.”

  “Hoping I’m too stupid to ask for proof?”

  “It wasn’t easy, but I assure you, we have the stone. We lost a few of us retrieving it.”

  “Prattlians are known for debate, Princess. So if you think this conversation is going to go in any direction but mine, you’re wasting your time, and my men’s.”

  “We hid it just in case you attempted to take it by force, but we can prove that its power is under our control. James…show the man.”

  “What?” James shouted in disbelief. “Catherine…”

  “Go ahead,” she said, refusing to look at him. “Show him your new eidolon.”

  Gyrun folded his arms and waited while his men stood around anxiously, hands on the hilts of their sheathed swords. They instinctively huddled closer together in the cold despite their gigantic fur coats.

  “Here it goes,” James muttered, shaking his head. “I wish you had told me the plan.”

  “You would have declined,” Catherine smiled at him while James rolled his eyes. He began concentrating within him, trying to draw the Quietus eidolon from his soul, but there was no response from the blade…

  Only the voice.

  Hello James.

  James swallowed hard and kept concentrating, refusing to acknowledge the voice.

  James, why won’t you talk to me? We were just getting to know each other…hello? It’s okay. If you don’t want to speak with me, that’s fine. I’ll remove any hold I have over you, and you can use your Quietus ability to your hearts’ content. Unfortunately, if there is no way you’ll join me, that means you’ve just become a very wanted man, and I’ll have to be on my way to wipe you and Prattle out now. See you soon, and give Catherine and Arimus my best.

  As soon as the voice stopped speaking, the Quietus eidolon emerged in James’ right hand, sending Gyruin and his troop back in fear. Once the initial reaction was over, they examined it carefully, whisper
ing and noting amongst themselves the rippling black surface, the energy emitting from it and how familiar its aura felt. Even James winced under the power it was giving off.

  So this was the uninhibited power of the Quietus…How could anyone stand it? It felt like he was going spontaneously combust.

  “I can’t believe you would subject one of your own men to the Quietus stone,” Gyruin said in awe.

  “You asked for proof,” Catherine said flatly. “We have it. Now take us to your King. We have a transaction to complete.”

  “NO!” James shouted, drawing all eyes on him. James sheathed his Quietus eidolon as he tried to gather his thoughts. “We have to evacuate Prattle immediately! He’s on his way to destroy us all!”

  “Who?” Gyruin and Catherine asked in unison as James squint his eyes and clutched his head.

  “The voice, the one who speaks to me from my Quietus side.”

  “Oh geez,” Gyruin rolled his eyes. “He’s hearing voices.”

  “No, no,” James said, reaching out and grabbing Catherine’s arms. “You have to listen to me very carefully. Since I’ve unleashed my Quietus eidolon, there’s been a voice, speaking deep within me. Before I left Quietus to save you, I learned that all Quietus hear it. The voice controls them and the source originates from Zen-echelon.”

  “And you’re saying he’s coming to Prattle?” Gyruin asked. “Now?”

  “Yes! And he’s very powerful,” James gasped. “I can’t sense him…but I can tell just by how he speaks. He’s very confident in his abilities.”

  “Well, so are we,” Gyruin declared as Catherine continued to study James’ face. “We’re not going to back down just because the kid’s hearing voices. For all we know, it could be a ploy to get us all out in the open. Maybe the Quietus are the ones pulling the strings.”

  “This guy is from Zen-echelon,” James stressed. “And I fought Jester – the one who broke out of your prison. Even though we defeated him, I could tell that he was holding back his true power. If he had went all out, I don’t think any of us would be here, and whomever Jester’s master is, this man has got to be stronger. We’re unprepared.”


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