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Madison's Music

Page 30

by Burt Neuborne

  Missouri Compromise, 176

  Monroe, James, 202

  Moore, Alfred, 162

  Moscow, 139–41

  Murdoch, Rupert, 71, 114


  Supreme Court and, 145

  undercover agents and, 28

  NAACP, 86

  freedom of association for, 20

  Napoléon, 139, 155, 186

  National German-American Alliance, 190

  National Labor Relations Act, 182

  National News (Staats Zeitung), 190

  Native Americans, 35, 200

  peyote and, 133–34, 145

  natural law

  for human dignity, 32

  Jefferson and, 32

  Ninth Amendment and, 33


  First Amendment and, 100–101

  natural law and, 32

  in World War II, 8, 32

  New Deal, 182–85

  New York City, campaign finance in, 92

  New York Times, 71

  New York Times v. Sullivan, 129–31

  idea market and, 177

  1984 (Orwell), 18

  Nineteenth Amendment, 35

  Ninth Amendment, 15, 28–34

  Bork and, 33

  Douglas and, 32

  historical origins of, 30–31

  natural law and, 33

  secular conscience and, 134

  “to imply the existence of nontextual rights” in, 29

  Nixon, Richard, 62

  Supreme Court and, 183

  noncooperators, Vietnam War and, 137–38

  nonprofit organizations, Free Speech Clause and, 72–73

  North Carolina

  electoral districts in, 51, 84

  Republican Party in, 84

  Northwest Ordinance, 202

  Obama, Barak, 112

  Occupy Wall Street, 127–29

  Oklahoma, primary election in, 59

  “one person, one vote” principle, 74

  Brennan and, 44, 177

  Constitution and, 177

  electoral districts and, 53–54

  Supreme Court and, 40–42, 52

  original jurisdiction, of Supreme Court, 160–61


  Constitution and, 175, 176–77

  Dred Scott v. Sandford and, 176

  First Amendment and, 6

  Hamilton and, 177

  Jefferson and, 177

  of Scalia, 29, 175

  Orwell, George, 18

  Palmer, A. Mitchell, 189, 243n84


  Marbury v. Madison and, 155–57, 158–59

  Marshall, John, and, 158–59

  Pentagon Papers, 121

  personal autonomy, privacy and, 78

  Petition Clause

  civil War and, 89–90

  England and, 90

  of First Amendment, 17, 18, 20, 88–91, 98

  Founders and, 89

  slavery and, 89–90

  Supreme Court and, 88–91

  peyote, Native Americans and, 133–34, 145

  Pinckney, Charles, 152

  plural marriage, 146

  Pol Pot, 97

  poll taxes, 35–36

  prayer, 143–44

  pre-clearance, Voting Rights Act of 1965 and, 21, 36

  president. See also Marbury v. Madison; specific presidents

  citizenship and, 174

  as lame duck, 44

  succession for, 44

  term limit for, 44

  Twelfth Amendment and, 43–44

  Twentieth Amendment and, 44

  Twenty-Fifth Amendment and, 44

  Twenty-Second Amendment and, 44

  press. See also censorship; Free Press Clause

  Adams, John, and, 6

  First Amendment and, 5

  Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 181

  primary elections

  Supreme Court and, 56–61

  third parties in, 59–60


  Due Process Clause and, 78

  Equal Protection Clause and, 78

  Founders and, 31

  personal autonomy and, 78

  probable clause, Fourth Amendment and, 26

  prohibition, 44

  proof beyond a reasonable doubt, 30

  property qualifications, for voting, 36

  property rights, in Fifth Amendment, 31–32, 176

  public office

  Constitution and, 42–43

  First Amendment and, 14

  religious test for, 139, 199

  Supreme Court and, 44, 87

  public schools

  brainwashing in, 9

  religion in, 146

  punishment. See “cruel and unusual punishment”

  punitive damages, in civil law, 27

  pure speech

  Buckley v. Valeo and, 177

  campaign finance and, 64–65

  communicative conduct and, 122–23

  First Amendment and, 65

  flag burning as, 123

  purposivism, 177–78

  Pussy Riot, 140–41

  Putin, Vladimir, 106, 140–41

  racial minorities

  in Brooklyn, 50–51

  electoral districts for, 21

  Equal Protection Clause and, 47–48

  Fifteenth Amendment and, 35, 45

  First Amendment and, 100

  Louisiana Supreme Court and, 48–49

  prejudice against, 8

  Supreme Court and, 50–51

  voting by, 45, 50–51

  Ramsay, Dennis, 160, 239–40n20

  Randolph, Edmund, 199

  RAV v. City of St. Paul, 235n37

  Rawls, John, 138

  Reagan, Ronald, 2, 132

  reasonable doubt, 30

  Reconstruction South, military in, 188–89

  registration, of voters, 94–95, 148

  Rehnquist, William, 114

  campaign finance and, 63

  convicted felon voting and, 45–46

  religion, 132–47. See also Establishment Clause; Free Exercise Clause

  Alito and, 145

  Article I and, 209–10

  censorship by, 99

  Committee of Eleven and, 209–10

  in First Amendment, 5, 14, 17

  in public schools, 146

  Supreme Court and, 184

  religious conscience, 132–38

  darker side of, 138–44

  First Amendment and, 134

  Founders and, 138

  Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), 135, 136

  religious test, for public office, 139, 199

  religious wars, in England, 24

  Republican Form of Government Clause

  of First Amendment, 41, 42, 43, 230n6

  Founders and, 43

  for states, 42

  Republican Party

  Bush v. Gore and, 73

  First Amendment and, 111

  gerrymandering by, 53–54, 84–85, 229n13, 229n14

  McCarthyism and, 110–11

  in North Carolina, 84

  primary elections and, 56–61

  Supreme Court and, 10, 66, 73, 86–88, 113, 114–15

  voter identification requirements and, 78

  voters for, 21

  residence requirements, for voting, 45, 57

  Revolutionary War, 202

  RFRA. See Religious Freedom Restoration Act

  right to counsel, 204, 211

  Sixth Amendment and, 27, 30

  right to know, First Amendment and, 102

  Roberts, John

  on Affordable Care Act, 172

  on McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, 74

  Roberts, Owen, 182

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 182–85

  Korematsu v. United States and, 192

  Roosevelt, Teddy, 21

  rule of law, 140

  Marbury v. Madison and, 166–67

  Rutledge, John, 154–55, 239n14

bsp; Sacco, Nicola, 193

  “safe-harbor” provision

  in Bush v. Gore, 189

  Hayes and, 232n51

  Scalia, Antonin, 198, 226

  on Free Exercise Clause, 134–35

  Marbury v. Madison and, 173

  originalism of, 29, 175

  violent video games and, 107–8

  Schauer, Frederick, 233n18

  Schenck, Charles, 189–90, 195

  Schwartz, Jacob, 191

  search. See “unreasonable search and seizure”

  Second Amendment

  Founders and, 23

  Keep and Bear Arms Clause in, 14, 24, 219

  Supreme Court and, 24–25

  “well-regulated Militia” in, 14, 23, 24

  secrecy, First Amendment and, 102

  secular conscience, 30, 210

  First Amendment and, 31, 134

  Harlan and, 41, 134

  Ninth Amendment and, 134

  Sedgwick, Theodore, 218

  on Committee of Style, 221

  seizure. See “unreasonable search and seizure”

  self-defense, Keep and Bear Arms Clause and, 24

  self-expression, First Amendment and, 8–9

  self-incrimination, Fifth Amendment and, 26


  Bill of Rights and, 222–23

  conscience and, 19

  filibuster and, 90–91

  gerrymandering and, 55

  judges and, 159

  as malapportioned, 36

  Seventeenth Amendment and, 43

  separation of powers

  Committee of Eleven and, 215–16, 219

  in Constitution, 75

  Marbury v. Madison and, 171

  Tenth Amendment and, 206

  Seventeenth Amendment, 43

  Seventh Amendment, 25, 205, 227n2

  jury trial and, 27, 206

  Shaw v. Reno, 229n10

  Shelby County v. Holder, 229n11

  Sherman, Roger, 1, 197, 207–8, 216, 218, 220, 228

  on Committee of Style, 221

  Sikhs, 145

  Sixteenth Amendment, 44

  Sixth Amendment, 25, 205, 227n2

  jury trial and, 27

  proof beyond a reasonable doubt and, 30

  right to counsel and, 27, 30

  slavery. See also antislavery; Dred Scott v. Sandford

  Civil War and, 176

  Constitution and, 175–76

  Fifth Amendment and, 176

  Fourteenth Amendment and, 176

  Fugitive Slave Clause, 181

  judicial review and, 181–82

  military draft as, 190

  natural law against, 32

  Petition Clause and, 89–90

  Southern support for, 8

  Thirteenth Amendment and, 44, 176

  Smith Act, 193

  Social Security, 135

  Socialist Party, 189–90

  “sore loser” laws, 57

  Souter, David, 177–78

  Brennan and, 40

  Bush v. Gore and, 73

  Founders and, 29

  sovereignty, Tenth Amendment and, 33

  speakers, First Amendment and, 99–100

  spectator citizens, 37–38

  speech. See also Free Speech Clause; pure speech

  corporations and, 9–10

  First Amendment and, 5

  human dignity and, 8–9

  jailings for, 6–7

  speech targets, First Amendment and, 104, 129–31

  Staats Zeitung (National News), 190

  Stalin, Joseph, 97, 139, 140

  Lipman and, 191

  states. See also federalism; specific states

  Bill of Rights and, 30, 31, 223

  courts in, 168

  Eleventh Amendment and, 44

  Republican Form of Government Clause and, 41, 42, 43

  third parties and, 61

  Steimer, Mollie, 190, 191

  Stevens, Wallace, 2–4, 16, 114, 115, 223

  on campaign finance, 66

  Stoddert, Benjamin, 160

  strict literalism, of Thomas, 29

  strict scrutiny, 41, 42

  First Amendment and, 65, 121, 123

  substantial interest, communicative conduct and, 122

  supercitizens, 36–37

  Supreme Court. See also judicial review; specific cases; specific justices

  American Communist Party and, 7, 111

  appellate jurisdiction of, 161, 167, 169–71

  Article III and, 205–6

  blanket primary and, 21, 58

  campaign finance and, 20–21, 39, 61–69, 79–82

  cancellation of 1802 term, 161–62

  circuit riding by, 154, 157, 162, 238n8, 238n12

  civil rights demonstrations and, 111

  communicative conduct and, 122–23

  compelling interest and, 121

  Congress and, 161, 168, 170, 171

  corporations and, 72

  democracy and, 22, 40–42

  Democratic Party and, 10, 109–10, 114–15, 182

  draft card burning and, 64–65, 111

  electoral districts and, 21, 22, 36

  Establishment Clause and, 142, 144–47

  First Amendment and, 10–12, 19, 78, 99, 100–101, 106–9

  Free Exercise Clause and, 144–47

  Free Speech Clause and, 13–14, 20, 102, 109–16, 121–22, 125

  freedom of association and, 88

  gerrymandering and, 55, 83–84

  government and, 121–22

  Jefferson and, 161–62

  Jews and, 145

  of Louisiana, 48–49

  McCarthyism and, 110–11, 196

  Muslims and, 145

  Nixon and, 183

  “one person, one vote” principle and, 40–42, 52

  original jurisdiction of, 160–61

  Petition Clause and, 88–91

  plural marriage and, 146–47

  politicization of, 180–85

  primary elections and, 56–61

  public office and, 44, 87

  racial minorities and, 21, 50–51

  religion and, 184

  Republican Party and, 10, 66, 73, 86–88, 113, 114–15

  Second Amendment and, 24–25

  Sikhs and, 145

  Tenth Amendment and, 33

  third parties and, 88

  Vietnam War and, 111, 133–34, 193–94

  voting and, 21, 44, 87

  Voting Rights Act and, 21

  write-in votes and, 61, 65

  Takings Clause, of Fifth Amendment, 15, 27

  Taney, Roger, 175–76

  Merryman and, 186

  tax credit, for campaign finance, 92

  Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 139

  Tenth Amendment, 15, 28–34

  government power creep and, 32

  historical origins of, 30–31

  separation of powers and, 206

  Supreme Court and, 33

  Texas v. Johnson, 234n32

  textualists, Constitution and, 173–75

  Third Amendment, 23–25, 174

  Committee of Eleven and, 212

  Founders and, 23

  military and, 229n18

  third parties, 44–45

  campaign finance and, 63

  with major parties, 60–61

  in primary elections, 59–60

  “sore loser” laws and, 57

  Supreme Court and, 88

  Thirteenth Amendment

  military draft and, 190

  slavery and, 44, 176

  Thomas, Clarence, 29

  Time Warner, 126

  Tinker v. Des Moines School Board, 234n26

  “to imply the existence of nontextual rights,” in Ninth Amendment, 29


  Fifth Amendment, 26

  Free Speech Clause and, 118

  in violent video games, 107, 108, 109

  Town of Greece v. Galloway, 143–44

>   treason

  of Merryman, 186–87

  witnesses for, 174–75

  Treaty of Paris, 202, 207

  true believers, 132–33, 145

  Twelfth Amendment, 43–44

  Twentieth Amendment, lame-ducks and, 44

  Twenty-First Amendment, 44

  Twenty-Second Amendment, 44

  Twenty-Third Amendment, 43

  Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 35–36

  Twenty-Fifth Amendment, 44

  Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 36

  Twenty-Seventh Amendment, 44

  undercover agents, in Muslim institutions, 28

  Underground Railway, 31

  United States v. Seeger, 236n3

  universal suffrage, 35–36

  “unreasonable search and seizure”

  data-gathering programs and, 28

  in Fourth Amendment, 15, 26, 28, 175

  literalism for, 175

  Vallandingham, Clement, 187, 195

  Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 193

  vice-president, Twelfth Amendment and, 43–44

  video games, 107–8

  Vieth v. Jubelirer, 229n14

  Vietnam War

  CO and, 133–34, 137–38

  First Amendment and, 193–94

  noncooperators and, 137–38

  Supreme Court and, 111, 133–34, 193–94

  Vining, John, 207, 216

  violent video games, 107–8

  Virginia Declaration of Rights, 203

  Virginia Pharmacy Board v. Virginia

  Citizens Consumer Council, 234n34, 236n47

  voter identification requirements, 229n12

  Crawford v. Marion County and, 69

  in Indiana, 69, 73–74

  Republican Party and, 78

  voting turnout and, 47

  voters and voting. See also “one person, one vote” principle

  citizenship of, 47

  compulsory, 93–94

  Constitution and, 42–43

  by convicted felons, 36, 45–46, 49–50

  for Democratic Party, 21

  for District of Columbia, 43

  eighteen-year-olds and, 36

  Fifteenth Amendment and, 35

  First Amendment and, 14, 61, 76–79

  for House of Representatives, 148

  literacy tests for, 36

  low participation in, 95

  Nineteenth Amendment and, 35

  percent of, 37

  property qualifications for, 36

  by racial minorities, 45, 50–51

  registration for, 94–95, 148

  for Republican Party, 21

  residence requirements for, 45, 57

  suppressing turnout for, 46–47

  Supreme Court and, 21, 44, 87

  Twenty-Sixth Amendment and, 36

  universal suffrage, 35–36

  waiting periods for, 88

  write-in, 61, 65

  Voting Rights Act of 1965, 21, 36

  literacy tests and, 45

  pre-clearance and, 36

  Voting Rights Act of 1982, 231n22

  Wagner, Jacob, 158, 160, 164

  War on Poverty, 112

  Warrant Clause, of Fourth Amendment, 26

  Warren, Earl, 111

  draft card burning and, 194

  Eisenhower and, 183


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