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CERIC_Elemental's MC 4

Page 6

by Alexi Ferreira

I lay there for a few minutes, stunned at his words. I really wish that what he says is true, but I can’t let myself believe him. I have learned in life that words are easy to utter. If he means what he says, he is going to have to show me. I will give him the opportunity to convince me. I must just make sure that I keep my heart safe while he tries, because I have a feeling it will be way too easy for me to love Ceric.


  I haven’t been out here in months; there was a time that I spent more time here than at the compound, as the lake has always brought me peace. Sitting on a fallen tree, I breathe in the aroma of the flowers that surround the lake, and the pine trees that cover most of the property we own. I flick the butt of my cigarette angrily. The sun will be down soon, but I haven’t found the calmness I came here for.

  I hear someone approach long before they near. I can tell it’s Caelius before he speaks. “Hey, Brother, need any company?” Caelius is the quiet type, but if anyone needs to talk, he’s the one to go to. A few decades ago, Caelius was held against his will by a fanatic group of humans who professed to hunt vampires. We searched for him for months, but every lead we had, came to nothing. Then one day, we found him in an underground base that had been deserted by the army before the group who trapped Caelius took over.

  When we got him back, he had changed, no longer the easy-going happy guy we used to know, but a brooding man who didn’t participate in jokes or parties any longer. He never spoke about what happened to him during the months he was held. We all knew that he went through hell before we were able to get to him.

  “Sure, take a seat.” It doesn’t look like I’m going to find the peace I am looking for, anyway. We sit for a few minutes in silence, looking out over the calm water. “I don’t know what to do with her,” I say suddenly. “She drives me crazy, but fuck, I want her even more when she’s being feisty.”

  Caelius grunts in acknowledgment.

  “She doesn’t believe that I only want her. Fuck, my dick’s so hard, it could drill holes for oil and the darn woman doesn’t believe me.” I see Caelius lift an eyebrow and his lips twitch.

  “She keeps on saying that I’m a fucking player, a real man whore. How am I gonna change her mind?” I know I sound like a wimp but she’s driving me crazy. All the times in the past that I thought about bonding with someone I never thought I would have this problem with my mate.

  “It’s simple; you need to show her that she’s the most important person in the world to you and your dick is under control. You need to be patient my man, this woman doesn’t know you, she’s just as confused as you are.” At my grunt he slaps me on the back “Let’s go back, before you have all the guys here. When you left the way you did everyone was worried.” He says.

  We make our way back to the compound at the entrance to the bar we see Sven carrying a keg of beer a grimace on his face. Even though Sven has been with us for a while he usually keeps to himself doing what he’s told and maintains a low profile. When it comes to fighting he’s quick with his fists and a pretty good shot but I still don’t have the confidence in him like I have in Gunner our former prospect that even though human, we have all accepted as a brother.

  “Here let me take that” the weight of a keg is no big deal for us Elemental’s but for humans after carrying a few like I’m sure Sven has done, it becomes too heavy. Gabriela’s birthday is coming up and the girls are arranging a surprise birthday party for her. I always loved parties but with everything going on with Nova my party mood is no longer in full swing.

  Walking into the bar area I slow my step as I see Brandr on one of the couches with Aria on his lap and Sam on another talking to them. I’m sure Draco asked Aria to see what she could find out from reading Sam’s thoughts, going by the concentrated look on her face. I wonder if Aria has already read Brielle’s thoughts, she must be in her room resting as I don’t see her here.

  Disposing of the keg behind the bar, I make my way towards where Wulf and Bion are playing pool. Caelius has joined them and is now leaning back against one of the walls, observing as they banter with each other. As I approach, I see both of them look over at me and then continue playing.

  “I’m glad you’re back. Do you remember that time Wulf went to meet Katya a few years back for intel on that terrorist group in France and came back looking like a vampire had gotten hold of his neck?” At Bion’s comment, I grin. I can see Wulf’s scowl and know that Bion is pulling his leg, as we Elementals hardly bruise for long.

  “Yeah, I remember. Wasn’t that the week he had to switch off his phone because she wouldn’t stop contacting him for more Intel meetings?” I tease. We usually tease Wulf about Katya, as she won’t take no for an answer when it comes to him. This is a sore subject for him, because since he bonded, the only woman ever to cross his mind is Jasmine.

  “Yeah, he must have some mad talent with his thrusts,” Celmund, who just walked up to us, says as he rotates his hips in an overdramatic thrust, “because she has just asked for another meet.” I see Wulf tense at Celmund’s words, and then he throws down his stick.

  “Fuck,” he growls. “When is she going to get the fucking message?”

  “Maybe we should send Ceric’s doll, instead. From what I hear, he’s irresistible too,” Bion quips, a smile lighting his face. “All the women were in your room earlier, checking out his assets.”

  “What the hell? Why haven’t you taken it down? Doesn’t Nova mind having another dick looking at her?” Wulf says. At his words, the others burst out laughing.

  “I haven’t had time, okay? And the fucking thing looks like a limp sock at the moment, anyway. I took all the blades out.” Just then, I hear a squeal behind me. Looking back, I see Nova standing in the doorway to the inside of the compound with Gabriela and Jasmine, who is holding Orion. A big smile is on her face as she rushes towards Sam. Sam in return is trying to stand from where he’s sitting.

  As I watch my woman throw herself at him, I see his arms surround her, and then they’re hugging. I can feel my breathing accelerate in anger, my vision focusing on the fucker I’m going to kill. “No fucking way,” I roar before I’m jumping over the coach where Sam was sitting, and ripping Nova out of his arms. I see his eyes widen in surprise.

  I hear Nova squeak at the sudden movement, but my concentration is on the fucker who thought it was okay to touch my woman. I placed her safe behind me, and I’m about to show him what happens to anyone who ever thinks they can touch what is mine. I see him pale as I pull back my fist, but before I can punch him, there are arms holding me back from behind.

  “Calm down, motherfucker, or I will knock you out. There is no way I will let you fight when my woman and my son are around,” Wulf growls in my ear. I feel his arms straining to try to hold me back. Bion is before me, holding me back by my shoulders.

  “Damn, Brother, calm down. The women are here,” Bion whispers.

  “If you touch her again, you won’t take your next breath,” I warn. My voice has deepened in my anger, hardly recognizable. I see his look of confusion before he looks behind me and then grins. The fucker actually grins right before me; if he only knew how close he is to losing all his teeth, he would close his fucking mouth.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” I hear Nova’s angry voice behind me, but I am still trying to regain control of my anger before I can confront my hellcat.

  Suddenly, Aria starts to laugh uproariously. Holding her very pregnant stomach, she bends over as she laughs, a worried Brandr standing over her with a concerned look on his face. “You don’t have to . . . worry. Sam thinks you are way hotter than Nova. He was actually thinking . . .” Before she can finish, she breaks down in another fit of laughter again. “Sorry,” she says, looking at Sam. Once she calms a little, she says, “He thinks your lips are kissable, and that he could . . . Ewww.” Her eyes widen as she stares at Sam.

  “Enough of this,” Brandr growls, an angry look on his face.

  “You’re gay?” Bion asks. At Sa
m’s nod, everyone stands stunned for a few seconds, and then Bion throws his head back and laughs uproariously. “Well, Ceric, it looks like you have to worry more about your virtue than your woman’s.”

  “Are you sure you’re gay?” I ask suspiciously. He doesn’t look gay.

  “Well, honey, if you want to give me a couple hours, I could show you the time of your life,” he says gruffly with a wink my way.

  Wulf lets go of me. Slapping me on the back, he whispers in my ear, “What were you saying about Katya? I think you have your own admirer.” And then he walks towards Jasmine and Orion with a big grin on his face.

  “Enough of that, Sam. Keep away from Ceric. He’s not interested,” Nova states from beside me, an angry set to her pert little jaw. Her husky voice slides over my skin like silk. Sam lifts an eyebrow at her comment, and then his eyes travel over my body.

  “A shame, but he’s all yours, Nunu. Let me know if you get tired of him.” And then he winks at me again before he sits down on the couch that he was sitting on before. What the hell just happened? Looking around, I see that everyone is looking at me with huge smiles on their faces until my eyes land on Nova.

  My hellcat is glaring up at me, her sweet breasts straining against her shirt as she stands stiffly beside me. “Do you want to tell me what just happened?” she asks angrily.

  “I don’t want you touching other men,” I state. She needs to know that as an Elemental, I can never accept another man near my woman. She’s mine.

  “Oh, really? Does that mean you’re never going to touch any other woman ever again?” she questions aggressively.

  “Hellcat, I have told you before, you are the only woman for me since the day I saw you,” I promise as I lift my hand to stroke her hair away from her face, but she moves away before I can touch her.

  “We will see,” she huffs. Turning, she walks away towards Gabriela and Jasmine, her perfect ass swinging with each step she takes. I groan as my cock hardens.

  “Hey, Ceric.” Looking back at Sam, I see him call me over. I’m still undecided about him; Nova is way too close to him for comfort. “The only way you are going to get Nunu over there is if she can trust you. From where I’m sitting, it doesn’t look like that’s the case. Take some advice from someone who has known her for many years—work to get her trust, and when you do, don’t mess up, because she’s not the forgiving type.”

  “Why are you helping me?” I ask, suspicious.

  “Because she seems to like you. Nova never shows weakness. She doesn’t let herself be vulnerable because she had to learn that the hard way. If she does open up to you, treasure it.” I look over to see Nova laughing with Jasmine and Gabriela.

  I wonder what my hellcat went through to make her the way she is. Whatever it was made her stronger. I would rather have a woman with fire in her blood than one who will wilt at the first hint of a problem. Her fire excites me, makes me want to tame her, but only for me.

  NOVA 8

  I can feel his eyes on me the whole time. Aria has come to sit next to Jasmine, Gabriela, and I, and that is when I realize that tomorrow is Gabriela’s birthday. “I wonder what he bought me. He has been so secretive. I know you have an idea. Come on, spill the beans, please,” Gabriela pleads playfully.

  “Probably one of those dolls like Ceric’s. You have worn the poor man out with your lustful ways. He needs some help,” Jasmine teases.

  Rolling my eyes at her comment, I join in the teasing. “Trust me, going by the size of that doll’s assets when he was inflated, Gabriela would be more frustrated than before. Bjarni would have to work double time to compensate for the disappointment.” They laugh at my comment. “Maybe he just got himself the little blue pills.”

  “If these two go at it any more, they will make a hole right through the wall,” Aria jokes. “Nova, you need to move your bed to the other side of the room, or you and Ceric will have company.”

  When the three of them came knocking at the bedroom door, Gabriela mentioned that her room was next door to ours. My best friend has always been Sam since we were kids, but being able to joke around with women my age is refreshing. These three seem to be amazing and happy. Most women who have men as hot as the guys around us, and living the way they do, are usually insecure because of the women who flock around them, but these three seem to be happy, and their men seem to worship the ground they walk on.

  “I don’t know, girl. The way Ceric is devouring Nova from across the room, I think I might be the one who has to move the bed,” Gabriela teases.

  “Wishful thinking on his part,” I huff, but I can feel the moisture pool between my legs at the thought of his hands on my body.

  “You can’t tell me that you don’t find him a fine piece of ass. Damn, girl, have you seen that man without a shirt?” Gabriela asks with a teasing smile. I found out that Gabriela and Aria are both twenty-four weeks pregnant, but Gabriela is bigger than Aria. She confessed to be carrying twins, If I look at Bjarni, he’s huge. If she carries to term, she will be as big as a house if the babies take after the father.

  “What the fuck, baby girl?” Bjarni roars from where he’s sitting with Brandr, a scowl on his face.

  “I always forget how well these guys hear,” Gabriela whispers, but there’s a twinkle in her eyes when Bjarni storms towards us. Pulling back her chair, he gently lifts her against him, contradicting his scowl. “Bye, ladies, see you tomorrow,” she calls as he carries her away.

  Jasmine shakes her head in amusement. “I’m sure she did that on purpose.” I see that Orion has fallen asleep in her arms, his chubby little fingers holding on to his mother’s hand. He is a beautiful and happy baby. Earlier, she let me hold him. At first, he was quiet and just played with my hair, but after a little while, he started to gurgle and talk in his baby language. I haven’t had a chance to be around babies before, but Orion has already taken a spot in my heart.

  “Of course she did,” Aria confirms. “Is everything ready for her party tomorrow?” At my confused look, Aria explains that they have arranged a surprise party for Gabriela. “She’s going to love it. No one has ever given her a party before.”

  “I have an idea on something we can do for her that she may like,” I state, “but I need to arrange with Sam first.” Now that I think about it, excitement starts to take root.

  “Oh, that’s great. What is it?” Jasmine asks. I smile and then lean in towards them, calling them closer. From what Gabriela said, these guys have super hearing, and I don’t want them to know what I’m arranging before it’s done.

  “A stripper,” I whisper. I see Jasmine’s eyes widen, and then she giggles. Aria looks at me with a shocked look on her face.

  “The guys will freak,” Aria whispers, but already a smile is lifting her lips, “but it will be so much fun to see their reaction.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I will organize everything,” I promise. I wonder at Ceric’s reaction when he sees the stripper. Looking back to where he’s sitting, I find his intense stare on me. Those eyes of his seem to be boring into my soul.

  “You know you are playing with fire, don’t you?” Aria asks as she sees who I am looking at. “You’re his mate now. I know you still don’t know how this bonding works, but trust me when I tell you it’s easier to give in now than drag it out. Ceric is one of the good ones.”

  “What do you know about them?” Jasmine asks, moving slightly on her chair when Orion starts to fuss.

  Suddenly, Wulf is standing next to her chair, a hand stroking her cheek. “You look tired, angel. Let me take Orion.” I see the love in his eyes as he gently picks up his son. As he walks back towards the couches, Jasmine pulls her chair closer to mine.

  “So what do you know?” she insists.

  “I know they are hot,” I tease. At their smirks, I continue. “When I was captured, I persuaded one of the guys to tell me about them, as he said that I was one of their mates. The only thing he mentioned was that they were different. At the time, I thought they
were like us, but when we went to get Sam, what I saw nearly blew my mind.”

  “I didn’t know that about them, either. When I saw that guy disintegrate before my eyes, I freaked. All I could imagine was that happening to Brandr.” Aria shudders at the thought.

  “Oh, girl, you have a lot to catch up on, then,” Jasmine confides. “First, they are dangerously possessive. As you saw earlier with your man over there, they do not accept other men touching us.” Before I can object to her calling him my man, she continues. “Second, they will lay down their lives for each other or for us. Women and children are the most important thing to the Elementals. Third, and you will love this one as we all do, our men, once bonded to us, only want us. Their interest in any other woman dies completely. No woman will ever be able to entice any of them.”

  Well, that’s interesting. I wonder if it’s true or just a tall tale they tell their women to keep them happy.

  “I find that hard to believe, but if it’s true, you have them by the balls,” I tease.

  “You won’t think that once you sleep with Ceric. These men are gods when it comes to sex. Now, can you imagine your man with all his sex toys? He must know a trick or two,” Aria suggests as she wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

  We are still joking around when Celmund suddenly swears as he looks down at his phone. “Draco, you need to see this,” he calls. “Wulf, maybe let Jas take Orion.”

  Everyone is suddenly on alert as Draco and Wulf look down at his phone. “Motherfucker,” Wulf growls, his fists clenched at his side. “Angel, take Orion and go inside.”

  “What’s going on?” Burkhart asks curiously from his place by the bar.

  “Katya decided she couldn’t wait. She’s at the gate,” Draco responds. I see the men tense. Whatever is going on isn’t good.

  “Do you mean Katya, the FBI Katya?” Jasmine asks suddenly. She was making her way into the compound when Draco answered Burkhart. By her shocked look, I can tell she doesn’t like her.


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