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Coco Chanel Saved My Life

Page 15

by Danielle F. White

  “Great. I wish you all the happiness in the world.” I turned and walked away without even saying goodbye. Pietro stared at me, there was no time to reply. Then he was swallowed up by the dark.


  When I finally arrived home, my mother was back and in a very good mood. She had enjoyed dinner with a friend and she must have had a lot of fun. She probably had a more lively sex life than I did!

  “How was your day, sweetie?”

  “It was great, until I met Pietro. Did you know that he’s engaged to one of my high school friends?”

  “Yes, I knew, darling. They are already talking about marriage… but I didn’t think you cared about it.”

  For my mother, once a boyfriend became an ex, he could just as well be dead.

  “Men have this incredible ability to make a new life for themselves very quickly” I thought out loud.

  “Don’t even think about it. He’s part of your past. One dead man more, one sad woman less.”

  “I’m tired of getting hurt by men!” I snapped.

  “How did your friend Chanel use to say? No man can make you feel as safe as a cashmere coat and a pair of black glasses.”

  I smiled. She was right. No reason to suffer again for an idiot I hadn’t seen for a whole year and a half! The only important thing now was the future.


  I spent all Sunday with my mother. We did some shopping at Rialto market, had a delicious lunch at a small restaurant, and later a coffee at a bar facing the Canal Grande. It was a very relaxing day. I forgot about men… it was what I needed, an empty mind.

  In the evening I caught a train back to Milan with Axi’s painting under my arm.

  As soon as I got home I found a little package at my front door. Someone must have received it and put it there… There was my name and address, but not the sender’s name.

  I entered my apartment, put my suitcase in the bedroom and opened the mysterious package. Enveloped in layers of tissue, I found an elegant coffee table book – an edition of Coco Chanel photographs. Who gave me such a beautiful and personal gift? I looked for a note, but didn’t find anything. It must have been someone who knew me very well. I felt gratified by the gesture. Excited, I leafed through the pages, smelling the paper’s scent. I had a secret admirer.


  Emma’s Secret

  “Any news about your secret admirer?” Claudio asked, while straining the spaghetti.

  “No, I haven’t received anything else in the last couple of weeks, no gifts and no messages.”

  “Hmm… very strange.”

  I bit into a carrot dipped in a little bowl of oil and balsamic vinegar.

  “Perhaps it could be Cristian,” I said hopefully.

  “Yes, it could be. It’s been a while since I have heard from him…”

  “Me too.” This fact saddened me, but I thought he was probably very busy with his tour.

  “It’s the way Cristian is. He’s a busy guy with his head in the clouds. I remember one time he disappeared for like two years…”

  Two years was a long time! I wanted to keep in touch with him…

  “Is the spaghetti ready?” I was starving and Claudio was a fantastic cook.

  “Here it is, mademoiselle. Seafood spaghetti, perfectly al dente for you!”

  “How could I survive without you?” I said, attacking the steaming dish.

  “Right, you would definitely live on prosciutto sandwiches and cookies!” He laughed and sat down near me.

  It had been a quiet Sunday. We spent the afternoon watching a film on the computer, then when Claudio began to cook, I watched TV without a thought in my head.

  “It’s also been a while since I’ve heard from Emma.” I said, sucking on a juicy clam.

  “Yes, she always seems busy lately…” Claudio confirmed.

  In fact, I’ve called her several times to invite her for dinner, but she was always too tired to come. I was worried.

  “Tomorrow I will try calling her again.” I said. “She’s acting way strange…”

  “Maybe she just wants to be alone for a while. I know you love her, Coco, but you should respect her wishes.”

  Claudio was right, and I should stop thinking she had some serious problem.

  “And what about the fierce competition at the office?” He asked me, while pouring us another glass of chilly, delicious Vermentino.

  “Same as usual. We all work like crazy, with the shrew always looking over our shoulder.” I had a sip of wine and my last forkful of spaghetti. Claudio knew how to lure me with good food.

  “And your blue-eyed boss-errand boy?” He always laughed when mentioning him.

  “He’s in Paris now. At least when he’s not here, I don’t risk making a fool of myself in front of him.” I sighed.

  “Also you don’t risk nosing around in his private affairs!”

  “Ugh! Still that old love letter story… At this point, I really don’t know how to return it to him, without making another faux pas. I’ll think about that tomorrow. And you? Any news? How’s it going with your pretty little journalist?” I asked in a mischievous tone.

  “It’s going well. I see her often, and I have to admit I like her a lot.”

  “Finally – a woman who satisfies our Mr Mastroianni! She must be very special.” Now I was the one teasing him.

  “Yes, she’s really great: pretty, intelligent and brilliant. I would say she’s very close to my ideal woman.”

  “Well then, I want to meet her right away!”

  “But of course it will be done, mademoiselle!” He brought a broiled bass with roasted potatoes to the table.

  After eating that amazing fish and finishing the bottle of Vermentino, we decided to go out for a night cap.

  On the way downstairs, we met Mrs Leoncini who was wearing one of her eccentric robes and fixing some strange Christmas decorations on her door.

  Claudio, amused, said, “good evening!”

  “Oh, good evening, darlings,” Sofia answered, trying to glue a huge golden star on the door.

  “Are you getting ready for Christmas?” I asked.

  “It’s my favourite time of the year, Rebecca! I can’t wait… actually, I may decide to celebrate it tomorrow!” she said, winking at us.


  “Winter is here!” I said putting on my wool hat and looking for my gloves in my handbag. “Why don’t we walk a bit to warm up?” I proposed, to avoid the subway.

  “Ok, let’s do it! Unless my feet get frozen…” Claudio laughed.

  We walked along the avenue behind Porta Romana until we reached the Bocconi University. There was a small pub in the neighbourhood, very lively, always full of students.

  “What do you think about going here?” Claudio asked.

  “Are you nostalgic for your college days?” I teased him.

  “Maybe. This place reminds me of the beginning of everything, when I was a down and out reporter looking to find my own way.”

  We went in. The temperature inside was so hot compared to the outside that all of a sudden our ears turned red.

  “At least it’s warm here!” I hate the cold. In a perfect world it should always be spring.”

  “There is an empty table over there.” Claudio said, pointing to a small table in a corner, near a big group of kids wearing rugby sweatshirts.

  As soon as we sat down, I heard a familiar voice, “Rebecca! You’re here too!”

  I felt a shiver of terror down my spine. I could recognize that voice among a million!

  “Valentina, what a surprise!” I exclaimed, trying to hide my irritation. She was at a table not far from us, with a guy who must have been at least ten years younger than her.

  “Why are you in this neighbourhood? I thought you lived on the opposite side of the city…” I said, while that silly Claudio began giggling.

  Valentina stood up and headed over. She seemed tipsy. She must have had a lot of drinks because she kissed me on both cheeks, as if we were best

  “I came to meet Michel,” she pointed to the guy at her table. “Handsome, right? It’s the first time we’ve met and we immediately clicked. But I see you’re also in good company. Don’t tell me you’ve decided to lose your virginity!”

  “This is Claudio,” I answered, ignoring her crude joke. Yet Claudio seemed amused by the whole situation.

  “Finally, you’ve found a man.” she said, laughing out loud.

  Claudio intervened, “I am a friend. Rebecca and I are neighbours.”

  “An affair with a neighbour… very convenient! I knew that in spite of your little puritan looks, you were a sex kitten…”

  “Don’t you have to go back to your friend?” I began to feel seriously irritated.

  “Oh, sure! My beautiful knight is waiting for me.” She was definitely drunk.

  “Goodbye neighbour, get it on! Our Snow White needs a good fuck…” She winked at Claudio, who was staring at me, completely puzzled.

  Without a word, we watched her stagger back to her table, then Claudio, looking at the beer list, asked, “so, is she your ferocious boss?”

  “Yes, she’s a monster, don’t you think?” I was really shocked to see her like that.

  “I don’t think she was sober. I hope she’s not like this at the office too.”

  “Not exactly, but she’s a real pain in the ass anyway!”

  “Well, we should toast her craziness…”

  We ordered our beers and chatted for the rest of the evening. From time to time, I checked my phone to see if Emma had answered my texts. But this time too, she had not…


  The next day I arrived at the office early and in a very good mood. I was dying to see what kind of state Valentina would be in that day. My co-workers weren’t there yet, so I decided to get a coffee.

  While I was heading over to the break lounge, I saw someone kicking the coffee vending machine.

  “Is everything ok?”

  Etienne turned, looked at me, and then smiled. “I put money in, but the machine didn’t give my coffee…” He seemed apologetic.

  “I know. Sometimes it happens. This machine not only makes undrinkable coffee, but it also has its own character, and at times doesn’t work at all! But what are you doing here so early? I thought bosses have the luxury of arriving much later…”

  “I just got back last night from New York and I couldn’t sleep because of jetlag. And you? I didn’t think you were a morning person.”

  My constantly being early had finally scored points with a boss.

  “I went to bed early last night and I woke up this morning the minute the sun came up! But I need a coffee now. What can we do?” I couldn’t start the day without my second dose of caffeine.

  “I have an idea!” He looked at his phone and checked the address book. “Good morning. This is Etienne. May I order two breakfasts for delivery? Two cappuccinos and two almond pastries. Yes, please, send everything to the agency, conference room, on the second floor. Thank you!”

  How could he know I love cappuccino and almond pastries?

  “Do they deliver breakfast to you?”

  “I’m a good client of the café. They know me…” He gave a smile and my head started to spin.

  “How did you know almond croissant is one of my favourite things?” This man was really resourceful and attentive.

  “I saw you having one on your break. You bit into it with such enthusiasm that some cream was dripping on your chin. You were funny trying to clean it with your tongue.”

  Oh, yes. Unfortunately, I remembered it well. I had also spilled some cream on my precious Moschino skirt that I had to send to the dry-cleaner. My usual bad performance!

  “But let’s go. Our breakfast is waiting for us in the conference room.”

  “I’m not sure I can. Soon everybody will be arriving at the office.”

  “We won’t tell anyone. It will be our secret.”

  A secret breakfast with Etienne in the conference room. Not a bad way to start the week.

  We went to the big room, and a few minutes later a young guy with a dark jacket arrived. He placed an elegant tray on the table.

  “Thank you, Sandro,”

  “You’re welcome, Mr Etienne. I will stop by later to pick up the tray.” He left and we were alone.

  I watched him put two packets of sugar in his cappuccino. “You like it bitter, I see…” I joked.

  “Sweet is a necessity, especially in the morning.” And he flashed one of his irresistible smiles.

  “Where did you learn Italian?” I bit into my croissant, trying to be very careful not to spill anything.

  “I studied for a year in Rome. I have beautiful memories of that time.” His stared at me with his piercing blue eyes and for a moment I felt lost. “Your eyes are intense…” he continued.

  I felt a chill through my body, but I tried to lighten the conversation. “Hmm, I think it’s because of my dark circles.”

  “I like your dark circles. Very sexy.”

  Another compliment and I would have fainted.

  I began to hear the voices of my colleagues in the hallway. I didn’t want to be seen alone with him. So, I quickly finished my cappuccino and abruptly stood up.

  “I really have to go.” I said smiling. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Wait!” Etienne came over to me. “I don’t think you want to go back to the office like this…” With his finger he brushed my upper lip. “You had some cappuccino foam on your lips.”

  He moved away and I remained still. I had goose bumps. I lowered my eyes and stammered, “thank you… I must go now,” and I ran out of the room.

  Etienne had surprised and confused me. I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I needed it. My legs were shaking. What was happening to me? He just tried to wipe a bit of cappuccino off my lips, and I felt embarrassed like a little school girl. Was it possible that men always have this ability to make me feel ridiculous?

  I went to my desk. All my colleagues had arrived by now. Valentina looked very tired sitting at her computer.

  “Good morning!” I said her with the fakest of smiles. She seemed exhausted from the night before.

  “Morning,” she replied without even looking up. “The coffee machine is broken,” she added.

  “Did you have fun last night?” I wanted to provoke her. I wanted to remind her how ridiculously she had acted, even more crazily than usual!

  “None of your business,” she replied briefly.

  I understood that it was better to leave her alone. I turned my computer on and found an e-mail from Emma: “I’m sorry if I’ve been so distant these days. I’m going through a complicated time. Will I see you tomorrow at the opening?”

  Emma’s studio had moved to a new space and they were having a vernissage. Claudio and I were invited. For this occasion, I would finally wear my Dolce & Gabbana sheath dress, the one I bought the day I met Etienne and went shopping with him.

  I really wanted to see Emma again and to find out what was going on with her. I missed our long chats. I missed her company and wanted to be sure she was fine.

  The next day, a few hours before the event, I called her.

  “Hello Emma, finally!” I was trying to sound cheerful and natural.

  “Hi Coco, how are you?” She seemed almost surprised to hear from me.

  “I’m fine, but I thought aliens had kidnapped you! I’ve tried to reach you for days…”

  “I know. I’m sorry, but these last few days have been extremely busy.”

  She was hiding something. I knew it for sure now, but I didn’t want to put pressure on her.

  “Don’t worry. I understand. The only important thing is that you’re ok. Maybe tonight we’ll have a chance to talk. I wanted to tell you my most recent news.”

  “Tonight will be very complicated… There will be lots of people there and I’ll have to talk to everybody.”

  “Oh, I understand…” I think
my voice showed my disappointment. “Ok, we’ll catch up another time.”


  “Are we still on with our invitations for tonight?” I asked.

  “Of course! You and Claudio are already on the list. Let me know if you want to bring someone else with you. I would need to add them to the list as soon as possible.”

  Unfortunately, I didn’t have anybody to invite.

  “Thanks. We’ll be just the two of us. Actually, I hope to meet some interesting people there.”

  “Are you planning to hit on some hunky architect?”

  “Why not? It’s time for me to get back in the game, don’t you think?”


  As soon as we got to Via Tortona, we saw a long line of people waiting to enter. We got in the queue to wait for our turn.

  “Let’s hope this won’t take forever,” I said, buttoning my coat. It was cold and I wore high heels. I didn’t want to have to stand for very long.

  While we were outside we saw Emma coming out of a side door. She wore very tight black leather pants and she was trying to light a cigarette, shielding it from the wind with her hand.

  “Emmaa!” Claudio called her and she smiled at us.

  “Hi guys! I was waiting for you. She nodded to the bouncer to let us pass, so we avoided some of the queue.

  “How are you?” I was so happy to see her. In spite of her tired face, she was in great shape. Her choice of a total black look was great on her. It enhanced her beautiful fair skin.

  “I’m good, let’s go inside…” she smiled, absentmindedly.

  “Yes, yes, it’s freezing.” I said.

  The building was a huge old warehouse that had been renovated and transformed into an exhibition space. For the opening, a dance floor had been created in the centre. Black and white were the dominant colours, but the lighting had been designed in such a way that every corner had a different shade.

  “It’s fantastic!!” I shouted, hoping to be heard.

  “Thank you, we’ve been working for months on this. The space will host shows, events, and important festivals. Come, I’ll give you a little tour.”

  While she was leading us through the side rooms where young artists had their works exhibited, we heard someone calling.


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