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Page 5

by Denise A. Agnew

  “I suppose we should be talking about the mission,” she said, feeling breathless.

  Ian blinked, then shook his head. “Yeah. We should be.” He released her and moved back a step. “I’m trying to think where to start with this crazy story.”

  “Continue where you left off. Weredemons are from the Shadow Realm and you object to me taking on this mission. Why?”

  Aggravation took over the concern in his eyes. “Because a weredemon is a hell of a lot more difficult to deal with than a human adversary.”

  “How did the SIA know Tyler is a weredemon in the first place?”

  He walked around to his desk. “Weredemons are detected when a blood test is performed. Their chemical makeup doesn’t come out quite like a human’s. Tyler had blood taken three weeks ago during the annual office blood drive. Because the SIA knows these supernatural beings exist, the labs do a special screening whenever blood is taken for any reason. Once you’ve had sex with a weredemon, your chemistry is permanently changed.”

  A little puzzled, she clasped the back of the chair near the couch. “Wait a minute, are you saying Tyler could have just had sex with a weredemon and his chemistry would be changed? What if he’s not a weredemon at all?”

  He scrubbed a hand over his stubble-rough jaw. “There is a difference in chemical structure from someone who has sex with the weredemon and an actual weredemon. A few people in the agency who can detect otherworldly beings felt someone or something penetrate the agency. They just didn’t know who or where. The blood drive was a lucky draw for us. We would have had to do mandatory blood testing to detect where the creature was.”

  She pressed her fingers to her temples. “This is amazing and so bizarre.” Other questions popped to mind. “What exactly do these weredemons want? Why do they come here? To make general mayhem?”

  He grabbed a hand strengthener made of foam off his desk and squeezed it repetitively. Watching his strong hand flex made the steady tingle in her stomach expand.

  “If they were just mischievous,” he said, “it wouldn’t matter so much. They’re highly intelligent and crafty in a way you can’t imagine.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I can imagine a whole lot. Tell me more about the weredemons.”

  She half-dreaded knowing while another part of her must know. How could she survive the mission otherwise?

  He seemed unsatisfied, itching to question her. “Hundreds of years ago they realized if they mated with humans, they could then change into human form at will. A half-human, half-demon combo.”

  Synna’s active imagination did a flinch at the idea. No, it sounded plausible. Nauseating but real. Confusion added to the mix. “Wait a minute. A demon from the Shadow Realm comes into our realm and mates with a human. That’s what makes a weredemon?”

  “Yes, but there are no pure demons left any more in the Shadow Realm. All of them have mixed with human blood. They’ve been half-breeds for centuries.”

  “So when they kiss a human, they change the human’s chemical makeup and therefore make it possible for them to breed again with a human?”

  He frowned. “You got it.”

  “Wouldn’t their offspring be even more diluted? More human if they kept breeding over and over with humans?”

  “We’re not sure about that yet. Our labs are still trying to figure it out. If they mate with a human they also obtain more powers. They can sometimes procreate, sometimes not. If they do procreate, the half-demon, half-human can be pretty powerful on his own,” he said.

  “What kind of powers?”

  “Ability to influence human behavior in the extreme.”

  Dread snaked across her skin with a cold shiver. “T-That’s horrible. How long have they been trying to breed with humans?”

  “Like I said, hundreds of years. Pretty much forever.”

  “Gee, that’s comforting.” Disturbed, she wrestled with emotions she couldn’t define. Fear? Uncertainty? “You sound so matter-of-fact, so unaffected. Just an hour ago—two hours now—I stood in front of my mirror and changed clothes for the third time. That was the most important thing in my life. Now, weredemons take precedence.”

  A grin tilted his handsome mouth. “It took you three changes before you decided on that outfit?”

  A blush stole over her face. “Yes.” She didn’t want to dwell on what she’d admitted. “What do you want me to do? Approach Tyler and ask for a date?”

  “You’ll approach him today and say you’ve changed your mind. Obviously, he intends to mate with you.”

  Sickened by the idea, she made a little face. “How exactly do I pretend to like him back without…without him thinking he really can m-mate with me?”

  His glower made little lines form on his forehead. “That’s part of the reason why I was angry when I saw him kiss you. Even kissing a weredemon can create havoc with your system. You need to go to medical and tell them you’ve been compromised by a weredemon. They’ll do a series of tests.”

  Fear started a slow, inevitable slide into her, along with a little anger. “Are you telling me I might already be—? That…that creep may have changed my chemical composition already?”

  “Take it easy. He probably didn’t kiss you long enough to make a huge difference. It has to be prolonged physical contact, and he has to want to change you. One of the benefits for the weredemon is once they make love with a human and turn that person’s chemistry, the victim is joined with that weredemon for life.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Now you understand why I didn’t want you doing this?” She looked into his clear eyes. Fire reigned in them. “He’s probably genuinely interested in you as a mate and wants to make love with you.” He winked. “I can’t blame him for that.”

  A new desire raged inside her, this one melting with a need to take what she wanted. Without a doubt, she wanted Ian. Here and now.

  He must have seen her panic or maybe her desire, for he reached out and cupped her face in both of his big hands. His touch was a mix of fierce tenderness and assurance. “Oh shit.” His words came out as a groan. “This is insane. I can’t let you do this. I’ll go against Level Ten—”

  “N-no.” She reached up and clasped his forearms. “I’ll go up to him today and say I’ve changed my mind and want to go with him to the party.”

  His thumbs caressed her cheeks. The sensual wave filling her center frightened her deep inside where she didn’t often examine or dwell, where her most heinous fears lurked in wait to ambush when least expected.

  Desire passed through his gaze, unvarnished and raw. Her palms slid up his forearms to clasp his wrists. Need flickered like a flame, scorching her with cravings too severe to contain.

  Recklessly, Synna reached up and touched his jaw, a quick feel of prickly stubble against her fingers. “This is a new look for you.”

  He drew in a little breath, as if her touch startled him or turned him on. “It’s a part of my costume for the party.”

  Intrigued, she smiled. “What are you going to be?”

  One of his eyebrows quirked in amusement and his deep voice took on a husky timbre. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “The anticipation is going to kill me.”

  “You can’t wait until Halloween night?”

  “I’d rather not.”

  A soft laugh rumbled up from deep in his chest, and the male sound brushed already aroused senses into full flower. He called to her heart as well as her baser needs, and because it frightened her a little at how easily he seduced her, Synna drew back.

  She walked away until she stood less than a few feet from a painting on a wall. Shades of pink adorned a Victorian woman with a parasol. It should have looked too feminine in this office, but the fact Ian had it here showed Synna that he felt secure in his masculinity. Other more manly paintings graced the room. Boats, foxhunts and rugged landscapes.

  Even the calm repose in the Victorian woman’s face couldn’t distract her from what might happen Friday night at the p

  “I’ve got to do this. If you use someone else to do this assignment, he’ll get suspicious. He’s not a dumb man…demon.”

  His footsteps, muffled by the thick carpet, sounded behind her.

  When he stood behind her, so close they almost touched, he said, “Are you absolutely positive?”


  He heaved a sigh, then his breath touched her neck. “Don’t let him get this close.” He brushed her hair aside, his hot breath touching her left ear. “Don’t let him touch you like this.”

  Sweet, melting pleasure pooled in her loins. “Ian.”

  Longing trembled inside Synna, torturing her into leaning back the bit required to touch Ian, her back to his chest, her buttocks against his thighs. With this man, there seemed to be no holding back.

  His hands came down on her shoulders. Yet his stroke held a weight, a meaningfulness she experienced deeply. Nerves dissolved, replaced by drugging sensuality. She fought for a semblance of control.

  “How can I keep him from touching me if he’s my date?” Her words sounded rusty and afraid.

  Again, his breath tickled her left ear, his voice softer and deeper. “I won’t let you out of my sight. Several other agents will watch out for you. You’ll lead him out to the park area outside the SIA. We’ll nab him when he makes his move to mate with you.”

  Anxiety tried to intrude, but she shoved it ruthlessly aside. “I never thought dating could be hazardous to my health.”

  “You know how I feel about this. Do you trust me?”

  Synna didn’t have to think about it. “Of course.”

  “I have a theory on how to defeat the weredemon, but I need to check it out with Dorky first.” He kissed her ear, as lightly and exquisitely as a feather.

  “What’s the theory?”

  He smoothed his hands over her shoulders down to her upper arms. Still nestled against him, she almost purred at the soul-deep pleasure. “I don’t know if I should tell you until I confirm if it’s true. I don’t want you to feel pressured or think I’m trying to take advantage of you.”

  She turned slowly toward him, his hands dropped to his sides. “I trust you, Ian.”

  “Good. There’s a ritual we can perform before the Halloween party that can assure the weredemon can’t harm you, even if he manages to kiss you again.”

  She shrugged. “How hard can it be? What do we have to do?”

  Ian sighed, his eyes now darkened by misgiving. “It involves sexual activity.”

  She almost gulped. “S-sexual activity.”

  “If that is what it takes.”

  Surprised, she didn’t say anything at first. When she found her voice, she managed a cheeky question even though she already knew the answer. “With whom?”

  He crossed his arms, his gaze intent and not the least amused. “With me, of course.”

  Chapter Five

  Synna’s mouth popped open as she absorbed his shocking proposal. Doubt crept around her heart, confusion not far behind. Could he be trying to deceive her? Irritation wedged around the haze of sensual pleasure she’d found with him moments ago.

  “What if I don’t want to have sex with you?” she asked.

  He towered over her, his strength and charisma cranking her libido back into high gear. “Synna, I’m not playing games here. I’m laying it on the line. I’ve wanted you more than any woman I’ve ever known from the first time I saw you.” He lowered his voice, the nuance a husky whisper imbued with delicious undertones. “Our kiss should tell you how attracted I am to you, but if you need another demonstration—”

  She put her hand on his chest in reaction. Any more kisses and she’d combust on the spot. “No. That’s all right. I believe you.”

  Silence reigned while he measured her with a probing look. “I know it sounds bogus as hell. That’s why we should confirm it with Dorky. I’ll telephone her right now and when she finds out if the ritual is something that could help us, she’ll telephone you directly so you know it’s legit.”

  Feeling a bit overwhelmed, she started for the door. “This is almost too much, Ian.”

  She barely reached the door when he caught her by the shoulder and gently swung her around. She backed up against the door in defense, suspicion rising where once she’d felt trust.

  Blue eyes stared into hers, daring her to say that she didn’t want anything to do with him. “No matter what you believe, Synna, know this. Tyler is a dangerous creature and it scares me to think you could be hurt. In your dealings with him today, make sure you don’t let him get you alone. Okay?”

  His index finger drew a caressing line down her cheek. With deliberate slowness, he edged nearer. Blazing with heat, the sexual intent in those mysterious eyes was unmistakable. His lips captured hers and the pressure searched but didn’t demand. She didn’t think, she reacted to the feral heat glowing like embers deep inside the moist need of her pussy. A little whimper left her throat, and she slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her body to his. His arms drew her hard against him. His hard cock nudged her belly, insistent and unmistakable. Before they could deepen the kiss, she drew back with a gasp. He kept her tucked against him, a frown tightening his lips.

  Nothing could hide his want or deny the way she felt. She felt itchy with desire, and tremendous need to learn more about him and take this relationship to a deeper level. Physical craving dominated, but she knew that was only temporary without understanding more about him as a person.

  “I hope there isn’t a camera in here,” she said.

  An appreciative grin flitted over his lips. “No.”

  “Good.” She reached behind her and turned the lock on the door.

  “Holy shit,” he said softly.


  “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  “Neither can I. We barely know each other.”

  Hesitation lasted maybe two seconds, but the inferno grew between them, and she knew she must have one more taste in case she never had another chance.

  Synna cupped his face this time, savoring the prickle of stubble against her fingers. She drew him down for another kiss. Caution faded as she swept her tongue over his lips, telling him what she wanted. With a twist of his lips, he plunged his tongue inside, stroking deep.

  A muffled groan escaped her. Her stomach clenched and tingled as his tongue rubbed against hers, unrelenting and communicating what she longed to experience in a deeper, more sexual way. Her pussy moistened, slick and growing hotter by the second. An ache built in her core, tight and throbbing. Captured by sensation, she committed this moment to memory.

  Aggressive stabs of his tongue searched out every hidden erogenous zone. Big, hot hands tested her skin, lingering first at her throat, then plunging into her hair to hold her steady. His arms of tempered steel kept her close and safe. His hard chest crushed against her breasts. As her hips arched into his, his rigid cock brushed against her clit.

  A low moan caught in her throat as he pumped his hips the slightest bit, giving her a taste of what might come if they took this erotic scenario a little farther. Her clit ached and Synna arched her hips, wanting that heated pressure. If he didn’t put her out of her misery soon, she didn’t know what she’d do. She hadn’t masturbated in a long while, her needs submerged under work and other activities. Now, long dormant desires battled for a place inside her, refusing denial.

  He allowed his hands to slide down until he cupped her ass. He gave a squeeze, and it served to remind her about their location. She pulled back from the kiss, but he kept his hands around her butt cheeks.

  “Your secretary will be here soon,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

  He groaned and put his forehead against hers. “Damn it. You’re right. We’ve got to stop.”

  With a last, lingering kiss, Ian withdrew his embrace and paced away from her until he looked like a man with a mission. A very businesslike, nonsexual mission.

  “I’ll…uh…” She clear
ed her dry throat. “I’ll wait to hear from Dorky.”

  He nodded, and she reached around to open the door. Her heart raced and her nerves jangled so much she fumbled with the doorknob before she remembered she’d locked it. After she unlocked it, and without giving a backward glance, she left his office.

  His secretary wasn’t at her desk yet, thank goodness. Self-consciousness spilled over Synna as she wondered if anyone could tell from her mussed hair and well-kissed lips that she’d been snuggling with the head of SIA.

  That concept ran around in her head as she continued walking, anxious to put as much distance between her and Ian’s disturbing presence as possible. She couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag right now. Moments later, she arrived at a restroom near her division, and she went inside.

  What she saw in the mirror reassured her. She didn’t look like she’d been rolling around in bed with Ian, though her eyes held an agitated stare, her tresses a windblown scatter, and kissing had slam-dunked her lipstick.

  She stared at her reflection in dismay. “What are you getting yourself into?”

  She sighed and decided she’d better head to the medical area and get that test Ian had suggested, to make sure Tyler hadn’t compromised her system. Fear darted across her nerves, making her jumpy and concerned.

  As she left the restroom, she used the memory of Ian’s hot kiss to ease her fears.

  * * * * *

  Cornering Tyler in the employee lounge ranked up there with one of the hardest things Synna had done. It had practically taken a presidential mandate to find a time to call him without Heidi listening in on the conversation. When Synna reached him and asked to meet somewhere private, his tone came across reluctant and grudging. She broke through his unwillingness by admitting it pertained to the Halloween party.

  She arrived in the employee lounge first, her stomach jumping with nerves and her muscles strung tight thinking about what she’d agreed to do. Apprehension ran high now that she knew Tyler wasn’t one hundred percent human. She’d have to fake interest so she wouldn’t recoil in revulsion being near him. If he tried to hold her by dancing or anything else…well, she’d have to deal with it.


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