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Impetuous Page 12

by Denise A. Agnew

  “Shit,” he whispered. “God, you drive me insane. You’re so wet.”

  Such ability to drive a man to the edge made her ego swell with feminine energy. “I’m not trying to drive you nuts.”

  “I know, but I…I should keep my hands off you. I—”

  “Don’t.” She eased his hand out of her pants, then turned around in his embrace and captured his face between her hands. “Don’t stop feeling this way. I know I can’t.”

  She threw away her last caution. She tugged his head down and kissed him, softly at first. He allowed her to caress his lips tenderly. Then she tasted Ian with eager abandon. She wanted him out of control, ready to do anything and everything. As she pushed one hand into his thick hair, she licked his lower lip. With a soft growl, he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. As he anchored her against his body, his hands searched her secrets. Repeatedly he plundered her mouth, took her senses on a whirlwind tour of pulse-pounding ecstasy.

  She wanted him more than breath, more than life, and she would have him. Nothing could stop her from tasting, touching, making love to him. His cock pushed against her, already hard and ready. She moved her hips, and his breath hissed inward as his arms tightened around her waist. His fingers speared into her hair and tugged her head back so he could reach her throat. He worked upon her desires, licking, kissing the column until she quaked. Dazzled by her ability to turn him on, and the strength of her longings, she moved against him in sinuous, indolent desire. She wanted him with a furious, urgent heat. Sensations melted together in a volcanic rush with no beginning or end, piling one upon the other in a race to find the ultimate feeling. His cock grew bigger, longer and she reached for it. Her fingers curved around him and measured his length with long strokes up and down.

  He jerked and then groaned into her mouth. “Son of a bitch.”

  She laughed, drunk on her influence over his response. “Is that good or bad?”

  “Good.” He kissed her again as he pressed her hand against his cock. “So good.”

  She broke away to whisper against his lips, “I want you.”

  He grinned, his eyes hot with adore and amusement. “Then have me.”

  Unrestrained, she hurried to unbuckle his belt. When she wrestled open his pants, and freed his cock, she almost went down on him. Before she could move, he leaned down and pulled off her shoes, then yanked off her pants and panties. She giggled, the silly sound embarrassing her. A feral, heated response ignited in his eyes. He looked everything that he was. Dangerous, strong, and turned on.

  He lifted her up and placed her on the edge of the conference table. He leaned over and latched onto one nipple, his tongue and lips sucking hard and fast. She writhed in his hold, so excited she couldn’t keep the whimpers back.

  Ian drew back, his breathing heavier, his eyes molten with need. He eyed her pussy. “Lean back.”

  Excited, she lay back on the table and bent her knees so her femininity lay fully exposed to his gaze and touch. Then without further preliminaries, he bent his knees, aligned his cock with her pussy, and plunged. She groaned as his long, broad length stretched, then retreated, then thrust again. He didn’t stay still, he continued the motion, his need and hers mingling in a wild fight to the finish.

  His eyes held an animal intensity she found thrilling and arousing. She clasped her thighs and opened her legs wider.

  “Yeah. That’s it,” he rasped.

  She closed her eyes and allowed his untamed wishes to sweep her away. Sharp, hungry thrusts pierced her pussy as he pounded deep. His thrusts quickened and she felt orgasm coming faster than she would have imagined. Each time his cock thrust, it rubbed insistently over her G-spot, the pull and push stimulating nerve endings deep inside. She panted with excitement and moved her hips to his beat. His hands slipped under her ass as he powered into her.

  His hips churned against hers with hot, banging thrusts that sent her excitement higher and higher. She’d never felt anything this intense before, and her heart pounded so hard she could hardly find her breath. Physical sensations rushed forward and swamped tender feelings. No time for affectionate words under the onslaught of unbridled lust.

  A swift burn built high in her pussy. Without mercy, it burst like a supernova. Her hips jerked against his as she squirmed. She writhed and skewered herself on the hot, hard cock burrowing into her relentlessly. As her pussy contracted over his cock, she barely stifled a shriek. Her cry of ecstasy came out as an uninhibited groan that rumbled from deep inside. Her entire body quaked as her orgasm rolled in a gigantic wave. Muscles clenched, breathing ceased, and for a moment, she knew the heady ecstasy of the heavens.

  With a last lunge, he jammed his cock deep and released with a shout. She watched his eyes snap shut, his lips draw back in a grimace as he quivered, shook and panted. It turned her on even more, and her pussy tightened again, wanting another orgasm with a greedy search for fulfillment. She tilted her hips upward, and his cock caressed her inside.

  “Holy shit,” he said between gasps for breath.

  As if he could read her mind, he reached down, clasped her clit between finger and thumb, and tugged with a steady rhythm. She shivered with excitement, a soft moan parting her lips. “Yes.”

  He kept his cock deep and hard inside her while he plucked and strummed the tender flesh that throbbed and ached for another completion. “Come on, honey. Take it all.”

  She closed her eyes and arched into his hand, grabbed onto the sensation as he took her higher, higher, and higher yet. Heaven waited and held. Another single sharp tug on her clit did the trick. Orgasm burst and heat flooded her pussy as she gasped and moaned and shamelessly took him with greedy abandon. When she settled down to earth, he withdrew and she opened her eyes.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” she said with a smile.

  His smile became warm and wicked. He reached for a box of tissues sitting on the table and they used them to clean up. “I’m damn glad we did.”

  After they’d rearranged their clothing, she noticed the scent of sex in the air. “Uh…anyone who comes is g-going to know what we were doing in here.”

  He shook his head and drew her into his arms. “No. The air recirculates in this place quickly.”

  She sighed. “Good.”

  He kissed her forehead and titled her chin up so she looked deep into his eyes. “We’d better get back to work, though.”

  “All right.” She smiled a little self-consciously, then started toward the door.

  He reached for her arm and tugged her back for another deep, sweet kiss. Warmth and tenderness burned in his gaze as he released her. She cupped his face and savored touching him so intimately.

  “If you need me, don’t hesitate to call,” he said.

  She left the conference room with a glow around her heart, and the knowledge that whatever happened, Ian felt more than overwhelming passion for her. He really cared.

  Chapter Ten

  Synna took her time traveling back from a meeting to her cubicle that afternoon. As she walked, she daydreamed shamelessly about her encounter earlier that morning with Ian. She’d never imagined that less than a week ago, she’d be Ian Frasier’s lover. Such good fortune seemed impossible. Her happiness reached new heights as she recalled his tenderness and willingness to share his thoughts and feelings. Maybe, just maybe, she could trust him with everything about herself.

  The idea terrified her in a brand-new way. Most men didn’t want that much information about a woman. They could have sex with a woman, but not intend to get to know her deepest secrets. Ian didn’t seem like that kind of man. He’d given so much of himself since they’d become lovers. She would take it slow, and make sure her heart stayed guarded enough to prevent complete destruction if he changed his mind about her. Ian hadn’t called her this afternoon, but that she hadn’t expected him to. She reminded herself for the third time that just because they were lovers didn’t mean they didn’t have jobs to do and other obligations.

e stopped daydreaming right as a shadow appeared out of a dark office doorway and latched onto her arm.


  Her throat tightened on a gasp as an arm swept around her waist and tugged her into the office. She could barely see, but she knew with absolute certainty, the arm around her waist didn’t belong to Ian. The door closed, then the overhead light came on.


  “Tyler, what is going on?” She kept her voice steady and tried keep alarm out of her voice. Her stomach tumbled with anxiety, and she could feel all the hairs on her body prickling as she tensed for an attack.

  Ian had warned her about being alone with Tyler. What could she do if he did jump her? Scream bloody murder?

  Tyler stood with his back to the door, his face flushed, his breathing a little heavy. He put one hand up before she could speak. “Don’t panic.”

  Her heart pounded, her mouth dry. “What the hell are you doing? You scared the crap out of me.”

  A hunted light entered his eyes. “I’m sorry I grabbed you, but I needed to speak with you again before the Halloween party.”

  Impatient, she hoped this little scene was nothing more than Tyler’s weird demon humor. She crossed her arms. “You couldn’t just call me or stop by the cubicle?”

  “I didn’t want Heidi seeing me with you.”

  Curiosity overcame unease. “Why do you care if anyone sees you with me? Especially Heidi.”

  “Because she’s—look, I can’t tell you everything. But I don’t mean you any harm, you’ve got to believe that. No matter what happens at the Halloween party, I don’t mean you any harm.”

  She believed that as much as hearing scientists say they’d changed their minds and that the moon really was made of cheese. Blue cheese, in fact. “What’s going to happen at the party?”

  He stiffened, as if someone poked him from behind, his lanky body tensed and on edge. Like a gazelle, he might leap at any moment. “I don’t know for sure, but it’s important you stay near me. It’s the only way I can protect you.” He puffed up his scrawny chest and placed his hands on his hips. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered. I’m buff.”

  Buff? Next to Ian, the weredemon rated a one on the brawn scale. A two if he was lucky. Ian would pulverize Tyler.

  He stepped forward, and she took a step back. “Come on, Synna. You need me to protect you.”

  She couldn’t help it. A huge guffaw snorted from her gut in a very unladylike manner. The laugh built into a roar, until she held her stomach and bent over.

  “What the hell is so funny?” he asked with an indignant growl. “I’m trying to be serious here.”

  Another even more hysterical cackle ripped up from her belly.

  Her mind screamed for control. Get a grip any time now, Synna.

  She managed, between gasps, to sneak in a few words. “I-I’m sorry. It-It’s just that I—you—”

  “Thanks a lot.” His voice sounded petulant rather than angry. “I can’t believe you’re laughing at me. You think I can’t protect you?”

  She immediately felt bad, even though she shouldn’t. The man was a damned demon, for God’s sake. Why should she feel bad about hurting his feelings? Still, the skullduggery had inched up to the ridiculous stage. “I’m sorry. I really am. It’s just that I’ve been under a lot of pressure to get Heidi up to speed before I leave the SIA. I’m on edge. Then you come along and said I was in danger and it sounded preposterous.”

  He glared, and she could see he didn’t believe her. Oh, hell. She couldn’t tell him that she’d chortled because she didn’t think he could defend her. With demon powers, perhaps he could.

  “You’re in more danger than you can imagine,” he said.

  Sorrow replaced his indignation, and his eyes looked almost misty with tears.

  If she didn’t know about his demon status, she’d almost feel like mothering him. Maybe if he’d give up valuable information, she could save him from the worst punishment SIA had to offer. “What kind of danger?”

  He jammed his hands in his pockets. “I can’t tell you specifics.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “So I’m just supposed to take your word for it. I’m in some mysterious danger.”


  “Why? I mean, why should I believe you? What motivation do I have?”

  “Because I’m—because I know things about this world that you don’t. About things that could harm you. Take my word for it.”

  She shook her head. “Tyler, I don’t need your help or your protection. Let’s take this slowly, okay. We have a date for the party and we can get to know each other better then.”

  Before she could take another breath, the door burst open and Tyler lurched forward toward her. He reached out and yanked her into his arms.

  Ian stood alone in the doorway, his gaze hard and harsh. “Let her go. Now.”

  Stunned by his appearance, she stayed in Tyler’s embrace. Tyler didn’t say a word and when she glanced up at him he looked equally shell-shocked.

  Ian stepped inside. His hands balled into fists at his sides, a thunderous glare in his eyes. Rough and husky, his voice came clear again. “I said, let her go.”

  She squirmed in Tyler’s arms. Oh God. What if Ian thought she’d met up with Tyler alone on purpose? He might think—oh, jeez.

  Horrified, she did another twist and wrested out of Tyler’s arms. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  Ian’s expression didn’t change. He still looked pissed. “I need to speak with her alone, Hessler.”

  Tyler’s eyes hardened with resentment. “Why?”

  “It’s none of your damned business,” Ian said.

  Tyler glared. “Right. I see how it is. You want her for yourself.”

  Ian didn’t say anything, matching Tyler’s glare.

  Tyler tossed one last resentful glance at them both. “Well, she’s going to the party with me. That says something.”

  Tyler left the room and slammed the door. Ian locked the door, then stalked toward her. This time she didn’t back away from his anger.

  Before she could speak, he enveloped her in his arms and tucked her close. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you? Please tell me he didn’t kiss you.”

  “No, he didn’t kiss me. I’m fine.”

  His solid arms held her tight. His fingers plunged into the hair at the back of her head and pressed her cheek against his shoulder. Stiff with surprise, she waited for him to speak.

  When he didn’t, she broke down and spoke first. “Ian, what’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” His voice was hoarse with emotion. He drew back to look deep into her eyes, but kept her within his embrace. “You were alone with that bastard. I told you never to be alone with him. Are you trying to get hurt or killed?”

  “No, no. He dragged me in here. I was just walking down the hall when this door opened and suddenly I’m dragged into this barely bigger than a closet…” She looked around. “Well, it is a closet. A very large but empty storage closet.”

  His eyes went supernova with anger. “What the hell did he want?”

  “He said he wanted to protect me at the Halloween party.” She went on to explain everything Tyler had said. “I laughed at him.”

  Ian’s eyes widened. “You laughed? Why?”

  “The idea of scrawny Tyler wanting to protect me seemed ludicrous. With everything that has happened lately, it just hit my funny bone wrong. I went hysterical.”

  “What did he do?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Actually, not much. I could tell I hurt his feelings. Do you think maybe he’s telling the truth about that part? About something bad happening at the party and that he wants to keep me safe?”

  Ian didn’t look convinced as he slowly eased her out of his arms. “I think it means he’s playing with you.”

  “Why bother?”

  He shrugged. “Because it’s what weredemons do well. They play with a human’s emotions. You can’t let your guard
down for a moment.”

  Within the deep emotions in his eyes, she saw genuine caring and concern, a man worried about her on a visceral level. It drove her to reach up and pull his head down for a quick, soft kiss. She released him and glanced around. “If anyone sees us coming out of here—”

  “I know.” He smiled wanly. “They’ll think we were making out. Do you care what anyone thinks?”

  She hesitated, then drew a deep breath and went with her solid intuition. “Only if it damages your reputation and makes life difficult.”

  He shook his head and traced her cheek with his index finger. Heat stirred in her loins. “Don’t worry about me. Just concentrate on staying safe until the party. If there is additional danger, we’ll handle it.”

  “How did you know I was in this closet?”

  “I wouldn’t have known, but Dorky saw you on one of the camera monitors and also saw Tyler snatch you.” He shook his head. “When she alerted me, I almost came unglued. I thought…” He shook his head again. “I ran down here. Then, seeing you in his arms made me crazy. If he had done anything to you, I would have broken him in two.”

  She smiled. “You looked angry, all right. I thought you might hit him.”

  “Believe me, I was tempted.” He heaved a deep breath.

  She reached up and brushed her fingers over his chest. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Watching out for me.”

  He leaned closer, his eyes slumberous with desire. “Always.”

  Her breath caught, and he sealed his mouth to hers for a gentle taste.

  She pulled back. “I’d better get back to work.”

  Ian winked and his voice went low and husky. “You’d better. A few more minutes in here, and I’d be fucking you up against that wall.”

  She flushed. God, that sounds delicious.


  His slow, sensual smile sent wicked, stirring desire straight to her core. “Go now. I’m having a hard enough time keeping my hands off you. I’ll see you tonight at the party.”


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