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Impetuous Page 13

by Denise A. Agnew

She forced herself to leave him and the major testosterone that ran off him in buckets. As she walked down the corridor, she half expected to see Tyler materialize. She made it to her cubicle and settled into her chair to peruse how she could make it through the next few hours.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ian paced the length of the party more than once, his patience stretching thin. Already the crowd numbered in the hundreds.

  “I’ve heard rumors there’s a crazy man wanderin’ the party.” A tall man about his height wearing a black Stetson walked up to Ian. He wore a red western shirt, bolo tie, leather vest, jeans and brown cowboy boots. Division Six Director Ben Darrock’s Scottish accent was at odds with his costume. The first time he met the Director, he’d found deep respect for the man and the way he ran his department. He had things in common with Ben, and they’d gotten along well from the start. Ben wasn’t intimidated by the fact Ian was head of SIA, and Ian respected the other man’s strength.

  He handed a paper cup of punch to Ian. “Somethin’ wrong?”

  Keeping his voice low, Ian almost growled the words, “Damn right something is wrong. Synna isn’t here yet.”

  Ben took a sip of punch from his own cup. “It’s barely seven. Some people like to be fashionably late.” He grinned irreverently. “You’re about to wear a hole in the floor.”

  Ian grunted and stared at the small paper cup swallowed up by his hand. “This better be alcohol-free. I need to be alert for trouble.”

  “It’s virgin punch. And stop worryin’.” Ben’s accent went a little thicker. “You’ll send out so many vibes that when Tyler arrives, he’ll notice somethin’ wrong. You’re frothin’ at the mouth.”

  The thought of Synna alone with a weredemon tore at Ian’s guts. Having sex with her had made his smoldering feelings for her grow even deeper. Not only did he want to slide into her warm, wet body again, when he got his hands on her tonight—

  How do I feel?

  Shit. His emotions jumped from one extreme to another. One moment he wanted to yank her into a back room, rip off her panties and fuck her hard and fast, the next he wanted to build up the tension and wait. Lastly, he knew he cared more about her than any woman he’d known.

  It scared the hell out of him.

  “This isn’t right,” Ian said. “We shouldn’t have allowed Synna to do this.”

  “She said she would, remember?”

  “She was ordered to.”

  Ben nodded. “I understand you’re worried.”

  Ian’s gaze snapped to Ben’s. “Is it that obvious?”

  Ben’s irreverent grin confirmed the worst. “Anyone paying close attention has to know that you’ve got feelings for Synna.”

  With a groan, Ian said, “At this point, I don’t care if the SIA wants to fire me. Synna is more important.”

  He drew this knowledge deep into his bones like a man drowning. His top priority, right now and in the future, was Synna MacDell. All other considerations, including his position as head of SIA, would have to take a back seat if danger came anywhere near her.

  Ian didn’t think anything would help this grinding foreboding until this ball-busting assignment finished and Synna lay safe in his arms. He gulped down the punch and put the empty cup on a table. “They should be here any minute.”

  Ben’s glance landed on the sword. “You plannin’ on using that if the time comes?”

  Ian encircled the sword grip and tightened his fingers. “You’re damned right. It’ll come in handy.”

  Ben pushed the brim of his hat higher up and peered at Ian. “It’ll make a mess.”

  Ian grinned. “Exactly.”

  * * * * *

  Tyler’s hand pressed the small of Synna’s back as he guided her into the foyer of Adora Hall, the huge room SIA used for a party facility. On the grounds of the secure SIA complex, the large Grecian-looking building boosted many columns along the front façade, as well as a palatial back area replete with gardens, a pool, and a few guest suites set up for visiting dignitaries.

  Bombarded by noise from the crowded foyer, Synna now wished she’d worn something less revealing than the wench costume. Under the long, black wool coat, she felt vulnerable. As she stood in the two-story foyer with Tyler touching her back, she wanted to run far away where neither the SIA nor weredemons could find her.

  “This is awesome,” Tyler said, his eyes a little wide, his mouth open in surprise.

  “You’ve never been here?”

  “Never.” As she started to slide off her coat, he asked, “What about you? How would you like to give me a tour?”

  She remembered Ian’s admonition not to let Tyler get her alone.

  As he took her coat and handed it to the coat check woman, Synna looped her small black velvet handbag over her shoulder. “Why don’t we go in and chat with a few people first?”

  Tyler shrugged, his shoulders looking broader in the pirate costume. When he’d picked her up in his small white sedan, she half expected him to wear the same nerdy attire he usually did. Even if Tyler wasn’t a weredemon and didn’t have a sinister agenda, she still wouldn’t find him attractive. Ian had put his stamp on her, his mark, and she’d never be the same. Another man could kiss her, caress her, make love to her, and it wouldn’t matter. Ian had imprinted himself on her soul forever.

  They wandered into the main room. Three glittering crystal chandeliers dominated the high ceiling, as well as moldings and frescos. Large tapestries depicting Greek and Roman escapades graced four walls. Topiaries hugged the corners, and long, red velvet curtains draped large multi-paned windows. Laughter and the scent of warm appetizers teased her nose. Tables decorated with black tablecloths groaned under the weight of food, as well as orange nonalcoholic punch and sparkling champagne. Employees wearing every imaginable costume boogied on the dance floor to the song “Monster Mash”. Most people wore sinister costumes, but the occasional pink bunny gave the party a less serious aspect.

  Synna eyed the paper bats, ghosts and pumpkins strung everywhere. All in all, a festive situation.

  She would love to treat the party as nothing more than a good time. In the back of her mind lingered the danger.

  “Champagne?” Tyler asked Synna as a woman walked by with a tray.

  “Sure.” She snatched a tall flute of bubbly at the same he did, and took a hearty sip.

  Heidi, wearing a gypsy costume, fluttered toward them with a grin. “Hey, guys. Isn’t this great?” She patted Tyler on the shoulder. “You look wonderful. Tyler, what are you supposed to be?”

  Tyler must have caught the slight sarcasm in Heidi’s tone. He smirked. “A pirate. You couldn’t tell?”

  Heidi grinned. “Better than the devil in dinner wear. What am I?”

  “Obviously you’re a gypsy,” Synna said.

  “Not just any gypsy. A fortune teller.”

  “Uh-huh.” Tyler slammed down the remainder of his champagne and gave it to a passing server. “What can you tell me about my future?”

  “That’ll cost you ten dollars.” Heidi produced an envelope from a pocket in the voluminous skirt she wore. She explained which local charities the money would benefit.

  “I’ll do it.” Synna stepped forward, fidgeting in her purse for money.

  Heidi snatched two fives from Synna’s hand. “This way. I have a table at the other end.”

  Tyler started to follow, but Heidi put a hand on his chest. “Readings are personal. Wait your turn.”

  He smirked. “Okay. Whatever you say.” He turned away and followed a woman carrying a platter of appetizers.

  As Heidi led the way through the crowd, they stopped several times to say hello to coworkers. Synna scanned the throng, but she didn’t see a sign of Ian. Butterflies did barrel rolls in her stomach. He’d refused to say what he planned to wear. He explained that he wanted her reaction clear and uninhibited. She’d almost asked him if was wearing a loincloth. The weather had turned extraordinary cold, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if he cam
e to the party half-naked to drive her nuts.

  Oh yes. It would drive her batty all right. Anticipation made her heart thunder, and fear made her wonder if she could pull off this sham. She’d paid the ten dollars to get away from Tyler for a few moments, as well as for the good cause. She’d started to feel so strange around him, as if he might at some point read her mind and know what the SIA planned for his sorry demon ass.

  The music turned from rock to a symphony of monsters, wolves, bat shrieks and unearthly screams.

  “Here we are.” Heidi stopped by a table draped in purple satin gauze and violent red braiding. Shocking to the eyes, but appropriate for Heidi’s ambiance. “Have a seat.”

  Feeling a little foolish, Synna settled into one of the two metal folding chairs.

  “You seem glad to leave Tyler.” Heidi sat in the other chair and put her hands on the lid of a dark wood box. A deeply carved ankh graced the beautiful wood. “I can’t say I blame you.”

  Synna refused to get into a conversation about her predicament. “Everything is fine.”

  Heidi nodded, the turban around her forehead bobbing. “Ian will be glad to hear it.”

  Surprise made Synna blink. She stared at the gypsy across the table. “What?”

  “I’m your safety contact. Ian and Quinton put me on this detail just this morning and asked me to check on you. How are things going with Tyler?”

  Startled, Synna nodded. “I’m fine. Everything is running like clockwork right now.” Synna frowned. “Ian didn’t say anything about putting you on this detail when I talked with him this morning.”

  Heidi shrugged. “He probably did it right after he talked to you. Or maybe he just forgot to tell you.”

  Heidi spread Egyptian tarot cards out on the table. The beautifully colored cards depicted hieroglyphics, and monuments such as The Sphinx, and The Great Pyramids of Giza.

  “These cards,” Heidi said with a dramatic tone, “will tell you the key to your future.”

  Uninterested in the theatrics, Synna kept her voice low as she asked, “What do you know about Tyler?”

  Heidi lowered her voice. “Just what Ian told me this morning. Now, how are you really?” Heidi put one last card down. “Are you holding up?”

  “I’m good.” Then it occurred to her that Ian may not even be at the party yet. Had he decided to let other people handle the situation? “Where is Ian?”

  Heidi’s lips curved into a devilish smile. “Patience.”

  Heidi’s gaze clouded for a second as she looked at the spread of cards.

  “Don’t I have to ask you a question?” Synna asked.

  “Yep. Go for it.”

  Synna pondered, uncertain.

  “Don’t think about it too long. What’s the burning question in your mind right now?”

  Synna let out with it. “Will tonight turn out all right?”

  Heidi surveyed the cards. She pointed to a card showing The Temple at Karnak. A frown replaced her earlier cheerful attitude.

  Heidi glanced up, her eyes clouded with uncertainty. “This is pretty interesting. A little hard to read. I’m usually good at this but…” She scanned the cards again. “This indicates you aren’t ready for what is to come. Almost everything you see tonight will have more than one side. This means you will experience confusion. There is something being hidden from you.”

  Synna grinned, unable to take the information seriously. “How long have you been reading these cards as a hobby?”

  Heidi drew back a little, no longer gazing at the configuration in front of her. “Honey, I’ve been reading them since I was twelve. My great-grandmother was a voodoo priestess and a friend of Marie Laveux.”

  “Marie Laveux of New Orleans? The Queen of Voodoo?”

  “Yes.” Heidi fiddled with a scarf at her neck, as if it irritated her. Or, maybe the way Synna dismissed the cards angered Heidi. “They were great friends. This deck has been in my family and passed down from generation to generation.”

  “They’re beautiful cards.”

  Heidi didn’t look pacified. “Now, the Sphinx card symbolizes leaving the past behind and start a brand-new track.” A broad smile broke over her round face. “Now this one is really nice. You will find a new lover or you have found one already.”

  Synna wasn’t surprised at Heidi’s accuracy about leaving the past. She knew Synna was leaving the agency. As for the new lover, well…

  Music spilled out of the speakers, a sultry, smooth jazz tune that insinuated sinful pleasures all wrapped in body chocolate with a strawberry in the navel. Synna ignored it.

  “This card, the Phoenix, suggests you’re rising from the ashes of everything before in your life that hasn’t worked for you.” Heidi nodded, satisfaction in her smile. “Your heart will benefit, your health. Your soul.” Heidi touched the Mummy card with her index finger and frowned. “This card, in this configuration, is unpleasant. It’s an…”


  “An omen of danger.”

  A dark cloud passed over Synna’s thoughts, and her intuition told her that Heidi meant every word. Logic tried to hijack Synna, pushing common sense into the fray and losing miserably.

  Heidi gathered up the cards.

  “Give me a break,” a male voice said behind them, and Synna about jumped two feet.

  Tyler came around the side of the table.

  “This stuff is garbage,” he said as he reached for Synna’s arm. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  “It’s not garbage.” Heidi’s objection seemed to have no influence on Tyler at all.

  Synna considered objecting, then she stood and allowed Tyler to urge her away. She waved at Heidi. “See you later.”

  Tyler brought her into his arms right away and tucked against his body.

  Sweet and sultry, the tune pulsed against her ears as the night wore onward. She didn’t want to be here in this man’s arms.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Tyler’s frown held serious questions.

  “Everything is fine.”

  His arms tightened until his body slid against her breasts, his hips nudged close. She shifted back from him, her hands on his shoulders, but little else touching. A couple bumped into them and sent her closer to him again. To her horror, his cock grew hard against her stomach. Curls of revulsion nauseated her. She dared glance up at him.

  A satisfied grin eased across his face, and she almost yanked out of his arms right then. She didn’t think she could do this. Not if the bastard planned to rub his penis against her.

  He leaned forward and tried to kiss her.

  Synna jerked back, panic striking her as she stumbled out of his arms. She turned to leave, horrified. She couldn’t win this one. Either she let him kiss her and risk becoming a weredemon’s bride, or she offended Tyler and the SIA lost the chance to bag him.

  His strong hand wrapped around her upper arm, and she gasped in pain. “Hey.” His voice sounded petulant. “What are you doing?”

  She plastered on a rigid smile. “Let me go, please. You’re hurting me. I need some air. It’s getting stuffy in here.”

  When he released her, his eyes glittered. “I’ll go with you.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’d like a couple of minutes to myself.”

  The slightly petulant look on his face gave her the creeps. She felt like as if she was dealing with a little kid. Remember, he’s not a child. He’s a dangerous demon. Keep remembering that.

  “I’m getting another drink.” His voice faded as he walked away.

  Synna’s glance flicked to the other side of the room as she headed toward the French doors that would lead outside into the gardens.

  Then she caught sight of a man so breathtakingly handsome, her heart stuttered and her mouth popped open on a gasp.


  Chapter Twelve

  Ian wore a costume resembling a warrior of old. A dark green tunic, intricately decorated with a gold Celtic design, covered his broad chest. A brown velvet cape enveloped his should
ers, and tall black boots reached up to his knees. A gleaming silver scabbard embraced an electrical converter sword and attached to his belted waist. His hair tumbled about his shoulders and his beard growth gave him a rugged edge. She swallowed hard, unable to look away.

  When had she ever seen a more rugged, masculine and heartrendingly noble man? Tears came to her eyes. She blinked back the moisture, aware her off-kilter oversensitivity came from fear and other emotions she couldn’t name. Things had moved so fast in the last few days, she hadn’t taken time to absorb everything that happened.

  Steady and true, Ian’s gaze captured hers as he approached through the crowd. She waited, everything around her taking on stillness. All her concentration pinpointed on the drop-dead gorgeous man walking her way. A thrill rolled over her as if she’d longed for his kiss for ages, as if he’d returned from a hard battle where she’d feared for his safety. She possessed the anticipation of touch, of tease, of mouth-to-mouth. Fresh feelings arose, and drove Synna to yearn, to want Ian with fervor greater than before.

  Tyler cleared his throat as he reappeared by her side, but she barely heard him. When Ian stopped close in front of her, she looked into his eyes and smiled.

  She drew in a deep breath, trying in vain to control the fluttering in her heart and that trembling sensation in her stomach. “Ian. It’s great to see you.”

  She sensed rather than saw Tyler’s displeasure.

  Ian nodded to them both, then did a chivalrous bow. His big hand encompassed hers as he brought her fingers to his lips. He pressed a full kiss to the back of her hand, his touch caressing. Heat tingled and raced from the single touch of his lips to her. Warmth surged into her body as physical and mental attraction swamped her. If she’d thought one night of sex and that quickie at work would satisfy her need for him, she’d been mistaken. Ian’s gaze burned hot, and the heat inside her built as if he’d done far more than kiss her hand.

  Tyler moved closer to her, and Synna bothered to look up at him. A cold light flickered in his eyes, and right then she knew she’d pushed him a little far.


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