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Sliding (The Stone Series)

Page 21

by Kitty Berry

  Tate opens the door to our room and we fall into the seating area tumbling over each other and ripping at each other’s clothes. Tate has my skirt and panties off in record time and I have his shirt over his head. I am unbuttoning his pants and he is pulling my shirt over my head when Bobby wakes up and alerts us to his presence on our couch.

  “Motherfucker, what the fuck man?” Tate yells startled as he stands in front of me trying to block Bobby’s view.

  “Go get dressed, right now” he demands of me and I go to our room and pull on one of Tate’s t-shirts and a pair of my yoga pants. When I return Tate has his arm around his best friend on our couch and I can tell that Bobby is clearly wasted and very upset.

  “Go on into bed, I’ll be with you in a minute. Wait up for me” Tate orders me and I smirk at him and toss my hair over my shoulder as I leave them saying, “I’m starting without you so you’d better hurry up.”

  When Tate comes to bed an hour later I am reading a naughty book in bed with my clothes on, not what he expected to find. He comes over and hugs me nuzzling into my neck.

  “I love you. Tell me you won’t leave me ever” he pleads.

  I nuzzle him back and put him at ease telling him that I love him too and have no plans on leaving the soon to be father of my child if we can ever get down to business tonight and create said child. He sighs and I can tell he needs to talk before my body can have his full attention.

  “What’s going on with Bobby, why is he on our couch and how much of my body will he remember in the morning?” I ask.

  Tate tells me that Bobby is drunk and definitely fucked up on something, what that is he’s not really sure and he assures me that he will have no memory of my body in the morning.

  “If he does I am prepared to cause a traumatic brain injury so he’ll forget, don’t worry. I got you” Tate says as he stands and slides off his pants then gets into bed next to me. He continues the story as I lay with my head on his chest stroking the hair of his happy trail.

  Apparently Bobby and Kate have been having problems. She wanted to stay in New York but he wanted to come to California. She thought it was temporary but now that Tate and I have decided to stay in California and my brother Michael will be running Tate’s New York office, Bobby plans to stay in California as well but Kate plans on returning to New York where her much younger lover lives. Bobby was blindsided by that announcement even though if he had asked me I could have told him that I’d suspected her of cheating from day one. I have always thought that she was with him for his money which by her demands for a divorce and half of his assets she was.

  Tate is clearly upset and in need of some stress relief so I flip him onto his stomach, straddle him and start to give him a massage. He moans in delight and tells me to keep going. I rub his shoulders, neck and the back of his head while I rub myself on his back. His muscular body under my fingers feels tight and taunt at first but as I work the stress out of him he relaxes and softens under my touch. Again I feel the building in my own body just from being next to him. Tate can sense my reaction and he turns so I am now straddling the front of his body, his erection now snug between our bodies. He slides off his boxer briefs and pulls his t-shirt that I’m wearing over my head exposing my naked breasts. Tate sits up and cups my breasts in his hands then his tongue finds my nipple and I let my head fall back relishing the pleasure he is creating. His whole mouth goes over my nipple and his face puckers as he begins to suck on it. He gives it a quick nip before moving on to my other. He starts to roll them both in his fingers and I can’t wait any longer.

  “Make me come now, please. I can’t take it any longer” I beg but Tate shakes his head and chuckles.

  “Not yet baby. I want you brought to the edge a few more times, let it build.”

  I have no choice but to remain at Tate’s mercy. He begins to torture my clit with his thumb flapping at it side to side over and over again.

  “Don’t come” he orders me, “Not yet, wait until I’m inside you.”

  Tate lies back down and I shift on top of him, putting him inside of me. I use my hand to guide his length into me inch by sweet throbbing inch. The sensation of fullness that he creates in my body is sublime. I scoot up onto my feet and I begin riding him showing no mercy. He is completely enthralled in me and quickly getting brought to the edge of his own cliff. Watching him under me, knowing that I am driving him insane is the sexiest sight there is. His head is sliding from side to side causing his hair to flop in his eyes. He runs his hand through his hair then stimulates my clitoris taking me to the height of passion all the while making an animalistic grunting sound. As I begin to finally come and constrict around him I feel his hot rush of semen flood through my body.

  “That is still and always will be my favorite position to see you in” I tell Tate as I try to roll off of him, finally sated. He catches me and holds me on his body and kisses my forehead. I look at him and he looks a little weird so I give me a questioning look wondering what could have caused that reaction.

  “Fucking you is so good, it’s so hot when we are like that but it’s just weird to think doing that we could have a baby. We’ve spent our whole lives trying to avoid having one and now in just one awesome session we could be parents. I don’t know? Am I the only one here that feels like that?” he asks.

  It’s scary for me too but I guess I didn’t really think about it as doing it to have a baby because I had been so worked up and eager to have an orgasm. “I think you’re cute, Taters” I say with a smirk. He allows me to roll off him and I sit up and ask about Bobby again.

  “You know I am going to take that bitch down for doing this to him. She’s going to walk away with nothing; I am going to ruin her. I will find every guy she has fucked since she met Bobby and something tells me there will be quite a list” Tate promises. The one thing about Tate that anyone close to him can count on is his loyalty as a friend. I sigh knowing that this crusade is going to take up a lot of his time.

  “I feel so bad for Bobby, Tate. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have someone cheat on you, or think they have? Remember sophomore year during basketball season?”


  I am standing in front of the gym alone after a basketball game waiting for Tate; we’re going to hang out with a bunch of people at Danny’s house. I still have on my uniform and I tell Wendy, Asia, Melissa and Erica that I’ll see them at Danny’s. Tracie DelRicco comes up to me and says she has to talk to me. I only know her from a few classes so I have no idea what she could possibly want to talk to me about.

  “I just want you to know that Tate was not a virgin when you guys did it. Everyone at school is talking about it and I just thought you should know. He slept with me last year over the summer while you were away and I’m not the only one. He’s been cheating on you forever and I just can’t watch you make a fool out of yourself anymore. You really should dump his sorry ass.”

  It’s like a slap to the face and a punch to the stomach while having my eyes torn out. I can’t respond, I can’t move, I’m dumbfounded. My heart feels as if it’s being ripped from my chest, stomped on then driven over by a truck.

  “Do what you want but I thought I should tell you. Oh, and by the way…I’m sorry. And if it makes you feel any better he was way too fast, the poor thing. Hope he’s gotten better at it with all the practice he’s had. Bye”

  She walks away just as Tate is coming out of the locker room and heading in my direction.

  I run out of the gym to the parking lot where I hope to find my friends still there. I know where Wendy parked because she drove me to the game. Lucky for me they are just getting into the car when I reach them. They see my tear and makeup stained face and hear Tate yelling my name as he is chasing after me. They open the door for me to jump in and we speed away. Tate’s car is on the other side of the lot so I know he’ll never catch us. I tell my friends about the interaction with Tracie DelRicco through sobs and hiccups. Asia hands me a bottle of Jagerme
ister and instructs me to start drinking immediately. I do as I’m told and then Erica is offering me a hit from the joint she has just lit. I accept hit after hit mixed with shot after shot while we drive to Danny’s house. We all get changed in the car but I’m not even sure if I have my clothes on right. I know I’m going to see Tate there and he’s the last person I want to deal with right now. When we get there I can barely stand up and I can tell that I am not making much sense. I see his car so I know he must have went straight to the party unlike us who drove around getting drunk and stoned.

  Asia spots Tommy and his friends standing on the front lawn and she drags me over to them saying something about “a taste of his own medicine.” Tommy is her new love interest and Tate is not a fan. He doesn’t play sports and he hangs around with the kids that are in trouble for drugs and skipping school. I have to admit I can kind of understand why Asia likes him; he’s very hot in a gruffy bad boy kind of way. He’s skinny and all angles, long hair and rough stubble covers his face.

  When he sees Asia he says, “Hey babe. Glad you’re here. Hey Brook. Wow, you look fucked up, what happen to you?”

  Asia smacks him in the chest and tells him to shut up then she tells him about Tate and Tracie DelRicco.

  “Yo, dude, that’s rough. I just saw him when he got here. He looks super pissed off, can’t say I blame him after getting ratting out” Tommy says.

  His friend Lance comes over to me when Tommy nods to him and hands me a beer and offers me a hit off his joint. I accept both and we sit down on the lawn. I have no interest in Lance, his presence prickles my skin and not in a good Tate kind of way.

  Asia and Tommy take off to hook up no doubt and I don’t realize that I am alone with Lance. He’s got his arm around me and is trying to get me in a prone position on the ground before my body’s flight reaction tries to kick in. I feel as if things are suspended in time, barely moving until I hear the door slam and Tate’s voice rings out through the night, “Get your fucking hands off my fucking girlfriend you motherfucker.”

  The next thing I know Tate has Lance on the ground delivering blow after blow. Bobby finally rips Tate off of him at the same time Asia and Tommy come running over recently climbing out of Tommy’s backseat. Asia’s hair is a fright and Tommy’s jeans are still undone. Bobby notices what’s happened and asks Tommy, “How are my sloppy seconds, asshole?” and then he’s on top of Tommy, Asia is screaming and on Bobby’s back. Tate’s eyes set on me still sitting on the grass and he comes over, picks me up and practically carries me into the house. I am too drunk and stoned to resist, I can barely walk, if it wasn’t for Tate supporting my weight and pushing me along I would be slumped in a heap on the ground.

  Tate pushes me into the house and in Danny’s room where he locks the door. “What the fuck was that?” Tate demands to know but I refuse to answer him. “Fucking answer me right now Brooklynn or I swear to fucking God I am going to lose my mind on you and believe me you do not want that to happen” Tate threatens me but I still ignore him. He runs his hands through his hair and sighs knowing he’s lost this battle of wills with me and not happy about the lack of control he has over this situation.

  “Let’s go, we’re leaving and going somewhere where we can talk and I can fucking hit shit before I destroy Danny’s house. Stand up, now.” When I don’t move he throws me over his shoulder and carries me to his car kicking and screaming.

  “Put your seatbelt on, Brooklynn” Tate orders as he rips out speeding away.

  We go to the high school parking lot and Tate gets out of the car and slams his door. He comes around to my side and pulls me out of the car. I have yet to say a word to him even though he screamed at me the whole ride here.

  “He was about to fucking rape you on Danny’s front lawn. Why the fuck did you run away from me at the gym? I don’t understand why you were talking to that loser. Are you drunk, Brooklynn? High? What the fuck?” is all I hear over and over until finally he gets out of the car. I really thought he was going to punch something but then I remembered it was basketball season and Tate Taylor the star of the team can’t be hurt.

  All of a sudden I feel sick to my stomach; I bend in half and start to vomit. Tate comes to my rescue and holds my hair back and rubs my back while I throw up for what feels like an hour straight. When I finally stop throwing up Tate sits down on the pavement next to his car and pulls me into his lap. I moan and place my head on his shoulder, exhausted and half asleep. I start to cry and finally break my silence. I tell him about Tracie DelRicco and the Jagermeister mixed with pot. I tell him as much as I can remember about Tommy and Lance and then I try to get away from him but he holds me on his lap.

  “Brooklynn, this shit has to stop. Look, I know the girls all like me, I know I’m good looking but I don’t care. It means nothing to me. They can all get wet over me all they want. I don’t want them, not any one of them. I have the only girl I’ll ever want right here in my arms where she belongs safe and sound. I have never cheated on you; I don’t want anything to do with another girl. I was a virgin until my birthday when we lost it to each other and I gave you this necklace…“First, Last & Only” remember.”

  When I remain silent Tate continues, “Tracie has had the hots for me forever and she knows she doesn’t stand a chance against you, she’s trying to break us up so she can have a go at me. Don’t let her do this to us.”

  I look at Tate but I still can’t talk to him.

  “Why did you let yourself get so fucked up tonight? You cannot do that again, promise me. It’s not safe Brooklynn. I’m serious do you think that fucking asshole was going to stop if I wasn’t there? He wouldn’t have, he would have fucked you right there on the front lawn and so help me God I would have killed him with my bare hands.”

  At this I start shaking and crying all over again in his arms, clinging to him. I feel scared for the first time tonight even while in Tate’s arms. He rubs my back and smoothes my hair out of my face.

  “Shh, enough, it’s all right. You’re with me, you’re safe. I love you, baby. Shh, stop crying” Tate comforts me before I start throwing up again.

  I feel much better once I’m done and I agree to go back to the party with him. When we get there it’s almost midnight and the party is in full swing. We walk into Danny’s house, Tate has his arm around me keeping me steady on my feet and I am clinging to him. Tracie DelRicco is the first face we both see and Tate lets me go. He beats me to her and is screaming in her face, scaring even me. As mad as he gets at me at times like tonight, I have never been afraid that he was going to hit me but right now I am afraid for Tracie.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Why did you lie to my girlfriend? I have never fucked you and lose my virginity to you? Please, not in a million years. I want to be perfectly clear with you and you should tell every fucking girl you know, everyone here listen up” Tate yells. “I love my girlfriend. I am not going to cheat on her. Just because you all think I’m hot or whatever doesn’t mean I’m a fucking dick. Leave me alone and find someone else’s dick to lust after because you will never have mine. Stop spreading lies about me and upsetting my girlfriend. Stop trying to break us up because it is not going to work. Just leave me the fuck alone. I don’t want you, any of you. I love my girlfriend. Do you understand me, I love my girlfriend” and with that he leads me up the stairs to Danny’s brother’s room and he locks the door.

  Tate pounces on my like a caged animal and I start to cry, he rocks me in his arms until it turns into a dance. Tate reaches over and hits the power button on the radio knowing that music has always been a connection for us. “Never Tear us Apart” by INXS is on and we look at each other and start to laugh. I tell Tate that I’m sorry for running away from him and getting wasted, for talking to Lance and putting myself in danger, and for not trusting him.

  “Don’t ever run away from me again, promise. If something upsets you or you’re pissed off at me, tell me. I’d rather you scream at me, hit me, kick me do whatev
er just don’t run away from me. Promise”

  I nod and Tate continues, “No more getting so wasted you can’t protect yourself either. You don’t even remember what happened. You cannot do that unless you’re with me so I can keep you safe.”

  I promise I will never allow myself to be that fucked up again. Once I started sobering up it really scared me to think I had no idea what had happened or what could have happened to me.

  Tate kisses me and says, “I love you, you need to trust me. I am not going to leave you; I am not going to cheat on you. You’re going to have to deal with other girls liking me, wanting me, looking at me. It’s a fact of life, I’m good looking but baby I’ve got news for you. You are every bit as attractive as I am and then some. The guys leave you alone because I have made it clear that you are off limits. But you don’t hear the shit they say. I am constantly hearing about your “tight ass” your “perfect tits”, what a “good fuck” you must be. Believe me if I wasn’t like I am with you, they would be all over you. Girls just don’t respect each other’s limits like guys do. It’s this bro code thing we’ve got going on. But see what happens the minute I turn my back? Some guy is right there to jump on you. You are hot and you could have any guy you want.”


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