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Unwrapping Jade

Page 13

by Melanie Shawn

  I had no response for that except to nod. If that was just the warm-up then I was ready for the work-out.

  Reaching down, he grabbed his wallet, pulled out a condom, and unwrapped it swiftly with his teeth. He rolled it onto his stiff erection, and then looked back at me and met my eyes. He was all serious business now. “I need to be inside you, Jade. Now. It’s been too long, and I can’t wait one more minute.”

  He wasn’t going to get any argument from me. I nodded furiously, unable to form words. He stepped back up to me and placed his strong hands on my waist, spinning me around with no more effort than it would take to pull a chair out from a table.

  My breath sucked into my lungs and a whole new flutter invaded my belly at the ease with which he handled my body. He was so strong, so competent, so capable. I felt so tiny and delicate—two things I never felt—in his hands.

  Immediately, with no build up, he plunged into me, his steel-hard thickness spreading my inner walls and making me feel full, tight, and stretched out.

  I cried out again, but he anticipated that. Before the sound could leave my throat, his hand was already clamped over my mouth, where it stayed firmly until the involuntary cry was complete.

  My body reached new heights of pleasure that I’d never even imagined as he drew back and then pounded into me again and again, the rhythm of his thrusts building more pressure and tension inside my body with every single stroke. His forearm snaked around my waist and pulled me back against his chest, and I could feel every ripple of his strong chest muscles as he moved within me. It was more than I could bear, and within just a few minutes, I knew I was headed for another orgasm.

  I held out as long as I could, wanting only to release my pleasure when I could feel that he was cresting that peak as well. I wanted this to be one more thing that we would experience together.

  Just as I was on the brink of losing control, I felt his muscles clench and tense. His chest against my back, his belly against my ass. His forearm over my stomach, his legs against my thighs. Every one of these points of contact told me that the time had come, and I released the flood of pleasure within me.

  This climax burst through my muscles, even more powerful than the one that had come before. Maybe it was because my body was already primed, or maybe it was because of the emotional weight from the two of us climbing that mountain together. Either way, it was more than just a physical experience. It was emotional, it was spiritual. It was like my soul was joining with his.

  If I’d been able to process those thoughts consciously at the time, they probably would’ve scared me with their significance. But as it was, I was simply lost in the sea of sensation that Hayden was drowning me in, and loving every minute of it.

  When both of us were spent, he stepped back and dropped into the chair that he’d been sitting in when I first entered the room. His arm was still hooked around my waist and he pulled me into his lap after him. I leaned my head against his shoulder and gave a deep sigh of contentment. He stroked my hair and kissed my neck, pulling me tightly to him.

  “Well damn,” he said, his voice light and still a little breathless. “You sure do know how to cheer a guy up.”

  I grinned. This was how it had always been with us. Easy. Explosive. Perfect. I didn’t know what the future held, but no matter what it was, nothing could take this night away from me.

  Chapter 23


  “There’s only one thing worse than being talked about, and that’s not being talked about.”

  ~ Nora O’Sullivan

  “We’re about twenty minutes out,” a guy with an earpiece told me as he leaned into the room.

  I nodded and he left as I put my earbuds back in and made myself comfortable on the sofa.

  The past few days had been a whirlwind. The morning after the grand opening of Hero Rescue, Camilla called and said she wanted to be a donor in Hero Rescue. She also wanted to continue Corey’s legacy by sponsoring dogs in his name. She was currently traveling and doing press for the new season of Center Stage and she wanted me to join her to talk about Hero Rescue. So, here I was. In Chicago. In a green room at a morning talk show.

  We’d been to San Francisco, Nashville, Miami, and after this we were going to New York.

  Camilla was still in hair and makeup, so I decided this would be a good time to catchup on Jade’s latest podcast. After things had gotten hot and heavy at the warehouse, we’d gone back to my place. My plan was to make love to her all night. But once we got there and I took Ranger out, I came back in to find her snuggled up in my bed, sound asleep. I couldn’t bring myself to wake her. The next morning, at the crack of dawn, I woke up to the phone call from Camilla. It had been a marathon ever since.

  Jade and I had talked a few times since I left, but I wished I was in town to cement what had happened between us. I wasn’t so naïve as to think that everything was okay between us. There were still a lot of things that needed to be said. A lot of hurts that needed to be healed.

  But now I had hope that it would happen.

  I skipped ahead to the thirty-minute mark, which was about where Jade’s segments usually started.

  “Okay, so Jade is back in the studio this week and I believe this week was the matchmaker setup. So Jade, I heard that you had a little surprise on this date?”

  “Yes.” Jade chuckled. “I did have a surprise, my date was someone that I knew. Well, I didn’t know him but I had met him before. Or not really met, but we’d had a brief exchange.”

  “Let me break it down in case the listeners are confused. I have some inside knowledge because of who Jade’s date turned out to be. Jade had a meet-cute with someone who…we’ll just say works in this building…”

  “I call him Hot Tie-Guy,” Jade supplied.

  “Hot Tie-Guy.” The host chuckled. “I love it. And you met Hot Tie-Guy in this building, correct?”

  “Yes. I took the elevator with him.”

  “And it must’ve been some ride up because unbeknownst to any of us, Hot Tie-Guy went to the matchmaker we were using for Jade and put himself in the running.”

  “I had no idea. I didn’t even know his name.”

  “So, set the scene. This elevator ride obviously made an impression on him, what is your memory of it?”

  I shifted on the couch and when I couldn’t get comfortable I sat straight up. I was literally on the edge of my seat.

  “I was in a rush and an arm appeared just as the doors were closing. I was irritated because I wasn’t in a great mood and the last thing I wanted to do was make small talk. Then in comes Hot Tie-Guy. He was so hot. He looks like a young Tom Hardy. It was terrible timing, too, because I looked like a hot mess. I was running late so I looked like I just jumped out of bed and came here. Still, in the moment I forgot about that and tried to think of anything I could say to him to get him talking. But I clammed up. I couldn’t think of anything to say, which in case you haven’t figured out by now, is not normally a problem for me. But I was real-deal-Holyfield nervous.”

  I didn’t like where this was going.

  “You? Nervous?!”

  “I know, right? But in my defense, he is ridiculously hot. And once I noticed his forearm tattoos, I had to check to see if I was drooling.”

  Yeah, but did he have a Celtic cross with your name in it? I thought to myself.

  “So nothing happened? You didn’t exchange numbers or names or Instagram accounts or anything?”

  “No. Nothing. He said he liked my shirt but that was it.”

  I’d listened to all four of her other podcasts and she’d never sounded like this. She liked Hot Tie-Guy. I did not.

  She took a deep breath. “Cut to a couple weeks later and I’m meeting my blind date at The Glass Orchid.”

  “Oh, wow. The Glass Orchid. I haven’t been but I’ve heard it’s incredible.”

  “It is. It’s amazing. I highly recommend it. Not sponsored.”

  They both chuckled.

  “Anyway, the
hostess shows me to a private room that had been reserved just for us and who do I see waiting there for me?”

  “Hot Tie-Guy?”

  “Yup. The one and only.”

  “And were you surprised?”

  “Stunned. Silent, in fact. He’d rendered me speechless. Again.”

  As I listened to Jade describe their date in excruciating detail, I could tell that she was really into him. It wasn’t for the show. She was genuinely into this guy.

  Even I had to admit that he sounded like a decent guy. He’d ordered sparkling apple cider because of her migraines. He had her text him when she got home to make sure she got there safe. And he sent her flowers the next day.

  He’d seen something he wanted and he’d gone after it. I couldn’t blame him for that, but I wasn’t about to sit back and make it easy for him. Or any other guy that she might meet.

  This week her date was with Coop. And even though their relationship hadn’t always been as platonic as I’d thought, I wasn’t worried that she’d suddenly fall in love with him. I wasn’t so sure about Hot Tie-Guy.

  “Okay.” The host paused. “I know this is a little weird since for the first time the guy that you’re talking about knows you’re talking about him and is most likely going to hear this, but do you think there will be a second date?”

  “Anything’s possible,” she said coyly.

  Anything’s possible?

  Did that mean that she was going to be seeing this guy again? Did I have any right to be upset if she did? We still hadn’t talked. I had no idea where we stood or what we were.

  I scrolled through my contacts and pressed her name. I wasn’t even sure what I was going to ask when she picked up, I just knew that I had to talk to her.

  It went to her voicemail after four rings. I was about to leave a message when I got an update from the guy with the headset.

  “We’re ready to walk you to set.”

  I disconnected the call and Ranger and I followed behind him. Camilla joined us as we waited behind a tall partition.

  “Don’t forget to smile,” Camilla reminded me, showing me her own winning one in the process. “The quiet brooding thing is great but a little bit of that Texas charm would go a long way on TV.”

  I didn’t take any offense at her suggestion. I knew that she just wanted what was best for Hero Rescue. Plus, Jade had told me the same thing only with a bit more color.

  She’d said, “Stop acting like you have a stick up your butt.”

  “You know your face won’t break if you crack a smile.”

  “Relax. You look stiffer than a dick with rigor mortis.”

  My girl really had a way with words.

  “Okay, guys. You’re on.” Headset Guy stepped to the side and the false wall moved.

  We walked out and I squinted under the bright lights, but then I remembered what Jade and Camilla had said and I smiled. As we sat and talked with the hosts I tried my best not to brood but to be engaging. Camilla always led the conversation, thankfully.

  She would talk about her brother, and how she and I had come into contact. I’d tell a little about my story and about my journey with Ranger. It was becoming somewhat routine at this point, almost scripted.

  She talked about her show for most of the interview and then the last minute or two she’d turn the conversation to the rescue. And that’s exactly how this interview went.

  “Thank you both for stopping by,” Sheila, one of the hosts, politely dismissed us before leaning toward us. “But first, I can’t let you two go without asking if the rumors are true. Are the two of you a couple?”

  I looked at Camilla who was just smiling. I wasn’t sure why she wasn’t answering, so I did. “No. We’re not.”

  “Whoa!” Stanley, the other host put his hands up and reared back. “I think he doth protest too much.”

  The audience laughed and they went to a commercial break. We stood and walked off the set where we were greeted by handlers who detached our mics. As soon as they were gone, I turned to Camilla. “There are rumors about us?”

  “There are always rumors.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t really help to deny them but the good news is, it will most likely get the rescue some attention.”

  She didn’t seem bothered by this turn of events at all.

  I was. Jade was on a podcast talking about her dates with other guys. I was on a talk show getting asked about my relationship with Camilla. This was all ass backwards and I knew that I needed to set it straight. The sooner the better.

  Chapter 24


  “What butter and whiskey won’t cure, there’s no cure for.”

  ~ Nora O’Sullivan

  “Coop, this really isn’t necessary.” I lifted my hand to pull off the bandana that he’d secured around my eyes when he’d picked me up.

  “Hey!” He swatted my hand down. “No peeking.”

  “This isn’t a real date, Coop,” I snapped, instantly regretting taking my irritation out on him. I took a deep breath and calmly explained, “I told you we could just order pizza or skip it all together.”

  “And let down your listeners? No way. You’re going to have an epic, unforgettable night and they’re going to hear all about it.”

  “I’ll tell them any story you want me to tell them. The most romantic imaginary date you can come up with, I’ll tell them. I’ll spin a yarn that has you coming out like a dating god. Just please take me home.”

  “You’re crabby,” he assessed correctly.

  “I know. And I don’t want to subject you to it. So please, turn the truck around and let me go be cranky in the privacy of my own home.”

  “No can do, compadre. What kind of friend would I be if I let you stew in your funk alone?”

  I sighed in defeat. Once Coop got excited about something he was like a dog with a bone, there was no taking it away from him. I was just going to have to try and get through the next few hours without biting his head off.

  That was not going to be easy. For the past few days, all I’d seen were interviews, posts, and random internet articles linking Hayden and Camilla together. The story wouldn’t have been big news if it weren’t for the fact that her last relationship was with a Dean Stanton who was Hollywood’s current bad boy. He’d lived up to his reputation and cheated on her.


  It had all played out in the tabloids and on celebrity gossip sites. I hated to admit it, but I’d eaten up every morsel that I could find. I’d gobbled up all the salacious details like a starving person. She’d gotten played. Badly. And if this were anyone but Hayden, I’d be shipping their names and coming up with a hashtag for them.

  So I didn’t blame her fans for wishing Hayden was her knight in shining armor. I understood why so many outlets wanted to believe it too. Camilla is a Broadway darling who had been wronged by an asshole Hollywood fuckboy. Hayden is a decorated veteran. Her brother died in his arms. He started his own charity. He works with dogs. God, on paper it looked perfect.

  In my heart, I didn’t honestly believe anything was happening between them. But what did it matter if there was? Hayden and I hadn’t made any promises to each other.

  Coop’s voice brought me back to the present. “So, tell me more about this bachelor auction you signed me up for.”

  “It’s for the Crackle Media Gala. They have a theme every year for their bachelor auction. Last year it was Tech Nerd and this year it’s Farm Strong. It’s not for a date, I think that you’re going to have to do a few hours of manual labor or something like that.”

  “So you’re saying I should I get my best overalls dry-cleaned. Gotcha.”

  I grinned. “No. Your tux will be fine.”

  “Okay, but I bet I’d go for a lot more money if you’d let me strut the runway in my overalls. Shirtless.”

  “There’s no cat walk and there will be no strutting. It’s a silent auction. Your picture and experience will be displayed and then when it’s done you’ll get called up t
o the stage with your highest bidder.”

  “No overalls and no runway walk. You’re no fun.”

  “Sorry.” My nose itched beneath the scratchy cotton. “If they hire me again next year I’ll see what I can do to fix that.”

  The truck went over three speed bumps before coming to a stop.

  “We’re here!” He announced.

  I reached for the blindfold again, but again I got my hand swatted down.


  “Coop. I know where we are. We’re at the river.” It was the only place in town that had three speed bumps that close together.

  “Sit. Stay. No peeing.” I heard his door open and close and then my passenger door opened.

  “I’m not a dog,” I called out but had no idea if he heard me.

  “Are you peeking?” he said with a high level of accusation as he took my hand.

  “Oh.” I chuckled as I maneuvered my legs out of the car and stood, using him for balance. “I thought you said peeing. No. I’m not peeking.”

  He tugged on my hand and I took a few steps before hearing the car door shut behind me. It was quiet for a moment but I saw shadows so I figured he was probably making obscene gestures to test me. “Good. The blindfold stays on.”

  I let out a long exhale.

  “Listen here little-miss-please-be-my-fake-date, I’m the one doing you a favor. And not only that, I agreed to be man meat for your farm boy auction so you can keep the exasperated sighs to yourself.”

  “Farm strong auction,” I corrected. “But you’re right. I’m sorry. The blindfold is on and I can’t wait to see what this amazing date has in store for me.”

  “That’s my girl.” He kissed me on the top of my forehead and threaded my arm through his as he guided me down toward the river. “I’m really glad you dressed up for me.”

  I knew that he was being sarcastic.

  “Ha ha.” I was wearing cutoff shorts and a tank top. I hadn’t really put any effort into tonight because I hadn’t wanted it to happen. But it seemed he put a lot of effort into tonight. It was actually really sweet that he’d gone to all this trouble. “I do really appreciate you doing this. You’re the best and I’m lucky that you’re my plus one. And thank you again for doing the auction. I owe you one.”


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