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Skin to Skin

Page 11

by J. M. Stone

  He kissed me again, then, a sweet kiss that he poured his heart into and my heart spilled over, overflowing with emotion as I fell that much deeper for him.

  We drifted off to sleep, still entwined, until I was woken later by the feel of him swelling inside me, hardening and growing until he filled me completely. He grasped me tightly and rolled until I straddled him, opening my thighs wider to settle deeper onto him.

  I gasped at the sensation of him sliding deeper than before and my muscles contracted, squeezing around him and making him moan. He watched me, his beautiful, smoky eyes heavy lidded with sleep, letting me set the pace of our love-making.

  I tucked my knees tight against his ribs and ground my hips down, circling and swirling, massaging his shaft with rhythmic pulses of my inner walls as I massaged my clit against his pelvis. Of their own volition, my hands came up and cupped my breasts, palming the weight of them as I plucked my nipples, dragging a ragged ‘oh, fuck’ from Brandon as he watched my every move.

  My breath hitched as I edged closer to the point of no return, the crescendo building steadily toward climax like a perfectly tuned orchestra. Brandon’s hands encircled my waist, pulling my hips tighter to his and arching into me in counter-point, increasing the friction. One of his thumbs slipped down into my cleft, stroking once…twice…and again over the swollen bud of my clit and I screamed as I came, my body spasming and twitching over his, my thighs growing wet with my release that showed no signs of slowing.

  He kept up the lazy circles of his thumb on my clit and began thrusting up into me, short, sharp movements that made his balls slap heartily against my ass, adding to the myriad sensations already flooding me with heart-stopping pleasure. It wasn’t long, though, before his thrusts became erratic and his thumb abandoned its stroking, his hands clenching tightly on my hips, instead, pushing, pulling, and sliding me against him as he worked himself inside me, the hot, drenched folds of my sex swollen and clenching around him, milking him with my everlasting release until he thrust deep once more, roaring out his release as he filled me, grinding against me until every last drop was wrung from him.

  I slumped onto his chest, my body shaking and limp, and let exhaustion carry me back to dreamless sleep.

  My alarm woke me in the morning and, fumbling for it in the low morning light creeping around the edges of the curtains, I shut it off as quick as I could. I stretched, grinning to myself at the soreness radiating throughout my body.

  My eyes drifted to my side, drinking in the sight of the tall, muscular form stretched out beside me, one arm thrown up over his face while the other one looped loosely over my thigh. Contentment spread through my body, commingling with the awe still swirling around at the fact that he was here, in my bed; that he was mine.

  I shifted, carefully moving out from under his arm, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead before I slipped out of bed and padding naked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower (and shaved, of course), brushed my teeth, and wrapped a towel around my wet hair, then made my way quietly back into the bedroom to grab clothes.

  I smiled at the rumpled, half-awake male lounging on his elbow in my bed, blinking those gorgeous eyes at me, the corner of his mouth quirked up in a secretive, sexy smile.

  “You showered already?” he asked, his voice deep and gravelly with sleep.

  I laughed and couldn’t help it. “Nah, it’s raining in the bathroom,” I quipped, following it with, “Captain Obvious.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Oh, really? Is that how it is?” Without warning he was up off the bed and had me flung over his shoulder.

  The towel tumbled from my head and I squealed as his hand landed solidly on my ass, smacking it smartly.

  “Ow! Hey!” I cried, ruining the effect by laughing again.

  Brandon tossed me down on the bed and was over me before I’d even settled from the bounce, his face buried in my neck, nipping and licking and kissing every inch, making me moan, shivers skittering up and down my spine as lust curled heavy in my belly. He kissed up my jaw, taking my mouth in a sweet, hot, tongue tangling kiss that had me panting by the time he lifted his lips from mine.

  “What time is it?” he breathed, arching into me, pressing the evidence of his arousal firmly to the apex of my thighs, leaving no doubt as to the real question he was asking.

  I lifted my mouth back to his, arching into him even more as I muttered, “We have time.”

  He threaded his fingers through my hair, tangling them in the damp locks and pulling my head back to bite at the curve of my throat, drawing a low sound from my lips. He separated my thighs with his knees, sliding them open wide and lowering his hips to drag the heavy weight of his erection through the moisture gathered at my opening.

  “Oh!” I sighed as he rubbed the engorged head of his shaft over my clit, the pearly drop of fluid seeping from the tip slicking over the tiny, swollen nubbin of nerves to mingle with my own wetness. He continued to slide the hot, hard length of himself between the folds of my sex, teasing my opening and then caressing my clit, alternating strokes with light taps against that tender bud.

  The teasing was unbearable, each movement of his body on mine scooting me that much closer to the edge of coming, but keeping me perched on that razor line, not allowing me to go over. Finally, unable to take it anymore, I slid my hand between our bodies and captured him tightly in my fist and stroking him firmly from root to tip before I positioned him at my entrance and raised my hips sharply, impaling myself on his thickness.

  My name was wrenched from his lips on a guttural cry as he took over, burying himself in my damp heat, slamming to the hilt. He held tightly to me for just an instant before he began to move, pounding into me with hard, heavy thrusts.

  “Chloe…” he moaned, then shifted, making me cry out as he quit my body.

  It didn’t last long, though. With quick, efficient movements, he flipped me over and pulled me to the end of the bed, positioning me on my knees, my face pressed to the mattress. “Give me your hands,” he demanded gruffly.

  I stretched my arms down my body, along my sides and he grabbed them, pinning them, wrist to wrist, behind my back with one of his hands. “You okay? Is that uncomfortable?” he asked me, softly.

  “It’s fine…” I barely got out before he moved behind me, slicking his fingers through my folds, spreading me wide, and then he slammed home once more.

  He fucked me, there’s no other word for it. It was dark, heady, and raw, and I loved every second of it. I cried out with every thrust, the loudness of his flesh hitting mine acting as a catalyst, making my insides quiver and clench around him. His balls slapped heavily against my clit, adding another layer of almost painful pleasure to the drag, push, and pull of his thick, rock hard length plundering the tight, slick, depths of my body.

  I couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything more than arch my hips into him and ride the waves of scream-inducing ecstasy as he held tightly to my hands, keeping them pinned with one hand while his other gripped my hip tightly, his fingers digging almost painfully into my flesh as he jerked me back into his thrusts.

  With one, final, forceful plunge into me, the tide crested and broke. I screamed, a ragged, wild cry as my orgasm exploded through me, rushing over every inch of my body, tingling and burning through me like I’d been injected with fireworks. Aftershocks singed the already frayed nerves of my sex as I came, and came, and came, still screaming with the never ending pleasure drinking me down. Brandon’s hips locked tight to mine and he shouted hoarsely as he bathed my insides with his scalding hot release, each spurt making him flex and twitch inside my sheath, sending even more paroxysms of bliss over my shivering, well-used body.

  Once our bodies had calmed a bit, he disengaged, making both of us moan. He slumped to the bed beside me, pulling me to him and spooning me as he ran a soothing, gentle hand up and down my side.

  “Well,” he said, smiling. “Good morning to you, too!”

  Chapter 12

  “You’re a
wfully chipper this morning,” Allie said to me, suspiciously, a couple hours later at the store.

  I’d managed to get up out of bed, shower once more, and actually get dressed this time before heading to work. Brandon was moving a little slower, but he didn’t have to be at the shop until ten this morning, so he was just getting in the shower when I left. Before I’d walked out the door, though, he’d pulled me close and kissed me, making me promise to be careful. He’d said, ‘I know that somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re still worried that that jerkwad will find you. But Chloe, he won’t ever get near you. Not if I have anything to do with it.’

  I jumped and spun to face Allie, who’d snuck up behind me while I was organizing the book rack and putting some new stock out. I gave her a smile and shrugged. “It’s just a beautiful day,” I said, winking.

  She cocked her eyebrow at me and then glanced out the front windows, looking back at me with a baleful expression when I noticed that the sky outside had darkened and it had started to rain. “Wanna try again?” she said, drolly, the corner of her mouth quirking up. She rubbed her belly absently and waited for my response.

  “Things are just looking up for me. You know?”

  She nodded. “I hope so. You sure you’re okay? I know your mom said that that monster was out of jail…I hate to bring it up, but there’s no way he knows you’re here, right?”

  I jerked my shoulder at her in a half-hearted shrug. “I’m fine. I feel like I’m allowed to heal now, and, I’m not gonna lie, I puked my guts out when I heard that he was out, but there’s no way he knows where I am. He never knew that we lived out here before, he didn’t know really anything about Jackson, and we never spent any time with my mom,” I paused for a second, uncertainty wavering in my mind. “At least I hope not…” I finished, softly.

  She gave me a tender look, patted me on the shoulder, and sighed. “Well, damn. I didn’t mean to drag the mood down, but I didn’t get to really talk much to you last night. And then you come in this morning, smiling, all sunshine and rainbows, and…wait. Did you…?”

  An odd look crossed her face and then she shook her head, but I could see the question forming on her lips. “Did you and Brandon…?” She didn’t complete the question, just left it hanging.

  I knew what she was asking and couldn’t stop the grin spreading across my face.

  “You did!” she crowed. “Holy shit! You guys had sex! You…oh. Hmm.” She nodded, but her smile slid away, melancholy taking its place.

  My heart dropped. “Oh, God. Allie, I’m so sorry!” I cried.

  She waved it away, smiling once more, a faint, sad smile. “No, Chloe. Don’t be silly. I’m happy for you, happy that you two are going to make a go of it. I guess I just didn’t realize that it would-never mind.” She turned away quickly and headed into the office.

  I called after her, but she ignored me. I tossed the stack of books in my hand down into the box beside me and took a step toward the office to follow her, but the bell above the door jingled, heralding the arrival of a customer. I turned to greet the customer, smiling faintly when I saw it was Emma.

  “Hey, Chloe!” Emma called.

  “Hey,” I answered.

  “How are you doing today? Better?” she asked, pulling me in and giving me a hug.

  “I’m good,” I sighed.

  She tsked. “You’re lying. What’s up? And where’s Allie?” she asked.

  I felt tears threaten as I gestured toward the office. “She’s in there…she-I think she’s mad at me.”

  “What? Why?” Emma said, worriedly.

  “God, Emma. I don’t know why I even agreed to try to see where things would go with Brandon. I mean, Allie kept saying that I should because of the kiss, and this conversation we had, and…and…I’m just a fuck-up, is what I am!” I sobbed, burying my face in my hands.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Emma cooed, wrapping her arms around me. “No, you’re not, Chloe, and I’m sure there’s an explanation for this. What happened?”

  “Brandon and I…you know…and I was so happy this morning and she asked me why and then I smiled and then she got mad and then…”

  “Whoa! Slow down, chick. Take a breath.” Emma held me back from her by the shoulders, not letting me go.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Tears slid silently down my cheeks as I looked at her and began again. “I think she’s mad that I slept with Brandon.”

  “You slept with Brandon?” she squealed, shaking me around a bit and grinning from ear to ear. “Well, that’s the whole point, wasn’t it? To get you two together and then all that’s left of the group is Leah and Calland to get paired off…of course, now there’s T.J. that we need to worry about, but I don’t kno--”

  “Emma! Focus!” I said sternly, my voice still clogged with tears.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said contritely. Her brow furrowed then and she glanced worriedly at the closed office door Allie had disappeared behind. “I’m not sure I understand, because wasn’t this whole thing her idea?”

  I nodded, a little churlishly, but I kinda felt like I had the right to be a little disgruntled about the situation. She’s the one that insisted…but…no. I shouldn’t have listened. Guilt choked me up again, and more tears followed the damp trails streaking my face.

  Emma hugged me, gently rocking me from side to side. I could tell she was perplexed and was taking a second to think about what was going on and how to fix it. She’s a fixer.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. We stayed that way for a minute until she patted my back and said, “I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding. I’ll talk to her, okay?”

  I nodded, my chin bumping her shoulder.

  A throat cleared behind us and Allie said, timidly, “It’s not a misunderstanding. It’s just me being a bitchy asshat on top of a hormonal pregnant woman. I’ve turned into an emotional wreck.” She moved to us and reached out to touch my arm.

  “Chloe, it’s not you. I swear. It just…well, fuck it, it honestly hurt when I heard that you guys had finally taken that step. I know I pushed you into this whole thing and told you there was nothing to feel guilty about, and there’s not. Don’t you ever feel that way, and I should never have done or said anything to wipe away that gorgeous smile of yours that was plastered across your face. I’m happy for you. I really am,” she said earnestly.

  She smiled, a small, hopeful smile. “Forgive me?”

  I smiled back at her and nodded slightly. “Yeah. And I’m sorry for springing it on you like this, but-”

  She cut me off. “You didn’t actually say a word, if you remember. You just stood there and grinned at me like a goofy idiot,” she said wryly. “And I was happy at first and then it kicked in and it stung a bit, but…forget about my stupid feelings. Seriously. Beyond the sting of it, I realize that this is a good thing, and that I really am happy for you two. There’s no one else I’d rather see him with, or you for that matter. You’re going to be great together.”

  I pulled away from Emma and grabbed Allie, pulling her into me for a big hug. We held on to each other for a minute before she pulled away and asked, mischievously, “So did he put it on you good?”

  “Allie!” Emma cried, aghast. “You can’t ask her that after you just…you know what? Hell with it, I wanna know, too,” she said, turning to me. “Spill it, woman!”

  We all laughed and the tense moment was broken.

  “It was good,” I said, grinning.

  “Uh, just good?” Emma asked, sarcastically.

  I rolled my eyes. “Okay, so it was great. Phenomenal…God, it was awesome!” I said giggling as I gave in to the glee bubbling up inside me again.

  We laughed and teased for a bit before I admitted, quietly, “I told him I was falling in love with him. That I love him.”

  Both of them watched me with wide eyes, waiting with bated breath to hear what he said back. They prompted me silently and then smiled at me when I finished, “He said he was falling in fucki
ng love with me, too. His words.”

  They both laughed and hugged me. Allie held me just a little bit longer and I could sense the sadness still clinging to her, but I didn’t begrudge her that. I couldn’t. This was definitely a unique situation, but I had faith that we would all be okay. Some people would probably never understand the dynamics of our little group, but we would, and that’s all that mattered.

  The conversation finally petered out and Emma left to go to the shop with the guys. Allie and I finished the day working with the easy camaraderie that had built between us, all traces of the emotional morning washed away.

  With the store closed down for the day, I headed for my car to go home. My phone beeped and I pulled it out to see a text from Brandon.

  Hey, I have to stay a little late at the shop. Want to come here and wait for me? We can get dinner after I’m done.

  I hit reply and sent: Sure. On my way.

  I pulled into the shop and walked inside to see him sitting at the counter, looking over some papers with Luke.

  “Hey!” I said in greeting to them both.

  Luke looked up and gave me a warm smile, winking at me when Brandon got up from the stool he was on and came around the counter to pull me into his arms. I wound my arms around his neck and rocked onto my toes to meet his kiss, feeling his smile against my lips at my eagerness.

  He kissed me briefly, although it definitely wasn’t chaste, and squeezed me tight against his chest before he loosened his hold enough for me to drop off my toes.

  “So, you mentioned me inking you sometime. I have about an hour before my next client comes in because someone just chickened out.” Brandon waggled his eyebrows at me exaggeratedly, which made him look like one of those cartoon villains.

  I laughed. “I said I might have you ink me sometime, I never said when!” I exclaimed, although I already knew I was going to agree.


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