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Skin to Skin

Page 19

by J. M. Stone

  He snorted and bent to kiss my lips sweetly. “Put your ass in my chair, woman!” he growled, playfully smacking me on my ass.

  I wiggled it at him and laughed as he shook his head in mock resignation.

  “So fuckin’ sassy…” he grumbled, making me laugh even more as I got comfortable in his chair. “Let’s do this,” he said, once I was settled. He pulled on rubber gloves with the whole ‘comedic doctor’ routine, snapping them around his wrists and waggling his eyebrows.

  I just rolled my eyes and watched as he got down to business. He applied the transfer that he’d drawn up for me last week, checked to make sure it was placed correctly and evenly where I wanted it and then had me double check. That done, he raised a brow at me questioningly, and at my nod, went to work.

  I bit my lip at the sharp sting of the needle as he plied it smoothly along my skin, beginning the outline. I settled into the pain, breathing evenly and sitting completely still. He worked steadily, sure in his movements; I loved watching him work.

  About an hour later, he was done, the shop was cleaned up, we were on our way home, and I was the proud owner of a new tattoo. It was beautiful; artful swirls of ink linking star-shaped flower blooms, almost like the ones found on a cypress vine, that trailed down and over my shoulder.

  “Want to stop at Griff’s for dinner?” he asked as we got closer to the bar and grill.


  We pulled in and went inside to grab a table. I don’t know how, maybe it’s providence or just good luck but, like almost always, our usual table was open. I slid into the booth and Brandon followed me in.

  I looked over at him with a raised brow, surprised that he didn’t take the seat across from me. He winked and nodded his head toward the door, where Leah and Ian were coming in. I grinned and waved back at Leah, who was waving crazily at me from across the room. They made their way to the booth and sat down.

  “Hey! How’d you guys know we were here?” I asked Leah.

  “Brandon called us earlier and asked if we wanted to meet for dinner. He said you were bitching that you never got to see me anymore, so he figured he’d take matters into his own hands.”

  I gasped, turning to scowl at Brandon who was shooting a ‘how could you?’ look in Leah’s direction.

  He sighed, muttering, “Women,” under his breath.

  Ian gave Brandon a sympathetic nod and smile, which earned him a sound thump under the table. “Ow!” he shouted, glaring at Leah.

  She gave him a sweet smile and then turned to me. “I’ve been thinking about throwing a 4th of July party or an end of summer bash before I have to go back to school. What do you think?”

  “I’m in!” I said, promptly. “It’s about time for a party around here. I say we do both!”

  “That’s what I thought!” she said, laughing. “I know the guys will be in because they never turn down an opportunity to blow shit up. Then she clapped her hands excitedly. “Ooohh, today was the day, wasn’t it? Did you get your new tattoo?”

  I nodded. “Yes, and I’m in love with it. He’s got it covered right now until we get home, otherwise I’d show you. So what have you been up to?” I asked her.

  “Nothing really, just enjoying what’s left of my summer. Can you believe it’s July already?”

  “I know. It’s been a crazy year so far, hasn’t it?” I asked, shaking my head. “But damn, woman, the fourth is in five days, you better get to planning your party!”

  She laughed. “That’s what I was gonna talk to you about! We can have the party out at Emma’s because that way we’re out of town and will be less likely to get busted for fireworks. I think Ian was gonna see if Brandon, Luke, and Jacks wanted to go with him to get fireworks, and I figured you’d help me with the food. And Emma and Allie will, too, of course.”

  “Did you ask them about the party?”

  She shook her head. “Not yet. What are you doing tomorrow? Want to go over there for a girls’ day?”

  “Sure!” I replied, smiling at her.

  It was nice to be able to visit with her while we ate, and we had our own little conversations as Brandon and Ian talked shop beside us. She made sure to text her sister, who checked with Allie, as well, and everything was put in place for girls’ day.

  Suddenly, Ian swore and Leah jerked her head around to see why. My eyes followed by instinct to see what was wrong and my brows lifted when I saw an exotic looking woman totter into the bar on ridiculously high stilettos, wearing what amounted to nothing more than a couple of band-aids strapped across her breasts and groin area.

  You’d think I was exaggerating about her outfit, but you’d be wrong. She seriously was wearing a micro-mini skirt that barely met the bottom of her vagina, and a crop top that was nothing more than a fancy bra. I was afraid that she’d move wrong, or hell, even just sneeze, and everything would come busting out everywhere. She was pretty in a way, but it was more like she was helpless, completely vapid, yet very, very calculating.

  It didn’t take long to determine the reason Ian had sworn, either. Her eyes locked onto him like a heat-seeking missile. We didn’t have to wonder how she even knew he was here because she played her cards for everyone to see, in a very loud way. She click-clacked over to us with mincing little footsteps,

  “IAN! O.M.G! Why didn’t you call me to go to the bar? You know I would have come with you,” she pouted, shrilly. “I drove by your house but you weren’t there, and then I just happened to drive by Griff’s and, uh, here you are! How could you forget to call your girlfriend, silly? At least just to let me know where you were.”

  I winced and glanced over at Leah, who straightened in her seat beside Ian. I could feel the tension rolling off of her in waves as she stared at the woman standing at the end of the table. I felt Brandon’s hand slide over my thigh, squeezing gently. I covered his hand with mine, my anxiety level rising by the second.

  “Victoria…” Ian growled, glaring at the woman.

  Leah put her hand on his arm and said, sweetly, “Ian, introduce your girlfriend to your friends.”

  I sucked in a breath as Brandon tensed beside me. Guess I wasn’t the only one who heard the barely veiled threat in her tone.

  Victoria’s attention moved to the hand Leah had laid on Ian’s shoulder. She giggled, a fake, saccharine sweet, but nauseating sound, before she snapped, “You can quit touching my man, now.” Her eyes were flashing with jealousy and possession and it wasn’t a good look on her. It made her look decidedly unbalanced.

  Ian closed his eyes and sighed. He then slid out of the booth, pushing Victoria back gently at the same time. “Look, Victoria. I don’t want to do this here. Let me call your dad to come get you, or your brother. Which one do you want?”

  She pouted again, sticking her lip out like a child. “You take me home,” she whined.

  Leah caught my eye and I nodded, immediately knowing what she was asking. I tapped Brandon’s thigh and jerked my head to get him to move. He complied, sliding out of the booth and taking my hand to help me out, even though I didn’t need it. He’s a gentleman like that.

  Leah slid out as well, pushing past Ian without a word. I followed her as she intended. Brandon hurriedly tossed some bills on the table and caught up to me, taking my hand in his once more. He looked worried as he glanced back at Ian, who was standing there, stunned, in the same place Leah had left him.

  When we got to the door, Ian hollered, “WAIT! Leah!”

  She paused, looking over her shoulder, quirking her brow at him. I noticed we’d gathered quite the crowd of on-lookers, especially Griff, who was standing behind the bar. Ian moved past Victoria, ignoring her gasp of outrage. He strode to the door, cupping his fingers gently around Leah’s arm and pulling her to him.

  “You can’t seriously believe that she’s my girlfriend. Not after everything we’ve shared these past months. I haven’t seen anyone else besides you since I laid eyes on you, woman.” His face was sincere, his tone soft and pleading.

  “Then why is she showing up here, calling herself your girlfriend and all that shit?” Leah asked just as softly.

  Ian blew out a breath on a sigh. “It’s a long story. Can you give me a second to call someone to come get her? Then I promise, we’ll go home and talk.”

  I blinked in surprise at the whole ‘home’ comment, because I wasn’t aware that they’d started living together. I knew that they spent a hell of a lot of time together because, let’s face it, I hardly ever saw my best friend anymore. But I’m not complaining, you know, ‘cause obviously, I’ve been pretty preoccupied myself. Wink wink…need I say more?

  Leah nodded shortly and Ian spun on his heel, already digging his phone out of his pocket. I touched her arm and she gave me a brief smile to let me know she was okay. In just a short time, Ian was back, Victoria mincing along behind him with a huge scowl plastered across her face.

  “Her brother was just down the street, so he’ll be here in a couple of minutes. We can go ahead and go, though. Griff is gonna keep an eye on her,” Ian told Leah. He turned to me and Brandon. “I’m sorry, guys. I hate that our night kind of went sour…” he trailed off when Brandon shook his head.

  “It’s okay, man. I understand and I know things aren’t what they seemed. Leah will, too, I’m sure of it, once you’ve explained. We’re good, man. See ya later, okay?” Brandon gave him a handshake/man hug thing that they always do.

  I hugged Leah, whispering in her ear to call if she needed me. She nodded briefly, reminded me about girl’s day, and stalked off to the car, leaving Ian to follow with a sad smile and a tired wave.

  “Well, that went to hell rather quickly, yeah?” Brandon quipped, dropping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side as we walked to his truck.

  All I could do was nod.

  Chapter 22

  Brandon was still sleeping when I came out of the bathroom in the morning. He was such a contradiction, lying on his back, tangled in my soft, white sheets, muted sunlight peeking through the curtains. The tattooed, tanned expanse of his body and his dark hair contrasted beautifully against the stark white background, but his face was softened with sleep, giving him an almost boyish look. But trust and believe, there was nothing boyish about that man.

  His left arm was thrown above his head and his right was resting along his stomach, his long, tapered fingers pointing the way down to that sleeping piece of him that drove me nuts. Unable to resist, I crept up to the bed, gently tugged the sheet up and carefully slid under it, situating my still naked self in a straddle over his legs.

  I let the sheet drape over my head and softly kissed his hip bone, breathing in the sultry, musky, all-male scent of him. My cheek brushed against the velvety-soft skin of his length, still impressive even when it wasn’t engorged. I felt it twitch slightly, felt the slight change in Brandon’s breathing, and, knowing he was waking up, took that moment to slide his softened flesh between my lips, taking him completely inside the hot, moistness of my mouth, sucking lightly.

  I heard a gasp sound above my head, felt his hips arch up into me, and I pressed myself further down over him, breathing through my nose and enjoying the feel of him hardening against my tongue.

  My name exploded from his lips on a strangled moan that sent shivers down my spine and a rush of moisture to the apex of my thighs. I pulled back, stroking the length of him with my tongue as I did so, running the tip of it around the thick ridge of him at the top before dipping it into the tiny slit pearled with a drop of pre-cum.

  I moaned at his taste, smiling to myself as he groaned again in response, and then gave a half-shout as I enclosed him in my lips again. I bobbed my head over him, loving the glide of his silk-covered hardness over my tongue and against my lips. I brought my hand up to play, stroking him in counterpart to my mouth, sucking and licking every inch of him in turn.

  On a growl, Brandon buried his hands in my hair and held my head still as he began moving, essentially fucking my mouth with sharp, short thrusts. His rhythm faltered and I knew he was close. I felt him tug gently on my hair in desperation, giving me ample warning, but I knew what I wanted…and what I wanted was to drive him absolutely wild.

  I tightened my grip just a bit, twisting my hand on the upstroke while I slid my lips down to meet my fingers, moving faster, letting him know without words that I wasn’t stopping. He was panting; I could hear it, but since the sheet was still over my head, I couldn’t see him. Suddenly, one of his hands untangled from my hair and the sheet was wrenched away.

  I deliberately cut my eyes up at him, letting him see the naked need in my gaze, the heat shining bright as he watched every move I made on him. His muscles tensed and I could feel his control shattering even more as he thrust wildly against my lips before he came on a shout, spilling salty-sweetness over my tongue, moaning as I drank him down.

  I didn’t remove my mouth until he was shuddering at every movement of my mouth over his over-sensitized flesh, and only then because he’d fisted his hands in my hair once more and tugged until I released him with a soft pop.

  I sat up and grinned at the panting, spent, gorgeous, and sleep-roughened male beneath me. “Good morning,” I said to him, my voice husky.

  “Mmmm…fuckin’ A that’s a good morning, baby. What’d I do to deserve that?”

  I shrugged one shoulder and shifted so that I was lying on top of him, my chin propped up on my fists on his chest. His hand came up and pushed my hair back from my face, a tender, sweet gesture that made my heart thud just a little faster, even though it’s something he did on a regular basis now.

  He ran his thumb over my bottom lip softly, his heavy-lidded eyes gleaming at me with emotion. I kissed the tip of his thumb and whispered, “I love you.”

  Without missing a beat, he cupped my face and whispered back, “I love you more.”

  I shook my head, smiling at him as I did. He nodded back and pulled me up until he could kiss me. When he released me, I asked, “What do you have planned today?”

  “I figured since you guys were having a girls’ day, Luke and I would hang out at Jacks’s house. And just what are you girls gonna do during your girls’ day?”

  I winked. “Guess that’s for me to know and you to not find out.”

  “Oh, really,” he growled, his hands reaching for my waist.

  I shrieked and tried to jump up, knowing that he was going to tickle me, but I didn’t get very far. His fingers dug in to my sides and I laughed uncontrollably, hating the fact that he knew my weak spots. I smacked at his hands and squirmed trying to get away but he was like an octopus. He managed to lean up and over me, pinning me to the bed as he straddled me legs and held me down, his fingers torturing my tender ribs and sides.

  He paused for just a second, his eyes dancing with unholy glee and I felt his hands start sliding down.

  “No…No…NO!” I screamed as his fingers gently dug into the crease of my thigh, the absolute most ticklish spot on my body, twisting and turning, breathless with laughter. “Okay, I give! I give! Brandon…please…ohmigod, I’m gonna pee myself. Stop!”

  His fingers stopped and I looked at him, waiting to see what he was going to do. He leaned down and kissed me, his fingers moving down just a bit before sliding unerringly through my folds and then thrust inside me with no preamble.

  “Ohhh…” I groaned, the word bursting from my lips in surprised pleasure.

  “Yeah? Is that right, sunshine?” he whispered against my mouth, his thumb sliding against my clit, circling it as he hooked his fingers up to press against my g-spot, sending me straight to the edge in a hot second.

  I arched my hips up, riding his hand, reaching for the orgasm that was shimmering just out of reach and then, sweet mother of heaven and everything good in this world, he twisted his fingers again, his thumb swiped over the beaded nubbin of my clit, and I exploded, raining warm honey over his fingers.

  I shivered as he withdrew from my heat, my body spasming once more when he raised his hand to h
is mouth, sucking and licking my juices from his skin. I was panting, lust curling in my belly even after my release at the heat in his eyes as he stared down at me.

  “Over. Hands and knees. Now,” Brandon said roughly.

  His voice was dark, his gaze intent. My breath caught and I complied immediately, rolling over underneath him, pulling my knees up beneath me so my ass was in the air and my arms and cheek were pressed to the mattress. I felt him shift, moving his knees closer to my legs, pressing them together more rather than widening them. Before I could question, he ran his fingers along the dripping wet seam between my thighs, spearing his fingers in deep, once, twice, and then replaced them with his hardened length, pushing fully inside me in an unhurried thrust.

  I groaned at the friction of him sliding inside me, the fullness of him seeming even larger and harder than ever with my thighs closed tight around him. He pulled back, almost completely out of me, and then thrust home again, harder than before. His hips slapped against my ass, making us both moan.

  On a muffled curse, his control snapped and he gripped my hips tight in his hands, fingers digging into my flesh as he began pounding into me, each deep slide of him inside me building the anticipation, my muscles tightening, quaking beneath him as he pushed me closer to the edge. His left hand let go of my hip, slid around and pressed in, his fingers brushing against my swollen clit and that was it.

  I came, crying out as I tumbled over the edge into pure bliss, shouting Brandon’s name as he slammed home one last time, locking himself as deep inside me as he could, and then filling me with the scalding heat of his seed. When the storm had passed, he pulled out and collapsed beside me, breathing heavy as he brushed my forehead with his lips.

  “I swear to fucking jeebus, babe, it gets better every time,” he panted, quirking the corner of his lips up in a lopsided, half-goofy grin.

  I laughed, cuddling into his side and kissing his chest. This was happiness.

  I finally got out of bed again, showered and got ready to go. Brandon decided he’d drop me off since we were pretty much going to the same place. We pulled up to Emma’s house and I got out, waving to Brandon as he pulled away.


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